The network marketing and traditional marketing what's different? The network marketing theoretically, the Internet, no time, by many regional limits and even means also greatly ahead, contain great business opportunity. Practically, it also or marketing, just with the high-tech means, he also has a management idea problem, also have strategic planning questions, there's a environmental analysis, a target market, a marketing strategy and method of performance, market competition and develop such problems, the off-line (the traditional marketing) all do bad enterprise, it is impossible to do in Internet marketing. A, management concept 1, ShiChangGuan problem Online "DengKeShangMen" is still relatively common, "selling concept" also has a large market, this regarding the effect of Internet marketing has a great effect. The initiative to understand and analyze the market environment, keenly feel market, find market opportunities and threats, the market for marketing or business, summarize unceasingly and use of market rules and mechanisms, make full use of market resources, these problems in online also need attention. And the off-line marketing without substantial difference. Without these, off-line slow-moving, online also not marketableOffline you will only DengKeShangMen, online you wouldn't the initiativeOffline you only can call "this enterprise production XXX, breed together, complete in specification, competitive price, welcome to our customers throughout", "general manager XXX with all the staffs greet you!" Selling advertising, online, you have a "science and technology humanist." , "create tomorrow's new life!" The idea of advertising, even if such, may contain imitation nature, very pale, because behavior need concept and level do inside information. 2, gu objective problem The following about customers view though conventional marketing, but also to the network marketing has revealed: -- have customer is actually an important resource of enterprises, the resources even more important than capital, labor, so enterprises should take customers as an important resources to run and attention - although the final purpose is enterprise profit, but to meet the customer is the most fundamental means. Constructing "the customer center" management and marketing model and marketing clues help enterprises to better achieve this goal - stand in "the customer position" consider may help prevent enterprise operating in the error and long-term development, and not hamper the enterprise their goals. Enterprise in concept should first turn - "the customer center" the idea to melt into enterprise culture, enterprise organization, operating, want careful to each link, to into employee consciously action. Implement the "gu objective" at the very least, the starting point and the breakthrough lies in understanding the customer, familiar with customers, relatively high level is the pursuit of customer satisfaction, higher level is the customer as an enterprise of "important resources" to business and care. The network marketing if did not realize the importance of customers and no analysis of the characteristics and needs of the customers, cannot achieve customer satisfaction, its effect is of course the discount. Some enterprise network marketing means also revealed its customers "position" or not seriously consider "customers position". 3, strategic concept problems At large, global focus on planning, small, the ability to implement ornamented with attitude, can also affect the network marketing, lack of an overview ability and ideas, and there is no effective implementation of means, network marketing may not well. What is the status of the network, and your customers in the target market is where, how, what, market target marketing steps, marketing measures, key and breakthrough? I'm afraid all is to consider. The market need planning, customer need planned measures, marketing tool needs a system arrangement. 4, opportunities view problems Online unlimited business opportunities, how do you go to find it, discover it, analyze it and use it? The current market opportunities for operators, the operation, quality, experience, information processing power and means have higher requirements. Just think: a total enterprises, an even basic work is done bad enterprise, can adapt to the information society and the information platform needs? ! 5, innovation and pioneering conceptual problem The network itself is innovation results. Internet marketing methods, means, customer contact, trading methods and so on innovation and and the traditional marketing, flowers bloom, like emerge in endlessly, it is further expand the important means business credentials. Just website case, just those waking enterprise and old total photos, product photos, enterprise introduction, honorary certificate within less than effect, I'm afraid. Second, marketing tool Use "online peddler" calls many enterprise "network marketing" means is much. Just for a site, it didn't call the advantages of the Internet into full play, but is the practice of the off-line brought to online. The network marketing means, as with realistic marketing and has great creative entomological12 society, far more than "sell" and "peddled" and "advertising". At least the following method can realize: online 1, at present a lot of enterprise dedicated products and service marketing and advertising sales 2, attract and train, operation customer resources (to attract potential customers, understand customer, customer communication, to cultivate customer loyalty depth) Three, market information collection and processing (many enterprise noticed who "buy" what, need what, actually, customer information, products information, technical information, competitive information, information industry, the policy is not only real marketing information... must be, network marketing can also be important information source added) 4, Internet marketing management, the author will encounter some enterprise, hope for their development network marketing work platform, the solicitor platform, customer platform is some good practices 5, corporate image of the publicity and promotion 6, online public relations 7 and online customer service 8, on-line enterprise cooperation So on, including various enterprises create more means, more features. Online marketing invalid, may be realistic marketing of these means are not in value result is marketing also stay in "selling concept" performance. Three, marketing style problem Marketing not pragmatic, eager, blundering wind also reflect on the network. Build a web site and send some e-mails, they want to receive one transaction, the hope customers buying immediately, the management process of the reality doesn't lay the foundation of the blood, toil, enterprise management level of the enterprise's business credit enhancement, and establish, enterprise customer resources' training, enterprise technical quality progress, cultivate enterprise competitive advantage, where is the day will achieve no advantage in offline, is