

概述一、选题背景:2019年年初,《流浪地球》全国上榜。在豆瓣上,首日开分站稳8分以上,评分了之后点映的高热。微博上跟着出现吴京客串31天与6000万的热度搜。知乎上关于“评价刘慈欣如何评价刘慈欣小说改编的同名电影《流浪地球片》”的热门话题,包括导演郭帆的最高赞回答。二、数据说 一、选题背景:




 1 # 爬取电影《流浪地球》的影评 2 import requests 3 from lxml import etree 4 from tqdm import tqdm 5 import time 6 import random 7 import pandas as pd 8 import re 9 10 name_List, content_List, date_List, score_List, city_List = [], [], [], [], []11 movIE_name = ""12 13 def get_city(url, i):14     time.sleep(round(random.uniform(2, 3), 2))15     headers = {16         'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.99 Safari/537.36'}17     cookies = {'cookie': 'bID=Ge7txCUP3v4; ll="108303"; _vwo_uuID_v2=DB48689393ACB497681C7C540C832B546|f3d53bcb0314c9a34c861e9c724fcdec; ap_v=0,6.0; dbcl2="159607750:sijMjNWV7ek"; ck=kgmP; push_doumail_num=0; push_noty_num=0;; _pk_ses.100001.8cb4=*; __lnkrntdmcvrd=-1; __yadk_uID=KqejvPo3L0HIkc2Zx7UXOJF6Vt9PpoJU; _pk_ID.100001.8cb4=91514e1ada30bfa5.1549433417.1.1549433694.1549433417'}  # 2018.7.25修改,18     res = requests.get(url, cookies=cookies, headers=headers)19     if (res.status_code == 200):20         print("\n成功获取第{}个用户城市信息!".format(i))21     else:22         print("\n第{}个用户城市信息获取失败".format(i))23     pattern = re.compile('<div >.*?<a href=".*?">(.*?)</a>', re.S)24     item = re.findall(pattern, res.text)  # List类型25     return (item[0])  # 只有一个元素,所以直接返回


















 1 def get_content(ID, page): 2     headers = { 3         'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.99 Safari/537.36'} 4     cookies = {'cookie': '                  此处填入自己的cookies,否则不能正常爬取                  '} 5     url = "" + str(ID) + "/comments?start=" + str(page * 10) + "&limit=20&sort=new_score&status=P" 6     res = requests.get(url, headers=headers, cookies=cookies) 7  8     pattern = re.compile('<div ID="wrapper">.*?<div ID="content">.*?<h1>(.*?) 短评</h1>', re.S) 9     global movIE_name10     movIE_name = re.findall(pattern, res.text)[0]  # List类型11 12     res.enCoding = "utf-8"13     if (res.status_code == 200):14         print("\n第{}页短评爬取成功!".format(page + 1))15         print(url)16     else:17         print("\n第{}页爬取失败!".format(page + 1))18 19     with open('HTML.HTML', 'w', enCoding='utf-8') as f:20         f.write(res.text)21         f.close()22     x = etree.HTML(res.text)



 1     for i in range(1, 21):   # 每页20个评论用户 2         name = x.xpath('//*[@ID="comments"]/div[{}]/div[2]/h3/span[2]/a/text()'.format(i)) 3         # 下面是个大BUG,如果有的人没有评分,但是评论了,那么score解析出来是日期,而日期所在位置spen[3]为空 4         score = x.xpath('//*[@ID="comments"]/div[{}]/div[2]/h3/span[2]/span[2]/@Title'.format(i)) 5         date = x.xpath('//*[@ID="comments"]/div[{}]/div[2]/h3/span[2]/span[3]/@Title'.format(i)) 6         m = '\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}' 7         try: 8             match = re.compile(m).match(score[0]) 9         except IndexError:10             break11         if match is not None:12             date = score13             score = ["null"]14         else:15             pass16         content = x.xpath('//*[@ID="comments"]/div[{}]/div[2]/p/span/text()'.format(i))17         ID = x.xpath('//*[@ID="comments"]/div[{}]/div[2]/h3/span[2]/a/@href'.format(i))18         try:19             city = get_city(ID[0], i)  # 调用评论用户的ID城市信息获取20         except IndexError:21             city = " "22         name_List.append(str(name[0]))23         score_List.append(str(score[0]).strip('[]\''))  # BUG 有些人评论了文字,但是没有给出评分24         date_List.append(str(date[0]).strip('[\'').split(' ')[0])25         content_List.append(str(content[0]).strip())26         city_List.append(city)


