

一:Great changes in my hometown

These years, great changes have taken place in my hometown In the past, there were narrow roads and low, old houses People could only go shopping in some small shops They lived a hard life, But we can see tall buildings everywhere now There are also modern shopping centers and large markets Several ring roads have appeared Almost each family owns a car They can travel to any place in their car People’s life is becoming much better and more colorful than before I believe my hometown will become better and better in the future

二、The population problems

As we know, the large population has become one of the most serious problems in the world It has caused  many problems For example, many places are short of food, water and energy In big cities, the traffic is much heavier And there aren t enough houses for people to live in They have lots of difficulty finding jobs What s more, our environment is getting worse and worse So we must take measures to stop the population from growing fast


Dear Lisa,

Last weekend, I went to an old people’s home with some volunteers

When we got there, we started to do some things for the old people Firstly, we gave them some flowers and fresh fruit Then we helped clean their rooms

After that, some of us sang and danced for them, some read newspapers to them, and some chatted with themHow happy we were!

I was tired but I think this activity was very meaningfulAnd I learned that we should care for the old around us more


Last Saturday, our school invited Professor Li to give us a talk about how to save and protect water

Now I know that some rivers are polluted in our country We are short of water though there are some rivers and lakes in our city To protect water, we can start from doing small things For example, don ‘t leave the water running when brushing our teethAnd we shouldn't throw litter into rivers and lakes Also,we can plant more trees around rivers and lakesIn a word, I have learned a lot about saving and protecting water from Professor

Li’s talk It was sogreat and useful


In order to encourage us to protect the environment, our school had an activity in Haixing Park last Sunday All the students and teachers in Grade 9 took part in it

In the morning, the students had a speech competition They talked about many ways to protect the environment For example, we should throw litter into the dustbin We had better go to school by bike,

by bus or on foot In the afternoon, we cleaned up the park We were tired, but we felt happy I think this activity is meaningfulEnvironment Is very Important to usEveryone should make a contribution to protecting it


Let’s do something to protect the environment!

Hello, everyone! Today there is more and more pollution and the environment is becoming worse and worse So we have to do something to protect theenvironment Here are some ways

First, we should try our best to reduce the use of plastics For example, we should use a cloth bag or a basket while shopping

Second, we can go to school or work on foot or by bus instead of taking a car This can not only protect the environment, but also be good for our health

Third, we shouldn ‘t drop litter anywhere We Should put it into the rubbish bin Also, we should sort the  rubbish and recycle it

Fourth, we should put up notices to advise others to protect the environmentI believe if everyone makes an effort,the environment

will become better and better


It’s very important for us to protect the environment We should plant more trees and flowers around us We should stop factories from pouring waste water into the river and producing terrible gasWhenever we see litter on the ground, we should pick it up and throw it into dustbins Never spit in public and don't draw on public walls We can also use shopping baskets instead of plastic bags

In a word, it ‘sour duty to protect the environment We hope our world will

become more and More beautiful


Dear Andy,

Nowadays, Chinese is spoken by a lot of foreigners It’s popular around the world Some people learn Chinese to go touring or do business in China Some people learn Chinese in order that they can communicate with Chinese people better

As you re going to learn Chinese, I want to give you some suggestions First, you should pay attention to the pronunciation Second, you should also be careful about the writing, because it's difficultBesides,plenty of practice will also help a lot

I hope you II be able to speak Chinese very well soon


How is everything these days Next week, I ‘m leaving for America You know, I like English verymuch But I have a problem about the differences between British English and American English I hope you can help me

When I speak English, some people say I speak American English, but others say I speak British English I really want to know the differences between them Is it a problem if I sometimes use American English and sometimes use British English Will it Influence my communication with others I am looking forward to hearing from you

Yours sincerely,

Zhang Ying


Hi, everyone! I am Li Hua I m very happy to share my good learning habits with you

First, creating a study plan is a good way to study Making good plans is the first step to success So we Should make a weekly plan for schoolwork and be sure  to go over what we have learned on weekends

