

仿佛时间被盗走了一般,转眼间,我已不再是哪个不谙世事、天真童稚的小女孩了。我即将成为一名初中生,然而我怎么舍得这些朝夕相处的朋友们和对我们谆谆教导的老师们呢? 还记得一年级的时候,妈妈拉着我的手走进校门。可如今,为什么我仍然觉得那仿佛就是一天前发生的事情,那样难以忘怀呢?还记得从前当班委、课代表的时候,我一本正经的样子和严厉的表情,为什么都这样的清晰可见呢?还记得又是因为一点小事和同学吵得不可开交、整得面红耳赤的场景,为什么还那样的历历在目呢?还记得第一次作为小记者领到稿费的时候喜悦的心情,还记得有同学要转走时大家的依依惜别之情,还记得和好朋友说悄悄话咬耳朵的声音,为什么这一切的一切都恍如昨日呢? 也许五天或十天后我们就要离开这个熟悉的地方了吧?走过 *** 场那一排排茂密的白杨树,抚摸着那曾经贴着让人“几家欢喜几家愁”的红榜的后墙上的瓷片,看着曾经用来和朋友通信的信箱,一幕又一幕的回忆映入脑海,顿时有了一种想哭的感觉。就要这样离开了?我轻声地问自己。我无法给这里留下任何东西,一丝都不行。 那些曾经一起哭一起笑一起快乐一起痛苦一起激动的日子就要结束了。或许以后我还有机会能再次来到这里,但再也找不回以前的感觉了。真的不甘心啊。纵使有再多的美好回忆,也都变成几缕轻烟,风吹即散,不会有一个美好的结局。我知道有句老话:“天下没有不散的宴席”,可我还是很想把这些记忆封存在脑海里,无论是快乐或是忧伤。我们就这样散了,走了。人去楼却不会空,因为还有下一届、下下一届的学生补上来。但他们终究也要面对同样伤感的结局。 不想,却无奈。这是上天为我们安排的命运,谁都无力改变。只有尽力不留下遗憾,再回首就不至于非常伤感。可无憾也不代表就是圆满。什么是圆满?只有每个人自己去体会了。 罢了。凡事该来的总会来的,谁也逃不过,都必须勇敢地面对并接受它,即使你不想,因为没有人能够违背。 既然这样,我们只能使结局更圆满一些。希望你能让你的结局“圆满”。

英语:As if time were stolen away, in a twinkling, I which is no longer the inexperienced and naive childish little girl I am going to be a junior high school students, but how do I willing to part with or use the elbow's friends and the teachers inculcate to us Remember when in grade one, my mother took my hand into the school gate But now, why I still feel as though that is what happened one day before, so unforgettable Remember committee on duty, class representative, I am serious and stern expression, why so clear Remember fighting because some trifle and classmates again the trot, the whole scene of red, why am I still so vivid Remember the first time as a reporter to receive the payment when the joyful mood, remember there's students to turn to when you said goodbye, remember friends whisper whispering voice, why it all seems like yesterday Maybe five days or ten days we're going to leave this familiar place Walked past the playground the rows of lush poplar, stroking that used to stick to \"several glad several sorrow\" on the back wall of the inventory of ceramics, looked at once to communication with friends mailbox, scene after scene of recall to mind, suddenly have a feeling of want to cry Would be left I quietly asked himself Anything I can't leave here, a little all not line Those who cry together smile together happy pain excited together day will be over May I have a chance to come here again later, but can't find the feeling of back to before Really unwilling ah Even if there are more good memories, also have become a ray of light smoke, the wind blows away, won't have a good ending I know there is an old saying: \"there is no such thing as a\" good things come to an end, but I still want to put these memory storage in your mind, whether happy or sad So we broke up, and go People go to the floor but not empty, because there are the next, and down to fill up the students But they will also face the same sad ending Don't want to, but it is helpless This is the fate of the god arrange for us, who are unable to change Only try my best to not regret it, looking back we would not be very sad But no han also does not represent is satisfactory What is complete Only everybody to feel it himself Just Always come, for all things who also escape, however, must be brave and accept it, even if you don't want to, because no one can break it In this case, we can only make the more perfect some I hope you can make you the perfect ending

