泰拉瑞亚Terraria1.3.1增加了什么新东西 新事件和新物品介绍

泰拉瑞亚Terraria1.3.1增加了什么新东西 新事件和新物品介绍,第1张

Added Controller Support using Xinput(支持手柄)
Added Inventory Sorting(快速整理功能)
Dart Traps & all Temple Traps can now be hammered to rotate 90 degrees at a time(陷阱可以360°改变方向)
Added smart interact, making chatting with NPCs, opening doors and using objects easier(智能互动,提示:默认Ctrl键开启/关闭)
Cannons (normal, bunny, confetti, and Snowball Launcher) can now be controlled by wire and shoot fake projectiles!(发射台可以用电路触发,发射假炮d)
Improved Smart Cursor & made it interact with more items(改进智能光标)
Improved Wire drawing to look less fuzzy with multiple colors on the same tile
Improved over 1,800 sprite graphics
Optimized net messages for tile entities (target dummies, item frames)
Improved the Settings Menu and added new settings
Added new large gem over-head display
Improved melee hit detection around slopes
You can now use situational building accessories from your inventory and toggle their effects like infoaccessories
Info icons now have a border around them when aimed at (clarity!)
Improved keybinding options, you can now also bind to mouse 3/4/5
Added Logic Gates (AND, NAND, OR, NOR, XOR, NXOR)(各种逻辑门)
Added Logic Gate Lamps (On, Off, Faulty)(逻辑门灯,与逻辑门配合使用)
Added Logic Sensors (Day, Night, Under Player)(逻辑传感器:早上/晚上/玩家感应)
Added Liquid Sensors (Water, Lava, Honey, Any)(液体传感器:水/岩浆/蜂蜜/液体感应)
Added Conveyor Belts(传送带)
Added The Grand Design(蓝图,包括以下饰品的功能,标记为@)
Added Yellow Wrench(**导线
Added Junction Box(使相同颜色的导线不重合)
@Added Mechanical Lens(新饰品,用来显示/隐藏电路)
Added Announcement Box(类似留言板,可以使用电路触发)
Added Actuation Rod(促动法杖)
Added Team Blocks and Team Platforms(团队方块/平台)
Added Static Hook(新钩爪)
Added Presserator(新饰品,自动放置促动器)
Added Engineering Helmet(新时装)
Added Companion Cube(新宠物)
Added Gem Locks (7 varieties)(宝石锁)
Added Large Amber(大琥珀)
Added Weighted Pressure Plates (4 colors)(新的压力板)
Added Wire Bulb(线路灯泡,使用不同颜色导线激活)
Added 12 new craftable critter statues(新的生物雕像)
Added Portal Gun Station(传送台)
Added Trapped Chests(陷阱箱)
Added Teal Pressure Pad(压力板,可放置在墙壁上,用发射物激活,比如弓箭,qd等)
Added several new monster statues(新怪物雕像)
Added Angler Tackle Bag(渔夫用具袋)
Added Geyser Trap(岩浆陷阱)
Added Bone Campfire(新篝火)
Added Ultra Bright Campfire(超亮篝火)
@Added Multicolored Wrench(超级扳手)
Critters spawned from statues are no longer catchable(雕像生成的生物不可捕捉)
Highly increased Duke Fishron's "run away" distance(增加猪鲨boss逃跑距离)
Medusa can no longer petrify players directly above her(美杜莎不会立刻石化附近的玩家)
Medusa is now Hardmode-only(美杜莎在肉山后出现)
Added NPC names for the Painter, Wizard, and Skeleton Merchant, based on contest results(npc有新的名字)
You can now find Beehives in the Jungle - Not the bees!(类似迷你蜂巢的东西)
Lowered the volume of the Solar Eruption's use sound
Slimes should no longer be able to go through 1 block high gaps(史莱姆不再能够穿过1格高的裂缝)
Target Dummies no longer benefit from lifesteal or spectre set(稻草人不再支持生命汲取和吸血)
There is 1 new set of clothes for Male and Female characters


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/zz/10900579.html

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