Second, taking study breaks is helpful Many students think they can put a lot of information into their heads by sitting down and learning straight for a few hours However, the more time we spend looking at our books, the weaker our ability to learn becomes Use that break time wisely and take a walk to make your

brain active Not every student is the same The best way to create good learning habits for students is to try a lot of ways and find out

what works on you


Dear John,

My favorite invention is the Internet

First, the Internet makes it easier for me to keep in touch with my friends I can talk with them and even see them online Second, I can watch movies, listen to music and play video games on the computer with the Internet Third, I can get almost all kinds of information I need through the Internet It’s a good way to know about the outside world Last, I can do some shopping online without leaving home It helps me save a lot of time and money

The Internet makes my life more colorful and interesting I love it


Zhang Ning


Last week, I went to the science and technology museum I was greatly interested in a new kind of robot-home Doctor

Home doctor was invented two months ago And it was invented by three young men It looks like a lovely girl, and it is about 12 meters tall It is made from recycled materials, like glass and plastic Home Doctor can not only give people lots of advice on health, but also treat common diseases at home It will save people a lot of time, because they neednt go to the hospital whenever they feel sick or get hurt What s more, it can help take good care of the old people and babies at homeI believe Home Doctor will be verypopular with people in the future



A lecture will be given on December 10 from 3: 00 pm to 4: 00 pm The lecture is about Mars and amazing science and technologyIt will be given in Classroom 201, No 1 Building, Zhang Bo, a famous Professor, will give the lecture From this lecture, you will get a lot of interesting information about Mars and science and technology All the students are asked to take part in the lecture Remember to take your notebook and be sure not to be



Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Li Hua and I’m interested in your program and I’d like to know more about your program

First, I would like to find out how long the program is and when it will begin and finish I wonder if you could tell me how much I need to pay for the program and send me the plan for the programSecond, could you please give me some information about where we will live In a host family or at school What's more, it would be interesting for me to know about what activities we can do and what places of interest we can visit

Finally, may I ask if I can call my parents everyday

Many thanks and look forward to your reply


1 IT运维现状分析



2 理顺思路,建立合适的IT运维架构









图1 IT运维架构


图2 防病毒体系的三级运维架构

3 优化结构,建立合适的运维流程



4 防患于未然,注重日常管理工作

建立各系统的管理办法、推广预知维修思维。正如象设备维修由最初的事后维修发展到预知维修模式一样,IT运维模式同样要注重预知维修,即是在问题出现之前,根据一些监测系统(比如网管系统)、日志记录系统等发现异常现象,将故障消灭在萌芽状态。现代企业对计算机信息系统的依赖性越来越高,要求也越来越高,比如某大型企业的MES、ERP、IC卡等系统,要求7 X 24 h工作,任何一次小小的故障都可能造成巨大的经济损失,因此减少信息系统故障率是非常重要的。要做到预知维修,具体到工作中就是要建立各个系统的管理办法,其中要包括异常监测和应急处理等内容,一些关键系统必须有日报,周报或月报。ITSM系统中的常见故障和经验汇总功能即是预知维修思维应用在现代管理上的体现。


5 分清责任,建立相应的激励制度


6 结语

企业为优化生产、提高工作效率、减少成本,采用多种基础网络维护系统和生产应用系统,达到上述目的的同时,也对IT运维模式提出了更高的要求,新的运维模式要求一个清晰的运维架构和合理的工作流程, 同时更要注重日常管理工作和激励机制,这样才能更好地为企业服务。但企业在适应新的系统过程中,必然会出现一些问题,比如员工心态难适应、组织结构难协调、奖罚制度难改变等,这对很多企业是一个挑战。










根据你的题目判断, 应该是英语周报2015--2016人教课标版第21期的报纸

Book 7 Unit 1 参考答案及部分解析



11-15 CBAAB 16-20CBACA

21-25 CBACB 26-30CABAD

31-35 DBCAB 36-40 ECABG

41-45 CCBDC 46-50 ADDAC 51-55 BCCAB 56-60 BDCCB

61 ambitious 62that

63 gradually 64to express

65 on / upon 66having

67 that / which 68but

69 were 70how


71 crazy for pizzas for → about

72 because me because后加of

73 table next to me me → us / ours

74 was really funnily funnily → funny

75 stop to laughing 去掉to

76 some customer

customer → customers

77 the fact which which → that

78 an owner of an → the

79 tell them to stop tell → told

80 Linda and I was was → were

One possible version:

Dear Mr Smith,

Ihave heard that a cultural square is to be built in our city Considering theneeds of disabled people, I would like to make some suggestions