1 pattern = re.compile('<div ID="wrapper">.*?<div ID="content">.*?<h1>(.*?) 短评</h1>', re.S)2 global movIE_name3 movIE_name = re.findall(pattern, res.text)[0]  # List类型


1 def main(ID, pages):2     global movIE_name3     for i in tqdm(range(0, pages)):  # 豆瓣只开放500条评论4         get_content(ID, i)  # 第一个参数是豆瓣电影对应的ID序号,第二个参数是想爬取的评论页数5         time.sleep(round(random.uniform(3, 5), 2))6     infos = {'name': name_List, 'city': city_List, 'content': content_List, 'score': score_List, 'date': date_List}7     data = pd.DataFrame(infos, columns=['name', 'city', 'content', 'score', 'date'])8     data.to_csv(movIE_name + ".csv")  # 存储名为  电影名.csv



 1 # 数据分析可视化 2 import os 3 import pandas as pd 4 from pandas import DataFrame 5 import re 6 from pyecharts import line, Geo, bar, PIE, Page, themeRiver 7 from sNownlp import SNowNLP 8 import jIEba 9 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt10 from wordcloud import WordCloud, StopWORDS, ImagecolorGenerator11 12 fth = open('pyecharts_citys_supported.txt', 'r', enCoding='utf-8').read() # pyecharts支持城市列表


1 # 过滤字符串只保留中文2 def translate(str):3     line = str.strip()4     p2 = re.compile('[^\u4e00-\u9fa5]')   # 中文的编码范围是:\u4e00到\u9fa55     zh = " ".join(p2.split(line)).strip()6     zh = ",".join(zh.split())7     str = re.sub("[A-Za-z0-9!!,%\[\],。]", "", zh)8     return str


 1 # 下面是按照列属性读取的 2 def count_sentiment(csv_file): 3     path = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) 4     csv_file = path+ "\" + csv_file + ".csv" 5     csv_file = csv_file.replace('\', '\\') 6     d = pd.read_csv(csv_file, engine='python', enCoding='utf-8') 7     motion_List = [] 8     for i in d['content']: 9         try:10             s = round(SNowNLP(i).sentiments, 2)11             motion_List.append(s)12         except TypeError:13             continue14     result = {}15     for i in set(motion_List):16         result[i] = motion_List.count(i)17     return result


  sNownlp主要进行中文分词(算法是Character-Base Generative Model)、词性可以官网的原理是TnT、3-gram 隐马)、情感分析(有介绍原理,但指定购物类的评论的准确率,其实是因为它的语料库主要是再生方面的,可以自己构建相关领域语料库,替换原来的,准确率也相当不错的)、文本分类(原理是朴素贝叶斯)、转换拼音、繁体转简体、提取文本关键词(原理是TextRank)、提取摘要(原理是TextRank)、分割句子、相似文本(原理是BM25)【摘自CSDN】。在此之前,可以先看一下官网,里面有最基础的一些命令的介绍。官网链接:


 1 def draw_sentiment_pic(csv_file): 2     attr, val = [], [] 3     info = count_sentiment(csv_file) 4     info = sorted(info.items(), key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=False)  # dict的排序方法 5     for each in info[:-1]: 6         attr.append(each[0]) 7         val.append(each[1]) 8     line = line(csv_file+":影评情感分析") 9     line.add("", attr, val, is_smooth=True, is_more_utils=True)10     line.render(csv_file+"_情感分析曲线图.HTML")



