c# – 如何限制进程的CPU使用率

c# – 如何限制进程的CPU使用率,第1张

概述我想创建一个程序,即使在计算机空闲时也可以限制一个进程的CPU使用. 我已经制定了一个程序来设置进程的优先级,但如果计算机空闲,那么cpu的使用率可以达到95%. 该过程包含“元素”是我要限制的过程 private static readonly string[] RestrictedProcess = new[] { "element" }; static void ProcessCh 我想创建一个程序,即使在计算机空闲时也可以限制一个进程的cpu使用.
private static Readonly string[] RestrictedProcess = new[] { "element" };     static voID ProcessChecker(object o)    {        List<Process> resProc = new List<Process>();        foreach(Process p in Process.GetProcesses())        {            string s = p.Processname;            foreach(string rp in RestrictedProcess)            {                s = s.Tolower();                if (s.Contains(rp))                    resProc.Add(p);            }        }        foreach(Process p in resProc)        {            p.PriorityBoostEnabled = false;            p.PriorityClass = ProcesspriorityClass.IDle;            p.MaxWorkingSet = new IntPtr(20000000);        }        SetPowerConfig(resProc.Count > 0 ? PowerOption.GreenComputing : PowerOption.Balanced);    }


解决方法 如果您要限制的程序不是您的程序,则有几个选项:

>如果您的系统是多核或多cpu,那么您可能需要设置processor affinity.这将告诉您的程序只使用您希望他使用的处理器.例如,如果您的程序是多线程的,并且能够消耗您的两个cpu的100%,则将其亲和力设置为仅使用一个cpu.那么他的使用量将只有50%.

要暂停/恢复不是您的进程,您必须使用P / Invoke(并且这需要访问该进程,因此,如果您是windows Vista或更高版本,请关注UAC以获取管理员权限):

/// <summary>/// The process-specific access rights./// </summary>[Flags]public enum ProcessAccess : uint{    /// <summary>    /// required to terminate a process using TerminateProcess.    /// </summary>    Terminate = 0x1,/// <summary>    /// required to create a thread.    /// </summary>    CreateThread = 0x2,/// <summary>    /// Undocumented.    /// </summary>    SetSessionID = 0x4,/// <summary>    /// required to perform an operation on the address space of a process (see VirtualProtectEx and WriteProcessMemory).    /// </summary>    VmOperation = 0x8,/// <summary>    /// required to read memory in a process using ReadProcessMemory.    /// </summary>    VmRead = 0x10,/// <summary>    /// required to write to memory in a process using WriteProcessMemory.    /// </summary>    VmWrite = 0x20,/// <summary>    /// required to duplicate a handle using DuplicateHandle.    /// </summary>    DupHandle = 0x40,/// <summary>    /// required to create a process.    /// </summary>    CreateProcess = 0x80,/// <summary>    /// required to set memory limits using SetProcessWorkingSetSize.    /// </summary>    SetQuota = 0x100,/// <summary>    /// required to set certain information about a process,such as its priority class (see SetPriorityClass).    /// </summary>    Setinformation = 0x200,/// <summary>    /// required to retrIEve certain information about a process,such as its token,exit code,and priority class (see OpenProcesstoken,GetExitCodeProcess,GetPriorityClass,and IsProcessInJob).    /// </summary>    queryinformation = 0x400,/// <summary>    /// Undocumented.    /// </summary>    SetPort = 0x800,/// <summary>    /// required to suspend or resume a process.    /// </summary>    SuspendResume = 0x800,/// <summary>    /// required to retrIEve certain information about a process (see queryFullProcessImagename). A handle that has the PROCESS_query_informatION access right is automatically granted PROCESS_query_liMITED_informatION.    /// </summary>    querylimitedinformation = 0x1000,/// <summary>    /// required to wait for the process to terminate using the wait functions.    /// </summary>    Synchronize = 0x100000}[Dllimport("ntdll.dll")]internal static extern uint NtResumeProcess([In] IntPtr processHandle);[Dllimport("ntdll.dll")]internal static extern uint NtSuspendProcess([In] IntPtr processHandle);[Dllimport("kernel32.dll",SetLastError = true)]internal static extern IntPtr OpenProcess(    ProcessAccess desiredAccess,bool inheritHandle,int processID);[Dllimport("kernel32.dll",SetLastError = true)][return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]internal static extern bool CloseHandle([In] IntPtr handle);public static voID SuspendProcess(int processID){    IntPtr hProc = IntPtr.Zero;    try    {        // Gets the handle to the Process        hProc = OpenProcess(ProcessAccess.SuspendResume,false,processID);        if (hProc != IntPtr.Zero)        {            NtSuspendProcess(hProc);        }    }    finally    {        // Don't forget to close handle you created.        if (hProc != IntPtr.Zero)        {            CloseHandle(hProc);        }    }}

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原文地址: https://outofmemory.cn/langs/1261339.html

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