关键词: 网络著作权/侵权案件/地域管辖
内容提要: 网络在带给人们方便的同时也带来了一系列的法律问题, 网络著作权侵权案件地域管辖的确定便是其中之一。网络所建构的虚拟空间突破了实体地域与国界的限制, 当网络著作权侵权行为发生时, 以地域为基础的传统管辖权理论与规定似乎无法圆满解决网络侵权案件管辖权争议, 因此当侵权行为人利用网络实施侵权行为引发诉讼时,判断侵权案件地域管辖即成为一个现实的问题。本文分析了网络著作权侵权的一般性问题、我国现行法律关于网络著作权侵权案件地域管辖相关的规定及网络著作权侵权案件地域管辖确定的标准。
Abstr act: The network took Convenient to the people, but also to bring a series of legal matter, the network copyright infringementcase region jurisdiction determination is one of themthe hypothesized space which the network constructs broke through the entityregion and the national boundary limit, when the network copyright infringement behavior occurs, as if It,s unable take the region asthe foundation traditional jurisdiction theory and the stipulation the satisfactory solution network right infringement case jurisdictionto dispute, when therefore the right infringement author uses the network implementation abuse of authority initiation lawsuit, thejudgment right infringement case region jurisdiction namely becomes a realistic questionThis article has analysed the network copyrightinfringement general problem, our country present law about network copyright infringement case region jurisdiction correlationstipulation and network copyright infringement case region jurisdiction determination standard
Key words: network copyright; Right infringement case; Region jurisdiction
网络著作权, 是指著作权人对受著作权法保护的作品在网络环境下所享有的著作权权利。网络著作权包含了两层含义: 第一层, 相对于传统作品, 是指传统作品被上传至网络时著作权人所享有的权利, 这里特指“信息网络传播权”[1]; 第二层, 是指网上数字作品著作权人所享有的权利, 如复制权, 发表权, 署名权, 发行权等权利。
著作权侵权是指一切违反著作权法侵害著作权人享有的著作人身权、著作财产权的行为。具体说来, 凡行为人实施了《著作权法》第四十五条和第四十六条所规定的行为, 侵犯了他人的著作权造成财产或非财产损失, 都属于对著作权的侵权。
网络侵权主要包括侵犯隐私权、侵犯著作权、商标标识、域名、专利权等知识产权, 侵犯商业秘密等不正当竞争行为。而侵害著作权的行为则呈现有别于侵害其他民事权利的行为, 这为著作权法所明确规定。
与网络有关的著作权案件属于新类型案件, 没有先例可参考, 因此案件的处理结果不仅将在司法上确立网上保护著作权的基本原则, 也将给中国互联网的发展前景带来较大影响。
根据我国《民事诉讼法》以及《民诉意见》的规定,一般民事侵权纠纷的地域管辖权由被告住所地和侵权行为地行使, 侵权行为地包括侵权行为实施地和侵权结果发生地。
从最高院《关于审理涉及计算机网络著作权纠纷案件适用法律若干问题的解释》[2]来看, 我国在网络纠纷管辖的问题上仍然坚持传统的管辖原则, 并且所持的是一种谨慎的态度, 即以被告住所地和侵权行为实施地管辖为一般, 而以侵权结果地管辖为例外。《解释》中将被告实施侵权行为的网络服务器和终端设备所在地作为确定侵权行为实施地的管辖联结因素, 具有进步意义, 是对传统的侵权管辖依据在网络环境下的改进。
在网络侵权案件地域管辖问题上, 依据现行立法及司法解释相关规定所确立的“以被告住所地和侵权行为实施地管辖为一般, 以侵权结果地管辖为例外”的管辖原则虽有所改进, 但依然存在以下缺陷:
⒈以被告住所地作为地域管辖的标准, 忽视了网络侵权案件中被告住所地与侵权行为关联度较低的现实和认定困难的问题。
⒉以侵权行为实施地管辖为一般, 而以侵权结果地管辖为例外的传统管辖原则, 如果遇到多个法院同时具有管辖权的情况下, 依据什么样的原则、标准、顺序来确定管辖法院? 立法的不明确容易产生管辖权争议——出现多头管辖或者无人管辖的局面。当事人诉权难以得到保障, 权益难以实现。
⒊难以确定侵权行为地和被告住所地的, 当原告发现侵权内容的计算机终端等设备所在地人民法院和原告发现该侵权域名的计算机终端等设备所在地人民法院作为管辖法院时, 有可能导致原告滥用起诉权侵害被告合法权益, 法律对此缺乏救济途径。
( 一) 侵权行为实施地的确定
侵权行为实施地是实施侵权行为的地点。根据网络的特点, 侵权行为实施地只能是实施被诉侵权行为的网络服务器、计算机终端和传播、存储侵权内容的网络服务器等设备所在地。那么, 问题最终归结为是否能够确定上述设备的所在地。也就是说, 原告通过何种手段确定被告实施被控侵权行为的设备所在地。对于这个问题, 首先需要对有关网络技术问题进行必要的分析。
在网络服务中, 由于ICP提供通过网络主动将作品进行上载、存储或传输服务, 或虽然通过网络自动将作品进行存储或传输, 但ICP对存储会传输的信息进行编辑、修改或选择服务, 因此ICP应该对其所提供的内容进行审查, 对于所提供的侵权内容应该承担相应的民事责任。对于ICP来说, 如果由其选择、编辑和上载的网络信息是侵权信息, 其本身就是侵权人, 其主服务器或上载侵权信息的终端设备所在地自然就是侵权行为地。而ISP是根据用户的指令要求, 通过网络自动提供上载、存储、传输、引导、链接或搜索等服务, 服务提供者对存储或传输的信息不进行任何编辑、修改或选择。例如提供接入服务( IAP) 、提供网络平台服务( IPP) 、提供网上公告板服务(BBS) 、提供表面链接服务、提供有偿或无偿网页空间服务, 或者在提供信息时自动进行暂存、缓存等仅提供技术服务的网络服务商。因此, 侵权行为通常是通过计算机终端或服务器接入ISP的服务器进行的传播。
( 二) 侵权结果发生地的确定
