Born in Pennsylvania, the now 19 year old Taylor Swift moved to Nashville with her family only five years ago and has since 1d____ a hugely successful career Before moving to Nashville, she was clearly destined for a life of creativity, 2h____ won awards for her poetry, writing an un-published novel and taking part in her first live 3p____ at the Bloom urg Fair, followed by various appearances at karaoke nights
Taylor began writing songs at the age of ten and playing guitar 4a____ 12 Her writing ability was soon recognised by Sony, who signed her as their youngest ever staff songwriter However, it did not take long for her to gain 5a____ for her singing as well as her writing, following the release of her debut single, ‘Tim McGraw’, which peaked at number six on Billboard’s Hot Country Chart
Swift’s success is due not only to her talent but also her natural charm and honesty She cites her inspiration as people such as the Dixie Chicks, Dolly Parton and Patsy Cline, and like her peers, she writes from the heart and personal experience Whether it be the high school heartache of ‘Teardrops on My Guitar’ or wanting the state of the world to change in the powerful ‘Change’ Not 6s____, her age and choice of song topics have attracted a predominantly teenage audience but her peers too have honoured her in winning Album of the Year for ‘Fearless’ at the Academy of Country Music Awards last year, as well as Songwriter/Artist of the Year from the Nashville Songwriters Association International
Having established an audience at home in America, 2008 saw Taylor embark on European promotion for both of her album which have now received international releases She performed an intimate show at the Kings College student union in London and 7r____ in May this year to play two sold out nights at London’s Shepherds Bush Empire No doubt Swift will 8c____ with this impressive rise to fame and rightly so
1、要使用swift须拥有一台苹果电脑。因为集成开发环境XCode只能运行在OS X系统上。电脑系统必须在OS 1093及以上,电脑必须安装Xcode集成开发环境。
2、下载完成后,双击下载的 dmg 文件安装,安装完成后我们将 Xcode 图标踢移动到应用文件夹。Xcode 安装完成后,就可以开始编写 Swift 代码了。接下来我们在应用文件夹打开 Xcode,打开后在屏幕顶部选择 File => New => Playground。接着 为 playground 设置一个名字并选择 iOS 平台。
3、如果你想创建 OS x 程序,需要导入 Cocoa 包 import Cocoa以上程序载入后,会在Playground 窗口右侧显示程序执行结果。
4、选择一个Single View Application,并点击next,创建一个简单示例app应用。
5、接着我们输入项目名称(ProductName),公司名称(Organization Name),公司标识前缀名(Organization identifier) 还要选择开发语言(Language),选择设备(Devices)。其中Language有两个选项:Objective-c和swift,因为我们是学习swift当然选择swift项了。 点击Next下一步。
6、选择存放的目录,如果要使用Git源代码管理,将勾上Source Control的create git repository on My Mac 点击create创建项目。
7、项目创建后,默认生成了一个示例文件,可以看到swift将oc中的h和m文件合并成了一个文件(即swift后缀名文件) Mainstoryboard相当于xib文件,有比xib更多的功能。
8、打开mainstoryboard,默认看到一个简单的空白的应用界面,大小为平板界面大小。 如果开发都只需要开发兼容iphone手机的app,那么可以把Use Auto Layout的勾去掉(默认为勾上)。d出了一个对话框,让我们选择界面尺寸,iPhone 或 iPad。我们选择iPhone的尺寸。
9、界面添加点内容,在右下方找到Text控件,将它拖入storyboard上,并双击写入文本Hello World!
10、运行一下模拟器(command+R 快捷键或在菜单栏中选择 Product => Run)。
《Swift》是一种支持多编程范式和编译式的开源编程语言,苹果于2014年WWDC(苹果开发者大会)发布,用于开发 iOS,OS X 和 watchOS 应用程序。 Swift 结合了 C 和 Objective-C 的优点并且不受 C 兼容性的限制。 Swift 在 Mac OS 和 iOS 平台可以和 Object-C 使用相同的运行环境。 2015年6月8日,苹果于WWDC 2015上宣布,Swift将开放源代码,包括编译器和标准库。
Swift 是一种全新的编程语言,结合了 C 和 Objective-C 的优点,并且不受C兼容性的限制。Swift 采用的安全编程模式添加了很多新特性,这使得编程更简单,更灵活,也更有趣。Swift 在 Foundation 和 Cocoa的基础上构建框架,并且采用了很多 Objective-C 的命名参数以及动态对象模型,并且支持过程式编程和面向对象编程。Swift 将现代编程语言的精华和苹果工程师文化的智慧结合了起来,既能够开发简单的小程序,也能够构建出一套完整的 *** 作系统。
到牛客网这个ACM 感觉很迷茫
用Swift 搞定了输入出处 但是 retrun a + b 这种简单的加法都超时 只能放弃了(Leetcode 做的算法题 都是用的Swift 之前是Java 支持之后 就一直用Swift了)。如果将来牛客网优化了,还是会用Swift
while 能接收多组数据
这里好多OC语法不能用 用就超时了
想到 OC 是C的超集 可以用C语言
main 函数是程序的入口
在OC里,main 函数是这样的:
main函数中执行了一个UIApplicationMain这个函数(虽然这个方法标明要返回一个 int,但其实它并不会真正的返回,而是一直存在于内存中,直到用户或者系统将应用强制终止。)
到了Swift ,main 函数就“消失了”,它的存在的形式变成了@UIApplicationMain
当我们有需求,需要自定义一个main 函数的时候,就需要创建一个mainswift 文件
这样在sendEvent 和 sendAction 内部,就可以监听到事件的发送了。
以上就是关于急需一篇关于Taylor swift的英语阅读题 难单词不要太多全部的内容,包括:急需一篇关于Taylor swift的英语阅读题 难单词不要太多、swift 教程 swift介绍、牛客网刷题ACM模式 Objc Swift等相关内容解答,如果想了解更多相关内容,可以关注我们,你们的支持是我们更新的动力!