

1,背景深厚,后台强大,基本从华为成立到现在,几乎没有负面报道,对面富士康都可以整出十连跳丑闻,华为跳楼的人绝对比对面多,但是华为的信息量基本被一面倒报道,几乎在市场无人敢说其左右,甚至 华为过量加班,工作压力大,劳动力资源分配不均等等小事都没有见过报道2,因为第一条,华为在国内没有对手(中兴不算),加上时机恰当,占据政策扶持,国家资金支持,甚至法律保护,在国内华为没有倒下的可能,除非老板易主,这点是国内 国外 企业的区别,国外是技术立业,几十几百年的发展,有了底蕴才有将来,比如索尼,总共累死了3个社长。国内 竞争环境,就是 政策跟 后台的竞争,所以 短短十几年出了一个 中科院联想,华为 类似3,成本原因,华为的移动通信设备(不是手机)并无多少自主专利,简单的复制 购买流水线就可以完成,国内法律政策倾斜,华为也没经历多大的专利诉讼,并且国内人力成本在上个十年很不值钱,低廉劳动力成就了华为,毕竟十年前月薪4000就是高收入但是当时欧洲月薪平均7300欧元,仅仅是别人20分之一的人力成本。找人搭基站不是什么难事,何况人力资源成本低廉,在国外,华为的 专为运营商的设备,质量跟性能 技术标准,都远不及朗讯等企业,但是低廉的价格,华为提供的近乎免费的后期服务,吸引大批运营商倒戈,大打价格战4,其他原因了。比如,国内算得上高科技的项目公司,除了扶不起的龙芯,也就华为了,联想小米直流也不过是制造环节的最后一环,软件开发 电路板 嵌入式等等大环境都是别人的技术,但是华为有4G的布局,有前途,并购专利动作大,规模也是世界级,所以就被我政(呵呵)府树立为典型,是这个时代的科技典范,所以华为的某些小作为都被大吹特吹。总之,在国内这种 国企竞争力为0,私企被官僚捆绑的制度下,指望发展技术水平做大,那是做梦,中国还是传统的人际关系圈子文化,并没有进入机械化自动化的现代化生活圈,祖国的发展,还有很多路要走



The Analysis and Comparative Study of Brand Strategies of Apple and Huawei in Chinese Market






In the fiercely competitive mobile phone market, domestic mobile phone brands are struggling to fight for a position in the global market. Huawei, as a famous domestic mobile phone brand, has developed its mobile phone business rapidly in the recent years. It employs multiple-brand strategy to enlarge the group of target audiences and to increase the sales volume. On the other hand, Apple as a foreign mobile phone brand, with a great reputation in the global market, retains its target consumer groups by building emotional relationship like fan-ship with its consumers to build brand loyalty.

As Huawei begins to march to high-end mobile phone market, which means it needs to compete with Apple directly, Huawei has to change its brand strategy to adjust to the need of middle-class and upper-class consumer groups. This thesis mainly demonstrates the brand strategies that Apple and Huawei currently employ, the difference between the two brands, and what Huawei can learn from Apple. Finally, some suggestions are made for Huawei to increase its competitive edge in the fiercely competitive mobile phone market.

Key Words: Brand StrategyAppleHuawei


Acknowledgements i

English Abstract ii

Chinese Abstract iii

Table of Contents iv

List of Tables v

Chapter One Introduction 1

Chapter Two Literature Review 3

Chapter Three Brand Effect on Chinese Consumers 5

3.1 The Influence of Brand Awareness 5

3.2 The Importance of A Good Brand Image 6

3.3 Brand Loyalty 7

Chapter Four The Analysis of Brand Strategies of Apple and Huawei in Chinese Market 8

4.1 Brand Strategies of Apple in Chinese Market 8

4.2 Brand Strategies of Huawei in Chinese Market 9

4.3 Comparisons between Brand Strategies of Apple and Huawei in Chinese Market 11

4.3.1 Product 11

4.3.2 Price 12

4.3.3 Place 13

4.3.4 Promotion 13

Chapter Five Conclusion 14

References 16


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/zz/8590628.html

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