




一月无暇子会传授武功招式给你,至于你学什么就要看你个人喜好了。我呢,既然叫方仕育,当然学的是佛山无影腿咯。哦。对不起是逍遥迷踪腿。学会招式后不要去练他。以后出去打架的时候可以慢慢练。二月时无暇子又会来传授你武功,有逍遥刀法,剑法和棍法,小弟前几次选的是剑法,以为可以是令胡大侠,但是经过试验后觉得最厉害的还是棍法。而且学了棍法以后还可以学醉棍(本人认为是武林群侠中最厉害的武功)四月时你得到师傅的批准可以到处走走了。小弟在这里建议大家每次去其他地方之前去一趟杂货店,里面看见有什么好东西就买了吧。到了四月下旬之前的时候记得把存档文件备份一下,(他们的名称分别是HEROSAVE。000,HEROSAVE。001,HEROSAVE。002,HEROSAVE。003)因为会碰见师傅的师弟。这时如果你选择跟他学毒的话,那么以后就去不了杭州,见不了兰婷。(我的MM)这个地方是个小分岔口。学习毒功的话那么你师傅对你的好感会下降。以下是在去洛阳之前会发生的一些事件。在逍遥谷内:找师傅他会说他弄掉了个什么丹,记得一定要选第三个选项啊。要不然无暇子对你的好感会下降。结果原来这粒什么丸的在棋桌的旁边啊。不过那个讨厌的二师兄又来了。没办法你可以选择给他或是和他打一架,我是选的打架,赢后这粒丹丸就是你的了。会遇见橘叟,会遇到师傅正在写字,会遇到丹青,第一幅图是真的,答案在第二排的第三幅图上。四月下旬大师兄会叫你出去。打死熊后认识神医。端五节做菜。六月会得知少年英雄会的消息。六月会遇到花翁。七夕会遇到琴仙。她会考你问题。春:535231231236151235251231(欢快夏:5656161256561612223123523521(活泼) 秋:532123532161235321(慢) 冬:3564324542312376(里面有风声)八月十五的时候老头子有会考你问题。答案是推翻前朝的暗号。
八月底,(如果你前面选择的是求教武功的话)你师叔来检验你的毒功。九月上旬,江天雄的生日,他儿子会来谷中拜访。在森林内:遇到纪文(一个长的很像李文的女孩)如果你想追她的话,先把熊打死,而且必须采到草药:红花,茯神,延胡索。遇到百草门的少主。这小子太不知道好歹了。KAO。为什么不许其他人挖药啊?难到他已经把那块地皮买下来了?在这里可以选择他说的有道理,或者是选择PK他。功夫没有练到家的建议不要打,浪费体力。遇见少林无戒。又一个不讲理的。他居然叫我给他磕头。难道他不知道男儿膝下有黄金吗?打他。(不过,功夫不到家的还是给他磕头吧)。遇到猎人和野人在吵架。帮谁就看你自己选了。帮猎人会得一些无聊的东西,帮野人的话可以学会说猴语。还好不是学鹰语和鹅语这种鸟语。会遇到天剑门的少主和绝刀门的少主在打架。如果帮助夏侯兄获得胜利的话,会出现一段非常搞笑的情节。(记得夏兄叫你去喝酒你要去哦。)会再次遇见纪文,和她打猎,一定要赢她啊。然后她回脱衣服,别想歪了。人家是用的动物的头脑来思考问题的。遇到齐丽在那里沮丧,如果你要追她的话选择愿意吧。然后一定要输给她。赢了的话就重新打吧。遇到齐丽在挖药,答应帮她治好她老爹的病。(医术要高才行)不过药材是什么我忘记了。大家留意一下吧。在逍遥谷的杂货店里都有买的。城镇里:遇见黑风寨的人在欺负虚真。你也可以选择帮他或者是不帮。遇见齐丽在被黑风寨的人欺负。又是他们,烦不烦啊。智冠也是的,坏人可以多一点啊。别老是同一样的坏人啊。也可以选择帮或者是不帮。遇见丐帮逍遥给了他干粮后又说什么我是他的靠山了。切~~以为我是大款啊?这里可以选择,随时欢迎他去逍遥谷坐客,另一项是教育他。要当一个好人的话,那么建议选让随时欢迎他去逍遥谷坐客。遇到纪文约你去打猎,然后又是那帮该死的黑风寨的人。OH MY GOD。拜托,换个人吧。打败那帮人,你的脚扭伤了。回逍遥谷的时候纪文会问你梦想是什么,想追她的人注意了。一定要选择猎尽天下奇珍异兽。

十月,和两位师兄回到洛阳。谁知竟被还猪割搁-小燕子把我送礼的东西偷去了。进洛阳后去和驿站旁边坐着的那个人说话。然后得知史燕要去当铺买东西。我为什么知道是当铺啊?因为我聪明啊。俩到当铺记得选则脸上涂的很花的那个女孩。然后再继续去古玩店。和老板对完话后去客栈,进客栈后和坐在那吃东西的老兄讲话。在这里可选和他打架,和给他熊掌。(前面我讲的不买熊掌在这里有用了吧。)给他吧。反正我也拿来没什么用。接着去酒馆,如果此时你的饮酒技能达到了60的话,那么他就会告诉你他四弟在哪里。如果没达到的话也可以去花农的那里,一进去后看见了吗?有个缸里装着水。一开始我不是叫大家买水缸了吗?这时有用了。点击水缸,好了,再回到酒馆先别慌上楼。去厨房里把那里面的那个有酒的缸子换掉吧。同样也是点击。好了。现在你可以去找喝说话了。然后去赌馆,找到一个长的象二阶堂红丸的人。和他赌吧。不过不管怎么赌,必输。在赌馆下方的天剑门现在可以进去了。(可以不打,不影响情节)不改的老大们可以在这里修炼。找西门疯。练完后去野球门吧,好老头的病后齐丽到手了。去矿场那里吧。看见小燕子正在被嫖调戏,KAO居然也学起电视情节了。说什么你叫吧,叫吧,你叫破喉咙也没人听见的。难道我不是人??PK嫖,打不赢也不要紧,你的师兄们会来救你的。有师兄的感觉实在是太好。随后你们去了江天雄的家。这时候天魔教的人会来捣乱。PK 他们吧。打不赢也不要紧的。随后你们回去了。




——THE TRANSFORMERS 第1-65集(第1,2季)
说明:一共65集动画,日本版本计算不包括总结篇剧情集数,美国版本将其又划分为第一季16集(SEASON 1)和第二季49集(SEASON 2)。国内引进了该系列的美版动画 四百万年前,汽车人和霸天虎在塞伯坦的战争已经持续了很久,星球资源已经枯竭,汽车人在擎天柱(港译:柯柏文)的带领下登上巨型战舰方舟号前往宇宙搜寻新能量,霸天虎首领威震天(港译:麦加登)率领部下乘报应号战舰追击。双方在古老的地球上空交战,霸天虎登陆了方舟,与汽车人在战舰上搏斗。飞船失去控制,坠毁地球,所有变形金刚终止了活动。
——THE TRANSFORMERS 2010 第66-95集(第3季)
说明:一共30集动画,日本版本计算不包括总结篇剧情集数,美国版本将其称为第三季(SEASON 3)。国内引进了该系列的美版动画,与之前的65集一起推出,就是我们最熟悉的95集变形金刚动画。
——THE REBIRTH 变形金刚之重生 96-98 最后三集(第4季)
TransFormers Scramble City《变形金刚剧场版——大都市》
Head Master《头领战士》
Headmaster 头领战士
Beast Wars《超能勇士》
剧情简介:一共52集动画。由美国方面制作推出,采取革命性的3D动画模式,日本版本为美版的配音输出版本。美版动画将其划分为第一季26集(SEASON 1),第二季13集(SEASON 2),第三季13集(SEASON 3)。日版动画则把第二季和第三季一共26集称为“BEASWT WARS METALS”。国内引进时全部一起播出,翻译为“超能勇士”。
汽车人后代巨无霸(港译:密斯姆)与霸天虎后代原始兽(港译:巴达乾)继续战斗着。巨无霸领袖黑猩猩(港译:奥迪武)率领分队追击原始兽的霸王龙(港译:麦卡顿),双方穿梭时空来到史前地球并坠毁在地球上。为了抵御地球的能量乾扰,他们都使自己变形为野兽,开始了一场野兽战争BEAST WARS。双方在地球上陆续发现外星人的机关,在与外星人较量中,部分变形金刚转化为恒定的金属变体(TRANS METALS),战斗异常激烈。霸王龙发现古老的战舰方舟号,并试图摧毁未苏醒的擎天柱而改变历史。黑猩猩在对战中吸收了擎天柱的力量而进化为TRANS METAL 2,霸王龙也通过吸收威震天的力量而进化成红色火龙。外星人介入,但被消灭。霸王龙最后找到了霸天虎的古老战舰报应号,并试图驾驶它摧毁方舟。最后报应号被击落,霸王龙被抓获,巨无霸返回塞伯坦(时译:电子星)。
