

概述并发并行 并发(concurrency) 并发的关注点在于任务切分。举例来说,你是一个创业公司的CEO,开始只有你一个人,你一人分饰多角,一会做产品规划,一会写代码,一会见客户,虽然你不能见客户的同时写代码,但由于你切分了任务,分配了时间片,表现出来好像是多个任务一起在执行。 并行(parallelism) 并行的关注点在于同时执行。还是上面的例子,你发现你自己太忙了,时间分配不过来,于是请了工


并发(concurrency) 并发的关注点在于任务切分。举例来说,你是一个创业公司的CEO,开始只有你一个人,你一人分饰多角,一会做产品规划,一会写代码,一会见客户,虽然你不能见客户的同时写代码,但由于你切分了任务,分配了时间片,表现出来好像是多个任务一起在执行。

并行(parallelism) 并行的关注点在于同时执行。还是上面的例子,你发现你自己太忙了,时间分配不过来,于是请了工程师,产品经理,市场总监,各司一职,这时候多个任务可以同时执行了。


用户空间 首先是在用户空间,避免内核态和用户态的切换导致的成本。




Continuation这个概念不熟悉 FP 编程的人可能不太熟悉,不过这里可以简单的顾名思义,可以理解为让我们的程序可以暂停,然后下次调用继续(contine)从上次暂停的地方开始的一种机制。相当于程序调用多了一种入口。

Coroutine是 Continuation 的一种实现,一般表现为语言层面的组件或者类库。主要提供 yIEld,resume 机制。

Fiber 和 Coroutine其实是一体两面的,主要是从系统层面描述,可以理解成 Coroutine 运行之后的东西就是 Fiber。


Goroutine 其实就是前面 GreenThread 系列解决方案的一种演进和实现。

首先,它内置了 Coroutine 机制。因为要用户态的调度,必须有可以让代码片段可以暂停/继续的机制。

其次,它内置了一个调度器,实现了 Coroutine 的多线程并行调度,同时通过对网络等库的封装,对用户屏蔽了调度细节。

最后,提供了 Channel 机制,用于 Goroutine 之间通信,实现 CSP 并发模型(Communicating Sequential Processes)。因为 Go 的 Channel 是通过语法关键词提供的,对用户屏蔽了许多细节。其实 Go 的 Channel 和 Java 中的 SynchronousQueue 是一样的机制,如果有 buffer 其实就是 ArrayBlockQueue。

Goroutine 调度器

这个图一般讲 Goroutine 调度器的地方都会引用,想要仔细了解的可以看看原博客(小编:点击阅读原文获取)。这里只说明几点:

M 代表系统线程,P 代表处理器(核),G 代表 Goroutine。Go 实现了 M : N 的调度,也就是说线程和 Goroutine 之间是多对多的关系。这点在许多GreenThread / Coroutine 的调度器并没有实现。比如 Java 1.1 版本之前的线程其实是 GreenThread(这个词就来源于 Java),但由于没实现多对多的调度,也就是没有真正实现并行,发挥不了多核的优势,所以后来改成基于系统内核的 Thread 实现了。

某个系统线程如果被阻塞,排列在该线程上的 Goroutine 会被迁移。当然还有其他机制,比如 M 空闲了,如果全局队列没有任务,可能会从其他 M 偷任务执行,相当于一种 rebalance 机制。这里不再细说,有需要看专门的分析文章。

具体的实现策略和我们前面分析的机制类似。系统启动时,会启动一个独立的后台线程(不在 Goroutine 的调度线程池里),启动 netpoll 的轮询。当有 Goroutine 发起网络请求时,网络库会将 fd(文件描述符)和 pollDesc(用于描述 netpoll 的结构体,包含因为读 / 写这个 fd 而阻塞的 Goroutine)关联起来,然后调用 runtime.gopark 方法,挂起当前的 Goroutine。当后台的 netpoll 轮询获取到 epoll(linux 环境下)的 event,会将 event 中的 pollDesc 取出来,找到关联的阻塞 Goroutine,并进行恢复。

Goroutine 是银d么?

Goroutine 很大程度上降低了并发的开发成本,是不是我们所有需要并发的地方直接 go func 就搞定了呢?

