远程安装Linux *** 作系统的方法
Linux这个词本身只表示Linux内核,但实际上人们已经习惯了用Linux来形容整个基于Linux内核,并且使用GNU 工程各种工具和数据库的 *** 作系统。下面是我收集的关于远程安装Linux *** 作系统的方法,希望大家认真阅读!
笔者在工作过程中,就遇到过第二种情况。一台Samsung的Q10笔记本需要安装Redhat Linux 80,但是通过光驱引导后发现,安装程序无法访问光盘。针对这个问题,笔者经过查阅资料和摸索,找到了在Q10上安装Linux的方法。在下面的讨论中,如不做特别声明,都将以Q10为例,介绍如何通过PXE Bootrom来远程安装Linux。
1) 什么是PXE
PXE(Pre-boot Execution Environment)是由Intel设计的协议,它可以使计算机通过网络启动。协议分为client和server两端,PXE client在网卡的ROM中,当计算机引导时,BIOS把PXE client调入内存执行,并显示出命令菜单,经用户选择后,PXE client将放置在远端的 *** 作系统通过网络下载到本地运行。
对于第一个问题,可以通过DHCP Server解决,由DHCP server来给PXE client分配一个IP地址,DHCP Server是用来给DHCP Client动态分配IP地址的协议,不过由于这里是给PXE Client分配IP地址,所以在配置DHCP Server时,需要增加相应的PXE特有配置。
至于第二个问题,在PXE client所在的ROM中,已经存在了TFTP Client。PXE Client使用TFTP Client,通过TFTP协议到TFTP Server上下载所需的文件。
在上图中,PXE client是需要安装Linux的计算机,TFTP Server和DHCP Server运行在另外一台Linux Server上。Bootstrap文件、配置文件、Linux内核以及Linux根文件系统都放置在Linux Server上TFTP服务器的根目录下。
PXE client在工作过程中,需要三个二进制文件:bootstrap、Linux 内核和Linux根文件系统。Bootstrap文件是可执行程序,它向用户提供简单的控制界面,并根据用户的选择,下载合适的Linux内核以及Linux根文件系统。
有了前面的背景知识,接下来就可以正式 *** 作了,下面按照顺序给出了 *** 作步骤:
1) 配置DHCP Server
选用ISC dhcp-30,DHCP Server的配置文件是/etc/dhcpdconf,配置文件的内容如下:
option space PXE;
option PXEmtftp-ip code 1 = ip-address;
option PXEmtftp-cport code 2 = unsigned integer 16;
option PXEmtftp-sport code 3 = unsigned integer 16;
option PXEmtftp-tmout code 4 = unsigned integer 8;
option PXEmtftp-delay code 5 = unsigned integer 8;
option PXEdiscovery-control code 6 = unsigned integer 8;
option PXEdiscovery-mcast-addr code 7 = ip-address;
class "pxeclients" {
match if substring (option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 9) = "PXEClient";
option vendor-class-identifier "PXEClient";
vendor-option-space PXE;
# At least one of the vendor-specific PXE options must be set in
# order for the client boot ROMs to realize that we are a PXE-compliant
# server We set the MCAST IP address to 0000 to tell the boot ROM
# that we can't provide multicast TFTP (address 0000 means no
# address)
option PXEmtftp-ip 0000;
# This is the name of the file the boot ROMs should download
filename "pxelinux0";
# This is the name of the server they should get it from
next-server 19216801;
ddns-update-style interim;
ignore client-updates;
default-lease-time 1200;
max-lease-time 9200;
option subnet-mask 2552552550;
option broadcast-address 1921680255;
option routers 1921680254;
option domain-name-servers 19216801,19216802;
option domain-name "mydomainorg";
subnet 19216800 netmask 2552552550 {
range 192168010 1921680100;
host q10 {
hardware ethernet 00:00:F0:6B:38:5B;
fixed-address 192168022;
dhcpdconf配置文件中几个关键部分说明如下:host q10{…}定义了笔记本Q10网卡的MAC地址与IP地址的'对应关系,表明DHCP Server为Q10分配一个固定的IP:192168022;filename ""指定bootstrap的文件名;netx-server指定TFTP Server的地址。其它的配置请读者参考DHCP Server的手册。
2) 配置TFTP server
选用tftp-hpa,TFTP Server的配置文件是/etc/xinetdd/tftp,配置文件的内容如下:
service tftp
socket_type = dgram
protocol = udp
wait = yes
user = root
server = /usr/sbin/intftpd
server_args = -u nobody -s /tftpboot
disable = no
per_source = 11
cps = 100 2
这里制定了/tftpboot为TFTP Server的根目录位置。
3) 配置bootstrap
