

说明:在这种模式下,如果你不小心关闭了命令提示符窗口,屏幕会全黑。可按下组合键Ctrl+Alt+Del,调出“任务管理器”,单击“新任务”,再在d出对话框的“运行”后输入“C:WINDOWSexplorerexe”,可马上启动Windows XP的图形界面,与上述三种安全模式下的界面完全相同。如果输入“c:windowssystem32cmd”也能再次打开命令提示符窗口。事实上,在其它的安全模式甚至正常启动时也可通过这种方法来启动命令提示符窗口。
以普通的安全模式启动,同时将由系统加载(或没有加载)的所有驱动程序和服务记录到一个文本文件中。该文件称为 ntbtlogtxt,它位于 %windir% (默认为c:windows)目录中。启动日志对于确定系统启动问题的准确原因很有用。
使用Windows上一次关闭时所保存的注册表信息和驱动程序来启动 。最后一次成功启动以来所作的任何更改将丢失。因此一般只在配置不对(主要是软件配置)的情况下,才使用最后一次正确的配置。但是它不能解决由于驱动程序或文件被损坏或丢失所导致的问题。
这是针对服务器 *** 作系统的,并只用于恢复域控制器上的SYSVOL目录和Active Directory目录服务。
如果正在或已经使用远程安装服务在您的计算机上安装 Windows,则您可以看到与使用远程安装服务还原或恢复系统相关的附加选项。
1笔者过去用的是一款旧显示器,又是初学者,初学者最爱干的是什么,换点墙纸,设一下分辨率也觉得很有成就感,没想到误将分辨率和刷新率调得太高,下次启动时屏幕花屏,害得的重新安装了 *** 作系统才算了事。
还有些问题也可用这种方法来处理,比如Windows XP会自动识别硬件并安装驱动程序,但有时总是老眼昏花,而且在设备管理器下不会显示出错信息。但就是工作不正常,如上不了网(网卡驱动有错)、屏幕显示不对(显卡驱动有错)等,也可在安全模式重新安装驱动程序。
可在带网络连接的安全模式下,用带重定向的命令提示符工具TaskList >d:Anquantxt将当时的进程记录到D:盘根目录下的文本文件 Anquantxt中。接着,以正常的方式启动电脑,将Anquantxt中记录到的进程与此时的进程进行比较,你会发现此时的进程要多得多,请逐个结束多出来的进程,并检查网络连接是否正常。如果结束到某一进程时网络连接正常了,则说明就是刚结束的进程就是罪魁祸首。查出后,可删除与进程相关的可执行文件。但还要注意的是,由于它是自动运行的,强行删除后,可能会引起启动时报“找不到某文件”的错误,还得将其与自启动有关的设置全部清除,包括“系统配置实用程序”的“启动”、“Winini”下的内容、注册表下的内容、启动脚本下的内容、“开始”菜单“启动”下的内容等。
说明在先:以下的 *** 作是在台式机上记录下来的。
①启动到带命令提示符的安全模式下,输入命令Diskpart。再输入list partition 显示一下分区,显然,其中有两个主分区、两个扩展分区。
②输入“Select Parttition 3”使第3分区(5004MB的那个),使该分区具有焦点属性。再输入“Delete Partition”即可删除该分区。请将图3第1、2两个“List partition”命令后的值进行比较,不难看出,原分区3确实已被删除了。
③输入“Select partition 1”使其具有焦点属性,再输入“Extend”,刚才被删除分区所空出来的末分配空间就能自动添加到第1分区中去。
为分区扩容,这可是分区魔术师的专利,“diskpart”也能实现,看来,Windows server 2003不支持分区魔术师是有道理的。再输入“List partition”可观察到第1个分区的容量变化情况。
如果要被扩容的分区是NTFS格式,扩容后不会丢失任何数据。如果是非 NTFS 的文件系统格式,此命令就会失败,但不会对分区作任何更改也不会破坏数据。不能扩展当前系统分区或启动分区,也不能对包含页面文件的分区进行扩容。从图中可看出,我的电脑中有两个主分区,分区5才是活动分区。不然,不能对分区1进行扩容 *** 作。
语法:extend [size=n]
参数说明: size=n :添加到当前分区的空间大小 (MB)。如果不指定大小,磁盘就扩展为占用所有最邻近的未分配空间。
使第1个分区具有焦点属性,再输入命令“Assign”,Diskpart就会自动为其分配一个。当然也可用命令“Assign Letter=X”来手动指定,手动指定时,不能与已存在的盘符如C等相同。经过这样的处理后,就能在“我的电脑”下查看到这些分区了。
⑤将分区5设为活动分区,先用Select Parttition 5使其具有焦点属性再用Active激活即可。最后输入Exit,退出Diskpart集成环境,让电脑自动重启。
说明:如果用惯了DiskPart,你就会觉得它的设计很符合人们的思维习惯,一般是先指定焦点,再进行 *** 作, *** 作过程中还可随显示分区状态以便掌握进度。输入Help可查看到所有的子命令,输入有错时,它还会自动列出子命令列表及简要说明,将你引导到正路上来。另外,安装Windows 2003后,大家最熟悉的分区魔术师(非服务器版)不能正常运行,使用Diskpart确实是一个不错的选择。
如前所述,在Diskpart下进行任何 *** 作前都必须指定焦点,即指明对哪一对象进行 *** 作,这一方面使的我的 *** 作逻辑清楚,但另一方面,如果对误指定了焦点又执行了破坏性的命令,如删除分区等,会造成无可挽回的损失。所以,请随时用List命令查看各分区状态,焦点分区前有一个星号()标志。
简单说就是你登陆新浪爱问时电脑记录的用户名、密码的“文件夹” 其它网站、论坛的用户名、密码等也保存在这里 可以清除