一般来说, 只有当某个侵权结果发生地具有管辖意义上的确定的指向性, 才可以作为诉讼法上的管辖的联结点。如前文所述, 侵权结果发生地为侵权行为直接产生的结果发生地, 网络特点决定了网络所覆盖的全部范围——全世界, 均可成为侵权结果发生地, 显然这是不能成立的。因此, 既然在计算机网络侵权纠纷案件中侵权结果发生地无法确定, 不妨在网络侵权纠纷案件中重新考虑侵权行为地包括侵权行为实施地和侵权结果发生地的规定, 放弃侵权结果发生地在此类案件中的适用。这样, 网络侵权案件中侵权行为地即是侵权行为实施地。
对侵权行为地做出类似解释的规定已经出现。最高法院《关于审理著作权民事纠纷案件适用法律问题的解释》第4条针对实践中对侵权结果发生地理解存在的混乱状况, 放弃了选择侵权结果发生地, 从而便于实务 *** 作。
[1]我国2001年《著作权法》修改后增加了“信息网络传播权”, 即以有限的或者无限方式向公众提供作品, 使公众可以在某个特定的时间或地点获得作品的权利, 从而在立法上明确了这一权利。
第一条 总则
第二条 本制度适用于公司本部及各外埠公司全体员工。
第三条 整理
1 每月对文件(包括电子文档)作盘点,把文件分为必要(有效)和不要(过期无效)的,不要的全部销毁。必要文件交秘书部送档案室归档。
2 每月对表单记录(包括电子文档)作盘点,盘点后的有效表单记录统一交秘书部送档案室归档。
3 对所辖区域的物品、设备、空间做盘点,并区分其“要”和“不要”;
1) 设备:电脑、打印机、文具、书籍等;
2) 空间:柜架、桌椅、储物箱等。
3) 物品:个人用品、装饰品
4 依据《必要品的使用频率和常用程度基准表》决定物品的“要”与“不要” ;
5 “不要”物品经各部门主管判定后,集中报废或拍卖;
常用程度 使用频率 处理方法
低 过去一年都没有使用过的物品,而且不能再用 丢弃
一个月使用一次的物品 集中存放(例如归档或存放在库房中)
高 一周使用一次的物品
每小时都要使用的物品 保存在办公桌或随身携带
第四条 整顿
1 办公桌:桌面除文件、电脑、口杯、电话、文具外,不允许放其他物品;文具必须竖放。办公用品一般的常用品:笔、订书机、涂改液、即时帖、便条纸、橡皮、计算器,可以集中放在办公桌的一定区域内,电脑线、网线、电话线有序放置;人离开半小时以上应将桌面收拾干净。
2 抽屉:抽屉里尽量不放办公用品。最下层抽屉可以放A4的文件、资料;把这个空间从充分利用起来,可以放下面这些东西:
3 坐椅:靠背、坐椅一律不能放任何物品,人离开时椅子调正,离开半个小时以上,椅子应放回桌洞内;
4 电脑:电脑置写字台左前角,竖式主机置桌面下;
5 卡座屏风:内外侧不允许有任何张贴;
6 垃圾篓:罩塑料袋,置写字台下右前角;
7 桌洞下不得堆积杂物。
8 外衣手袋:请置挂于衣帽间或抽屉内,严禁随意放在办公桌椅上。
1 办公室:桌面除公司购置案头用品、文件盒、笔筒、文件、电脑外无其他物品;
2 抽屉:同卡座区规范;
3 电脑:桌面呈45度角贴墙放置,竖式主机置桌面下;
4 垃圾篓:置于桌后;
5 饮水机:放指定地点,不得随意移动;
6 报刊:必须上报架,或阅完后放入办公桌内;
7 外衣手袋:同卡座区规范
1 档案管理依据《集团档案管理制度》执行
2 将文件按照待处理、处理中和已处理分类放置,此外还有机密类文件。根据应用情况应将分为每日必用、常用和常不用三种,常不用的文件要尽快处置;
3 硬盘里的电子文档、资料分类必须条理清晰,电子文件需要永久、长期保存的,应形成纸质和办公软件等双套介质材料归档保存;
4 储存公用信息的软盘采取保护措施,使大家都自觉地小心使用。并且为了明确存储在硬盘和软盘里的信息联系,建议在软盘的标签上注明题目。还要把软盘分类。修改以后,一定要注明标题、日期。同时软盘也应该像保存文件一样,保存在专用的夹子里。
1 做一个临时性的信夹,把不能立即处理的信件放在里面,必须保存的东西则放在信件保存册里;
2 办公自动化里面重要邮件应该及时备份;电脑硬盘中应专门建立一个文件夹,不能处理的邮件存放在里面;
3 为了减轻服务器负担,提高响应速度,办公自动化中已看邮件不要超过一定数量,经理、处长不得超过100封,部长不得超过50封,员工不得超过20封。系统管理员不定期抽查。
第五条 清扫
对象 清扫标准要求 周期 清扫时间
个人区域 桌面干净整洁、桌洞内无垃圾、无杂物遗落 每天5分钟清扫 每天下班后5分钟
办公设备 主机和重点部位的正面、背面、送风口无污垢 每周一次 每周五下班前15分钟
文档 桌面、电脑中不能有失效文件,不可轻易看到机密文件
第六条 清洁
1 彻底落实前面的整理、整顿、清扫工作。
2 利用文化宣传活动,保持新鲜活跃的活动气氛
第七条 素养
年终将每位员工每月得分相加,得分最高者评为“5S先进个人”给予精神、物质奖励。U N I T E D N A T I O N S N A T I O N S U N I E S
1 Competitive examinations for Chinese-language verbatim reporters, editors and translators will be held in Beijing, Geneva, New York, Vienna and other locations depending on the number and location of qualified candidates convoked for the examinations The examinations will be held in April 2006
2 The purpose of the examinations is to establish rosters from which present and future vacancies for translators, editors and verbatim reporters at the United Nations Headquarters in New York and at other duty stations will be filled
3 Candidates who are successful in any of these examinations and are selected for inclusion in the respective roster will be appointed to fill vacancies for Chinese-language posts as they occur in the language services in New York, Geneva, Vienna, Nairobi and Bangkok Assignments are subject to rotation Therefore, candidates assigned to New York may thereafter be called upon to serve at other duty stations according to the needs of the Organization They are expected to serve a MINIMUM OF FIVE YEARS in language posts Successful candidates should note that, in accordance with the needs of the Service, they may be called upon to work outside normal working hours, including weekends and holidays
