

摘要:DS21458是一款四端口T1/E1/J1单片收发器(SCT),具有和DS2155单端口T1/E1/J1 SCT相同的寄存器组。DS2155和DS21458具有相同的软件架构,因而从单端口的DS2155向四端口的DS21458移植比较容易。本文详细说明了DS2155和DS21458之间的细微差异。

简介DS21458是一款四端口T1/E1/J1单片收发器(SCT),具有和DS2155单端口T1/E1/J1 SCT相同的寄存器组。DS2155和DS21458具有相同的软件架构,因而从单端口的DS2155向四端口的DS21458移植比较容易。本文详细说明了DS2155和DS21458之间的细微差异。


表1. 寄存器映象差异 Register Name.Bit Address Bit Name DS2155 DS21458 Comments CCR1.3 70h DICAI X -- Disable Idle Code Auto Increment - Selects/deselects the auto-increment feature for the transmit and receive idle code array address register, this funcTIon is not available in the DS21458 CCR1.7 70h MCLKS X -- MCLK Select, allows the user to select either TSYSCLK or MCLK as the master clock, this funcTIon is not available in the DS21458 CCR3.6 72h INTDIS X -- Interrupt Disable, allows the user to disable all interrupts regardless of the Interrupt Mask Register setTIngs, this funcTIon is not available in the DS21458. CCR3.7 72h TMSS X -- Transmit Multi-frame Sync Source, allows the users to select the framer or TSYNC pin as the source of the multi-frame sync, this feature is not available on the DS21458. LBCR.7 4Ah LTS -- X LIUC/TPD Pin Function Select, this pin selects the function of the LIUC/TPD pin and should always be set to a 1 in the DS21458. This bit does not exist in the DS2155 memory map. PSA1 F1h -- -- X Pulse Shape Adjustment Register 1 - Allows the user to adjust the transmit pulse waveform, this register is not available on the DS2155. PSA2 F2h -- -- X Pulse Shape Adjustment Register 2 - Allows the user to adjust the transmit pulse waveform, this register is not available on the DS2155. IDR 0Fh -- X X Device Identification Register - This read only register displays the Device ID and Chip Revision of the given device and the contents will depend on which part or revision is used.
引脚变化 DS21458的引脚名与DS2155的对应引脚几乎相同,一个显著的区别是DS21458的有些引脚为了区分不同的端口而有所变化。例如,DS2155上的单个RSIG引脚在DS21458上变成了RSIG1, RSIG2, RSIG3和RSIG4,分别对应于四个端口。




DS21458多了两个地址引脚, A8和A9,在DS2155上没有。这些地址引脚用于选择四个端口中的一个。

DS2155有四个普通用户输出引脚,不再出现在DS21458上。这些引脚是UOP0, UOP1, UOP2和UOP3。

LIUC引脚在DS2155上用于分离线路接口单元(LIU)和成帧器,在DS21458上被称为发送掉电(TPD)引脚。在DS21458上用户能够有限地访问成帧器和LIU之间的时钟和数据信号,不再需要LIUC引脚。在DS2155上只能通过LIC1寄存器中的TPD位使用TPD功能。由于能够有限地访问LIU和成帧器之间的信号,以下引脚在DS21458上不再出现:TPOSI, TNEGI, TCLKI, RPOSI, RNEGI和RCLKI。




原文地址: https://outofmemory.cn/dianzi/2510355.html

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