bootstrap文件在dhcpdconf中被指定为pxelinux0文件,放置在/tftpboot。Linux内核以及Linux根文件系统也放置在/tftpboot。pxelinux0在执行过程中,要读配置文件,所有的配置文件都放在/tftpboot/pxelinuxcfg/目录下。由于PXElinux具有为不同的PXE Client提供不同的Linux内核以及根文件系统的功能,所以要通过不同的配置文件名来区分出不同的PXE Client的需求。比如一个PXE Client由DHCP Server分配的IP地址为192168022,那么相对应的配置文件名为/tftpboot/pxelinuxcfg/C0A80016(注:C0A80016为IP地址192168022的十六进制表示)。如果找不到,就按照顺序C0A80016-> C0A8001-> C0A800-> C0A80-> C0A8-> C0A-> C0-> C->default查找配置文件。
DEFAULT install
LABEL install
KERNEL vmlinuz
APPEND initrd=initrdimg devfs=nomount ramdisk_size=16384
4) 制作Linux内核/根文件系统
因为需要通过网络安装,所有选择Redhat Linux 80安装盘(disk #1)中E:\images\bootnetimg(光驱的盘符为E:)。bootnetimg包括Linux内核、Linux根文件系统(有安装程序在内)。用bootnetimg制作一张引导软盘,方法在DOS命令行运行E:\dosutils\rawrite E:\images\bootnetimg,根据提示制作。制作完毕后,将引导软盘中的vmlinuz(Linux内核)和initrdimg(Linux根文件系统)拷贝到Linux Server的/tftpboot下。
5) 启动DHCP Server/TFTP Server
在Linux Server上,运行service dhcpd start和service xinetd restart。
6) 启动Q10
Q10加电后,在出现Samsung公司徽标时,在左下角会提示用户按F12进入网络引导。按F12后,Q10进入网络引导过程。首先通过DHCP Server获得了IP地址,然后下载并执行bootstrap文件pxelinux0;在执行中,读入配置文件/tftpboot/pxelinuxcfg/C0A80016。此时屏幕上出现boot:,敲入install,就进入了Redhat Linux 80的网络安装界面,一切OK!
虽然以上的讨论是针对Samsung Q10笔记本,但是工作原理和安装方法对于其它类型的计算机也是适用的,不过要记住,计算机的网卡中必须要有BootROM--PXE Client。同时,PXE协议也可作为无盘Linux技术,用于引导放置在远程的Linux。实际上,只要根据需要,在Pxelinux的配置文件的APPEND选项中,为Linux内核传进需要mount的文件系统的位置参数即可。
;第一步:在Windows 2003服务器的桌面上鼠标右键点击我的电脑,然后依次打开计算机管理->服务和应用程序->Internet信息服务(IIS)管理器,用鼠标右键点击“Internet信息服务(IIS)管理器”第二步:选择属性,打开属性窗体
第三步:先勾选“允许直接编辑配置数据库”(这是为了方便后面要紧行的系统参数修改 *** 作),点击“应用”按钮使这一 *** 作生效;
第八步:查找系统配置文件/WINDOWS/system32/inetsrv/metabasexml,用文本编辑器打开对其进行编辑 *** 作;
最后一步,为了使前面的所有 *** 作生效请重新启动IIS。KVM需要设置一个可以访问的固定IP地址(一般去电信申请或者申请专线都有配固定IP),然后只要访问这个IP地址,登陆KVM,其他就跟平时安装是一样的,就是速度上可能受网速的限制会慢一点。可以现在服务器里装上RIS,然后就可以远程控制安装系统,但这有点麻烦
介绍:这篇文档描述可以安装在win7上作为远程管理服务器的工具。安装文件中包括的工具可以用来管理运行在windows server 2008 R2以及windwows server 2003 R2中的技术产品。
Remote Server Administration Tools technology
Manages technology on Windows Server 2003
Manages technology on Windows Server 2008
Active Directory Certificate Services Tools
Active Directory Certificate Services Tools includes the Certification Authority, Certificate Templates, Enterprise PKI, and Online Responder Management snap-ins
√, except Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP)
Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) Tools and Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS) Tools
Active Directory Domain Services includes Active Directory Users and Computers, Active Directory Domains and Trusts, Active Directory Sites and Services, Active Directory Administrative Center (ADAC), Server for Network Information Service (NIS) tools, the Windows PowerShell module for Active Directory, and other snap-ins and command-line tools for remotely managing Active Directory Domain Services
- Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services Tools includes Active Directory Sites and Services, ADSI Edit, Schema Manager, and other snap-ins and command-line tools for managing Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services
- Server for NIS Tools includes an extension to the Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in, and the Ypclearexecommand-line tool
