

英国标志性的大学英文介绍有中午翻译 Cambridge (University of Cambridge), referred to Cambridge, is a located in Cambridge, UK's top research universities in the world. Founded in 1209, it is also the world's second oldest
剑桥大学e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e78988e69d8331333337386536(University of Cambridge),
English university. Cambridge and Oxford collectively referred to as "Oxbridge" (Oxbridge), in addition to the two universities collaborate on culture and reality have become part of British social history, the two universities have long been competing. And often and Oxford universities compete for the best of the UK's reputation.
Cambridge is one of the world's most prominent universities, the federal University College, there are currently 31 colleges, and various academic departments were included in the six main academic college. It is also a member of numerous academic alliances, but also the UK a prestigious Golden Triangle. Which is also the birth of the most Nobel Prize winners of higher learning, a total of 90 Nobel laureates are or have been studying or working in Cambridge.

剑桥大学(University of Cambridge),简称剑桥,是一所位于英国剑桥市的世界顶级研究型大学。始创于1209年,亦是英语世界里第二古老的大学。剑桥大学和牛津大学合称为“牛剑”(Oxbridge),除了两所大学在文化和现实上的协作已成为英国社会史的一部分外,两所大学长久以来一直存在竞争。并经常和牛津大学争夺全英最佳学府的声誉。


原文地址: https://outofmemory.cn/bake/3715324.html

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