c# – 使用wpf 3D图形将3D模型显示为3D网格对象

c# – 使用wpf 3D图形将3D模型显示为3D网格对象,第1张

概述我正在使用3D Wpf Graphics开发C#.Net平台. 以下是代码流程如下: 1)我从kinect获取深度数据并将其赋予一个计算3d点的函数. private void display3DView() { while(loop_run) { using ( DepthImageFrame depthFrame = sensor.DepthStream.Open 我正在使用3D Wpf Graphics开发C#.Net平台.


private voID display3DVIEw()

{    while(loop_run)    {       using ( DepthImageFrame depthFrame = sensor.DepthStream.OpenNextFrame(1000))      {             if (depthFrame  == null)  continue;            Point3DCollection PointCloud ;            depthFrame.copyDepthImagePixelDataTo(this.depthImagePixels);            float[,] ImageArray = new float[320,240];            short [,] depth = new short[240,320];             for (int i = 0; i < 240; i++)            {              for (int j = 0; j <320; j++)              {                depth[i,j]= depthImagePixels[j+i *320].Depth;                 ImageArray[i,j] =(float)depth[i,j]/(float)1000;             }           }          PointCloud =Calculate_PointCloud(ImageArray);           viewmodel(PointCloud);           }      }     }</i>

2)我用Kinect Camera的摄像机参数和深度数据计算了3D点


private Point3DCollection Calculate_PointCloud(float [,] ImageArray)

Point3DCollection PointCloud = new Point3DCollection();    float x_coodinate;``    float y_coordinate;    float z_coordinate;    float thresholdvalue = 2.0f;    for (int i = 0; i < 239; ++i)    {        for (int j = 0; j < 319; ++j)        {            if (Math.Abs(ImageArray[i,j] - ImageArray[i,j + 1]) < thresholdvalue && Math.Abs(ImageArray[i,j] - ImageArray[i + 1,j]) < thresholdvalue && Math.Abs(ImageArray[i,j + 1] - ImageArray[i + 1,j]) < thresholdvalue)            {                z_coordinate = ImageArray[i,j];                x_coodinate = ((j - this.PrincipalPointX) * z_coordinate) / FocalLengthX;                y_coordinate = ((i - this.PrincipalPointY) * z_coordinate) / FocalLengthY;                Point3D point1 = new Point3D(x_coodinate,y_coordinate,z_coordinate);                PointCloud.Add(point1);                z_coordinate = ImageArray[i,j + 1];                x_coodinate = (((j + 1) - this.PrincipalPointX) * z_coordinate) / FocalLengthX;                y_coordinate = ((i - this.PrincipalPointY) * z_coordinate) / FocalLengthY;                Point3D point2 = new Point3D(x_coodinate,z_coordinate);                PointCloud.Add(point2);                z_coordinate = ImageArray[i + 1,j];                x_coodinate = ((j - this.PrincipalPointX) * z_coordinate) / FocalLengthX;                y_coordinate = (((i + 1) - this.PrincipalPointY) * z_coordinate) / FocalLengthY;                Point3D point3 = new Point3D(x_coodinate,z_coordinate);                PointCloud.Add(point3);              }            }        }    return PointCloud;}</i>


         private voID viewmodel(Point3DCollection points)

{               Directionallight Dirlight1 = new Directionallight();            Dirlight1.color = colors.White;            Dirlight1.Direction = new Vector3D(1,1,1);           PerspectiveCamera Camera1 = new PerspectiveCamera();           Camera1.FarPlanedistance = 8000;          Camera1.NearPlanedistance = 100;          Camera1.FIEldOfVIEw = 10;          Camera1.position = new Point3D(0,1);          Camera1.LookDirection = new Vector3D(-1,-1,-1);          Camera1.UpDirection = new Vector3D(0,0);           bool combinedvertices = true;          TriangleModel Triatomesh = new TriangleModel();          MeshGeometry3D tmesh = new MeshGeometry3D();          GeometryModel3D msheet = new GeometryModel3D();          Model3DGroup modelGroup = new Model3DGroup();          ModelVisual3D modelsVisual = new ModelVisual3D();          VIEwport3D myVIEwport = new VIEwport3D();         for(int i =0; i<points.Count; i+=3)        {            Triatomesh.addTriangletoMesh(points[i],points[i + 1],points[i + 2],tmesh,combinedvertices);         }        msheet.Geometry = tmesh;       msheet.Material = new DiffuseMaterial(new SolIDcolorBrush(colors.White));       modelGroup.Children.Add(msheet);       modelGroup.Children.Add(Dirlight1);       modelsVisual.Content = modelGroup;       myVIEwport.IsHitTestVisible = false;      myVIEwport.Camera = Camera1;       myVIEwport.Children.Add(modelsVisual);       canvas1.Children.Add(myVIEwport);       myVIEwport.Height = canvas1.Height;       myVIEwport.WIDth = canvas1.WIDth;       Canvas.Settop(myVIEwport,0);       Canvas.Setleft(myVIEwport,0); } </i>