 1 def draw_citys_pic(csv_file): 2     page = Page(csv_file+":评论城市分析") 3     info = count_city(csv_file) 4     geo = Geo("","小本聪原创",Title_pos="center", wIDth=1200,height=600, background_color='#404a59', Title_color="#fff") 5     while True:   # 二次筛选,和pyecharts支持的城市库进行匹配,如果报错则删除该城市对应的统计 6         try: 7             attr, val = geo.cast(info) 8             geo.add("", attr, val, visual_range=[0, 300], visual_text_color="#fff", is_geo_effect_show=False, 9                     is_pIEcewise=True, visual_split_number=6, symbol_size=15, is_visualmap=True)10         except ValueError as e:11             e = str(e)12             e = e.split("No coordinate is specifIEd for ")[1]  # 获取不支持的城市名称13             info.pop(e)14         else:15             break16     info = sorted(info.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=False)  # List排序17     print(info)18     info = dict(info)   # List转dict19     print(info)20     attr, val = [], []21     for key in info:22         attr.append(key)23         val.append(info[key])24 25 26     geo1 = Geo("", "评论城市分布", Title_pos="center", wIDth=1200, height=600,27               background_color='#404a59', Title_color="#fff")28     geo1.add("", attr, val, visual_range=[0, 300], visual_text_color="#fff", is_geo_effect_show=False,29             is_pIEcewise=True, visual_split_number=10, symbol_size=15, is_visualmap=True, is_more_utils=True)30     # geo1.render(csv_file + "_城市dotmap.HTML")31     page.add_chart(geo1)32     geo2 = Geo("", "评论来源热力图",Title_pos="center", wIDth=1200,height=600, background_color='#404a59', Title_color="#fff",)33     geo2.add("", attr, val, type="heatmap", is_visualmap=True, visual_range=[0, 50],visual_text_color='#fff', is_more_utils=True)34     # geo2.render(csv_file+"_城市heatmap.HTML")  # 取CSV文件名的前8位数35     page.add_chart(geo2)36     bar = bar("", "评论来源排行", Title_pos="center", wIDth=1200, height=600 )37     bar.add("", attr, val, is_visualmap=True, visual_range=[0, 100], visual_text_color='#fff',mark_point=["average"],mark_line=["average"],38             is_more_utils=True, is_label_show=True, is_datazoom_show=True, xaxis_rotate=45)39     bar.render(csv_file+"_城市评论bar.HTML")  # 取CSV文件名的前8位数40     page.add_chart(bar)41     pIE = PIE("", "评论来源饼图", Title_pos="right", wIDth=1200, height=600)42     pIE.add("", attr, val, radius=[20, 50], label_text_color=None, is_label_show=True, legend_orIEnt='vertical', is_more_utils=True, legend_pos='left')43     pIE.render(csv_file + "_城市评论PIE.HTML")  # 取CSV文件名的前8位数44     page.add_chart(pIE)45     page.render(csv_file + "_城市评论分析汇总.HTML")