Beast WarsⅡ《野兽之战2》
美国制作的《Transformers BEAST WARS - 变形金刚超能勇士》的第一季前26集于1997年10月以《野兽之战 - 超生命体变形金刚》为题在日本登陆。到了1998年3月全部播放完毕之后,日本方面面临了新的问题,美版超能勇士第二季尚未放出,为了不造成空档,日本自行原创制作了《Transformers Beast Wars II - 野兽之战2 超生命体变形金刚》于1998年4月继续播出。一般简称为BW2。
Beast Machine《猛兽侠》
BEASTMACHINES的人物系列从2000年开始,到2002年结束,一共推出了4个人物系列,分别为BEASTMACHINES、BATTLE FOR THE SPARK、DINOBOTS、MUTANTS(其实称呼为BW系列似乎更加准确,但从设定上MUTANTS比较接近BM,因此列入BM档案库)。其中在动画里出现的角色仅仅只有数个,因此把BEASTMACHINES人物档案称呼作猛兽侠并不准确。BEASTMACHINES包括猛兽侠,而猛兽侠并不是 BEASTMACHINES的全部,只代表BEASTMACHINES的动画。
Robots In Disguise《汽车人战记》
剧情简介:变形金刚15周年纪念作品,从本作开始剧情完全开始走向独立,描述汽车人与原始兽在地球上展开能源争夺战的一部轻喜剧作品^_^ 强烈推荐观看!
Transformer SuperLink《变形金刚:超连结合体》
其实Superlink其实是一个动画。Takara和Hasbro现在的合作方式已经远远超越了从前的两头分别发售的形式,现在他们似乎更喜欢玩比翼齐飞的把戏。但是就动画方面,这几年的系列几乎都是日方包办了制作,而美国的吹替版几乎都有偷懒和搞砸的嫌疑。虽然动画可能变得紧凑了一点,更适合欧美方面的推广,但是故事性和连贯性都承受了不小的打击。我们不难想到这几年在美国大卖的日本动画,其实在商业成功的背后也有着自己的难言之隐。大凡去年看过Armada系列的观众,都会对其中不少劣质甚至出错的画面记忆犹新。就是这些该死的画面,给Armada的前半段蒙上了不小的阴影。而Armada系列第一集的那些颠覆G1的变形金刚宇宙观的设定,更是让观众褒贬不一。虽然随着动画后半部画面的改观以及Unicron Battle的推出,越来越多的人开始喜欢上了这部作品。但是只要看过ML的观众,都会发现许多糟糕的画面被重画了,而第一集的设定并不像Armada那样颠覆了G1缔造的宇宙观。在Superlink的设定中,博派根本就是一个等级非常分明的军事化管理的组织了,他们平日的对话中无不表现出上下级之间的感觉。更不谈那句常常被某人挂在口上的"以上"。
Superlink更适合一些有闲散时间的TF发烧友来慢慢品位Kicker和Road Buster的成长。
本片原为日本在2004年1月9日开始推出的新系列《TRANSFORMER SUPER LINK/变形金刚 超能合体》。剧情是紧接《微型金刚传说》结束10年后的故事,采用了全新的动画制作技术。POWER字幕组曾经出过这部作品。国内也有不少人看到过。
综上,本片乃是《SUPER LINK》的对应美版,名为《ENERGON》。由于《ARMADA》抢在了日本《微型金刚传说》的前面播放,导致了一些不良后果,所以这部作品在2004年1月31日问世。是以争夺能量晶体(ENERGON)为主题的一部片子。人物的名字还有剧情等各方面的设定与原版《SL》都有所不同。音乐方面不像《RID》那样全部更换了《CAR ROBOT》的背景音乐,对于原背景音乐基本全部保留,同时也加入了美版自创的一部分背景音乐。虽然动画上和《SL》没有分别,但是大家可以从中找到许多不一样的东西、不一样的乐趣
Galaxy Force《银河之力》
剧情简介:变形金刚们的战争已经结束了,一切回归了和平。但是,新的危机诞生了。在宇宙中一个超级黑洞,正在向塞博特恩袭来。但是,没有任何对抗这个黑洞的手段,塞博特恩只有被消灭的命运。就在这个时候,一个叫引天行的古代战士穿越时空,来到了塞博特恩。引天行声称只有一种叫“Planet Force 行星之力”的东西可以拯救塞博特恩。他让大家找到Planet Force 行星之力,并集中起来。“Planet Force 行星之力”是由创造宇宙的原始天尊的火种制造,它们有着具有巨大的威力。运用这种力量,就可以摧毁黑洞,恢复所有被吞噬的星球。但是在历史上,汽车人探险家为了建造可传送至宇宙尽头的太空桥而将“Planet Force 行星之力”丢失了。只知道这样的东西有四个,分散在宇宙中的四个星球上。但是,谁也不清楚在哪里。汽车人们最初来寻找的地方是地球。但是,霸天虎同时也为了寻找这种力量而来到了地球上。当然,霸天虎们的目的是用这种力量去征服宇宙……
Transformers Cybertron《变形金刚塞伯坦传奇》
该片以争夺星力之匙、拯救母星为主线,逐步展现变形金刚世界的宏大世界观。五颗风格各异的星球以及各星球上独特的变形金刚都极为吸引眼球,变形金刚的变形形态较以往动画大为丰富。地球的现实风格、塞博特恩的未来风格、猛兽星的野兽金刚……甚至堪比星球大小的变形金刚创造神——元始天尊,也首次以实体出现。本片由日本顶级的电脑动画公司Gonzo制作,采用3D CG与2D 手绘相结合,可说是目前变形金刚动画画面效果最好的一部。
1x01 (01) 第一天 More than meets the eye part one
1x02 (02) 第二天 More than meets the eye part two
1x03 (03) 第三天 More than meets the eye part three
1x04 (04) 太空桥的陷落 Transport to oblivion
1x05 (05) 全体出发 Roll for it
1x06 (06) 分而治之 Divide and Conquer
1x07 (07) 天火 Fire in the sky
1x08 (08) 紧急呼叫 SOS Dinobots
1x09 (09) 山顶之火 Fire on the mountian
1x10 (10) 大战机器恐龙 War of the dinobots
1x11 (11) 灭顶之灾(上) The ultimate doom part one
1x12 (12) 灭顶之灾(中) The ultimate doom part two
1x13 (13) 灭顶之灾(下) The ultimate doom part three
1x14 (14) 爆炸前夕 Countdown to extincions
1x15 (15) 机器昆虫 A Plague of Insecticons
1x16 (16) 双雄大战 Heavy Metal War
1985年出品 (第二季)
2x01 (17) 汽车人斯派克 Autobot Spike
2x02 (18) 换变速箱 Changing Gears
2x03 (19) 钢之城 City of Steel
2x04 (20) 汽车人的攻击 Attack of the Autobots
2x05 (21) 叛徒 Traitor
2x06 (22) 静止器 The Immobilizer
2x07 (23) 汽车人死里逃生 The Autobot Run
2x08 (24) 海底之国 Atlantis, Arise!