10 NoniMorinda citrifolia 诺丽果(拉丁名:Morinda citrifolia)

otherwise known by many different names around the world
including the great moringa
Indian mulberry
dog dumpling and pace
is related to the coffee bean plant and is native throughout South East Asia and Australasia
but is cultivated throughout the tropics The tree carries fruit throughout the year and the fruit tend to have a very pungent odour when ripening (also known as the cheese fruit or vomit fruit) Despite the ell
the fruit is high in fibre
vitamin A
Iron and calcium
and is the staple diet on many Pacific Islands The fruit can either be cooked into a stew or eaten raw with salt


9 MarulaSclerocarya birrea 马鲁拉果(拉丁名:Sclerocarya birrea)

The Marula is a deciduous tree native to Southern and Eastern Africa The distribution of the tree throughout Africa
follow the migratory patterns of the Bantu people
as it was an important source of food
and they planted more trees along their way The green fruit ripens and turns yellow
the white flesh Inside is succulent and has a very distinct flavor After falling off the tree
the fruit will start to ferment and these draw in animals
like elephants and baboons
for a slightly alcoholic treat The fruit is also used to make a popular liqueur called Amarula
which can be found at any duty-free liquor store at airports
马鲁拉树是原产于南非和东非的落叶树种。 马鲁拉果是非洲班图族人的重要食物,他们把它多种植于迁徙的沿途上,随着班图人的迁徙格局,如今已遍布整个非洲。绿色果实成熟后变黄,内部白色果肉多汁,口味独特,从树上落下后,果实就会开始发酵变质,于是吸引了大象和狒狒等动物过来,小小地享受一次酒水盛宴。果实常用来酿制一种名为大象酒的流行利口酒,你可以在机场任何免税酒店买到这种酒。

8 SalmonberryRubus spectabilis 鲑莓(拉丁名:Rubus spectabilis)

Salmonberrys are native to the west coast of North America
stretching from midway through Alaska
all the way down to California They are found in moist forests and create dense thickets The fruit looks similar to raspberries
but are more orange in color They are sweet when eaten raw
but are often processed into juice
candies and jams


7 SalakSalacca zalacca 萨拉卡(拉丁名:Salacca zalacca)

Salak fruit
also known as the snake fruit
es from a species of palm native to Indonesia These fruit grow at the base of the palm
and gained the name snake fruit from their red brown
scaly skin The skin is easily removed
and inside are 3 white
sweet segments that each contain a large black inedible seed When eaten
the fruit have a slightly acidic but sweet flavor
and the consistency of apples