统计相同 日期相同 评分的个数







 1 def score_draw(csv_file): 2     page = Page(csv_file+":评论等级分析") 3     score, date, val, score_List = [], [], [], [] 4     result = {} 5     path = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) 6     csv_file = path + "\" + csv_file + ".csv" 7     csv_file = csv_file.replace('\', '\\') 8     d = pd.read_csv(csv_file, engine='python', enCoding='utf-8')[['score', 'date']].dropna()  # 读取CSV转为dataframe格式,并丢弃评论为空的记录 9     for indexs in d.index:  # 一种遍历df行的方法(下面还有第二种,iterrows)10         score_List.append(tuple(d.loc[indexs].values[:])) # 目前只找到转换为tuple然后统计相同元素个数的方法11     print("有效评分总数量为:",len(score_List), " 条")12     for i in set(List(score_List)):13         result[i] = score_List.count(i)  # dict类型14     info = []15     for key in result:16         score= key[0]17         date = key[1]18         val = result[key]19         info.append([score, date, val])20     info_new = DataFrame(info)  # 将字典转换成为数据框21     info_new.columns = ['score', 'date', 'Votes']22     info_new.sort_values('date', inplace=True)    # 按日期升序排列df,便于找最早date和最晚data,方便后面插值23     print("first df", info_new)24     # 以下代码用于插入空缺的数据,每个日期的评分类型应该有5中,依次遍历判断是否存在,若不存在则往新的df中插入新数值25     mark = 026     creat_df = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['score', 'date', 'Votes']) # 创建空的dataframe27     for i in List(info_new['date']):28         location = info_new[("力荐")].index.toList()29         if location == []:30             creat_df.loc[mark] = ["力荐", i, 0]31             mark += 132         location = info_new[("推荐")].index.toList()33         if location == []:34             creat_df.loc[mark] = ["推荐", i, 0]35             mark += 136         location = info_new[("还行")].index.toList()37         if location == []:38             creat_df.loc[mark] = ["还行", i, 0]39             mark += 140         location = info_new[("较差")].index.toList()41         if location == []:42             creat_df.loc[mark] = ["较差", i, 0]43             mark += 144         location = info_new[("很差")].index.toList()45         if location == []:46             creat_df.loc[mark] = ["很差", i, 0]47             mark += 148     info_new = info_new.append(creat_df.drop_duplicates(), ignore_index=True)49     score_List = []50     info_new.sort_values('date', inplace=True)    # 按日期升序排列df,便于找最早date和最晚data,方便后面插值51     print(info_new)52     for index, row in info_new.iterrows():   # 第二种遍历df的方法53         score_List.append([row['date'], row['Votes'], row['score']])54     tr = themeRiver()55     tr.add(['力荐', '推荐', '还行', '较差', '很差'], score_List, is_label_show=True, is_more_utils=True)56     page.add_chart(tr)57 58     attr, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5 = [], [], [], [], [], []59     attr = List(sorted(set(info_new['date'])))60     bar = bar()61     for i in attr:62         v1.append(int(info_new[(info_new['date']==i)&(info_new['score']=="力荐")]['Votes']))63         v2.append(int(info_new[(info_new['date']==i)&(info_new['score']=="推荐")]['Votes']))64         v3.append(int(info_new[(info_new['date']==i)&(info_new['score']=="还行")]['Votes']))65         v4.append(int(info_new[(info_new['date']==i)&(info_new['score']=="较差")]['Votes']))66         v5.append(int(info_new[(info_new['date']==i)&(info_new['score']=="很差")]['Votes']))67     bar.add("力荐", attr, v1, is_stack=True)68     bar.add("推荐", attr, v2, is_stack=True)69     bar.add("还行", attr, v3, is_stack=True)70     bar.add("较差", attr, v4, is_stack=True)71     bar.add("很差", attr, v5, is_stack=True, is_convert=True, mark_line=["average"], is_more_utils=True)72     page.add_chart(bar)73 74     line = line()75     line.add("力荐", attr, v1, is_stack=True)76     line.add("推荐", attr, v2, is_stack=True)77     line.add("还行", attr, v3, is_stack=True)78     line.add("较差", attr, v4, is_stack=True)79     line.add("很差", attr, v5, is_stack=True, is_convert=False, mark_line=["average"], is_more_utils=True)80     page.add_chart(line)





1 def main(csv_file, stopwords_path, pic_path):2     draw_sentiment_pic(csv_file)3     draw_citys_pic(csv_file)4     score_draw(csv_file)5     word_cloud(csv_file,stopwords_path, pic_path)6 7 8 if __name__ == '__main__':9     main("流浪地球", "stopwords.txt", "胡歌.jpg" )




