2133 302 Moved TemporarilyThe requesting client SHOULD retry the request at the new address(es)
given by the Contact header field (Section 2010) The Request-URI
of the new request uses the value of the Contact header field in the
The duration of the validity of the Contact URI can be indicated
through an Expires (Section 2019) header field or an expires
parameter in the Contact header field Both proxies and UAs MAY
cache this URI for the duration of the expiration time If there is
no explicit expiration time, the address is only valid once for
recursing, and MUST NOT be cached for future transactions
If the URI cached from the Contact header field fails, the Request-
URI from the redirected request MAY be tried again a single time
The temporary URI may have become out-of-date sooner than the
expiration time, and a new temporary URI may be available
在应答中的Expires(2019节)或者Contact头域的expires参数定义了这个Contact URI的生存周期。UA或者proxy在这个生存周期内cache这个URI。如果没有严格的有效时见,那么这个地址仅仅本次有效,并且不能在以后的事务中保存。