




On Diploma Discrimination in Job InterviewAs is vividly shown in the cartoon, an applicant with a master's degree was rejected in a job interview by an interviewer because all the other applicants are Ph.D.s. The applicant seems quite helpless and embarrassed.Simple as the cartoon may seem, it conveys a thought- provoking message that people are exaggerating the significance of educational degrees excessively, which inevitably exerts a negative influence in society. What factors might contribute to diploma discrimination? Answers to this question may involve many aspects, and here are a few guesses: on the one hand, quite a few employers hold that the higher degree people have, the more competent they will be. Of course this is not necessarily a logical viewpoint, because certificates cannot prove one's capability. On the other hand, due to increase of enrollment, too many students graduate from universities and colleges year after year, and the number is still growing; however, society fails to provide adequate posts, which results in the companies' too picky attitude on diploma since they don't worry about lacking candidates.In my opinion, the public should realize that real ability speaks much louder than a piece of paper. Only in this way can China's economy keep booming.

Section C



27. dutifully


28. witty


原文地址: https://outofmemory.cn/bake/5387310.html

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