

"I'm not interested in sales."


How many times have I heard that statement from job seekers in every industry -- even though, as business professionals, we're involved in some aspect of presenting (or "selling") ourselves and our ideas every day?


While I respect that not everyone is cut out to live the fast-paced, people-centric life of a sales person, just about every job candidate can benefit from a sales expert's insights, particularly when it comes to managing business relationships. By developing those skills yourself -- or by working with a recruiting service that understands the methods of successful selling -- you can makethemostof your job-search process.


Here's a short three-step process to successful sales relationship management:


Prospect 前景

To excel at sales, you first must know your product, and then search out the perfect customers for that product. As a job candidate -- your product is both you and your experience and skills. So the task here is two-fold:


You must identify what you specifically can offer to an employer that sets you apart from other candidates, and you must identify the employers that would be a good match for what you have to offer.


Inmanycases, working with a recruiting service that helps you analyze your specific abilities and helps present your experience effectively can jumpstart your career search process. Try to create an engaging profile of yourself that goes beyond a simple resume, so that a prospective employer can get a sense of your style and your personality. In other words, make yourself memorable!


In addition, take advantage of services that allow you to narrow your search to the kind of companies who truly match your interests. You already know you don't want to work "just anywhere" -- so don't consider positions that aren't a good fit for you.


Contact 交流

The second powerful tool for sales professionals is their contact process, or how they go about initiating a conversation with their prospective customers. This skill is also critical to your job search. Mass emailing your resume to every job available -- sometimes to multiple postings at the same company (I've seen it happen!) is not the recipe for success. Instead, each prospect should be considered individually -- whether it's a cutting edge online startup or a centuries-old bricks and mortar firm. By tailoring your message to match your prospect, you show respect and understanding -- and communicate that you value them as a partner in the search process.


Follow Up 跟进

Finally, the smart sales person is always "on" when it comes to conscientious follow-up. Similarly, a timely, thoughtful contact plan after each interview is essential for you to keep communication open with your key prospects -- particularly if you are considering multiple employers at the same time, which is frequently the case in today's job search process. At Climber.com, we provide candidates with a sophisticated contact management interface, but you can also set this up through your own email/calendaring service.


The Bottom Line: No matter what your field, when it comes to the job search process, you can give yourself an edge over the competition by taking a page out of the sales professional's handbook. Take the time to develop a true sales plan for prospecting, contacting, and following up with employers, or work with a job search service to help present you effectively. It can not only make a difference in how quickly you'll land a job -- it can help ensure you land the right position, as well.

底线:不管你从事什么职业,在你找工作的时候,你可以通过了解销售员手册而使自己脱颖而出。学习销售的真正技能,有效的推销自己。你可以去发掘潜在雇主,与他们交流,保持及时的联系,或者与一家猎头公司合作。这样做不仅可以帮你尽快找到工作,也可以保证你找到最适合的工作。 鞋子的故事The story of shoes

A shoe company were dispatched A, B, C, D four salesmen and sell shoes on an island.

A salesman to island, find the islanders don't wear shoes, therefore concluded: the islanders don't wear shoes, shoe here no market. After going elsewhere report market.

B salesman to island, find the islanders don't wear shoes, so he immediately notice to the company, said here let you have no shoes, the market potential is tremendous, requiring companies will immediately sent to large island, shoes.

C salesman to island, find the islanders don't wear shoes, so he thought: if people don't wear shoes, it seems here used to sell shoes, I'm afraid it is difficult for people to accept and market prospect is not optimistic. 814 take it as it comes, look first, then sightseeing tour.

D salesman to island, find the islanders don't wear shoes, thought, why? Is the custom? Or the weather? Or other reasons? So he decided to take in. He first notify the company to prepare, here once immediate delivery, open markets,

through research, originally, residents believe that people only after death to heaven in the road to wear shoes. So here, right down to a number of problems plaguing the king to people living, as long as it is, don't wear shoes.

A salesman just see people don't wear shoes, and judge here sell shoes without market. Conclusions a bit arbitrary, but not to waste time.