2x09 (25) 机器人时代 Day of the Machines
2x10 (26) 刺客 Enter the Nightbird
2x11 (27) 真假擎天柱 A Prime Problem
2x12 (28) 地球核心 The Core
2x13 (29) 虫灾 The Insecticon Syndrome
2x14 (30) 恐龙岛(上) Dinobot Island part one
2x15 (31) 恐龙岛(下) Dinobot Island part two
2x16 (32) 建筑大师 The Master Builder
2x17 (33) 超级武器 Auto_Berserk
2x18 (34) 小机器人 Microbots
2x19 (35) 威震天的阴谋(上) Megatron's Master Plan part one
2x20 (36) 威震天的阴谋(下) Megatron's Master Plan part two
2x21 (37) 机器恐龙开小差(上) Desertion Of The Dinobots part one
2x22 (38) 机器恐龙开小差(下) Desertion Of The Dinobots part two
2x23 (39) 兰调录音机 Blaster Blues
2x24 (40) 霸天虎入侵亚瑟王朝 A Decepticon Raider In King Arthur's Court
2x25 (41) 金礁湖 The Golden Lagoon
2x26 (42) 天神 The God Gambit
2x27 (43) 跟踪追击 Make Tracks
2x28 (44) 巨人国 Child's Play
2x29 (45) 食人株 Quest For Survival
2x30 (46) 大力金刚的秘密 The Secret of Omega Supreme
2x31 (47) 赌棍 The Gambler
2x32 (48) 小精灵 Kremzeek!
2x33 (49) 傍晚的星星 Sea Change
2x34 (50) 争权夺利 Triple Takeover
2x35 (51) 擎天柱的战利品 Prime Target
2x36 (52) 汽车人 Auto-Bop
2x37 (53) 女汽车人 The Search For Alpha Trion
2x38 (54) 爱上滑翔机的姑娘 The Girl Who Loved Powerglide
2x39 (55) 在好莱坞拍 Hoist Goes Hollywood
2x40 (56) 魔力神球(上) The Key to Vector Sigma part one
2x41 (57) 魔力神球(下) The Key to Vector Sigma part two
2x42 (58) 飞机窃贼 Aerial Assault
2x43 (59) 回到过去 War Dawn
2x44 (60) 汽车大奖赛 Trans-Europe Express
(61) 宇宙锈病 Cosmic Rust
(62) 红蜘蛛叛变 Starscream's Brigade
(63) 混天豹的报复 The Revenge of Bruticus
(64) 深入虎穴 Masquerade
(65) 胖娃 BOT
(66) 五面怪(1) Five Faces of Darkness part one
(67) 五面怪(2) Five Faces of Darkness part two
(68) 五面怪(3) Five Faces of Darkness part three
(69) 五面怪(4) Five Faces of Darkness part four
(70) 五面怪(5) Five Faces of Darkness part five
(71) 死亡黑洞 The Killing Jar
(72) 混沌怪 Chaos
(73) 五面怪的诡计 Dark Awakening
(74) 生日快乐 Surprise Party
(75) 金大王与红衣法师 Madman's Paradise
(76) 蛛网世界 Web world
(77) C小调大屠杀 Carnage In C-Minor
(78) 岁月之窗 Forever Is a Long Time Coming
(79) 决死一战 Fight Or Flee
(80) 午夜之贼 Thief In The Night
(81) 死不甘心的红蜘蛛 Starscream's Ghost
(82) 鬼魂作祟 Ghost In The Machine
(83) 恶梦 Nightmare Planet
(84) 深渊里的居住者 The Dweller In the Depths
(85) 最终武器 The Ultimate Weapon
(86) 2006年重要广播 The Big Broadcast of 2006
(87) 五面怪日志 The Quintesson Journal
(88) 只不过是凡人 Only Human
(89) 至尊太君 The Call of the Primitives
(90) 聪明的钢索 Grimlock's New Brain
(91) 金钱万能 Money Is Everything
(92) 美仙姑 The Face of the Nijika
(93) 肩负重任 The Burden Hardest to Bear
(94) 擎天柱复活(上) The Return of Optimus Prime part one
(95) 擎天柱复活(下) The Return of Optimus Prime part two
1987年出品 (第四季)
(96) 再生(上) The Rebirth part one (97) 再生(中) The Rebirth part two
(98) 再生(下) The Rebirth part three

[from trailer]
Terrence Bundley: What was that you said
Carl Allen: No
[gets hit in the head by Terrence with his mic]
Carl Allen: Yes
[from trailer]
Carl Allen: I do want to take guitar lessons I do want to learn how to fly Yes, I would like to learn Korean
Allison: Are you stalking me
Carl Allen: No, i would never do that
Carl Allen: Oh by the way, the new furniture looks great from the yard
Allison: The world's a playground You know that when you are a kid, but somewhere along the way everyone forgets it
Allison: Have you met my friend Ian He's a computer hacker He helped me erase your MySpace page, and your band's MySpace page, and your FaceBook page Happy networking asshole!