1 关于颜色英语句子

RED(红色)(1)The president was treated to the redcarpet in Rome总统在罗马受到了隆重的接待。

(2)It was a red-letter day in the history of Chinese revolution这是中国历史上值得纪念的日子。(3)A thief was caught red-handed in the act of breaking open alock一个窃贼在砸开锁时被当场抓获。

(4)You said that l am very good ls my face red?你说我很好,真使我难为情了。(5)When he started criticizing my work,l really saw red当他批评我的工作时,我就冒火、发脾气。

(6)There is too much red-tape in obtaining an identity card领身份z的手续实在太繁琐了。(7)They had to sell the firm because for years they had operated it in the red因为经营这家公司几年来一直亏损,所以他们只好把它卖掉。

(8)We'll soon be out of the red我们很快就会扭亏为盈。(9)Every time he comes to New York,he wants to paint the town red每次来纽约,他都要痛饮一番。

2 GREEN(绿色)(10)He is still green to his job他对其工作尚无经验。(11)Do you see any green in my eye?你认为我幼稚可欺吗?(12)lf you want to be a successful gardener,of course you've gotto have green fingers假如你想当个称职的园工,那你就得有园艺技能。

(13)She is a green hand in teaching English在英语教学中,他还是个生手。(14)Mother gave us the green light to go on the camping trip this summer妈妈准许我们今年夏天去野营一次。

(15)He has a green wound in the left breast他左胸上有一新伤口。3 BLUE(蓝色)(16)He is proud of his blue blood他因出身名门贵族而骄傲。

(17)Things are looking extremely blue情况极其不妙。(18)True blue will never stain真金不怕火炼。

(19)She ran and ran until she was blue in the face她跑啊跑啊,累得脸色发青精疲力竭。(20)lt's once in a blue moon that you get a chance like that你得到的是个千载难逢的机会。

(21)He can read like a blue streak他看书极快。(22)The bad news came like a bolt out of the blue这消息来得如青天霹雳。

(23)John arrived out of the blue约翰突然来了。词组 black(黑色) black and blue遍体鳞伤的 black sheep害群之马 black Friday:耶稣受难日;不吉利的星期五 black lie:用心险恶的谎言 blackmail:勒索 the pot calls the kettle black:五十步笑百步 white(白色) white war:没有硝烟的战争,常指“经济竞争” white sale:大减价 white money:银币 white elephant:无用而累赘的东西 white crow:罕见的事物 the white way:白光大街(指城里灯光灿烂的商业区) a white lie:善意的谎言 white coffee:牛奶咖啡 white feather:胆怯。

2 含有颜色的英文诗句

小学:======Orange======Orange is a carrotAnd the orange I eatOrange are these bright new socksI wear upon my feet!======Yellow======Yellow is a lemonYellow is a starYellow is the sunIn the sky so far===Red===Red is an appleRed is a roseRed is the color ofMy frozen, icy nose! ====== Purple======Purple is a grapePurple is a plumPurple is my favorite juiceShall I get you some=====Green=====Green is the grassUnder both my feetAnd green is the broccoliMy mother makes me eat!=====Black=====Black is the nightAnd a witch's hatBlack is my Mom's hairAnd that witch's cat! ==========More Green==========Green are the branchesBudding in the sunAnd green are many vegetablesCan you tell us some====Blue====Blue is the oceanBlue are my eyesBlue is the sky whereThe lonely eagle flies=====Brown=====Brown is the mudBrown is the bearBrown is the color Of my brother's hair 中学:=================Is White a Color=================White, pristine, unblemishedThey say it is not a colorI love white mists, cloudsLingering on blue mountainsWhite, no shadesNo off white, creamPure as snow on shimmering peaksIs my favorite sightNurses, priests, politiciansAre bound, chained to whiteWhite nebulous cloudsevoke deep nostalgic thoughtsThey swaddled my father in whiteAs he lay in the black coffinHis best shirt was whiteHis loin cloth was whiteThe paper I write is whiteWhite is holy, pureThey say light is whiteBecause it combines all colorsSo white is the mother of all colorsThe churning of all yellow, blue, greenColors sacrifice their egosTo the eternal whiteThey say they are "white"The purest of all racesI think they aren't whiteBut pink, beige and redWhy can't colors of peopleMerge and become whiteWould people called "white"Allow their color to mergeIs white a colorThe matriarch of all colorsThe fountain of all extent colorsYes, king white reigns supreme!。