4 The examinations are open to staff members of the United Nations Secretariat who meet the eligibility and qualification requirements and to qualified external applicants The deadline for applications is 7 February 2006
5 Applicants applying for the examinations must:
(a) Be 56 years of age or under by the deadline of submission of applications This requirement is based on the Organization’s need to recruit staff for language posts who can serve for a reasonable period of time during which they will have the opportunity to progress through the Department’s career structure before reaching the mandatory retirement age of 62 years;
(b) Have Chinese as their main language ;
(c) Have a perfect command of Chinese and an excellent knowledge of English or French Knowledge of other official languages of the United Nations will be regarded as an asset
(d) Hold at least a three-year first-level University degree;
(e) Attach to the application form, which must be filled out in English, a one-page essay in Chinese (approximately 500 words) on the importance of working for the United Nations
Candidates are expected to have knowledge of word-processing
Candidates are required to give a clear explanation on the application form for admission to the examination (P11), of how they acquired their knowledge of the languages claimed In addition, convoked candidates are required to submit evidence of degrees, knowledge of languages and/or relevant experience prior to convocation Please do not send any documents until you receive a request from the Board of Examiners
6 All applications will be reviewed by the Board of Examiners In instances where a large number of applications are received, the Board reserves the right to admit to the examination only the most qualified candidates based on a review of qualifications over and above the minimum criteria set out in paragraph 5 above All applicants will be notified of the Board’s decision in respect of their application THE BOARD'S DECISIONS ARE FINAL
7 The written examination for verbatim reporting candidates will consist of four papers:
(a) Translation of an English text into Chinese (one hour and a half) This is an eliminatory paper and only those who are successful in this paper will have their other papers marked
(b) Translation into Chinese of an English text of a speech delivered in other languages (one hour and a half);
(c) Editing of and making all necessary logical and stylistic corrections to an original Chinese text (one hour);
(d) Translation into Chinese of a text in French, Spanish, Russian or Arabic (one hour) This paper is optional, but the language abilities demonstrated will be considered in the overall evaluation of the candidates
8 The written examination for editing candidates will consist of four papers:
(a) Editing of a general text in Chinese (two hours) It should be noted that this paper is eliminatory Only candidates who are successful in this paper will have their other papers marked