Carl Allen: The era of "yes" has begun
Carl Allen: Was I chewing gum before
Tweed: Can you explain why you were at the airport buying a ticket with no luggage
Carl Allen: You know it was a spur of the moment trip
Tweed: Yeah I was just explaining to my partner here how much I've always wanted to see Lincoln, Nebraska
Carl Allen: What I have to share is huge and I want to share it with you
CIA Officer: Now there's another 'Carl' we knew, and we weren't too fond fond of him, his name was 'Marx'
Carl Allen: Hey Carl you wanna give your money away to some homeless guy Yes, yes I do How bout letting him use up the phone battery so that you cant get help when your car runs out of gas You know what That sounds like a fuckin' great idea!
Carl Allen: [drunk] Hey I'm just saying 'yes' to life cuz you gotta say 'yes' to life I'm in a secret covenant that sounded naughty!
Carl Allen: You ever had a Red Bull Ive never had a Red Bull before, but I had a Red Bull last night - I really like Red Bull
[shakes his glow-in-the-dark hoop]
Carl Allen: got this new glow in the dark thing cant really see it right now, unless you go like this
[holds part of the hoop to his eyes and covers it with his hands]
Carl Allen: Steph! I can't I'm so sorry
Stephanie: What are you saying
Carl Allen: I'm saying "no"
Multack: We knew another Carl that we weren't fond of, now did we, Tweed
Tweed: his name was "Marx"
Carl Allen: I can't believe I tripped like that
Carl Allen: Yes!
[last lines]
Terrence Bundley: YES! Say it a million times Then say it a million more And the word you will have said two million times is
[looks around and sees everyone at the seminar is naked]
Terrence Bundley: Oh my God
Yes People: [while covering themselves up as best they can] YES!
Carl Allen: [incredibly drunk, after losing a bar brawl, said very sadly] She's never gonna go to a ball
Allison: [singing with her band] Don't call me past 11 PM, it won't happen again You can call me at 10:59 but don't call me at 11 because that's my rule now
Allison: [singing with her band] Don't call me past 11pm, it won't happen again Happened once, it happened twice, it happened three times, maybe four times, maybe five times, maybe, maybe it happened six times, but it won't happen seven times
[first lines]
Carl Allen: No
[last lines]
Terrence Bundley: Good God
Terrence Bundley: Yes! Say it a million times Then say it a million more And the word you will have said two million times is
Terrence Bundley: [looks around and sees everyone at the seminar is naked] Oh my God
Yes People: [while covering themselves up as best they can] Yes!
Norman: We! Are! Sparta!

Jackie Chan, SBS, MBE[1] (born Chan Kong Sang, 陈港生, on 7 April 1954) is a Hong Kong [2] actor, action choreographer, filmmaker, comedian, producer, martial artist, screenwriter, entrepreneur, singer and stunt performer
In his movies, he is known for his acrobatic fighting style, comic timing, use of improvised weapons and innovative stunts Jackie Chan has been acting since the 1970s and has appeared in over 100 films Chan has received stars on the Hong Kong Avenue of Stars and the Hollywood Walk of Fame As a cultural icon, Chan has been referenced in various pop songs, cartoons and video games
Chan is also a Cantopop and Mandopop star, having released a number of albums and sung many of the theme songs for the films in which he has starred In 2008, Chan sang at the 2008 Summer Olympics closing ceremony[3]
Early life
Chan was born in 1954 in Victoria Peak, Hong Kong (then a Crown colony), as Chan Kong Sang (meaning "born in Hong Kong") to Charles and Lee-Lee Chan, refugees from the Chinese Civil War He was nicknamed Pao Pao (Chinese: 炮炮, literally meaning "Cannonball") because he was such a big baby, weighing 12 pounds He also has a brother, Soo-Sung Chan, and a sister, Tai Chan[4] Since his parents worked for the French Consul to Hong Kong, Chan spent his formative years within the grounds of the consul's residence in the Victoria Peak district[5]
Chan attended the Nah-Hwa Primary School on Hong Kong Island, where he failed his first year, after which his parents withdrew him from the school In 1960, his father emigrated to Canberra, Australia, to work as head cook for the American embassy, and Chan was sent to the China Drama Academy, a Peking Opera School run by Master Yu Jim Yuen[5][6]
Jackie Chan began his film career as a stuntman in the Bruce Lee films Fist of Fury (1972) and Enter the Dragon (1973, pictured)Chan trained rigorously for the next decade, excelling in martial arts and acrobatics[7] He eventually became part of the Seven Little Fortunes, a performance group made up of the school's best students, gaining the stage name Yuen Lo in homage to his master Chan became close friends with fellow group members Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao, the three of them later to be known as the Three Brothers or Three Dragons[8]
At the age of 8, he appeared with some of his fellow "Little Fortunes", in the film Big and Little Wong Tin Bar (1962), with Li Li Hua playing his mother Chan appeared with Li again the following year, in The Love Eterne (1963) and had a small role in King Hu's 1966 film, Come Drink with Me[9] In 1971, after an appearance as an extra in another Kong Fu film, A Touch of Zen, Chan began his adult career in the film industry, initially signing to Chu Mu's Great Earth Film Company[10] At the age of 17, he worked as a stuntman in the Bruce Lee films Fist of Fury and Enter the Dragon under the stage name Chen Yuen Long[11] He received his first starring role later that year, in Little Tiger of Canton, which had a limited release in Hong Kong in 1973[12] Due to the commercial failures in his early ventures into films and trouble finding stunt work, in 1975 Chan starred in a comedic adult film, All in the Family, the only film he has made to date that did not feature a single fight scene or stunt sequence[13]
Chan joined his parents in Canberra in 1976, where he briefly attended Dickson College and worked as a construction worker[14] A fellow builder named Jack took Chan under his wing, earning Chan the nickname of "Little Jack" which was later shortened to "Jackie" and the name Jackie Chan stuck with him ever since[15] In addition, Chan changed his Chinese name to Fong Si Lung, since his father's original surname was Fong[15]
[edit] Film career

The 1978 film Drunken Master brought Jackie Chan into the mainstream
