

Episode 4: The One With George Stephanopoulos Monica: Are you nuts We\'ve got George Stephanopoulos\' pizza! 你们真的不知道?!我们有乔治史蒂芬诺伯罗斯的比萨! Rachel: Uh, Pheebs Who\'s Georege Snuffalopagus 嗯,菲比?谁是乔治史蒂芬诺伯罗斯? Phoebe: Big Bird\'s friend 大鸟的朋友。 Friends 第一季在美国播出时,是一九九四年,当时是克林顿当总统,而George Stephanopoulos就是那个时期克林顿政策顾问的名字。他是希腊移民,长相俊俏,算是常上新闻的热门人物。所以在这段之前的对话,Monica还一直追问送比萨的小弟,那人是否长得像地中海地区的人,当她确定那人的长相之后,就感到非常地兴奋。至于Phoebe为何会回答是《芝麻街》里“大鸟”Big Bird的朋友呢?这其实是一个非常有趣的笑点。因为这里Rachel是一时口误,竟然把政治人物George Stephanopoulos念成Georege Snuffalopagus。而在美国家喻户晓的儿童节目《芝麻街》内,大鸟一直幻想出来的好朋友,就叫做Snuffalopagus,但它不是人,而是一只可爱的大象。 Episode 5: The One With the East German Laundry Detergent Joey: Monica, I\'m telling you, this guy is perfect for you 莫妮卡,我告诉你。这个家伙非常适合你。 Monica: Forget it Not after your cousin who could belch the alphabet 算了吧。继你上次那个打嗝会嗝出字母的表哥,别再介绍一个来。 所谓打嗝会嗝出字母,就是指有些无聊的人,会故意打一个长长的嗝,然后会利用打嗝发出字母的音,有一些很厉害又没事的无聊人,真的有办法用打嗝从A念到Z。其实这是一个很粗俗又没教养的行为,而美国人会觉得这样做的人是“红脖子”redneck,这个字代表“美国南方乡下作粗活的人”,是一种很鄙视性的说法。 Episode 6: The One with the Butt Monica: You guys, I am not that bad! 各位,我才没有那么糟糕! Phoebe: Yeah, you are, Monica Remember when I lived with You You were like, a little, y’know, Ree! Ree! Ree! Ree! 有,你有,莫妮卡。还记得之前我跟你住的时候吗?你简直,有点,你知道吗。(叫)咦!咦!咦!咦! Monica: That is so unfair 那么说太不公平了。 Phoebe发出一串“咦……”的怪叫声,是在模仿**《惊魂记》Psycho中,凶手在浴室中杀人的恐怖背景音乐,这声音一出现,大家就会联想到片子中疯子的行径。所以Phoebe模仿这叫声,就是指Monica的行为不正常,把他吓得时时心神不宁。 Episode 7:The One with the Blackout Joey: Hi, everyone 大家好。 Ross: And officiating at tonight’s blackout, is Rabbi Tribbiani( Tribbiani是Joey的姓) 而今天主持停电之夜仪式的,是崔比安妮拉比。 Joey: Well, Chandler’s old roommate was Jewish, and these are the only candles we have, so…Happy Chanukah, everyone Candler之前的室友是犹太人,而这些是我们仅剩的蜡烛,所以……大家光明节快乐。 光明节为期八天,约在每年十二月初,是为了纪念当初犹太祖先夺回耶路撒冷圣殿,当时在圣殿献灯的灯油,原本只能燃烧一天,最后却燃烧了八天的奇迹。犹太人会从光明节第一天起,在九座烛台上依次由右至左,一天插上一支蜡烛,直到第八天八根蜡烛一起为止,而中央的蜡烛则是专供引火之用。过节期间,亲友都会团聚一堂,目睹点燃烛火并一起祷告。而Joey 把这些具有宗教意义的烛台点燃,只为了应付停电之需,跟它本身神圣的意义形成强烈的对比,所以Ross 才开玩笑称他为“犹太教士(拉比)”Rabbi。 Episode 9: The One where the Underdog Gets Away Monica: Does anybody wanna split this with me 有人要跟我分这个吗? Joey: Oh, I will 哦,我要。 Phoebe: Ooh, you guys have to make a wish 哦,你们要许个愿哦。 Monica: Make a wish 许愿? Phoebe: Come on, you know, thanksgiving Ooh, you got the bigger half What’d you wish for 拜托,这是感恩节也,哦,你拿的那一半比较大。你许的愿是什么? 在西方的传说里,凡是吃到鸟类胸前的三叉骨,就可以一人拿着骨头的一段各自许下愿望,然后一起折断。谁拿到较长的一段,谁的愿望就能成真,而这块能让人许愿的骨头,就叫“许愿骨”wishbone,所以感恩节吃火鸡大餐,大家吃到火鸡的三叉骨时,都会依照传统许愿。这里Phoebe是要表示,即使感恩节只有三明治可吃,还是可以拿三明治当许愿骨,拿到比较大那一半的人许愿,这样才有感恩节的气氛。 Episode 10:The One with the Monkey Phoebe: Hi, Max! 嗨!