Go 通过 Goroutine 的调度解决了 cpu 利用率的问题。但遇到其他的瓶颈资源如何处理?比如带锁的共享资源,比如数据库连接等。互联网在线应用场景下,如果每个请求都扔到一个 Goroutine 里,当资源出现瓶颈的时候,会导致大量的 Goroutine 阻塞,最后用户请求超时。这时候就需要用 Goroutine 池来进行控流,同时问题又来了:池子里设置多少个 Goroutine 合适?


go没有严格的内置的logical processor数量限制,但是go的runtime默认限制了每个program最多使用10,000个线程,可以通过SetMaxThreads修改. 下图展示了Concurrency和Parallelism的区别
goroutine使用 go块

go的用法很简单,如下. 如果没有最外面的括号{}(),会显示go块必须是一个函数调用.没有()只是一个函数的声明,有了()是一个调用(没有参数的)

go func() {  for _,n := range nums {    out <- n  }  close(out)}()


channel <-,发送一个新的值到通道中<-channel,从通道中接收一个值,这个更像有两层含义,一个是会返回一个结果,当做赋值来用:msg := <-channel;另外一个含义是等待这个channel发送消息,所以还有一个等的含义在.所以如果你直接写fmt.Print(<-channel)本意只是想输出下这个chan传来的值,但是其实他还会阻塞住等着channel来发.

默认发送和接收 *** 作是阻塞的,直到发送方和接收方都准备完毕。

func main() {    messages := make(chan string)    go func() { messages <- "Ping" }()    msg := <-messages    fmt.Println(msg)}


@H_922_301@func main() { messages := make(chan string) messages <- "Ping" msg := <-messages fmt.Println(msg)}

所以在一个go程中,发送messages <- "msg"channel的时候,要格外小心,不然一不留神就死锁了.(解决方法:1. 用带缓存的chan; 2. 使用带有default的select发送)

select {case messages <- "msg":    fmt.Println("sent message")default:    fmt.Println("no message sent")}


queue := make(chan string,2)//queue <- "one"//queue <- "two"//close(queue)for elem := range queue {  fmt.Println(elem)}

加了缓存之后,就像你向channel发送消息的时候(message <- "Ping"),"Ping"就已经发送出去了(到缓存).就像一个异步的队列?到时候,<-message直接从缓存中取值就好了(异步...)

但是你要这么写,利用通道缓冲,就可以.无缓冲的意味着只有在对应的接收(<-chan)通道准备好接收时,才允许发送(chan <-),可缓存通道允许在没有对应接收方的情况下,缓存限定数量的值。

@H_922_301@func main() { message := make(chan string,1) message <- "Ping" msg := <-message fmt.Print(msg)}

要是多发一个messages <- "channel",Fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!,要是多接受一个fmt.Println(<-messages),会打印出buffered channel,然后报同样的error

@H_922_301@func main() { messages := make(chan string,2) messages <- "buffered" messages <- "channel" fmt.Println(<-messages) fmt.Println(<-messages)} 通道同步

使用通道同步,如果你把<- done这行代码从程序中移除,程序甚至会在 worker还没开始运行时就结束了。

func worker(done chan bool) {    fmt.Print("working...")    time.Sleep(time.Second) // working    fmt.Println("done")    done <- true}func main() {    done := make(chan bool,1)    go worker(done)    <-done //blocking 阻塞在这里,知道worker执行完毕}

可以指定这个通道是不是只用来发送或者接收值。这个特性提升了程序的类型安全性。pong 函数允许通道(Pings)来接收数据,另一通道(pongs)来发送数据。

func Ping(Pings chan<- string,msg string) {    Pings <- msg}func pong(Pings <-chan string,pongs chan<- string) {    msg := <-Pings    pongs <- msg}func main() {    Pings := make(chan string,1)    pongs := make(chan string,1)    Ping(Pings,"passed message")    pong(Pings,pongs)    fmt.Println(<-pongs)}

Go 的select 让你可以同时等待多个通道 *** 作。(poll/epoll?) 注意select 要么写个死循环用超时,要不就定好次数.或者加上default让select变成非阻塞的

go func() {    time.Sleep(time.Second * 1)    c1 <- "one"}()go func() {    time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)    c2 <- "two"}()for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {    select {    case msg1 := <-c1:        fmt.Println("received",msg1)    case msg2 := <-c2:        fmt.Println("received",msg2)    }}

