Company Background: Apple Computer Inc was founded in 1976, is headquartered in California Qiupodinuo City, in the heart of Silicon Valley Apple specializes in the development, manufacture, sales of personal computers, servers, peripherals, computer software, online services and personal digital accessories 1995 was the year the world's third largest PC supplier, was ranked 'the world's hundred largest information technology company' first top 11, 'the world's 50 largest software companies' 25th 94, 95 years in the global multi-media market share topped the list
用 dircolors -p 可以 看到缺省的颜色设置,包括各种颜色和“粗体”,下划线,闪烁等定义。
环境变量LS_COLORS时用来设置GNU ls的--color选项中的颜色的。
# Below are the color init strings for the basic file types A color init
# string consists of one or more of the following numeric codes:
# Attribute codes:
# 00=none 01=bold 04=underscore 05=blink 07=reverse 08=concealed
# Text color codes:
# 30=black 31=red 32=green 33=yellow 34=blue 35=magenta 36=cyan 37=white
# Background color codes:
# 40=black 41=red 42=green 43=yellow 44=blue 45=magenta 46=cyan 47=white
NORMAL 00 # global default, although everything should be something
FILE 00 # normal file
DIR 01;34 # directory