

初一英语上册作文《一天的作息时间》 1.
3.My day is not very funny. I think it is really boring, but I want to tell you about it and you can tell me what you think.
First I get up at eight o`clock, but sometimes I am sleepy. Then I make the beds - mine and my sister`s bed, tidy the room and go to the bathroom to brush my tooth and then I go to the toilet. At half past eight I have breakfast and watch TV. At nine o`clock I start to do my homework. When I finish with my homework if I have free time I play o n my computer, or watch TV, or listen to music. At quarter to twelve I have lunch and then I get ready for school. When I finish school at twelve - five past six or ten past seven p.m. I go home and play o n my computer or go out with my friends. Then I have dinner with my family and we watch TV. After dinner I help my mum to clear the table. Then I go to my room and listen to music. At half past eleven I go to sleep.
This is my daily routine. I hope you like it!


原文地址: https://outofmemory.cn/bake/3799135.html

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