public  voID addTriangletoMesh(Point3D p0,Point3D p1,Point3D p2,MeshGeometry3D mesh,bool combine_vertices)      {        Vector3D normal = Calculatenormal(p0,p1,p2);        if (combine_vertices)        {            addPointCombined(p0,mesh,normal);            addPointCombined(p1,normal);            addPointCombined(p2,normal);        }        else        {            mesh.positions.Add(p0);            mesh.positions.Add(p1);            mesh.positions.Add(p2);              //mesh.TriangleIndices.Add(mesh.TriangleIndices.Count);           // mesh.TriangleIndices.Add(mesh.TriangleIndices.Count);           // mesh.TriangleIndices.Add(mesh.TriangleIndices.Count);            mesh.normals.Add(normal);            mesh.normals.Add(normal);            mesh.normals.Add(normal);        }    }public  Vector3D Calculatenormal(Point3D P0,Point3D P1,Point3D P2)   //static    {        Vector3D v0 = new Vector3D(P1.X - P0.X,P1.Y - P0.Y,P1.Z - P0.Z);        Vector3D v1 = new Vector3D(P2.X - P1.X,P2.Y - P1.Y,P2.Z - P1.Z);        return Vector3D.Crossproduct(v0,v1);    } public  voID addPointCombined(Point3D point,Vector3D normal)      {        bool found = false;        int i = 0;        foreach (Point3D p in mesh.positions)        {            if (p.Equals(point))            {                found = true;                mesh.TriangleIndices.Add(i);                mesh.positions.Add(point);                mesh.normals.Add(normal);                break;            }            i++;        }        if (!found)        {            mesh.positions.Add(point);            mesh.TriangleIndices.Add(mesh.TriangleIndices.Count);            mesh.normals.Add(normal);        }}


<Window x:Class="PointCloud3DVIEw.MainWindow"    xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"    xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"    title="PointCloud" Height="653" WIDth="993" Background="Black" Loaded="Window_Loaded"><GrID Height="1130" WIDth="1626">    <Canvas Height="611" HorizontalAlignment="left" name="canvas1" VerticalAlignment="top"



问题是我无法在Wpf Screen中显示3D模型.请问任何人都可以浏览整个代码吗?并让我明白我哪里出错了?并建议我纠正.

解决方法 我已经在几周内尝试了WPF 3D并且学到了一些难以理解的东西:)


Camera1.position = new Point3D(0,0);
Camera1.LookDirection = new Point3D(0,0) – Camera1.position;
>尝试在三角形索引中交换点的顺序(WPF仅渲染网格的一侧,因此模型可能在那里但内部/外部) –



private voID viewmodel(Point3DCollection points)    {        Directionallight Dirlight1 = new Directionallight();        Dirlight1.color = colors.White;        Dirlight1.Direction = new Vector3D(1,1);        PerspectiveCamera Camera1 = new PerspectiveCamera();        Camera1.FarPlanedistance = 8000;        //Camera1.NearPlanedistance = 100; //close object will not be displayed with this option        Camera1.FIEldOfVIEw = 10;           //Camera1.position = new Point3D(0,1);        //Camera1.LookDirection = new Vector3D(-1,-1);        Camera1.position = new Point3D(0,10);        Camera1.LookDirection = new Point3D(0,0) - Camera1.position; //focus camera on real center of your model (0,0) in this case        Camera1.UpDirection = new Vector3D(0,0);        //you can use constructor to create Camera instead of assigning its propertIEs like:        //PerspectiveCamera Camera1 = new PerspectiveCamera(new Point3D(0,10),new Vector3D(0,-1),10);        bool combinedvertices = true;        TriangleModel Triatomesh = new TriangleModel();        MeshGeometry3D tmesh = new MeshGeometry3D();        GeometryModel3D msheet = new GeometryModel3D();        Model3DGroup modelGroup = new Model3DGroup();        ModelVisual3D modelsVisual = new ModelVisual3D();        VIEwport3D myVIEwport = new VIEwport3D();        for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i += 3)        {            Triatomesh.addTriangletoMesh(points[i + 2],points[i],combinedvertices);                            //I dID swap order of vertexes you may try both options with your model                       }        msheet.Geometry = tmesh;        msheet.Material = new DiffuseMaterial(new SolIDcolorBrush(colors.White));        //you can use constructor to create GeometryModel3D instead of assigning its propertIEs like:        //msheet = new GeometryModel3D(tmesh,new DiffuseMaterial(new SolIDcolorBrush(colors.White)));                     modelGroup.Children.Add(msheet);        //use AMbIEntlight instead of directional        modelGroup.Children.Add(new AmbIEntlight(colors.White));        modelsVisual.Content =  modelGroup;        myVIEwport.IsHitTestVisible = false;        myVIEwport.Camera = Camera1;        myVIEwport.Children.Add(modelsVisual);        canvas1.Children.Add(myVIEwport);        myVIEwport.Height = canvas1.Height;        myVIEwport.WIDth = canvas1.WIDth;        Canvas.Settop(myVIEwport,0);        Canvas.Setleft(myVIEwport,0);    }


Point3DCollection points = new Point3DCollection();    points.Add(new Point3D(0.5,0.5));    points.Add(new Point3D(0.5,-0.5,-0.5));    points.Add(new Point3D(-0.5,-0.1,-0.5));    viewmodel(points);

以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的c# – 使用wpf 3D图形将3D模型显示为3D网格对象全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决c# – 使用wpf 3D图形将3D模型显示为3D网格对象所遇到的程序开发问题。



原文地址: https://outofmemory.cn/langs/1230487.html

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