运用控制爆破技术拆除高耸钢筋混凝土建、构筑物通常比采用人工拆除或机械拆除方法更加高效、经济,而采用数值模拟技术从理论上研究和预测各类建、构筑物爆破后的倒塌效果是正确设计和安全有效实施控制爆破拆除工程项目的一个重要环节,本文就是在这一背景下展开了工作。 本文首先对高耸钢筋混凝土双曲线冷却塔爆破拆除原理进行了回顾与总结,对于工程实践中用于拆除高耸钢筋混凝土冷却塔所常用的几种爆破切口进行了讨论。研究分析了爆破拆除领域中常用的几种数值模拟方法如有限元法、离散元法、不连续变形分析法等方法的原理、特点、适用范围以及不完善之处。对于钢筋混凝土材料的力学特性以及钢筋混凝土材料在构筑物倒塌解体过程中发生的偏心破坏现象进行了详细介绍。 对大型动力有限元软件ANSYS/LS_DYNA的程序功能、算法特点以及运用于模拟构筑物爆破拆除过程的技术细节进行了归纳总结。随后,运用ANSYS/LS_DYNA对某冷却塔的爆破拆除工程进行了数值模拟,得到了与实际爆破倒塌效果较为一致的结果,并从倒塌范围、爆堆高度、触地震动效应等多方位角度再现了倒塌过程,验证了所用数值模拟手段的可行性。进一步地,通过改变冷却塔有限元模型爆破切口的形式及爆破切口的参数,模拟了冷却塔分别在不同爆破切口作用下的倒塌过程,
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In order to reveal the stress fracture of hard conglomerate roof and energy into the evolution law of 2334 under a Large Working Mine Engineering Geology and mining conditions, combined with its roof, high strength, thick, strong integrity are likely to cause shock and sudden rupture accidents and other characteristics of pressure, the use of discrete element program UDEC under different thickness of hard roof to simulate the mining activities, the establishment of the gob roof fracture energy release equation The results showed that with increasing the thickness of roof, face first weighting step, step away from the periodic pressure has also increased; external loads on the roof work done on the top of the basic equal to the old values and the energy consumption; by increasing roof fracture movement of energy consumption, reducing the external load on the roof of the energy input, reducing its gravitational potential energy and other measures can reduce roof fracture energy release Results can be hard roof burst under control to provide theoretical guidance