迈克斯! Max: [Angry] Yoko [to David] I’ve decided to go to Minsk without you (愤怒)小野洋子。(对大卫)我决定就算没有你,我也要去明斯克。 David: Wow 哇。 小野洋子名字的英文拼法是Yoko Ono,她是一位知名的前卫艺术家,但更为人知的头衔,则是“披头士”the Beatles 主唱 John Lennon 的太太。她在披头士最红的时期,跟John Lennon相识相恋,之后两人甚至还合组乐团,一起出专辑。很多披头士的歌迷不喜欢小野洋子,觉得她是造成披头士两位主唱John Lennon和Paul McCartney的不合,并进而解散乐团的原因之一。所以这里Max愤怒地说Phoebe是小野洋子,就是比喻他们好兄弟之所以决裂,全是因为David迷恋Phoebe的关系。 Episode 17:The One with Two Parts Nurse: Excuse me…This hospital is for PEOPLE! 抱歉……这医院是给“人”看病的。 Ross: Lady, he is people He has a name, OK He watches Jeopardy! … Please, please have a heart! **,他是人。他有名字,你懂吗?他看《快问快答》!……拜托,拜托你发发善心! Jeopardy是美国相当知名的日间问答节目,这节目播出至今已经十八年了。Jeopardy的主持人Alex Trebec是主要发问人,每次会有三位来宾在台上对抗,题目会分几组类别,每个题目又依难易度有不等的金额,凡是答到最后累计到最多奖金的人就就是冠军,并取得卫冕资格。Ross这里就是要说,他的猴子会看这种节目,所以是只象人一样,会思考的猴子。 Episode 18:The One with All the Poker Rachel: OK, OK, it’s my turn 好,好,换我了。(看一眼题目卡) Chandler: Go 开始。(Rachel开始画出一个像豆子的图案) Ross: Uh…bean! Bean! 恩……豆子!豆子! Joey: The Unbearable Likeness of Bean! 生命中不能承受之轻。 Rachel: Yes! 对! Monica: That, you get That, you get 那样你也知道?那样你也猜得出来? Joey的回答其实是一个相当好笑的谐音,实际答案《生命中不能承受之轻》的正确原文应该是The Unbearable Lightness of Being 这是知名捷克作家米兰昆德拉(Milan Kundera)的著名小说,曾改编成**《布拉格的春天》。但此处Rachel画了一颗“豆子” bean, bean和being音近,Joey又觉得Rachel的豆子画的“受不了的相像”Unbearable Likeness,所以他就组成了这句The Unbearable Likeness of Bean,表面意义是“像得不得了的豆子”,但谐音就是The Unbearable Lightness of Being,所以他答对了。 Episode 21: The One with Fake Monica Woman: Hi I’m Monica 嗨。我是莫妮卡。 Monica: Oh Monica…Hi I’m Mo…nana 哦,莫妮卡!……嗨。我是莫……娜娜。 Woman: Monana 莫娜娜 Monica: Yeah It’s Dutch 对,那是荷兰名。 Woman: You’re kidding! I spent three years in Amsterdam 不会吧!我在阿姆斯特丹待了三年。(开始讲一堆荷兰话) Monica: Um, Pennsylvania Dutch 呃,是德裔宾州人的名字。 Dutch是“荷兰语的,荷兰人的”;而Pennsylvania Dutch则是指“德裔宾州人”,或他们说的一种夹杂英语的德语。因为十八世纪的德国有一个基督教派“门诺教派”叫做the Amish, 信徒们不堪其它教派排挤,移民到现今美国宾州东部,过自己理想的生活。直到今天这群德裔宾州人依旧维持祖先传统,他们保持自己的服饰,不接受正统教育,也远离所有科技产品,社区里过着自给自足的农业生活,家家户户虔诚信仰上帝。这里因为Monica一开始辧她是荷兰人,但对方马上和她讲荷兰话,她转不过来只好说自己是德裔宾州人。所以之后假Monica带她四处玩乐享受生活,Monica觉得新奇之际,假Monica也不断提醒那是因她是德裔宾州人,没见过世面之故。 Episode 23:The One with the birth Carol : I was looking at stuffed animals, and Susan wanted a Chunky 我在找填充动物娃娃,苏珊则是想吃强奇巧克力。 Ross : Susan wanted a Chunky! We’re having a baby, OK A 苏珊想要吃强奇巧克力!我们要生小宝宝了耶。没人会停下车去买强奇巧克力的。 Chandler : I used to have that bumper sticker 我以前有一个那样的保险杆贴纸。 bumper sticker是指贴在汽车后方“保险杆上的贴纸”,上面常会写些有个人风格的俏皮话,好给后方来车看,比如:“All men are idiots…and I married their king”所有男人都是白痴……而我嫁给了当中最白痴的那位。而Chandler说出这句,是顺着上一句Ross讲的话,开了Ross一个玩笑,因为We’re having a baby! We don’t stop for Chunkys像是保险杆贴纸上才说的俏皮话。












