[edit] Early exploits: 1976–1980
In 1976, Jackie Chan received a telegram from Willie Chan, a film producer in the Hong Kong film industry who had been impressed with Jackie's stuntwork Willie Chan offered him an acting role in a film directed by Lo Wei Lo had seen Chan's performance in the John Woo film Hand of Death (1976) and planned to model him after Bruce Lee with the film New Fist of Fury[10] His stage name was changed to Cheng Long (Chinese: 成龙, literally "become the dragon") to emphasise his similarity to Bruce Lee, whose stage name was Lei Siu Lung (Chinese: 李小龙, meaning "Little Dragon") The film was unsuccessful because Chan was not accustomed to Lee's martial arts style Despite the film's failure, Lo Wei continued producing films with similar themes, resulting in little improvement at the box office[16]
Chan's first major breakthrough was the 1978 film Snake in the Eagle's Shadow, shot while he was loaned to Seasonal Film Corporation under a two-picture deal[17] Under director Yuen Woo Ping, Chan was allowed complete freedom over his stunt work The film established the comedic kung fu genre, and proved to be a breath of fresh air for the Hong Kong audience[18] Chan then starred in Drunken Master, which finally propelled him to mainstream success[19]
Upon Chan's return to Lo Wei's studio, Lo tried to replicate the comedic approach of Drunken Master, producing Half a Loaf of Kung Fu and Spiritual Kung Fu[15] He also gave Chan the opportunity to co-direct The Fearless Hyena with Kenneth Tsang When Willie Chan left the company, he advised Jackie to decide for himself whether or not to stay with Lo Wei During the shooting of Fearless Hyena Part II, Chan broke his contract and joined Golden Harvest, prompting Lo to blackmail Chan with triads, blaming Willie for his star's departure The dispute was resolved with the help of fellow actor and director Jimmy Wang Yu, allowing Chan to stay with Golden Harvest[20]
[edit] Success of the action comedy genre: 1980–1987

The film Police Story, nicknamed "Glass Story" for its stunt work, is set in a modern periodWillie Chan had become Jackie's personal manager and firm friend, and has remained so for over 30 years He was instrumental in launching Chan's international career, beginning with his first forays into the American film industry in the 1980s His first Hollywood film was Battle Creek Brawl in 1980 Chan then played a minor role in the 1981 film The Cannonball Run, which grossed US$100 million worldwide Despite being largely ignored by audiences in favour of established American actors like Burt Reynolds, Chan was impressed by the outtakes shown at the closing credits, inspiring him to include the same device in his future films
After the commercial failure of The Protector in 1985, Chan temporarily abandoned his attempts to break into the US market, returning his focus to Hong Kong films[16]
Back in Hong Kong, Chan's films began to reach a larger audience in East Asia, with early successes in the lucrative Japanese market including The Young Master (1980) and Dragon Lord (1982) Chan produced a number of action comedy films with his opera school friends Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao The three co-starred together for the first time in 1983 in Project A, which won the Best Action Design Award at the third annual Hong Kong Film Awards[21] Over the following two years, the "Three Brothers" appeared in Wheels on Meals and the original Lucky Stars trilogy[22][23] In 1985, Chan made the first Police Story film, a US-influenced action comedy in which Chan performed his own stunts It was named the "Best Movie" at the 1986 Hong Kong Film Awards[24] In 1987, Chan played "Asian Hawk", an Indiana Jones-esque character, in the film Armour of God The film was Chan's biggest domestic box office success to date, grossing over HK $35 million[25]
[edit] Acclaimed sequels and Hollywood breakthrough: 1988–1998

Chan in his Hollywood breakthrough film Rumble in the BronxIn 1988 Chan starred alongside Hung and Yuen for the last time to date, in the film Dragons Forever Hung co-directed with Corey Yuen, and the villain in the film was played by Yuen Wah, both of whom were fellow graduates of the China Drama Academy
In the late 1980s and early 90s, Chan starred in a number of successful sequels beginning with Police Story 2, which won the award for Best Action Choreography at the 1989 Hong Kong Film Awards This was followed by Armour of God II: Operation Condor, and Police Story 3, for which Chan won the Best Actor Award at the 1993 Golden Horse Film Festival In 1994, Chan reprised his role as Wong Fei Hung in Drunken Master II, which was listed in Time Magazine's All-Time 100 Movies[26] Another sequel, Police Story 4: First Strike, brought more awards and domestic box office success for Chan, but did not fare as well in foreign markets[27] Jackie Chan rekindled his Hollywood ambitions in the 1990s, but refused early offers to play villains in Hollywood films to avoid being typecast in future roles For example, Sylvester Stallone offered him the role of Simon Phoenix, a criminal in the futuristic film Demolition Man Chan declined and the role was taken by Wesley Snipes[28]
Chan finally succeeded in establishing a foothold in the North American market in 1995 with a worldwide release of Rumble in the Bronx, attaining a cult following in the United States that was rare for Hong Kong movie stars[29] The success of Rumble in the Bronx led to a 1996 release of Police Story 3 in the United States under the title Supercop, which grossed a total of US $16,270,600 Jackie then co-starred with Chris Tucker in the 1998 buddy cop action comedy Rush Hour,[30] grossing US$130 million in the United States alone[20]
[edit] Dramatization: 1998–present
In 1998, Chan released his final film for Golden Harvest, Who Am I After leaving Golden Harvest in 1999, he produced Gorgeous, a romantic comedy that focused on personal relationships[31] Chan then helped create a PlayStation game in 2000 called Jackie Chan Stuntmaster, to which he lent his voice and performed the motion capture[32]
