Using microblogging to deliver online courses. Case-study (1.12M)
Beyond Microblogging Conversation and Collaboration via Twitter.pdf (365.32K)
Don't follow me Spam detection in Twitter.pdf (1.38M)
Mapping communities in large virtual social networks Using Twitter data to find the Indie Mac community.pdf (275.68K)
Microblogs in Higher Education – A chance to facilitate informal and process-oriented learning.pdf (476.99K)
Social interaction via new social media (How) can interactions on Twitter affect effectual thinking and behavior.pdf (628.97K)
Twitter in Government Building Relationships One Tweet at a Time.pdf (239.36K)
Twitter Quo Vadis Is Twitter Bitter or Are Tweets Sweet.pdf (1.12M)
Twitter thou doeth.pdf (323.94K)
Twitter Users vs. Quitters A Uses and Gratifications and Diffusion of Innovations Approach in Understanding the Role of Mobility in Microblogging.pdf (340.15K)
杜子建,安徽作家、作家协会会员, 著有长篇小说《活罪难逃》、传记作品《人物志·华莱士》、《百年婚恋·蔡元培》、《百年婚恋·辜鸿铭》 策划并执笔编著企业经管名著《国美商业帝国》等作品,有人称之为中国微博营销教父。最新著作《企业微博管理手册》和《微力无边》被称为微博时代必备工具书。2013年《非你莫属》嘉宾。欢迎分享,转载请注明来源:内存溢出