其中time.After返回<-chan Time,直接向select发送消息

select {case res := <-c1:    fmt.Println(res)case <-time.After(time.Second * 1):    fmt.Println("timeout 1")}
非阻塞通道 *** 作


select {case msg := <-messages:    fmt.Println("received message",msg)default:    fmt.Println("no message received")}

可以使用 select 语句来检测 chan 是否已经满了

ch := make (chan int,1)ch <- 1select {case ch <- 2:default:    fmt.Println("channel is full !")}


queue := make(chan string,2)queue <- "one"queue <- "two"close(queue)for elem := range queue {    fmt.Println(elem)}



timer1 := time.NewTimer(time.Second * 2)<-timer1.C

<-timer1.C直到这个定时器的通道C明确的发送了定时器失效的值(2s)之前,将一直阻塞。如果你只是要单纯的等待用time.Sleep,定时器是可以在它失效之前把它给取消的stop2 := timer2.Stop()



func main() {    //打点器和定时器的机制有点相似:一个通道用来发送数据。这里我们在这个通道上使用内置的 range 来迭代值每隔500ms 发送一次的值。    ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Millisecond * 500)    go func() {        for t := range ticker.C {            fmt.Println("Tick at",t)        }    }()    //打点器可以和定时器一样被停止。一旦一个打点停止了,将不能再从它的通道中接收到值。我们将在运行后 1600ms停止这个打点器。    time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 1600)    ticker.Stop()    fmt.Println("Ticker stopped")}


func rand_generator_2() chan int {    out := make(chan int)    go func() {        for {            out <- rand.Int()        }    }()    return out}func main() {    // 生成随机数作为一个服务    rand_service_handler := rand_generator_2()    fmt.Printf("%dn",<-rand_service_handler)}


多路复用技术可以用来整合多个通道。提升性能和 *** 作的便捷。


func rand_generator_3() chan int {    rand_generator_1 := rand_generator_2()    rand_generator_2 := rand_generator_2()    out := make(chan int)    go func() {        for {            //读取生成器1中的数据,整合            out <- <-rand_generator_1        }    }()    go func() {        for {            //读取生成器2中的数据,整合            out <- <-rand_generator_2        }    }()    return out}

可以在不准备好参数的情况下调用函数。函数调用和函数参数准备这两个过程可以完全解耦。可以在调用的时候不关心数据是否准备好,返回值是否计算好的问题。让程序中的组件在准备好数据的时候自动跑起来。 这个最后取得<-q.result也是可以放到execquery上面的把

Furture技术可以和各个其他技术组合起来用。可以通过多路复用技术,监听多个结果Channel,当有结果后,自动返回。也可以和生成器组合使用,生成器不断生产数据,Furture技术逐个处理数据。Furture技术自身还可以首尾相连,形成一个并发的pipe filter。这个pipe filter可以用于读写数据流, *** 作数据流。

type query struct {    sql chan string    result chan string}func execquery(q query) {    go func() {        sql := <-q.sql        q.result <- "get " + sql    }()}func main() {    q := query{make(chan string,1),make(chan string,1)}    execquery(q)    //准备参数    q.sql <- "select * from table"    fmt.Println(<-q.result)}
Chain Filter技术


func Generate(ch chan<- int) {    for i := 2; ; i++ {        ch <- i     }}func Filter(in <-chan int,out chan<- int,prime int) {    for {        i := <-in // Receive value from 'in'.        if i%prime != 0 {            out <- i // Send 'i' to 'out'.        }    }}// The prime sIEve: Daisy-chain Filter processes.func main() {    ch := make(chan int) // Create a new channel.    go Generate(ch)      // Launch Generate goroutine.    for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {        prime := <-ch        print(prime,"n")        ch1 := make(chan int)        go Filter(ch,ch1,prime)        ch = ch1    }}


type sharded_var struct {    reader chan int    writer chan int}func sharded_var_whachdog(v sharded_var) {//共享变量维护协程    go func() {        var value int = 0        for { //监听读写通道,完成服务            select {            case value = <-v.writer:            case v.reader <- value:            }        }    }()}func main() {    v := sharded_var{make(chan int),make(chan int)} //初始化,并开始维护协程    sharded_var_whachdog(v)    fmt.Println(<-v.reader)    v.writer <- 1    fmt.Println(<-v.reader)}
Concurrency patterns



当你的程序会运行在后台,可以是cron job或者是Iron.io这样的worker-based云环境.这个程序就可以监控和中断你的程序,如果你的程序运行的太久了.


interrupt:接收系统的终止信号(比如ctrl-c),接收到之后系统就优雅的退出 complete:指示任务完成状态或者返回错误 timeout:当超时了之后,系统就优雅的退出

tasks是一个函数类型的slice,你可以往里面存放签名为func funcname(ID int){}的函数,作为你的任务.task(ID)就是在执行任务了(当然只是用来模拟任务,可以定义一个任务接口来存放任务,此处是为了简便). 注意tasks里面的任务是串行执行的,这些任务的执行发生在一个单独的goroutine中.