  1 # 爬取电影《流浪地球》的影评  2 import requests  3 from lxml import etree  4 from tqdm import tqdm  5 import time  6 import random  7 import pandas as pd  8 import re  9  10 name_List, content_List, date_List, score_List, city_List = [], [], [], [], [] 11 movIE_name = "" 12  13 def get_city(url, i): 14     time.sleep(round(random.uniform(2, 3), 2)) 15     headers = { 16         'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.99 Safari/537.36'} 17     cookies = {'cookie': 'bID=Ge7txCUP3v4; ll="108303"; _vwo_uuID_v2=DB48689393ACB497681C7C540C832B546|f3d53bcb0314c9a34c861e9c724fcdec; ap_v=0,6.0; dbcl2="159607750:sijMjNWV7ek"; ck=kgmP; push_doumail_num=0; push_noty_num=0;; _pk_ses.100001.8cb4=*; __lnkrntdmcvrd=-1; __yadk_uID=KqejvPo3L0HIkc2Zx7UXOJF6Vt9PpoJU; _pk_ID.100001.8cb4=91514e1ada30bfa5.1549433417.1.1549433694.1549433417'}  # 2018.7.25修改, 18     res = requests.get(url, cookies=cookies, headers=headers) 19     if (res.status_code == 200): 20         print("\n成功获取第{}个用户城市信息!".format(i)) 21     else: 22         print("\n第{}个用户城市信息获取失败".format(i)) 23     pattern = re.compile('<div >.*?<a href=".*?">(.*?)</a>', re.S) 24     item = re.findall(pattern, res.text)  # List类型 25     return (item[0])  # 只有一个元素,所以直接返回 26  27 def get_content(ID, page): 28     headers = { 29         'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.99 Safari/537.36'} 30     cookies = {'cookie': '                  此处填入自己的cookies,否则不能正常爬取                  '} 31     url = "" + str(ID) + "/comments?start=" + str(page * 10) + "&limit=20&sort=new_score&status=P" 32     res = requests.get(url, headers=headers, cookies=cookies) 33     pattern = re.compile('<div ID="wrapper">.*?<div ID="content">.*?<h1>(.*?) 短评</h1>', re.S) 34     global movIE_name 35     movIE_name = re.findall(pattern, res.text)[0]  # List类型 36     res.enCoding = "utf-8" 37     if (res.status_code == 200): 38         print("\n第{}页短评爬取成功!".format(page + 1)) 39         print(url) 40     else: 41         print("\n第{}页爬取失败!".format(page + 1)) 42  43     with open('HTML.HTML', 'w', enCoding='utf-8') as f: 44         f.write(res.text) 45         f.close() 46     x = etree.HTML(res.text) 47     for i in range(1, 21):   # 每页20个评论用户 48         name = x.xpath('//*[@ID="comments"]/div[{}]/div[2]/h3/span[2]/a/text()'.format(i)) 49         # 下面是个大BUG,如果有的人没有评分,但是评论了,那么score解析出来是日期,而日期所在位置spen[3]为空 50         score = x.xpath('//*[@ID="comments"]/div[{}]/div[2]/h3/span[2]/span[2]/@Title'.format(i)) 51         date = x.xpath('//*[@ID="comments"]/div[{}]/div[2]/h3/span[2]/span[3]/@Title'.format(i)) 52         m = '\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}' 53         try: 54             match = re.compile(m).match(score[0]) 55         except IndexError: 56             break 57         if match is not None: 58             date = score 59             score = ["null"] 60         else: 61             pass 62         content = x.xpath('//*[@ID="comments"]/div[{}]/div[2]/p/span/text()'.format(i)) 63         ID = x.xpath('//*[@ID="comments"]/div[{}]/div[2]/h3/span[2]/a/@href'.format(i)) 64         try: 65             city = get_city(ID[0], i)  # 调用评论用户的ID城市信息获取 66         except IndexError: 67             city = " " 68         name_List.append(str(name[0])) 69         score_List.append(str(score[0]).strip('[]\''))  # BUG 有些人评论了文字,但是没有给出评分 70         date_List.append(str(date[0]).strip('[\'').split(' ')[0]) 71         content_List.append(str(content[0]).strip()) 72         city_List.append(city) 73  74 def main(ID, pages): 75     global movIE_name 76     for i in tqdm(range(0, pages)):  # 豆瓣只开放500条评论 77         get_content(ID, i)  # 第一个参数是豆瓣电影对应的ID序号,第二个参数是想爬取的评论页数 78         time.sleep(round(random.uniform(3, 5), 2)) 79     infos = {'name': name_List, 'city': city_List, 'content': content_List, 'score': score_List, 'date': date_List} 80     data = pd.DataFrame(infos, columns=['name', 