6 BaelAegle marmelos 印度枳(拉丁名:Aegle marmelos)

wood apple or stone apple is a species native to India
but found throughout Southeast Asia Bael is a ooth fruit with a woody peel that is colored yellow
green or grey The hard
outer peel is so hard that it has to be cracked with a hammer Inside is an aromatic yellow pulp with several hairy seeds The flesh can be eaten either dried or fresh From the fresh fruit
a juice called sharbat can be made
adding water
sugar and lime juice to the pulp It takes just one large fruit to make 6 liters of sharbat
5 Star AppleChrysophyllum cainito 星苹果(拉丁名:Chrysophyllum cainito)

The Star apple is a fruit native to the low-lying areas of Central America and the West Indies The underside of the evergreen leaves shine with a golden color from a distance
and the tree carries all white to purple flowers with a sweet fragrance The fruit is round
purple and has a thick
latex filled skin If the fruit is cut horizontally
a clear star pattern can be seen in the white purple pulp The fruit is delicious fresh
with a intense sweet taste


4 Star fruitAverrhoa carambola 杨桃(拉丁名:Averrhoa carambola)

Star fruit or carambola is a fruit tree native to the Philippines
but can be found throughout Southeast Asia
East Asia
South America
Florida and Hawaii This fruit has five ridges running down its length
which when cut sideways
makes the star pattern after which it is named The fruit is rich in Vitamin C
and Antioxidants The fruit turns a bright yellow when ripe
has a waxy skin and the entire fruit is edible
juicy and crunchy

3 Horned melonCucumis metuliferus 刺角瓜(拉丁名:Cucumis metuliferus)

The horned melon
also known as African cucumber or jelly melon
is an annual vine native to Africa
but can now be found grown in California
New Zealand and Chile as well When ripe
the melon has a thick spiky yellow outer skin
with bright green
jelly like flesh The flesh is often pared to the taste of a banana
with the texture of the seedy part of a cucumber or tomato The thick skin can be eaten and is a good source of vitamin C and fibre


2 PitayaHylocereus 仙人掌果(拉丁名:Hylocereus)

or dragon fruit
is a cactus fruit that can be found throughout Asia
North America and South America
even though they are believed to be native to Mexico originally There are o main types of pitaya
the sour types
typically eaten in the Americas
and sweet types found across Asia The fruit es in 3 different color varieties
Labelled as red
yellow and Costa Rican pitayas The “red” fruits are generally a bright magenta color on the outside
with yellow flesh The Yellow Pitaya is yellow inside and out
and the Costa Rican pitayas are magenta on the outside and the inside They ell deliciously fragrant and most have a sweet flavor similar to a kiwi fruit


1 Miracle FruitSynsepalum dulcificum 神秘果(拉丁名:Synsepalum dulcificum)

The miracle fruit
or sweet berries
is a very strange berry native to West Africa What makes the fruit strange and miraculous
is miraculin (a sugar substitute)
which is found in large quantities in the fruit
bined with a glycoprotein The fruit itself does not contain a lot of sugar
and tastes only mildly sweet but when eaten
the glycoprotein binds to the tongues taste buds
for about an hour after eating the fruit
distorts any other taste into sweetness With that effect you could technically eat a lemon
and it would taste like a ball of syrup Although the definite reason for this occurrence is not fully understood
it would seem as if the miraculin distorts the shape of the sweetness receptors in the tongue so that they pick up on acid instead of sweetness The sweetness receptors on your tongue then tran it to the brain to taste sweetness when they e in contact with any acidity In the 70s attempts were made to mercialize and sell the fruit as a diet aid
as it has the potential to turn any meal sweet
without affecting your calorie intake These attempts were shattered when the FDA declared it a food additive
due to pressure from sugar panies who could foresee big losses in profits In the last o years the berries have been making a eback
by being the guest star of many tasting parties in the states The berries are dried and exported
and the party guests each have one and then taste all kinds of mon foods to experience a new taste sensation with every bite