Here were once five peas in one shell, they were green, the shell was green, and so they believed that the whole world must be green also, which was a very natural conclusion The shell grew, and the peas grew, they acmodated themselves to their position, and sat all in a row The sun shone without and warmed the shell, and the rain made it clear and transparent; it was mild and agreeable in broad daylight, and dark at night, as it generally is; and the peas as they sat there grew bigger and bigger, and more thoughtful as they mused, for they felt there must be something else for them to do

“Are we to sit here forever” asked one; “shall we not bee hard by sitting so long It seems to me there must be something outside, and I feel sure of it”

And as weeks passed by, the peas became yellow, and the shell became yellow

“All the world is turning yellow, I suppose,” said they,—and perhaps they were right

Suddenly they felt a pull at the shell; it was torn off, and held in human hands, then slipped into the pocket of a jacket in pany with other full pods

“Now we shall soon be opened,” said one,—just what they all wanted

“I should like to know which of us will travel furthest,” said the allest of the five; “we shall soon see now”

“What is to happen will happen,” said the largest pea

“Crack” went the shell as it burst, and the five peas rolled out into the bright sunshine There they lay in a child’s hand A little boy was holding them tightly, and said they were fine peas for his pea-shooter And immediately he put one in and shot it out

“Now I am flying out into the wide world,” said he; “catch me if you can;” and he was gone in a moment

“I,” said the second, “intend to fly straight to the sun, that is a shell that lets itself be seen, and it will suit me exactly;” and away he went

“We will go to sleep wherever we find ourselves,” said the o next, “we shall still be rolling onwards;” and they did certainly fall on the floor, and roll about before they got into the pea-shooter; but they were put in for all that “We shall go farther than the others,” said they