'city', 'content', 'score', 'date']) 81     data.to_csv(movIE_name + ".csv")  # 存储名为  电影名.csv 82  83 if __name__ == '__main__': 84     main(26266893, 25)  # 评论电影的ID号+要爬取的评论页面数 85  86 # 数据分析可视化 87 import os 88 import pandas as pd 89 from pandas import DataFrame 90 import re 91 from pyecharts import line, Geo, bar, PIE, Page, themeRiver 92 from sNownlp import SNowNLP 93 import jIEba 94 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 95 from wordcloud import WordCloud, StopWORDS, ImagecolorGenerator 96  97 fth = open('pyecharts_citys_supported.txt', 'r', enCoding='utf-8').read() # pyecharts支持城市列表 98  99 # 过滤字符串只保留中文100 def translate(str):101     line = str.strip()102     p2 = re.compile('[^\u4e00-\u9fa5]')   # 中文的编码范围是:\u4e00到\u9fa5103     zh = " ".join(p2.split(line)).strip()104     zh = ",".join(zh.split())105     str = re.sub("[A-Za-z0-9!!,%\[\],。]", "", zh)106     return str107 108 # 下面是按照列属性读取的109 def count_sentiment(csv_file):110     path = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)111     csv_file = path+ "\" + csv_file + ".csv"112     csv_file = csv_file.replace('\', '\\')113     d = pd.read_csv(csv_file, engine='python', enCoding='utf-8')114     motion_List = []115     for i in d['content']:116         try:117             s = round(SNowNLP(i).sentiments, 2)118             motion_List.append(s)119         except TypeError:120             continue121     result = {}122     for i in set(motion_List):123         result[i] = motion_List.count(i)124     return result125 126 def draw_sentiment_pic(csv_file):127     attr, val = [], []128     info = count_sentiment(csv_file)129     info = sorted(info.items(), key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=False)  # dict的排序方法130     for each in info[:-1]:131         attr.append(each[0])132         val.append(each[1])133     line = line(csv_file+":影评情感分析")134     line.add("", attr, val, is_smooth=True, is_more_utils=True)135     line.render(csv_file+"_情感分析曲线图.HTML")136 137 def word_cloud(csv_file, stopwords_path, pic_path):138     pic_name = csv_file+"_词云图.png"139     path = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)140     csv_file = path+ "\" + csv_file + ".csv"141     csv_file = csv_file.replace('\', '\\')142     d = pd.read_csv(csv_file, engine='python', enCoding='utf-8')143     content = []144     for i in d['content']:145         try:146             i = translate(i)147         except AttributeError as e:148             continue149         else:150             content.append(i)151     comment_after_split = jIEba.cut(str(content), cut_all=False)152     wl_space_split = " ".join(comment_after_split)153     backgroud_Image = plt.imread(pic_path)154     stopwords = StopWORDS.copy()155     with open(stopwords_path, 'r', enCoding='utf-8') as f:156         for i in f.readlines():157             stopwords.add(i.strip('\n'))158         f.close()159 160     wc = WordCloud(wIDth=1024, height=768, background_color='white',161                    mask=backgroud_Image, Font_path="C:\simhei.ttf",162                    stopwords=stopwords, max_Font_size=400,163                    random_state=50)164     wc.generate_from_text(wl_space_split)165     img_colors = ImagecolorGenerator(backgroud_Image)166     wc.recolor(color_func=img_colors)167     plt.imshow(wc)168     plt.axis('off')  169 170     wc.to_file(pic_name)171 172 def count_city(csv_file):173     path = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)174     csv_file = path+ "\" + csv_file +".csv"175     csv_file = csv_file.replace('\', '\\')176     177     d = pd.read_csv(csv_file, engine='python', enCoding='utf-8')178     city = [translate(n) for n in d['city'].dropna()] # 清洗城市,将中文城市提取出来并删除标点符号等 179     180     # 这是从网上找的省份的名称,将其转换成列表的形式181     province = '湖南,湖北,广东,广西、河南、河北、山东、山西,江苏、浙江、江西、黑龙江、新疆,云南、贵州、福建、吉林、安徽,四川、西藏、宁夏、辽宁、青海、甘肃、陕西,内蒙古、台湾,海南'182     province = province.replace('、',',').split(',')183     rep_province = "|".join(province) # re.sub中城市替换的条件184     185     All_city = jIEba.cut("".join(city)) # 分词,将省份和市级地名分开,当然有一些如吉林长春之类没有很好的分开,因此我们需要用re.sub()来将之中的省份去除掉186     final_city= []187     for a_city in All_city:188         a_city_sub = re.sub(rep_province,"",a_city) # 对每一个单元使用sub方法,如果有省份的名称,就将他替换为“”(空)189         if a_city_sub == "": # 判断,如果为空,跳过190             continue191         elif a_city_sub in fth: # 因为所有的省份都被排除掉了,便可以直接判断城市在不在列表之中,如果在,final_city便增加192             final_city.append(a_city_sub)193         else: # 不在fth中的城市,跳过194             continue195             196     result = {}197     print("城市总数量为:",len(final_city))198     for i in set(final_city):199         result[i] = final_city.count(i)200     return result201 202 def draw_citys_pic(csv_file):203     page = Page(csv_file+":评论城市分析")204     info = count_city(csv_file)205     geo = Geo("","小本聪原创",Title_pos="center", wIDth=1200,height=600, background_color='#404a59', Title_color="#fff")206     while True:   # 二次筛选,和pyecharts支持的城市库进行匹配,如果报错则删除该城市对应的统计207         try:208             attr, val = geo.cast(info)209             geo.add("", attr, val, visual_range=[0, 300], visual_text_color="#fff", is_geo_effect_show=False,210                     is_pIEcewise=True, visual_split_number=6, symbol_size=15, is_visualmap=True)211         except ValueError as e:212             e = str(e)213             e = e.split("No coordinate is specifIEd for ")[1]  # 获取不支持的城市名称214             info.pop(e)215         else:216             break217     info = sorted(info.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=False)  # List排序218     print(info)219     info = dict(info)   # List转dict220     print(info)221     attr, val = [], []222     for key in info:223         attr.append(key)224         val.append(info[key])225 226     geo1 = Geo("", "评论城市分布", Title_pos="center", wIDth=1200, height=600,227               background_color='#404a59', Title_color="#fff")228     geo1.add("", attr, val, visual_range=[0, 300], visual_text_color="#fff", is_geo_effect_show=False,229             is_pIEcewise=True, visual_split_number=10, symbol_size=15, is_visualmap=True, is_more_utils=True)230     # geo1.render(csv_file + "_城市dotmap.HTML")231     page.add_chart(geo1)232     geo2 = Geo("", "评论来源热力图",Title_pos="center", wIDth=1200,height=600, background_color='#404a59', Title_color="#fff",)233     geo2.add("", attr, val, type="heatmap", is_visualmap=True, visual_range=[0, 50],visual_text_color='#fff', is_more_utils=True)234     # geo2.render(csv_file+"_城市heatmap.HTML")  # 取CSV文件名的前8位数235     page.add_chart(geo2)236     bar = bar("", "评论来源排行", Title_pos="center", wIDth=1200, height=600 )237     bar.add("", attr, val, is_visualmap=True, visual_range=[0, 100], visual_text_color='#fff',mark_point=["average"],mark_line=["average"],238             is_more_utils=True, is_label_show=True, is_datazoom_show=True, xaxis_rotate=45)239     bar.render(csv_file+"_城市评论bar.HTML")  # 取CSV文件名的前8位数240     page.add_chart(bar)241     pIE = PIE("", "评论来源饼图", Title_pos="right", wIDth=1200, height=600)242     pIE.add("", attr, val, radius=[20, 50], label_text_color=None, is_label_show=True, legend_orIEnt='vertical', is_more_utils=True, legend_pos='left')243     pIE.render(csv_file + "_城市评论PIE.HTML")  # 取CSV文件名的前8位数244     page.add_chart(pIE)245     page.render(csv_file + "_城市评论分析汇总.HTML")246 247 def score_draw(csv_file):248     page = Page(csv_file+":评论等级分析")249     score, date, val, score_List = [], [], [], []250     result = {}251     path = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)252     csv_file = path + "\" + csv_file + ".csv"253     csv_file = csv_file.replace('\', '\\')254     d = pd.read_csv(csv_file, engine='python', enCoding='utf-8')[['score', 'date']].dropna()  # 读取CSV转为dataframe格式,并丢弃评论为空的记录255     for indexs in d.index:  # 一种遍历df行的方法(下面还有第二种,iterrows)256         