B salesman just see people don't wear shoes, thus judge here shoes market potential is tremendous, immediately put plenty of shoes to the island of sales, every day, hoping to escape the propaganda, people, and avoid them like the plague, a few months, sell only poor several pairs of shoes. Who will eventually have to please to packing shoes, conclusion is: people don't wear shoes, also need not shoes, shoe market. No island,

C salesman in the island, found everywhere only someone dies just wear shoes, living is not to wear shoes, and the number of die every year on the island. Conclusion: this island and sell shoes without market. Then go back to report to company trips, doing something else.

D salesman in the island, found that people everywhere are believed to heaven only after death way shoes, living is not wear shoes, and number of people die every year on the island.

D salesman learned these situations: people don't wear shoes, so people in work and daily life can effectively protect the foot is not? Since people believe that people only after death way to heaven, and then find shoes can not only protect another foot and can avoid the concept of "things" shoes instead? With doubt, he again for further investigation. Survey results, the islanders found it very popular with the disease, the foot many residents hoping one can effectively protect the foot, but also can avoid "shoes" concept of supplies, hence D salesman according to local actual condition, and designs a completely different "shoes" spats supplies, socks, a bottom specially reconstruction of socks. After many people respond well to try and improved. D salesman immediately sent to the company and design requirements, organize production in accordance with the company immediately, as soon as possible to pattern island.

in the days that followed, through D salesman of continuous efforts, the company produced socks in the island ", "sales increased, the islanders because of the characteristics of spats supplies, daily work and life more convenient, foot significantly reduced, diseases of the company, a new product in the island a huge success sales.

actually, four salesmen practices are not wrong, but their fortune differ. The salesman is a Japanese, a Malaysia ,a Singapore,and a Chinese.
















A company to produce comb recruitment salesman, after the three men left after the interview, the last question is: who can put the comb to the monk? Half a month later, the three men came back. As a result:


A: after an effort, finally sold a comb. (in ran numerous temples, sell countless monk after, met a young monk, because head itch the intolerable, persuade him to comb as a scratching tool to sell out.


B: sold ten combs. (also ran many temples, but did not sell out, is in despair when, suddenly found that burning incense believers have a female guest hair a bit messy, so to the monastery of the host said, this is a kind of to the Buddha disrespect, was able to persuade the two temples each bought five comb.


C: sold 1500, and may sell more. (after running a few temples, did not sell a, feel very difficult, then analyze how to sell out? Think of monastery preaching by the cloth, but on the one hand, also need to increase the economic benefits, to come to burn incense and believers have traveled, there should be a back to the point of what desire. Therefore, and the temple of the chair to discuss the comb on a variety of words, such as pious comb, hair comb...... , and is divided into different grades, distribute in the pilgrims after divination. Results after the application of the monastery is very good, more and more temples to buy such a comb.


It's not easy to sell a comb to a monk. So these three people should be regarded as a very good sales staff. What can we learn from the way in which three people complete the task?




A very hard-working sales staff, in the face of difficulties and do not give up the contract. Finally, the completion of the completion of the task, from the completion of the task itself is very strict. Because the comb is used to sell monk, but he dug another additional function of product scratching. This is not to say that he is clever. When we do sales or planning is also the same, whether we should identify the main function to sell out, which is the most needed customers or consumers. Meet the customer is the most needs of consumers.


B good performance to compare, in the sales process, he also made a more bold attempt. That is the bold change in the sales crowd, so that people can not buy to buy to the needs of the people. Buy people do not necessarily use, people do not necessarily buy. This kind of situation has always existed in real life. So do we have to stare at the target people we are sure of not to put, and have been arrested? Not all hard working people will have a result, but is that you can find the right way.


C's approach is even more surprised, because he created the cycle of benefits. And found a new market. But C practice to give me the biggest inspiration is a very simple business sense - a win-win situation. Let others make money, they will make money.

