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《The Sharing Economy》(Arun Sundararajan)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读


书名:The Sharing Economy

作者:Arun Sundararajan


出版社:The MIT Press




The wide-ranging implications of the shift to a sharing economy, a new model of organizing economic activity that may supplant traditional corporations

Sharing isn't new Giving someone a ride, having a guest in your spare room, running errands for someone, participating in a supper club—these are not revolutionary concepts What is new, in the “sharing economy,” is that you are not helping a friend for free; you are providing these services to a stranger for money In this book, Arun Sundararajan, an expert on the sharing economy, explains the transition to what he describes as “crowd-based capitalism”—a new way of organizing economic activity that may supplant the traditional corporate-centered model As peer-to-peer commercial exchange blurs the lines between the personal and the professional, how will the economy, government regulation, what it means to have a job, and our social fabric be affected

Drawing on extensive research and numerous real-world examples—including Airbnb, Lyft, Uber, Etsy, TaskRabbit, France's BlaBlaCar, China's Didi Kuaidi, and India's Ola, Sundararajan explains the basics of crowd-based capitalism He describes the intriguing mix of “gift” and “market” in its transactions, demystifies emerging blockchain technologies, and clarifies the dizzying array of emerging on-demand pl


Arun Sundararajan is a Professor at New York University's Stern School of Business A recognized authority on the sharing economy, he has published op-eds and commentary in such publications as Time, the New Yorker, the New York Times, Wired, Le Monde, Harvard Business Review, and the Financial Times


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/zz/10802355.html

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