


Huaihua is in a mountainous region of Hunan The mountain peaks are rather high Huaihua is located south of Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, and shares the same mountain belt Zhangjiajie is known for its different peaks and valleys

The area's rural poverty is a continuing problem Developing the mountain resources has been a question for some time

Railroads provide the main transportation in the region, although an accessible highway and airport have been built recently The only other airport in Zhijiang was rebuilt from a military airport Zhijiang is also the place where the Japanese surrendered to China on August 21, 1945

Huaihua is home to the Second Artillery Corps Base 55, which is tasked with maintaining ICBMs The nuclear assets at Huaihua are intended for small-scale nuclear conflict (with a limited, but nuclear, exchange), as well as the ability to strike Guam, one of only two B-2 bases

As the region's development continues, the western countryside will have greater chance to grow With Huaihua's important location, it will likely offer great opportunities in travel, agriculture, services, and industry, which in turn can help guide the whole westward region's development


路况很好,一个上午差不多吧,我说的这是从秀山上高速,---雅江(下高速)--松桃---凤凰--怀化。、还有一条线不好走, 秀山上高速---洪安(下高速)---花垣---矮寨坡--吉首--怀化。。

The city's folk music, opera, dance, martial arts, fold customs, clothing, handicrafts, local and special products as well as snacks have a diversified splendor Quanzhou's stone, porcelain, tea, Nanyin music, opera



原文地址: https://outofmemory.cn/langs/8811166.html

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