Jackie Chan plays an anti-hero for the first time in Rob-B-Hood: a burglar with gambling problemsDespite further success with Shanghai Noon in 2000, Rush Hour 2 in 2001 and Shanghai Knights in 2003, Chan became frustrated with Hollywood over the limited range of roles and lack of control over the film-making process[33] In response to Golden Harvest's withdrawal from the film industry in 2003, Chan started his own film production company, JCE Movies Limited (Jackie Chan Emperor Movies Limited) in association with Emperor Multimedia Group (EMG)[20] His films have since featured an increasing number of dramatic scenes while continuing to succeed at the box office; examples include New Police Story (2004), The Myth (2005) and Rob-B-Hood (2006)[34][35][36]
Chan's next release was Rush Hour 3 in August 2007 It grossed US$255 million[37] However, it performed poorly in Hong Kong, grossing only HK$35 million during its opening weekend[38] The filming of The Forbidden Kingdom, Chan's first onscreen collaboration with fellow Chinese actor Jet Li, was completed on 24 August 2007 and the film was released in April 2008[39][40] Chan voiced the character Master Monkey in the DreamWorks Animation film, Kung Fu Panda, released in June 2008, appearing with stars Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman and Angelina Jolie[41] In addition, he has signed up to assist Anthony Szeto in an advisory capacity for the writer-director's upcoming film Wushu, which is currently in pre-production The film will star Sammo Hung and Wang Wenjie as father and son[42]
In November 2007, Chan began filming Shinjuku Incident with director Derek Yee, which sees Chan take on the role of a Chinese immigrant in Japan[43] Filming is now complete and it is currently in post-production The film is due for release in Hong Kong cinemas on September 25, 2008[44] According to his blog, Chan wishes to direct a film after completing Shinjuku Incident, something he has not done for a number of years[45] The film is expected to be the third in the Armour of God series, and has a working title of Armour of God III: Chinese Zodiac Chan originally stated that he would start filming on April 1, 2008, but that date had passed[46] Because the Screen Actors Guild did not go on strike, Chan started shooting his next movie The Spy Next Door at the end of October in New Mexico,[47] leaving the status of Armour of God III: Chinese Zodiac up in the air In The Spy Next Door, Chan plays an undercover agent whose cover is blown when he looks after the children of his neighbor
On June 22, 2009, Chan told a Los Angeles Chinatown concert crowd that he is leaving for Beijing to film "The Karate Kid" remake title The Kung Fu Kid with Jaden Smith[48] (Chan sang the inspirational popular song “My Beloved Country” at the concert)
[edit] Stunts

Jackie Chan prepares to slide down the side of a high rise building in New Police StoryJackie Chan performs most of his own stunts, which are choreographed by the Jackie Chan Stunt Team He has stated in interviews that the primary inspiration for his more comedic stunts were films such as The General, starring and directed by Buster Keaton, who was also known to perform his own stunts without doubles Since the team's establishment in 1983, Chan has used it in all his subsequent films to make choreographing easier, given his understanding of each member's abilities[49] Chan and his team undertake many of the stunts performed by other characters in his films, shooting the scenes such that their faces are obscured[50]
The dangerous nature of his stunts makes it difficult for Chan to get insurance, especially in the United States, where his stunt work is contractually limited[50] Chan holds the Guinness World Record for "Most Stunts By A Living Actor", which emphasises "no insurance company will underwrite Chan's productions, in which he performs all his own stunts"[51] In addition, he holds an unrecognised record for the most number of takes for a single shot in a film, having shot over 2900 retakes for a complex scene involving a badminton game in Dragon Lord[52]
Chan has been injured numerous times attempting stunts; many of them have been shown as outtakes or as bloopers during the closing credits of his films He came closest to death filming Armour of God, when he fell from a tree and fractured his skull Over the years, Chan has dislocated his pelvis and broken his fingers, toes, nose, both cheekbones, hips, sternum, neck, ankle and ribs on numerous occasions[53][54] Promotional materials for Rumble in the Bronx emphasized that Chan performed all of the stunts, and one version of the movie poster even diagrammed his many injuries
[edit] Filmography and screen persona
Further information: Jackie Chan filmography
Jackie Chan created his screen persona as a response to Bruce Lee, and the numerous imitators who appeared before and after Lee's death In contrast to Lee's characters, who were typically stern, morally upright heroes, Chan plays well-meaning, slightly foolish regular guys (often at the mercy of their friends, girlfriends or families) who always triumph in the end despite the odds[15] Additionally, Chan has stated that he deliberately styles his movement to be the opposite of Lee's: where Lee held his arms wide, Chan holds his tight to the body; where Lee was loose and flowing, Chan is tight and choppy Despite the success of the Rush Hour series, Chan has stated that he is not a fan of it since he neither appreciates the action scenes in the movie, nor understands American humour[55] In the same interview Chan said that while he is not enamored with the films he makes in the US, and has repeatedly shown a lack of enthusiasm for some of his biggest Hollywood projects fearing that Chinese viewers may not understand them, he uses the high salaries from these pictures to fund Chinese projects that he is more interested in
In recent years, the aging Chan grew tired of being typecast as an action hero, prompting him to act with more emotion in his latest films [56] In New Police Story, he portrayed a character suffering from alcoholism and mourning his murdered colleagues[57] To further shed the image of Mr Nice Guy, Chan played an anti-hero for the first time in Rob-B-Hood starring as Thongs, a burglar with gambling problems[58]
[edit] Television work

The title card of his own animated seriesIn 2000, Chan hosted a fictionalised version of himself in the animated series Jackie Chan Adventures, which ran until 2005[59]