3 关于颜色的英语句子

最低027元开通文库会员,查看完整内容> 原发布者:紫色美瞳214 1awhitenight白夜,失眠的夜晚,不眠之夜2awhiteelephant大而无用的东西3awhitecrow稀有的东西;珍品4theWhiteHouse白宫5awhitelie无恶意的谎言6Whiteflag投降7Blacksheep败家子8Blacktea红茶9Blackcoffee黑咖啡10BlackDog沮丧11Blackgold石油12Greenhand新手13Greentea绿茶14Blueday忧郁的日子15Bluecollar蓝领16Bluefear极度的恐慌 Ared 62616964757a686964616fe59b9ee7ad9431333433623764无论是在英语国家还是在中国,红色往往与庆祝活动或喜庆日子有关。


红色还指“负债”或“亏损”,因为人们总是用红笔登记负数。于是就有了这些词组: redfigure:赤字 redink:赤字 inthered:亏损 red-inkentry:赤字分录 redbalance:赤字差额 redcent:一分钱; redgold:纯金; redtiponstockmarket:指股票市场的最新情报 汉语中常用的带“红”字的词语,翻译成英语,可不一定用“red”。

例如: 红糖:brownsugar 红茶:blacktea 红榜:honourroll 红豆:lovepea 红运:goodluck 红利:dividend红事:weddingBblack 在英语中经常有“不好的”、“坏的”、“邪恶的”这种意味。例如: blackmoney:黑钱(指来源不正当而且没有向政府报税的钱) blackmarket:黑市交易或黑市(意为暗中进行政府禁止买卖的。

4 有关颜色的英语句子

black and blue遍体鳞伤的

black sheep害群之马

black Friday:耶稣受难日;不吉利的星期五

black lie:用心险恶的谎言


the pot calls the kettle black:五十步笑百步


white war:没有硝烟的战争,常指“经济竞争”

white sale:大减价

white money:银币

white elephant:无用而累赘的东西

white crow:罕见的事物

the white way:白光大街(指城里灯光灿烂的商业区)

a white lie:善意的谎言

white coffee:牛奶咖啡

white feather:胆怯

5 关于颜色的英语句子有哪些

His face turned red


I'm browned off, sitting here all day with nothing to do


He lives to a green old age


:He has a yellow streak in him


They treated us white


:Aim at one bird,don't blaze into the brown


He blacked out the words he didn't want


Mother gave us the green light to go on the camping trip this summer


His hair is touched with grey


如果有帮到您 请给予好评 谢谢拉#^_^#祝您愉快

6 带有颜色 英语句子带有颜色的英语句子有哪些

1 Mary has felt blue ever since her boyfriend left for Europe。


2 You get a chance like this only once in a blue moon。


3 You can talk till all is blue but I shall not believe it。


4 Do you see any green in my eye


5 Although he is physically old, his mind is still in the green。


6 She is red with anger。


7 All the family is in the pink。


8 Though I believe in telling the truth, I think a white lie is sometimes justified。


9 He insisted on putting the agreement down in black and white。


10 Henry was beaten black and blue, you can't see a white spot about him。


11 I'm glad that he is not so black as he is painted。


12 They came out of the bank carrying the money and the police caught them red-handed。

他们带着赃款从银行里出来,被警察当场捉住。 “颜色”英语

13 We will soon be out of the red。


14 I can't even talk about it, except to you, because anybody else would think I was yellow。


15 They choose a white day for their engagement。


16 He is the kind of person who calls white black。


仅供参考 谢谢

7 关于颜色的词语英语

一、white 英 [waɪt] 美 [waɪt] adj 白色的;纯洁的;白种的;加牛奶的 n 白色;白种人 示例:The mayor is very popular among whites 这位市长在白人中很受欢迎。