score_List.append(tuple(d.loc[indexs].values[:])) # 目前只找到转换为tuple然后统计相同元素个数的方法257     print("有效评分总数量为:",len(score_List), " 条")258     for i in set(List(score_List)):259         result[i] = score_List.count(i)  # dict类型260     info = []261     for key in result:262         score= key[0]263         date = key[1]264         val = result[key]265         info.append([score, date, val])266     info_new = DataFrame(info)  # 将字典转换成为数据框267     info_new.columns = ['score', 'date', 'Votes']268     info_new.sort_values('date', inplace=True)    # 按日期升序排列df,便于找最早date和最晚data,方便后面插值269     print("first df", info_new)270     # 以下代码用于插入空缺的数据,每个日期的评分类型应该有5中,依次遍历判断是否存在,若不存在则往新的df中插入新数值271     mark = 0272     creat_df = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['score', 'date', 'Votes']) # 创建空的dataframe273     for i in List(info_new['date']):274         location = info_new[("力荐")].index.toList()275         if location == []:276             creat_df.loc[mark] = ["力荐", i, 0]277             mark += 1278         location = info_new[("推荐")].index.toList()279         if location == []:280             creat_df.loc[mark] = ["推荐", i, 0]281             mark += 1282         location = info_new[("还行")].index.toList()283         if location == []:284             creat_df.loc[mark] = ["还行", i, 0]285             mark += 1286         location = info_new[("较差")].index.toList()287         if location == []:288             creat_df.loc[mark] = ["较差", i, 0]289             mark += 1290         location = info_new[("很差")].index.toList()291         if location == []:292             creat_df.loc[mark] = ["很差", i, 0]293             mark += 1294     info_new = info_new.append(creat_df.drop_duplicates(), ignore_index=True)295     score_List = []296     info_new.sort_values('date', inplace=True)    # 按日期升序排列df,便于找最早date和最晚data,方便后面插值297     print(info_new)298     for index, row in info_new.iterrows():   # 第二种遍历df的方法299         score_List.append([row['date'], row['Votes'], row['score']])300     tr = themeRiver()301     tr.add(['力荐', '推荐', '还行', '较差', '很差'], score_List, is_label_show=True, is_more_utils=True)302     page.add_chart(tr)303 304     attr, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5 = [], [], [], [], [], []305     attr = List(sorted(set(info_new['date'])))306     bar = bar()307     for i in attr:308         v1.append(int(info_new[(info_new['date']==i)&(info_new['score']=="力荐")]['Votes']))309         v2.append(int(info_new[(info_new['date']==i)&(info_new['score']=="推荐")]['Votes']))310         v3.append(int(info_new[(info_new['date']==i)&(info_new['score']=="还行")]['Votes']))311         v4.append(int(info_new[(info_new['date']==i)&(info_new['score']=="较差")]['Votes']))312         v5.append(int(info_new[(info_new['date']==i)&(info_new['score']=="很差")]['Votes']))313     bar.add("力荐", attr, v1, is_stack=True)314     bar.add("推荐", attr, v2, is_stack=True)315     bar.add("还行", attr, v3, is_stack=True)316     bar.add("较差", attr, v4, is_stack=True)317     bar.add("很差", attr, v5, is_stack=True, is_convert=True, mark_line=["average"], is_more_utils=True)318     page.add_chart(bar)319 320     line = line()321     line.add("力荐", attr, v1, is_stack=True)322     line.add("推荐", attr, v2, is_stack=True)323     line.add("还行", attr, v3, is_stack=True)324     line.add("较差", attr, v4, is_stack=True)325     line.add("很差", attr, v5, is_stack=True, is_convert=False, mark_line=["average"], is_more_utils=True)326     page.add_chart(line)327 328     page.render(csv_file[:-4] + "_日投票量分析汇总.HTML")329 330 def main(csv_file, stopwords_path, pic_path):331     draw_sentiment_pic(csv_file)332     draw_citys_pic(csv_file)333     score_draw(csv_file)334     word_cloud(csv_file,stopwords_path, pic_path)335 336 if __name__ == '__main__':337     main("流浪地球", "stopwords.txt", "胡歌.jpg" )







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