In July 2008, the BTV reality television series entitled The Disciple (traditional Chinese: 龙的传人; simplified Chinese: 龙的传人, lit "Disciple of the Dragon") concluded The series was produced by, and featured Jackie Chan The aim of the program was to find a new star, skilled in acting and martial arts, to become Chan's "successor" and student in filmmaking Contestants were trained by Jackie Chan Stunt Team members Alan Wu and He Jun and competed in various fields, including explosion scenes, high-altitude wire-suspension, gunplay, car stunts, diving, obstacles courses etc The regular judges on the program were He Ping, Wu Yue and Cheng Pei Pei Guest judges include Stanley Tong, Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao The "Finals" began on 5 April 2008, with 16 contestants remaining, and concluded on 26 June 2008 Amongst those in attendance were Tsui Hark, John Woo, Ng See Yuen and Yu Rong Guang
The winner of the series was Jack Tu (Tu Sheng Cheng) Along with runners up Yang Zheng and Jerry Liau, Tu is now set to star in three modern Chinese action films, one of which was scripted by Chan, and all three will be co-produced by Chan and his company JCE Movies Limited The films will be entitled Speedpost 206, Won't Tell You and Tropical Tornado and will be directed by Xie Dong, Jiang Tao and Cai Rong Hui All 16 finalists will be given the opportunity to work on the films, or to join the Jackie Chan Stunt Team Production on the first film is due to begin in September 2008 In addition, the finalists will be given roles in a forthcoming BTV action series[60][61][62]
[edit] Music career
Further information: Jackie Chan discography
Jackie Chan had vocal lessons whilst at the Peking Opera School in his childhood He began producing records professionally in the 1980s and has gone on to become a successful singer in Hong Kong and Asia He has released 20 albums since 1984 and has performed vocals in Cantonese, Mandarin, Japanese, Taiwanese and English He often sings the theme songs of his films, which play over the closing credits Chan's first musical recording was "Kung Fu Fighting Man", the theme song played over the closing credits of The Young Master (1980)[63] At least 10 of these recordings have been released on soundtrack albums for the films[57][64] His cantonese song Story of a Hero (英雄故事) (theme song of Police Story) was selected by the Royal Hong Kong Police and incorporated into their recruitment advertisement in 1994 [65]
Chan voiced the character of Shang in the Chinese release of the Walt Disney animated feature, Mulan (1998) He also performed the song "I'll Make a Man Out of You", for the film's soundtrack For the US release, the speaking voice was performed by BD Wong and the singing voice was done by Donny Osmond
In 2007, Chan recorded and released the song "We Are Ready", the official one-year countdown song to the 2008 Summer Olympics He performed the song at a ceremony marking the one-year countdown to the 2008 Summer Paralympics[66]

作为导演成龙 Jackie Chan的**作品(数量:18)
我的特技 Jackie Chan: My Stunts ------- (1999)
成龙的传奇 Jackie Chan: My Story ------- (1998)
我是谁 Wo shi shei ------- (1998)
醉拳2 Jui kuen II ------- (1994)
重案组 Zhong an zu ------- (1993)
飞鹰计划 Fei ying gai wak ------- (1991)
奇迹 Qiji ------- (1989)
警察故事 II Ging chaat goo si juk jaap ------- (1988)
A计划续集 'A' gai waak juk jaap ------- (1987)
The Brothers ------- (1987)
飞鹰计划 2:龙兄虎弟 Long xiong hu di ------- (1987)
警察故事 Ging chaat goo si ------- (1985)
A计划 'A' gai waak ------- (1983)
龙腾虎跃 Long teng hu yue ------- (1983)
龙少爷 Long xiao ye ------- (1982)
师弟出马 Shi di chu ma ------- (1980)
笑拳怪招 Hsiao chuan yi chao ------- (1979)
三十六迷形拳 San shi liu mi xing quan ------- (1977)
作为演员成龙 Jackie Chan的**作品(数量:146)
功夫之王/禁忌王国/被遗忘的帝国 The Forbidden Kingdom ------- (2008)
Fusion: Kanye West, Gnarls Barkley, Lupe Fiasco ------- (2007)
尖峰时刻3 Rush Hour 3 ------- (2007)
宝贝计划/BB计划 Bo bui gai wak ------- (2006)
2006 Asian Excellence Awards ------- (2006)
2006 Asian Excellence Awards ------- (2006)
The 11th China Movie Awards ------- (2005)
神话 San wa ------- (2005)
Jackie Chan: The Inside Story ------- (2004)
"The Mysti Show" ------- (2004)
Tigres et dragons, les arts martiaux au cinéma ------- (2004)
千机变2/千机变II/千机变II花都大战 Fa dou daai jin ------- (2004)
环游地球80天/80日环游世界 Around the World in 80 Days ------- (2004)
大佬爱美丽 Daai lo oi mei lai ------- (2004)
新警察故事 San ging chaat goo si ------- (2004)
The 100 Greatest Movie Stars ------- (2003)
**香江三部曲/**香江:功夫世家/**香江:刀光剑影/**香江:俪影倾情 Cinema Hong Kong: Kung Fu ------- (2003)
世界**2003 Miss World 2003 ------- (2003)
Brit Awards 2003 ------- (2003)
上海骑士/上海正午2/赎金风暴2/上海武士/龙旋风2 Shanghai Knights ------- (2003)
龙的深处:失落的拼图 Traces of a Dragon: Jackie Chan & His Lost Family ------- (2003)
飞龙再生 The Medallion ------- (2003)
千机变 Chin gei bin ------- (2003)
2002 ABC World Stunt Awards ------- (2002)
**终结之战 Ultimate Fights from the Movies ------- (2002)
"Heroes of Black Comedy" ------- (2002)
Jackie Chan: Fast, Funny and Furious ------- (2002)
燕尾服 The Tuxedo ------- (2002)
功夫片岁月 The Art of Action: Martial Arts in Motion Picture ------- (2002)
The Unbeatable Bruce Lee ------- (2001)
特务迷城 Dak miu mai shing ------- (2001)
2001 ABC World Stunt Awards ------- (2001)
Hong Kong Superstars ------- (2001)
Jackie Chan's Hong Kong Tour ------- (2001)
尖峰时刻2 Rush Hour 2 ------- (2001)
Making Magic Out of Mire ------- (2001)
Kung Fu Choreography ------- (2001)
Culture Clash: West Meets East ------- (2001)
Yi shu ren sheng ------- (2001)
2001 MTV Movie Awards ------- (2001)
Jackie Chan Adventures ------- (2001)
Language Barrier ------- (2001)
Attaining International Stardom ------- (2001)
李小龙:勇士的旅程/死亡游戏之旅 Bruce Lee: A Warrior's Journey ------- (2000)
2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards ------- (2000)
龙火 Lung feng ------- (2000)
International Indian Film Awards ------- (2000)
2000年MTV**颁奖典礼 2000 MTV Movie Awards ------- (2000)
Jackie Chan Stuntmaster ------- (2000)
上海正午/赎金之王/龙旋风 Shanghai Noon ------- (2000)
"Jackie Chan Adventures" ------- (2000)
喜剧之王 Hei kek ji wong ------- (1999)
玻璃樽 Bor lei jun ------- (1999)
成龙:我的特技 Jackie Chan: My Stunts ------- (1999)
A Piece of the Action: Behind the Scenes of 'Rush Hour' ------- (1999)
特警新人类 Dak ging san yan lui ------- (1999)
"TV total" ------- (1999)
Masters of the Martial Arts Presented by Wesley Snipes ------- (1998)
我是谁 Wo shi shei ------- (1998)
尖峰时刻 Rush Hour ------- (1998)
The Art of Influence ------- (1998)
双龙一虎闯天关/星光龙门阵 An Alan Smithee Film: Burn Hollywood Burn ------- (1998)
The Path of the Dragon ------- (1998)
成龙的传奇 Jackie Chan: My Story ------- (1998)
The Making of Jackie Chan's 'Mr Nice Guy' ------- (1997)
一个好人/义胆厨星 Yat goh hiu yan ------- (1997)