奔驰smart  Smart中的S代表了斯沃奇(Swatch),M代表了戴姆勒集团(Mercedes-Benz),而art则是英文中艺术的意思,合起来可以理解为,这部车代表了斯沃奇和戴姆勒合作的艺术,而Smart车名本身在英文中也有聪明伶俐的意思,这也契合了Smart公司的设计理念。 smart对环境的危害是很小的,戴姆勒-克莱斯勒强调该车几乎所有的部件都由人造的东西组成。钢底盘为粉末涂层而非常规的油漆, 因此没有溶剂,没有有油漆污染,也没有废水流出。同时他是有标准件的产品,超过85%的东西可以循环再造。 因此,smart是环保,经济,而且容易停车,现在右肽版本也已经出来了。第一次座进smart的驾驶室,你仍然会对它的驾驶乐趣感到惊讶不已。很显然,在郊外它看上去更像一个吵闹的盒子,用它来做长途旅行是很容易令人疲惫的。它没有提供现代小汽车的令人轻松的驾驶乐趣以及只有很小的行李空间证明这确实是一台城市的汽车:用来代步或者购物的。不过,在电子控制作用下,该车的最高时速可达137公里(加强的钢铁硬度使它成为了小车级别中最安全的汽车之一),如果有需要,smart完全有能力长途旅行。 smart没有提供很大的发动机功率(从44匹到61匹),但它有一个优势,6速自动变速箱。SOFTIP按照标准来进行换档动作。车子没有离合器踏板:只要简单地向前推排档杆就换到高档位了,而当向后拉排档杆就换入低档了。做为买家,可以选择SOFTOUCH自动变速系统,他可以让驾驶者简单的在自动与手动模式中切换,只要轻触位于排挡杆上端的按钮就可以完成切换。 小车型 大行动 smart fortwo 关爱地球 臭氧层空洞!全球变暖!海平面上升!一系列环境问题困扰着我们赖以生存的蓝色星球,地球母亲呼吸日渐艰难,而导致这种状况的重要元凶之一便是尾气排放。经济不断发展,交通工具日益增多,而地球上所有交通工具都在以惊人速度制造着各种尾气,当路边华丽的广告牌画着大大的问号询问“你的碳排放量是多少?”时,我们不得不感叹生态环境问题确已迫在眉睫。 国务院批准自2009年1月20日起,对1.6升及以下排量乘用车减按5%征收车辆购置税,这一政策导向对低油耗、低排放车型带有鲜明的鼓励意味。忽如一夜春风来,国内外汽车厂商纷纷投身于新能源的应用及环保车型的研发,绿色生态大潮席卷汽车制造业。在这股潮流当中,近两年才跃入中国消费者视野的smart品牌或许显得并不高调,而事实上这款惹人喜爱的都市生活座驾却可谓节能减排环保车型的“先行者”。 早在上世纪70年代,梅赛德斯-奔驰就注意到城市不断扩大和汽车数量不断增加的趋势,进而着手探索未来城市轿车的概念。1972年设计师Johann Tomforde提出了一个史无前例的理念:研发2.5米长的超紧凑型轿车。这款车长仅为标准停车位一半的座驾,着实为解决石油危机、交通拥堵、空间短缺等带来了新的希望。此后,本着“为都市生活寻求最佳解决方案”这一理念,经过多年设计研发,smart fortwo 于1997年在法兰克福国际汽车展首度亮相,并于1998年10月在欧洲上市销售。 面世十余年来,smart风潮已席卷全球38个城市,总销量超过一百万辆。而且,不论在燃油消耗方面还是最目前最受关注的二氧化碳排放量方面,smart一直扮演着全球环保节能车型的排头兵。smart fortwo cdi柴油版被称为”全球最节能的内燃机驱动车型”,按NEDC综合油耗标准计算,其平均每100公里仅耗油3.3升,而二氧化碳排放量仅88克/公里,是名符其实的“低排放冠军”。2009年底特律车展上,smart fortwo ed电力版隆重展出,该款车型完全用电力驱动,真正实现了“零排放”,可谓全球最环保车型之一。 2009年4月,四款标配mhd微型混合驱动的smart fortwo正式在华投放,2010年,smart pure版、smart虎年限量版和哑光灰限量版这三款车型也将陆续在中国市场销售。搭载直列三缸汽油发动机,smart fortwo mhd排量999 毫升,输出功率52千瓦(71马力),最高速度可达145公里/小时。最新调研结果显示:在城市日常交通状况下,车辆平均每1.3公里便需要停下一次。而smart fortwo标配的mhd微型混合驱动系统正适用于交通阻


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/zz/7307449.html

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