二、black 英 [blæk] 美 [blæk] adj 黑的;不加牛奶的;很脏的;愤怒的;令人沮丧的;邪恶的;阴沉的;机密的;黑色幽默的 n 黑色;黑人;黑色物 v 抵制;(使)变黑 示例:His hands were black from working on the car all afternoon 他的双手因为整个下午都在修车而变得脏黑黑的。 三、red 英 [red] 美 [red] adj 红色的 n 红色 示例:Red squirrels are now very rare in Britain 红色的松鼠在英国已十分罕见了。

四、purple 英 ['pɜːpl] 美 ['pɜːrpl] adj 紫色的;辞藻华丽的 n 紫色;皇室 示例:He used to write purple prose 他过去常写绚丽矫饰的散文。 五、green 英 [ɡriːn] 美 [ɡriːn] adj 绿色的;长满绿色植物的;环保的;无经验的;未成熟的 n 绿色;草地 vi 变绿 vt 使…变绿;使…恢复活力 Greenn 格林(姓氏) 示例:These tomatoes are still too green to pick 这些番茄还未成熟,不能摘采。

8 有关颜色英语句子

颜色的英文是:colour 1、读音 colour 英 ['kʌlə] 美 ['kʌlɚ] 2、释义 vt 把…涂颜色,粉饰;歪曲;使脸红vi 变色n 颜色;风格;气色,面色;外貌3、短语 Colour Zone 色彩地带 ; 颜色地带 ; 彩色地带 ; 颜地带 Pure colour [光] 纯色 ; 彩绘陶瓷 ; 服装颜色英语 Colour grading 颜色分级 ; 色分级 ; 色度分级 ; 色彩分级 cool colour 冷色 ; 暖色 ; 谷雨云变 ; 寒色 Advancing colour 前进色 ; 似近色 ; 突出的颜色 ; 进步色 Full colour 彩色 ; 全色 ; 全彩实像素 ; 服装颜色英语 Plain colour 素色 ; 服装颜色英语 fundamental colour 原色 ; 基色 Accent colour 强调色 ; 基底色 ; 夸大色 ; 服装颜色英语 4、例句 Cherries vary in colour from almost black to yellow 樱桃的颜色由近乎黑到黄各不相同。

The colour of the sky deepened as the sun went down 太阳下山时天空的颜色变暗。Leaves have already started to colour; it will soon be winter 树叶已开始变色,冬季即将来临。

This ink will not change colour 这种墨水不会变色。I like the colour 我喜欢它的颜色。

清华北大下来的都没有说包分配的,都什么年代了?还想着包分配?顶多在你毕业的时候 学校给你介绍一个公司,让你去面试,行了就用你,不行学校继续给你找。大概就这样!


red letter day:指的是“纪念日”或“喜庆的日子”

see red: 怒不可遏(

red-blooded males: 精力充沛的人, 活跃的人

white elephant 白象,累赘物;white hope人们寄予厚望者

white lie没有恶意的谎言

black money:黑钱red figure:赤字

red ink:赤字

in the red:亏损

red-ink entry:赤字分录

red balance:赤字差额


red cent:一分钱;red gold:纯金;red tip on stock market:指股票市场的最新情报


红糖:brown sugar

红茶:black tea

红榜:honour roll

红豆:love pea

红运:good luck



red wine: 红酒

red ruin: 火灾

red battle: 血战

red sky: 彩霞

B black(黑色)


black money:黑钱(指来源不正当而且没有向政府报税的钱)