New方法里的interrupt channel buffer设置为1,也就是说当用户重复ctrl+c的时候,程序也只会收到一个信号,其他的信号会被丢弃.

在run()方法中,在开始执行任务前(task(ID)),会前检查执行流程有没有被中断(if r.gotInterrupt() {}),这里用了一个带default语句的select.一旦收到中断的事件,程序就不再接受任何其他事件了(signal.Stop(r.interrupt)).

在Start()方法中,在go块中执行run()方法,任何当前的goroutine会阻塞在select这边,直到收到run()返回的complete channel或者超时返回.

// Runner runs a set of tasks within a given timeout and can be shut down on an operating system interrupt.type Runner struct {    // interrupt channel reports a signal from the operating system.    interrupt chan os.Signal    // complete channel reports that processing is done.    complete chan error    // timeout reports that time has run out.    timeout <-chan time.Time    // tasks holds a set of functions that are executed    // synchronously in index order.    tasks []func(int) } // ErrTimeout is returned when a value is received on the timeout channel. var ErrTimeout = errors.New("received timeout") // ErrInterrupt is returned when an event from the OS is received. var ErrInterrupt = errors.New("received interrupt") // New returns a new ready-to-use Runner. func New(d time.Duration) *Runner {    return &Runner{        interrupt: make(chan os.Signal,complete:  make(chan error),timeout:   time.After(d),}}// Add attaches tasks to the Runner. A task is a function that takes an int ID. ...表示可以传入多个参数func (r *Runner) Add(tasks ...func(int)) {     r.tasks = append(r.tasks,tasks...)}// Start runs all tasks and monitors channel events.func (r *Runner) Start() error {    // We want to receive all interrupt based signals.    signal.Notify(r.interrupt,os.Interrupt)    // Run the different tasks on a different goroutine.    go func() {        r.complete <- r.run()    }()    select {    // Signaled when processing is done.    case err := <-r.complete:        return err    // Signaled when we run out of time.    case <-r.timeout:        return ErrTimeout    }}// run executes each registered task.func (r *Runner) run() error {    for ID,task := range r.tasks {        // Check for an interrupt signal from the OS.        if r.gotInterrupt() {            return ErrInterrupt        }        // Execute the registered task.        task(ID)    }    return nil}// gotInterrupt verifIEs if the interrupt signal has been issued.func (r *Runner) gotInterrupt() bool {    select {    // Signaled when an interrupt event is sent.    case <-r.interrupt:        // Stop receiving any further signals.        signal.Stop(r.interrupt)        return true    // Continue running as normal.    default:        return false    }}


const timeout = 3 * time.Second// main is the entry point for the program.func main() {    log.Println("Starting work.")    // Create a new timer value for this run.    r := runner.New(timeout)    // Add the tasks to be run.    r.Add(createTask(),createTask(),createTask())    // Run the tasks and handle the result.    if err := r.Start(); err != nil {        switch err {        case runner.ErrTimeout:            log.Println("Terminating due to timeout.")            os.Exit(1)        case runner.ErrInterrupt:            log.Println("Terminating due to interrupt.")            os.Exit(2)        }    }    log.Println("Process ended.")}// createTask returns an example task that sleeps for the specifIEd// number of seconds based on the ID.func createTask() func(int) {    return func(ID int) {        log.Printf("Processor - Task #%d.",ID)        time.Sleep(time.Duration(ID) * time.Second)    }}




m用来保证多goroutine下对Poll的 *** 作都是value-safe的. resources将会是一个buffered channel,会包含将要分享的资源. factory的作用是创建一个新的资源,当poll有需要的时候. closed用来指示pool有无被关闭

New函数接受一个用来创建新资源的函数对象(fn func() (io.Closer,error),返回一个资源)还有一个size参数.


func (p *Pool) Acquire() (io.Closer,error) {    select {    // Check for a free resource.    case r,_ := <-p.resources:        return r,nil    // ProvIDe a new resource since there are none available.    default:        return p.factory()    }}

Release函数:如果pool已经关闭,就直接return.否则就向resource这个buffered channel里发送要释放的资源.default语句是如果resource已经满了,就关闭这个pool.