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地址: >人物类:1doctor 医生,博士 2nurse 护士 3worker 工人 4policeman 警察 5engineer 工程师 6waiter 服务员 7actor 演员 8farmer 农民 9tutor 导师 10shop assistant 售货员 11teacher 教师 12student 学生 13staff 员工 14dentist 牙医 15accountant 会计 16cook 厨师 17driver 司机 18guide 导游 19fireman 消防员 20librarian 图书管理员
水果类:1apple 苹果 2banana 香蕉 3strawberry 草莓 4grape 葡萄 5pear 梨 6water melon 西瓜 7litchi 荔枝 8pineapple 菠萝 9orange 桔子 10mango 芒果 11cherry 樱桃 12areca nut 槟榔果 13peach 桃子 14blueberry 蓝莓 15blackberry 黑莓 16sugar cane 甘蔗 17jackfruit 榴莲 18kiwi fruit 猕猴桃 19haw 山楂果 20chinese date 枣
食物类:1noodle 面条 2rice 大米 3dumpling 饺子 4 egg 鸡蛋 5wheat 小麦 6coconut 椰子 7corn 玉米 8crop 庄稼 9tofu 豆腐 10instant noodle 方便面 11cabbage 包心菜; 大白菜
12celery 芹菜 13leek 韭菜 14caraway 香菜 15carrot 萝卜 16tomato 西红柿 17potato 土豆 18pumpkin 南瓜 19cucumber 黄瓜 20eggplant 茄子
运动类:1swim 游泳 2jog 慢跑 3skate 滑旱冰 4ski 滑雪 5tennis 网球 6table tennis =ping pang 乒乓球 7badminton 羽毛球 8basketball 篮球 9football 足球 10soccer 橄榄球 11boxing 拳击 12high jump 跳高 13long jump 跳远 14shot put 铅球 15parallel bars 双杠 16rings 吊环 17volleyball 排球 18baseball 棒球 19softball 垒球 20golf 高尔夫
颜色类:1black 黑色 2white 白色 3pink 粉色 4purple 紫色 5blue 蓝色 6green 绿色 7grey 灰色 8yellow 9red 红色 10brown 棕色 11orange 橙色 12amber 琥珀色 13camel 驼色 14chocolate 巧克力色 15coral 珊瑚色 16gold 金 17silver 银色 18khaki 卡其色 19ivory 象牙色 20linen 亚麻色
学科类:1art 艺术 2agriculture 农业 3computer 计算机 4finance 金融 5forestry 林学 6animal science 动物科学 7horticulture 园艺 8engineer 工程 9Natural Resources and Environment 资源环境 10life science 生命科学 11accountant 会计 12nursing 护理 13dentist 牙医 14teaching 教师 15landscape architecture 景观设计 16hospitality management 酒店管理 17media 传媒 18architecture 建筑 19information technology IT 20veterinary 兽医
学习用品类:1stationery 文具 2pen 钢笔 3pencil 铅笔 4eraser 橡皮 5ball pen 圆珠笔 6ruler 尺子 7ink 墨水 8bow compass 圆规 9sharpener 卷笔刀 10knife 小刀 11excercise book 练习本 12blackboard 黑板 13globe 地球仪 14wall map 挂图 15text book 课本 16chalk 粉笔 17pencil box 铅笔盒 18dictionary 字典 19encyclopedia 百科全书 20protractor量角器
生活用品类:1bowl 碗 2plate 盘子 3refrigerator = frige 冰箱 4oven 烤箱 5paper towel 纸巾 6towel 毛巾 7dish 碟子 8radiator 暖气片 9electric fan 电扇 10lamp 台灯 11bed 床 12laptop 笔记本电脑 13cell phone 移动电话 手机 14key 钥匙 15lock 锁子 16plug 插头 17air conditioner 空调 18glue 胶水 19string 绳子 20pillow 枕头

dragon fruit的读音:英 [ˈdræɡən fruːt],美 [ˈdræɡən fruːt]







Since moving back to the US, I admit that I do miss eating fresh lychees and dragon fruit




1、读音:英 ['pɪtəjə],美 ['pɪtəjə]。




Pitaya is a one of the healthy fruits and has promising economic value




原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/zz/13435847.html

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