black market:黑市交易或黑市(意为暗中进行政府禁止买卖的商品或外汇的交易,或指进行违法的投机市场);由此派生出black market price:黑市价格


black figure / in the black:盈利、赚钱、顺差


black figure nation:国际收支顺差国

interest in the black:应收利息

C blue(蓝色)


in a blue mood:情绪低沉


He is a real blue blood(他是真正的贵族)

blue-eyed boys:受到管理当局宠爱和特别照顾的职工

a blue moon:千载难逢的机会


blue book:蓝皮书

blue-sky market:露天市场

blue-collar workers:从事体力劳动的工人

blue chip:热门证券

blue button:喻指有权进入股票交易的经纪人

blue return:蓝色所得税申报表(专供诚实的纳税人申报用)

blue-chip rate:英国的优惠的信贷利率

blue laws:蓝法(指禁止在星期日从事商业交易的美国法律)

blue-sky law:蓝法(指美国各州为管理股票所制定的股票发行控制法)

blue sky bargaining:漫天讨价(指谈判或其它交易中提出根本不切实际的或不合理的要求,使协议无法达成)

D green(绿色)




green meat:鲜肉

a green hand:新手


green back:美钞(因为美元背面为绿色)(用于口语)

green power:“金钱的力量”或“财团”

green stamp:指美国救济补助票,因印成绿色而得名

green sheet指政府预算明细比较表

green pound:绿色英镑(指共同体内部计算农产品价格而规定的高汇率英镑)


blue monday 倒霉的星期一 white rage 震怒

white lie 不怀恶意的谎言 white night 不眠之夜

yellow journalism 耸人听闻的报道 yellow dog 忘恩负义之徒

red flag 让人生气的东西 black dog 忧郁、不开心的人

black letter day 倒霉的一天 black smith 铁匠

black sheep 害群之马,败家子 black leg 骗子

汉译英:红白喜事 wedding and funeral白费力的事 a bad job

白送 give away,free of charge

白做 get small thanks for something

黑白不分 confound right and wrong

开门红 to begin well,to make a good start

红光满面 to be healthy and energetic


白色行情表 white sheet

白色农业 "white agriculture (also called ""white engineering agriculture""; It refers to microbiological agriculture and biological cell agriculture)"

白手起家 starting from scratch

白雪公主 Snow White

白马王子 Prince Charming

白色污染 white pollution

白金汉宫 Buckingham Palace

白领犯罪 white-collar crime

白领工人 white-collar worker

百慕大三角 Burmuda Triangle

百年老店 century-old shop

白皮书 white paper

白热化 white heat

白色农业 white agriculture

黑车 black taxi (a taxi that carries passengers illegally and without a business license)

黑店 gangster inn

黑客 hacker

黑哨 black whistle

黑社会 Mafia-style organizations; gangland; underworld group

黑匣子 black box

黑心棉 shoddy cotton

红包 convert payment; (neutral)red paper containing money as a gift, (derogative) bribe, kickback

红筹股 red chips

红股 bonus share

《红楼梦》 Dream of the Red Mansion; Dream of the Red Chamber (The Story of the Stone)

红丝带 Red Ribbon 红细胞生成素 Erythropoietin (EPO

绿地覆盖率 forest coverage rate

绿化 afforestation

绿化运动 afforestation drive

绿卡 green card

绿色产品 green product

绿色电脑 green computer

绿色急救通道 emergency green path 绿色科技 green science annd technology

绿色能源 green energy resource

绿色农业 green agriculture

绿色企业 green enterprise

绿色食品 green food

绿色通道(办证快捷通道) green channel; landscaped roadways

绿色银行 green bank

蓝光光盘 Blue-ray Disc

蓝盔人员 blue helmet personnel

蓝领工人 Blue-collar worker

蓝牙技术 bluetooth

灰色经济 grey economy

灰色区域措施 Grey area measures

灰色收入 gray income 黄金线路 hot travel route

黄昏恋 twilight romance; romance of the elderly



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