Close函数:当程序运行完关闭pool的时候,应该调用Close函数,这个函数首先关闭resource这个buffered channel,然后再把buffered channel中的任务关闭(io.Closer).注意这个加锁.

// Pool manages a set of resources that can be shared safely by multiple goroutines.// The resource being managed must implement the io.Closer interface.type Pool struct {    m         sync.Mutex    resources chan io.Closer    factory   func() (io.Closer,error) closed bool } // ErrPoolClosed is returned when an Acquire returns on a closed pool. var ErrPoolClosed = errors.New("Pool has been closed.") // New creates a pool that manages resources. A pool requires a // function that can allocate a new resource and the size of the pool. func New(fn func() (io.Closer,error),size uint) (*Pool,error) {    if size <= 0 {        return nil,errors.New("Size value too small.")    }    return &Pool{        factory:   fn,resources: make(chan io.Closer,size),},nil}// Acquire retrIEves a resource from the pool.func (p *Pool) Acquire() (io.Closer,error) {    select {    // Check for a free resource.    case r,ok := <-p.resources:        log.Println("Acquire:","Shared Resource")        if !ok {            return nil,ErrPoolClosed        }        return r,nil    // ProvIDe a new resource since there are none available.    default:        log.Println("Acquire:","New Resource")        return p.factory()    }}// Release places a new resource onto the pool.func (p *Pool) Release(r io.Closer) {    // Secure this operation with the Close operation.    p.m.Lock()    defer p.m.Unlock()    // If the pool is closed,discard the resource.    if p.closed {        r.Close()        return    }    select {    // Attempt to place the new resource on the queue.    case p.resources <- r:        log.Println("Release:","In Queue")    // If the queue is already at cap we close the resource.    default:        log.Println("Release:","Closing")        r.Close()    }}// Close will shutdown the pool and close all existing resources.func (p *Pool) Close() {    // Secure this operation with the Release operation.    p.m.Lock()    defer p.m.Unlock()    // If the pool is already close,don't do anything.    if p.closed {        return    }    // Set the pool as closed.    p.closed = true    // Close the channel before we drain the channel of its    // resources. If we don't do this,we will have a deadlock.    close(p.resources)    // Close the resources    for r := range p.resources {        r.Close()    }}


const (    maxGoroutines   = 25 // the number of routines to use.    pooledResources = 2  // number of resources in the pool)// dbConnection simulates a resource to share.type dbConnection struct {    ID int32}// Close implements the io.Closer interface so dbConnection can be managed by the pool. Close performs any resource release management.func (dbConn *dbConnection) Close() error {    log.Println("Close: Connection",dbConn.ID)    return nil}// IDCounter provIDes support for giving each connection a unique ID.var IDCounter int32// createConnection is a factory method that will be called by the pool when a new connection is needed.func createConnection() (io.Closer,error) {    ID := atomic.AddInt32(&IDCounter,1)    log.Println("Create: New Connection",ID)    return &dbConnection{ID},nil}// main is the entry point for all Go programs.func main() {    var wg sync.WaitGroup    wg.Add(maxGoroutines)    // Create the pool to manage our connections.    p,err := pool.New(createConnection,pooledResources)    if err != nil {        log.Println(err)    }    // Perform querIEs using connections from the pool.    for query := 0; query < maxGoroutines; query++ {        // Each goroutine needs its own copy of the query value else they will all be sharing the same query variable.        go func(q int) {            performQuerIEs(q,p)            wg.Done()        }(query)    }    // Wait for the goroutines to finish.    wg.Wait()    // Close the pool.    log.Println("Shutdown Program.")    p.Close()}// performQuerIEs tests the resource pool of connections.func performQuerIEs(query int,p *pool.Pool) {    // Acquire a connection from the pool.    conn,err := p.Acquire()    if err != nil {        log.Println(err)        return    }    // Release the connection back to the pool.    defer p.Release(conn)    // Wait to simulate a query response.    time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(1000)) * time.Millisecond)    log.Printf("query: QID[%d] CID[%d]\n",query,conn.(*dbConnection).ID)}