√, Windows PowerShell and ADAC remote management require the Active Directory Web Service download package
√, PowerShell and ADAC remote management require the Active Directory Web Service download package
BitLocker Active Directory Recovery Password Viewer
The BitLocker Active Directory Recovery Password Viewer tool is an extension for the Active Directory Users and Computers Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in Using this tool, you can open a computer object's Properties dialog box to view the corresponding BitLocker recovery passwords
Not available
Not available
DHCP Server Tools
DHCP Server Tools includes the DHCP Management Console and theNetsh command-line tool
DNS Server Tools
DNS Server Tools include the DNS Manager snap-in and theDdnscmdexe command-line tool
Failover Clustering Tools
Failover Clustering Tools include Failover Cluster Manager, Windows PowerShell tools for managing Failover Clustering, and the Clusterexe command-line tool
Not available
File Services Tools
File Services Tools include the following:
- Distributed File System Tools include the DFS Management snap-in, and the Dfsradminexe, Dfsrdiagexe, Dfscmdexe,Dfsdiagexe, and Dfsutilexe command-line tools
- File Server Resource Manager tools include the File Server Resource Manager snap-in, and the Dirquotaexe, Filescrnexe, and Storreptexe command line tools
- Share and Storage Management Tools include the Share and Storage Management snap-in
Not available
Group Policy Management Tools
Group Policy Management Tools include Group Policy Management Console, Group Policy Management Editor, and Group Policy Starter GPO Editor
Hyper-V Tools
Hyper-V Tools include the Hyper-V Manager snap-in and the Virtual Machine Connection remote access tool
Not available
Network Load Balancing Tools
Network Load Balancing Tools include the Network Load Balancing Manager snap-in, Windows PowerShell tools for managing Network Load Balancing, and the Nlbexe and Wlbsexe command-line tools
Remote Desktop Services Tools
Remote Desktop Services Tools include the Remote Desktop Services Manager and Remote Desktop snap-ins
Server Manager
Server Manager includes the Server Manager console
Remote management with Server Manager is available only in Windows Server 2008 R2
Not available
Not available
SMTP Server Tools
SMTP Server Tools include the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) snap-in
Storage Explorer Tools
Storage Explorer Tools include the Storage Explorer snap-in
Not available
Storage Manager for Storage Area Networks (SANs) Tools
Storage Manager for SANs Tools include the Storage Manager for SANs snap-in and the Provisionstorageexe command-line tool
Storage Manager for SANs is available in Windows Server 2003 R2 and later versions
Windows System Resource Manager Tools
Windows System Resource Manager Tools include the Windows System Resource Manager snap-in and the Wsrmcexe command-line tool
Not available
下载地址>服务器本身就可以远程登录的不知道你所说的安装与配置具体是指哪方面如果是配置服务器的网站运行环境一般可以找IDC服务商帮你来配置大多服务商是免费帮你配置的如果是配置其他环境按照你的要求来 *** 作就行了这个成功与否的关键不在于服务器开启服务器的远程协助,在我的电脑,的属性里有。