Top Fighter 2 ------- (1996)
警察故事 IV:简单任务/白金龙 Jing cha gu shi IV: Jian dan ren wu ------- (1996)
霹雳火 Piklik fo ------- (1995)
颠峰斗士 Top Fighter ------- (1995)
红番区 Hong faan kui ------- (1995)
醉拳2 Jui kuen II ------- (1994)
Cinema of Vengeance ------- (1994)
超级计划 Chao ji ji hua ------- (1993)
The Life of Bruce Lee ------- (1993)
重案组 Zhong an zu ------- (1993)
城市猎人 Sing si lip yan ------- (1993)
双龙会 Shuang long hui ------- (1992)
西藏小子 Xi Zang xiao zi ------- (1992)
Bruce Lee and Kung Fu Mania ------- (1992)
警察故事 III:超级警察 Jing cha gu shi III: Chao ji jing cha ------- (1992)
飞鹰计划 Fei ying gai wak ------- (1991)
火烧岛 Huo shao dao ------- (1990)
初到贵境 Chu dao gui jing ------- (1990)
金装武术**大全 The Best of the Martial Arts Films ------- (1990)
奇迹 Qiji ------- (1989)
警察故事 II Ging chaat goo si juk jaap ------- (1988)
飞龙猛将 Fei lung maang jeung ------- (1988)
飞鹰计划 2:龙兄虎弟 Long xiong hu di ------- (1987)
A计划续集 'A' gai waak juk jaap ------- (1987)
Ninja the Protector ------- (1986)
扭计杂牌军 Nui ji za pai jun ------- (1986)
龙的心 Long de xin ------- (1985)
警察故事 Ging chaat goo si ------- (1985)
忍者神偷 Ninja Thunderbolt ------- (1985)
威龙猛探 The Protector ------- (1985)
福星高照 Fuk sing go jiu ------- (1985)
夏日福星 Xia ri fu xing ------- (1985)
神勇双响炮 Shen yong shuang xiang pao ------- (1984)
快餐车 Kwai tsan tseh ------- (1984)
黑带恨 Two in a Black Belt ------- (1984)
炮d飞车 2 Cannonball Run II ------- (1984)
奇谋妙计五福星 Wu fu xing ------- (1983)
龙腾虎跃 Long teng hu yue ------- (1983)
A计划 'A' gai waak ------- (1983)
龙少爷 Long xiao ye ------- (1982)
Gong fen bing tuan ------- (1982)
迷你特攻队 Mai nei dak gung dui ------- (1982)
炮d飞车 The Cannonball Run ------- (1981)
师弟出马 Shi di chu ma ------- (1980)
杀手壕 The Big Brawl ------- (1980)
龙拳 Long quan ------- (1979)
笑拳怪招 Hsiao chuan yi chao ------- (1979)
飞渡卷云山 Fei du juan yun shan ------- (1978)
蛇鹤八步 She hao ba bu ------- (1978)
醉拳 Jui kuen ------- (1978)
拳精 Quan jing ------- (1978)
点只功夫咁简单 Dian zhi gong fu gan chian chan ------- (1978)
蛇形刁手 Se ying diu sau ------- (1978)
三十六迷形拳 San shi liu mi xing quan ------- (1977)
剑花烟雨江南 Jian hua yan yu jiang nan ------- (1977)
Bruce Lee, the Legend ------- (1977)
新精武门 Xin ching-wu men ------- (1976)
少林木人巷 Shao Lin mu ren xiang ------- (1976)
少林门 Shao Lin men ------- (1976)
风雨双流星 Feng yu shuang liu xing ------- (1976)
密宗圣手 Mi zong sheng shou ------- (1975)
拍案惊奇 Pai an jing ji ------- (1975)
花飞满城春 Hua fei man cheng chun ------- (1975)
金瓶双艳 Jin ping shuang yan ------- (1974)
四王一后 Crash che botte! ------- (1974)
Ru jing cha ------- (1974)
顶天立地 Ding tian li di ------- (1973)
女警察 Tie wa ------- (1973)
北地胭脂 Bei di yan zhi ------- (1973)
龙争虎斗 Enter the Dragon ------- (1973)
小老虎 Xiao lao hu ------- (1973)
Chu ba ------- (1973)
精武门 Jing wu men ------- (1972)
合气道 He qi dao ------- (1972)
Tang ran ke ------- (1972)
麒麟掌 Qi lin zhang ------- (1972)
香港过客 Guang dong xiao lao hu ------- (1971)
侠女 Hsia nu ------- (1969)
秦香莲 Qin Xiang Lian ------- (1964)
大小黄天霸 Big and Little Wong Tin Bar ------- (1962)
作为编剧成龙 Jackie Chan的**作品(数量:12)
宝贝计划/BB计划 Bo bui gai wak ------- (2006)
玻璃樽 Bor lei jun ------- (1999)
我是谁 Wo shi shei ------- (1998)
飞鹰计划 Fei ying gai wak ------- (1991)
奇迹 Qiji ------- (1989)
警察故事 II Ging chaat goo si juk jaap ------- (1988)
A计划续集 'A' gai waak juk jaap ------- (1987)
飞鹰计划 2:龙兄虎弟 Long xiong hu di ------- (1987)
A计划 'A' gai waak ------- (1983)
龙少爷 Long xiao ye ------- (1982)
师弟出马 Shi di chu ma ------- (1980)
点只功夫咁简单 Dian zhi gong fu gan chian chan ------- (1978)
作为制片人成龙 Jackie Chan的**作品(数量:28)The Wind ------- (2007)
宝贝计划/BB计划 Bo bui gai wak ------- (2006)
精武家庭 Jing mo gaa ting ------- (2005)
神话 San wa ------- (2005)
长恨歌 Changhen ge ------- (2005)
环游地球80天/80日环游世界 Around the World in 80 Days ------- (2004)
大佬爱美丽 Daai lo oi mei lai ------- (2004)
海南鸡饭 Hainan ji fan ------- (2004)
新警察故事 San ging chaat goo si ------- (2004)
上海骑士/上海正午2/赎金风暴2/上海武士/龙旋风2 Shanghai Knights ------- (2003)
飞龙再生 The Medallion ------- (2003)
特务迷城 Dak miu mai shing ------- (2001)
上海正午/赎金之王/龙旋风 Shanghai Noon ------- (2000)
特警新人类 Dak ging san yan lui ------- (1999)
成龙:我的特技 Jackie Chan: My Stunts ------- (1999)
玻璃樽 Bor lei jun ------- (1999)
成龙的传奇 Jackie Chan: My Story ------- (1998)
幻影特攻 Waan ying dak gung ------- (1998)
霹雳火 Piklik fo ------- (1995)
阮玲玉 Yuen Ling-yuk ------- (1992)
危险情人 Wei xian qing ren ------- (1992)
警察故事 III:超级警察 Jing cha gu shi III: Chao ji jing cha ------- (1992)
火爆浪子 Huo bao lang zi ------- (1991)
舞台姐妹 Wu tai jie mei ------- (1990)
神勇飞虎霸王花 Shen yong fei hu ba wang hua ------- (1989)
霸王花 Ba wong fa ------- (1988)
胭脂扣 Yin ji kau ------- (1987)
扭计杂牌军 Nui ji za pai jun ------- (1986)
作为制片主管成龙 Jackie Chan的**作品(数量:1)
飞龙猛将 Fei lung maang jeung ------- (1988)
作为音效成龙 Jackie Chan的**作品(数量:1)
Bontoc Eulogy ------- (1995)
作为特技演员成龙 Jackie Chan的**作品(数量:20)
宝贝计划/BB计划 Bo bui gai wak ------- (2006)
神话 San wa ------- (2005)
环游地球80天/80日环游世界 Around the World in 80 Days ------- (2004)
新警察故事 San ging chaat goo si ------- (2004)
特务迷城 Dak miu mai shing ------- (2001)
上海正午/赎金之王/龙旋风 Shanghai Noon ------- (2000)
我是谁 Wo shi shei ------- (1998)
尖峰时刻 Rush Hour ------- (1998)
一个好人/义胆厨星 Yat goh hiu yan ------- (1997)
警察故事 IV:简单任务/白金龙 Jing cha gu shi IV: Jian dan ren wu ------- (1996)
霹雳火 Piklik fo ------- (1995)
红番区 Hong faan kui ------- (1995)
双龙会 Shuang long hui ------- (1992)
A计划续集 'A' gai waak juk jaap ------- (1987)
警察故事 Ging chaat goo si ------- (1985)
龙争虎斗 Enter the Dragon ------- (1973)
Chu ba ------- (1973)
Ma tou da jue dou ------- (1973)
合气道 He qi dao ------- (1972)
精武门 Jing wu men ------- (1972)
作为其他职员成龙 Jackie Chan的**作品(数量:21)
宝贝计划/BB计划 Bo bui gai wak ------- (2006)
环游地球80天/80日环游世界 Around the World in 80 Days ------- (2004)
Left for Dead ------- (2004)
上海骑士/上海正午2/赎金风暴2/上海武士/龙旋风2 Shanghai Knights ------- (2003)
特警新人类2:机动任务 Tejing xinrenlei 2 ------- (2000)
玻璃樽 Bor lei jun ------- (1999)
特警新人类 Dak ging san yan lui ------- (1999)
Diablo ------- (1996)
红番区 Hong faan kui ------- (1995)
醉拳2 Jui kuen II ------- (1994)
警察故事 Ging chaat goo si ------- (1985)
龙少爷 Long xiao ye ------- (1982)
师弟出马 Shi di chu ma ------- (1980)
点只功夫咁简单 Dian zhi gong fu gan chian chan ------- (1978)
蛇鹤八步 She hao ba bu ------- (1978)
少林木人巷 Shao Lin mu ren xiang ------- (1976)
Wu quan ------- (1976)
铁汉柔情 Tie han rou qing ------- (1974)
女警察 Tie wa ------- (1973)
Chu ba ------- (1973)
香港过客 Guang dong xiao lao hu ------- (1971)


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/zz/13107886.html

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