Individually tagged libraries for RNA-seq were prepared (TruSeq RNaseqSample prep kit, Illumina), pooled in a single lane, and 100-bp reads weregenerated using an Illumina HiSeq2000 Library preparation and Illuminasequencing were performed at the WM Keck Centerfor Comparative and Functional Genomics
准备了为核糖核酸遗留物单独标记的程序库(完成的遗留物/核糖核酸遗留物样本准备工具包腔管),汇集在一个单通道中,并用一个高密度遗留物2000腔管生成100气压。在WM Keck中心对“比较和功能染色体组”完成了程序库准备和腔管排序。
The resulting reads were mapped to the annotated S mansoni genome 6(v50) and differences in gene expression were determined using CLC GenomicsWorkbench (CLC bio) Statistical enrichment of Gene Ontology terms was determinedin CLC Genomics Workbench using a hyper geometric test that is similar to the GOstattest described in previous studies 36
把其结果的读数绘制到有标注的 S 曼森尼(mansoni)基因组6 (v50) 中,基因表达中的区别用CLC染色体组工作平台(CLC生物)被确定下来。用与前面研究36中表述的运行状态测试类似的超几何分布测试,基因本体术语的统计集成在CLC染色体组工作平台中被确定下来。
To examine similarities between proteins encoded from irradiation-sensitivetranscripts in S mansoni and genes expressed in planarian neoblasts, wecompared our Schistosome data set with both neoblast-enriched and ‘whole’ transcriptomes14,15,18,19using standalone tBLASTn Schistosome proteins sharing no similarity totranslated planarian mRNAs (e-value cutoff 131025) were omitted from analysis
为了在S 曼森尼中由辐射敏感的转录物编码的蛋白质与涡虫未分化细胞中表现出来的遗传基因之间检查相似性,我们用独立的tBLASTn对我们的血吸虫数据组与未分化细胞聚集和“全部的”转录组14,15,18,19双方面进行比对。血吸虫蛋白质与转变为涡虫的mRNAs (e-value cutoff 131025)同时不具有相似性这一点在分析中被忽略不计。