the advantage on the net? Even the site itself, also not the wish input, expect the "bottom line, even network marketing" as is "without this marketing". Often hear a enterprise said, I built on the Internet websites, how will not bring a transaction, even visit people have no! He who seem hinting cause. Website customers come from visitors, and customer is produced by numerous visitors, you don't go to understand visitors (possible customer), where nakedly, lack of fundamental attraction peddle, again not to cultivate visitors resources, who come to visit you. Web site again not planning, content and insipid, information updates, and even fewer mistakes, some enterprises or even product prices have, some enterprise in different page price and type is paradoxical. Can you say this kind of practice is responsible earnestly, pragmatic? Not on the Internet still good, just exposes his management style. The network marketing, no target market, and no target market, no effective marketing mix strategy, no systematic thinking and planning, no foundation work dependably how can you be? Although the network marketing and traditional marketing in the way a lot of difference, but marketing in common is mutually, to do "network marketing", must have the ability to do the traditional marketing, can more effectively, more and more channels for a greater scope on make full use of the Internet tools and resources 。1.Phillip. Kotler: "Marketing Management", Shanghai People's Publishing House 2003
2. Ji: "Marketing Guide", published by Renmin University of China, 1989
3. Michael. Porter: "competitive advantage", Huaxia Publishing House 2001
4. Hoang steel made: "Marketing", the Shanghai Financial Publishing 2003
5. Tai Wang: "Marketing in China", Guangzhou Publishing House, 2001 Edition
6. Lan Ling, editor-in-chief "of Marketing", the Central Radio and Television University Press
7. Wu and: "Marketing", Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Publishing House 2002 xiaomin: "marketing case examples and analysis," Wuhan University Press, 1992
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11. Li: "planning Wang," Capital University of Economics Press, 1997
12.kotler ,Armstrong Principles of Marketing (9th ed),prentice-Hall,inc,2001
13. Philip Kotler Marketing Management (10th ed), prentice-Hall,inc,2000
14. Payne,A.chritopher,M.and Peck,H.(1998)Relationship Mketing For
15. Perreault,McCarthy.Basic Marketing (12th ed),Richard D Irwin 1996
16. Warren J.Keegan.Global Marketing Management (5th ed) prentice-Hall,inc,1995
17. Valued Prduct Attributes in an Emerging Market-A Comparison Between French and Malaysian Consumers
18. Executive Insights-Global Marketing Management-at the Dawn of the New Millennium
19. Global standardization as a success formula for marketing in central eastern Europe
20. Heterogeneity of regional trading blocs and global marketing strategies
21. IssuesofProductStandardisationintheLeisureIndustry
22. Lessons for pan-European marketing
Japan's Sony Corporation, founded in 1946, formerly known as Communications Co., Ltd., Tokyo ", there were only 20 workers, 500 U.S. dollar assets. 50 years, co-founder Morita depth and it changed its name to" Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo. "Now, the cable Nepal has 72 subsidiaries, more than 40,000 employees in seven countries to set up more than 30 factories, in 1999, "Fortune" 500 list, Sony ranked No. 31, the amount of revenue 53,156,700,000 U.S. dollars, profits of 1.4 billion U.S. dollars, the amount of 53,182,900,000 U.S. dollars of assets. The company mainly produces TV sets, cameras, game consoles, such as more than 10,000 kinds of audio-visual equipment and household appliances, marketing its products in more than 100 countries. 80 at the end of damage to Sony At that time, from the field of electronic entertainment hardware towards software, respectively, more than 20 billion dollars to 3.4 billion U.S. dollars and the United States acquired CBS and Columbia Pictures, but as a result of the purchase of misconduct, mismanagement and cultural conflicts and other reasons, the company was plunged into difficulties, through marketing strategy and marketing culture change so that companies find their feet.
Second, the road of change Sony
(A) the depth and age of Morita
Founded at the beginning of Sony, Morita has depth and a dream: the electronics and engineering technology for the production of integrated consumer products, and to lead the world the new trend of electronic products. One day in 1948, Japan Broadcasting Corporation in depth to see a US-made tape recorder, tape recorder was not yet known by the Japanese, the depth to see its potential and immediately applied for a patent in Japan.
At first, almost no one to buy their products, Morita aware of the creativity of science alone is not enough, there is no reason why their customers buy the new products, simply because they do not know of any use of this product, which must be the Church how to use them. Morita inferred recorder market is the best school he. They can weigh up to 80 pounds of tape recorders, price 700 U.S. dollars, so cumbersome and expensive products on the schools it is applied too. How do? So they put all the company's engineers go to a hotel room 10 days, in less than 9 months, Sony has finally produced a more or less the same size as the suitcase portable tape recorder, only the original price half. Morita super salesmen in Japan, everywhere around the lobby of the school to show teachers how to use the tape recorders were. Person's "need" also needs to be developed, the need to guide and persuade, in the lobby Morita, the 18-month, there are 40,000 schools in the 2 / 3 of the students bought a heavy tape recorder. After that, banks, institutions, universities, radio stations have to buy a tape recorder, or even everyone wants to have a tape recorder.
Depth of marketing the "nerve" is sharp, he first heard of Bell Labs developed a transistor known as the mystery of things, he would fly to the United States supported the investigation, for the first transistor to obtain all available information. He has spent 25,000 U.S. dollars to buy the franchise after the return of four technical working group organized to carry out research, he is the guiding ideology of micro-products, under his leadership, and finally to create the world's first pocket transistor radio. His constant renovation of the marketing idea, to go in front of others and do things that others did not, therefore, he was always ahead. Is the first concept to be the world's first pocket-sized stereo recorder, the first mini-TV, the first mini-video player and so on, until the "Sony products are always up-to-date" business reputation.
Sony's world, to understand the world advanced technology of information, study abroad, business management. In 1953, Morita visit to Europe and found the famous Philips is located in a remote township, he suddenly realize the truth in the saying: Philippe Sony can do can do! This trip a successful firm determination.