就FTP一词而言他是:文件传输协议(File Transfer Protocol)的简称。 FTP 是一个标准协议,它是在计算机和网络之间交换文件的最简单的方法。像传送可显示文件的>你是想说你导入不了辞典吗?傻鸟,你安装EBPocket外壳时就没看到苹果商店这个软件说明吗?得用itunes在电脑上进行传输呀。苹果机和安卓系统的导入方法不一样的,因为二者系统不一样,苹果手机没有自主管理文件夹的功能,而安卓有,也就是说苹果机必须依靠电脑才能进行传输导入词典文件,否则你想导入词典就是白搭。我的手机是苹果4S,已经用itunes导入了广辞苑,大辞林,还有离线的维基百科,我用的挺爽目前不支持。理由如下:
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Welcome to the homepage of FileZilla®, the free FTP solution The FileZilla Client not only supports FTP, but also FTP over TLS (FTPS) and SFTP It is open source software distributed free of charge under the terms of the GNU General Public License
We are also offering FileZilla Pro, with additional protocol support for WebDAV, Amazon S3, Backblaze B2, Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, Microsoft Azure Blob and File Storage, and Google Cloud Storage
Last but not least, FileZilla Server is a free open source FTP and FTPS Server
Support is available through our forums, the wiki and the bug and feature request trackers
In addition, you will find documentation on how to compile FileZilla and nightly builds for multiple platforms in the development section