“What is to happen will happen,” exclaimed the last, as he was shot out of the pea-shooter; and as he spoke he flew up against an old board under a garret-window, and fell into a little crevice, which was almost filled up with moss and soft earth The moss closed itself round him, and there he lay, a captive indeed, but not unnoticed by God

“What is to happen will happen,” said he to himself

Within the little garret lived a poor woman, who went out to clean stoves, chop wood into all pieces and perform such-like hard work, for she was strong and industrious Yet she remained always poor, and at home in the garret lay her only daughter, not quite grown up, and very delicate and weak For a whole year she had kept her bed, and it seemed as if she could neither live nor die

“She is going to her little sister,” said the woman; “I had but the o children, and it was not an easy thing to support both of them; but the good God helped me in my work, and took one of them to Himself and provided for her Now I would adly keep the other that was left to me, but I suppose they are not to be separated, and my sick girl will very soon go to her sister above” But the sick girl still remained where she was, quietly and patiently she lay all the day long, while her mother was away from home at her work

Spring came, and one morning early the sun shone brightly through the little window, and threw its rays over the floor of the room just as the mother was going to her work, the sick girl fixed her gaze on the lowest pane of the window—“Mother,” she exclaimed, “what can that little green thing be that peeps in at the window It is moving in the wind”

The mother stepped to the window and half opened it “Oh!” she said, “there is actually a little pea which has taken root and is putting out its green leaves How could it have got into this crack Well now, here is a little garden for you to amuse yourself with” So the bed of the sick girl was drawn nearer to the window, that she might see the budding plant; and the mother went out to her work

“Mother, I believe I shall get well,” said the sick child in the evening, “the sun has shone in here so brightly and warmly to-day, and the little pea is thriving so well: I shall get on better, too, and go out into the warm sunshine again”

“God grant it!” said the mother, but she did not believe it would be so But she propped up with the little stick the green plant which had given her child such pleasant hopes of life, so that it might not be broken by the winds; she tied the piece of string to the window-sill and to the upper part of the frame, so that the pea-tendrils might ine round it when it shot up And it did shoot up, indeed it might almost be seen to grow from day to day

“Now really here is a flower ing,” said the old woman one morning, and now at last she began to encourage the hope that her sick daughter might really recover She remembered that for some time the child had spoken more cheerfully, and during the last few days had raised herself in bed in the morning to look with sparkling eyes at her little garden which contained only a sine pea-plant A week after, the invalid sat up for the first time a whole hour, feeling quite happy by the open window in the warm sunshine, while outside grew the little plant, and on it a pink pea-blossom in full bloom The little maiden bent down and gently kissed the delicate leaves This day was to her like a festival

“Our heavenly Father Himself has planted that pea, and made it grow and flourish, to bring joy to you and hope to me, my blessed child,” said the happy mother, and she iled at the flower, as if it had been an angel from God

But what became of the other peas Why the one who flew out into the wide world, and said, “Catch me if you can,” fell into a gutter on the roof of a house, and ended his travels in the crop of a pigeon The o lazy ones were carried quite as far, for they also were eaten by pigeons, so they were at least of some use; but the fourth, who wanted to reach the sun, fell into a sink and lay there in the dirty water for days and weeks, till he had swelled to a great size

“I am getting beautifully fat,” said the pea, “I expect I shall burst at last; no pea could do more that that, I think; I am the most remarkable of all the five which were in the shell” And the sink confirmed the opinion

But the young maiden stood at the open garret window, with sparkling eyes and the rosy hue of health on her cheeks, she folded her thin hands over the pea-blossom, and thanked God for what He had done

“I,” said the sink, “shall stand up for my pea”




在学校里,我也是一个小生命,我要为学校增光添彩,看到有人把垃圾扔在教室里, *** 场上或校园里的其他地方要把它捡起来,扔进垃圾筒里,还要我要提高学习效率;考试考出好成绩来回报父母。









原文地址: https://outofmemory.cn/langs/8779082.html

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