(b) Editing of a text in Chinese to bring it into line with a text edited in English (one hour and a half);
(c) Translation of a general text from English or French into Chinese (one hour);
(d) Summary of a Chinese text (one hour)
9 The written examination for translation candidates will consist of four papers:
(a) Translation of a general text from English or French into Chinese (one hour and a half) It should be noted that this paper is eliminatory Only those who are successful in this paper will have their other papers marked
(b) Translation into Chinese of one, English or French, to be chosen by the candidate from a total of three specialized texts (economic, legal or scientific/technical) (one hour);
(c) Translation of a general text from Chinese into English or French (one hour and a half);
(d) Translation into Chinese of a general text in English, French, Spanish, Russian or Arabic (one hour) Candidates who have selected French for examination paper (a) are required to select the English text for translation and this is a mandatory test for these candidates For all other candidates, this is an optional paper and the language abilities demonstrated will be considered in the overall evaluation of the candidates
The use of a dictionary or any other reference material will not be permitted during the examinations Similarly, candidates may not use personal computers to prepare their papers Cell phones and other electronic devices will not be permitted in the examination room
10 On the basis of the results of these examinations, the Board of Examiners will invite selected candidates for an interview The Board will interview each candidate to assess general knowledge, professional experience, knowledge of the United Nations and of current events, personality, willingness to serve at any duty station, adaptability to the prevailing working conditions at the UN and, in particular, ability to work as a member of a team Candidates may also be required to take some additional short tests at the time of the interview (including a computer skills test) The interview is an integral part of the examination Therefore, candidates who are invited for an interview should NOT assume that they will automatically be offered an assignment
11 Travel expenses to and from the place of the written examination will not be covered by the United Nations However, travel expenses for the interview will be reimbursed by the United Nations
12 On the basis of the overall results of the examination, the Board will recommend to the Assistant Secretary-General for Human Resources Management the names of candidates who qualify for inclusion in the rosters All candidates admitted to the examinations will be informed in writing of the Board's final recommendations in respect of their candidature The Board's recommendations are NOT subject to appeal The Board DOES NOT release individual scores/results
