if not exists(select from sysdatabases where name='smsdb')
create database smsdb
或者更严谨一点 就要这样写
if exists(select from sysdatabases where name='smsdb')
drop database smsdb
create database smsdb
要在每个create语句前面加上go库A 库B要再一个服务器上
use 库B
insert into 库AC (select from c01 union all
select from c02 union all
select from c03 union all
select from c04 union all
select from c05 union all
select from c30 union all
select from c31 )
你的库真垃圾首先要检查你的表与表之间是不是有约束(主外键约束),如果存在,才可以像 上面这位朋友的方式进行连接,一般连接有左连接、右连接、内连接,下面给你举例:
select sid,sname,scid,scsname,scscore from infom s ,score sc
------内连接 写法一
select sid,sname,scid,scsname,scscore
from infom s ,score sc inner join score sc
on sid= scid ------内连接的条件
------on sid <>scid --------是全集 - 交集
------where scscore>80
------内连接 方法二
select sid,sname,scid,scsname,scscore
from infom s ,score sc
where sid= scid
-------------------------------------------------------外连接 左连接
select Studentname,scorescore
from Student left join score -----------------先写的为左表
on Studentid=score id -----------------连接条件
-------------------------------------------------------外连接 右连接
select Studentname,scorescore
from Student right join score
on Studentid=score id
-------------------------------------------------------全连接 full join
select Studentname,scorescore
from Student full join score
on Studentid=score id
------------------------------------------(A表的数据记录 B 表的数据记录)
select Student,score from Student,score
select score ,Student from Student
cross join score
--------------------------------------要求查出张三 C#的考试成绩,涉及student,score,subject三个表
select studentname,subjectsname ,score score
from Student
inner join score
on studentid= scoreid
inner join subject
on scoreid=subjectid
where Studentname='张三' and subjectsname='C#'
select studentname,subjectsname ,score score
from Student,score ,subject
where StudentDBid=scoreid and score id=subjectid
and Studentname='张三' and subjectsname='C#'