New函数开启了固定个数(maxGoroutines)个goroutine,注意这边work是一个unbuffered channel.这个for range会阻塞直到channel中有值可以取.要是work这个channel被关闭了,这个for range就结束,然后调用wg.Done

Run函数提交任务到pool中去w.work <- w.注意这个work是一个unbuffered channel,所以得等一个goroutine把它取走,否则会阻塞住.这是我们需要保证的,因为我们想要调用者保证这个任务被提交之后立即开始运行

type Worker interface {    Task()}// Pool provIDes a pool of goroutines that can execute any Worker// tasks that are submitted.type Pool struct {    work chan Worker    wg   sync.WaitGroup}// New creates a new work pool.func New(maxGoroutines int) *Pool {    p := Pool{        work: make(chan Worker),}    p.wg.Add(maxGoroutines)    for i := 0; i < maxGoroutines; i++ {        go func() {            for w := range p.work {                w.Task()            }            p.wg.Done()        }()    }    return &p}// Run submits work to the pool.func (p *Pool) Run(w Worker) {    p.work <- w}// Shutdown waits for all the goroutines to shutdown.func (p *Pool) Shutdown() {    close(p.work)    p.wg.Wait()}


// names provIDes a set of names to display.var names = []string{    "steve","bob","mary","therese","jason",}// namePrinter provIDes special support for printing names.type namePrinter struct {    name string}// Task implements the Worker interface.func (m *namePrinter) Task() {    log.Println(m.name)    time.Sleep(time.Second)}// main is the entry point for all Go programs.func main() {    // Create a work pool with 2 goroutines.    p := work.New(2)    var wg sync.WaitGroup    wg.Add(100 * len(names))    for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {        // Iterate over the slice of names.        for _,name := range names {            // Create a namePrinter and provIDe the            // specific name.            np := namePrinter{                name: name,}            go func() {                // submit the task to be worked on. When RunTask                // returns we kNow it is being handled.                p.Run(&np)                wg.Done()            }()        }    }    wg.Wait()    // Shutdown the work pool and wait for all existing work    // to be completed.    p.Shutdown()}

创建一个二级channel系统,一个来queue job,另外一个来控制使用多少个worker来并发 *** 作JobQueue。把工作发送到工作队列中去JobQueue <- work

var (    MaxWorker = os.Getenv("MAX_WORKERS")    MaxQueue  = os.Getenv("MAX_QUEUE"))// Job represents the job to be runtype Job struct {    Payload Payload}// A buffered channel that we can send work requests on.var JobQueue chan Job// Worker represents the worker that executes the jobtype Worker struct {    WorkerPool  chan chan Job    JobChannel  chan Job    quit        chan bool}func NewWorker(workerPool chan chan Job) Worker {    return Worker{        WorkerPool: workerPool,JobChannel: make(chan Job),quit:       make(chan bool)}}// Start method starts the run loop for the worker,Listening for a quit channel in case we need to stop itfunc (w Worker) Start() {    go func() {        for {            // register the current worker into the worker queue.            w.WorkerPool <- w.JobChannel            select {            case job := <-w.JobChannel:                // we have received a work request.                if err := job.Payload.UploadToS3(); err != nil {                    log.Errorf("Error uploading to S3: %s",err.Error())                }            case <-w.quit:                // we have received a signal to stop                return            }        }    }()}// Stop signals the worker to stop Listening for work requests.func (w Worker) Stop() {    go func() {        w.quit <- true    }()}


type dispatcher struct {    // A pool of workers channels that are registered with the dispatcher    WorkerPool chan chan Job}func Newdispatcher(maxWorkers int) *dispatcher {    pool := make(chan chan Job,maxWorkers)    return &dispatcher{WorkerPool: pool}}func (d *dispatcher) Run() {    // starting n number of workers    for i := 0; i < d.maxWorkers; i++ {        worker := NewWorker(d.pool)        worker.Start()    }    go d.dispatch()}func (d *dispatcher) dispatch() {    for {        select {        case job := <-JobQueue:            // a job request has been received            go func(job Job) {                // try to obtain a worker job channel that is available.                // this will block until a worker is IDle                jobChannel := <-d.WorkerPool                // dispatch the job to the worker job channel                jobChannel <- job            }(job)        }    }}




原文地址: https://outofmemory.cn/langs/1277056.html

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