13 Successful candidates selected from the rosters to fill vacancies are normally offered an initial two-year probationary appointment at the P-2 level The P-2 level comprises 12 steps, each corresponding to an annual increment awarded if performance is satisfactory The period of probationary service under such an appointment shall normally be two years In exceptional circumstances, it may be extended for not more than one additional year In the case of assignments to posts away from Headquarters, successful candidates in translation will normally be required to spend the first six months of their trial period in the corresponding service at Headquarters At the end of the probationary period, the holder of a probationary appointment shall either be granted a permanent appointment or be separated from the service
14 The base salary is subject to United Nations staff assessment, which operates like an income tax The whole amount of the assessment is withheld at the source and salaries received are therefore net figures In the event that a staff member's salary is subject to national income taxation as well as to staff assessment, the United Nations will, within certain limits, refund the amount of such income tax payable in respect of the United Nations salary Staff members also receive a non-pensionable post adjustment varying with the cost of living at the duty station
A staff member with no dependants at the P-2 level, step 1, in New York, at present receives $US 26,08324 net per year as post adjustment The table below shows the annual salaries, exclusive of post adjustment, for the P-2 and P-3 levels These figures are subject to periodic review:
In United States dollars
Annual P-2 P-3
From To From To
Net D 43,655 56,238 52,654 70,557
Net S 40,947 52,447 49,149 65,594
D = Applicable to staff members with a dependent spouse or child
S = Applicable to staff members with no dependent spouse or child
15 In addition, staff members are entitled to the following benefits:
(a) Dependency benefits: at present $US 1,936 per year for each eligible child;
(b) Secondary dependency allowance; $US 693 per year for each eligible dependent parent;
(c) Participation in the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund;
(d) Rental subsidy, if applicable
16 Staff members who are assigned to a duty station which is not in their home country are also entitled to:
(a) Education grant up to $US 19,30700 per scholastic year for each eligible dependent child;
(b) Home leave to their country of nationality every two years, with the travel expenses of the staff member and his or her spouse and eligible dependent children paid by the United Nations A staff member will not be entitled to the first home leave until he or she has been granted a permanent appointment or an extension of probationary period
(c) Assignment grant at the time of recruitment and repatriation grant upon separation, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Staff Rules and Regulations;
(d) Removal of household effects, depending on the duty station
17 Copies of this notice and the application form for admission to the examination (P11) are available electronically from the following website (please note that the address is case sensitive):