Firstof all, a slope should be built beside the steps for the convenience ofdisabled people in wheelchairs Second, it is necessary to design sidewalks forthe blind in the square Last but not least, it would be handy to providedisabled people with special toilets If things in the square are designed withgood access for disabled people, I am sure many people will be pleased to gothere

Ihope you will take my suggestions into consideration

Yours faithfully,

Li Hua




A篇 (购物)


21 C。推理判断题。第一段作者描述其终于拥有第一部手机的经过,由此推断,作者曾是一个赶不上时代潮流的人,因没有手机而受到书友的取笑。

22 B。推理判断题。由第一段作者认为大多数手机屏幕太小、功能太多、资费过高和第二段介绍Jitterbug牌手机屏幕大、易于 *** 作、声音清晰、资费低等特点可知,他购买该品牌手机是因其便捷性。

23 A。写作目的题。由最后一段的Call now Try theJitterbug for 30 days 可知,本文主要目的是通过一位使用者的经历来为这款Jitterbug手机做广告。

B篇 (体育)


24 C。推理判断题。由第一段的Most of my fear was dueto lack of experience and knowledge I really had no idea what I was gettinginto I was like a deer caught in headlights the whole way可知,由于缺乏经验,作者第一次参加Eco-Challenge资格赛时非常紧张。

25 B。细节理解题。由第二段可知,为了参加澳大利亚越野挑战赛,作者原本打算进行系统性的训练,但实际上他却只简单训练了自己的技能,缺少与队友的配合训练,而且还是边工作边训练,故在准备阶段,他并没按计划达到训练目的。

26 C。推理判断题。由最后一段作者的队友出现状况而导致整个团队不能继续比赛可知,尽管作者的团队取得了阶段性胜利,但最终由于准备不足而无法完成整场比赛。此处是对文章段首的when you enter a race, you always think, “Am I ready Did I train enough”的呼应。

27 A。细节理解题。由第一段的The Eco-Challenge raceis a multi-day event where teams of four men and women compete non-stop over a300-mile course可知,作者在澳大利亚参加的这项越野挑战赛是一项行程约300英里的长距离比赛。

C篇 (语言学习)

本文是说明文。文章介绍了语言学家James Copeland为研究墨西哥塔拉乌马拉族文化以及语言所做出的努力。

28 B。推理判断题。由第一段描述塔拉乌马拉族人住在山洞、缺少食物、过着与世隔绝的生活等可知,他们的生活简朴、艰难。

29 A。推理判断题。由第二段Copeland介绍塔拉乌马拉语不是文字语言、没有相关的语言规范、完全靠观察和模仿学习和第三段他利用自己掌握的多种语言知识学习该语言可知,塔拉乌马拉语不易学。

30 D。细节理解题。由三、四两段可知,在Copeland研究塔拉乌马拉族文化之前,基本没有关于其语言的相关研究,于是他通过一位当地人的帮助来接触该族人并学习其语言。

31 D。词义猜测题。由最后一段的no amount of moneycould buy his language和after Copeland explained to him Gonzalez agreed to help可知,Gonzalez一开始并不愿意和Copeland合作。

D篇 (健康)


32 B。推理判断题。由第一段的Regularly spending timein a sauna may help keep the heart healthy and extend life可知,第二段的这些数据说明经常洗桑拿的人更容易长寿。

33 C。细节理解题。由第三段的The results don'tsurprise Dr Thomas H Lee可知,Lee博士认为该研究结果是意料之中的。

34 A。推理判断题。由第四段的Sauna use is deeplyrooted in Finnish culture Most of the saunas are in people's homes可知,芬兰桑拿浴对于芬兰人来说随处可及。

35 B。细节理解题。由最后一段Lee博士说的But exercising and then taking asauna seems like a very healthy lifestyle可知,他认为运动之后洗桑拿对健康很有益。




36 E。E项中的phrase such as “take it easy”与本段小标题Relax相呼应。

37 C。下文的tell yourself, “It's under-

standable that I'm upset about it, but it'snot the end of the world”是对C项replacingthese thoughts的举例。

38 A。由下文的Statements might upsetpeople可知,本段作者建议人们谨慎使用带有never或always的话语。

39 B。由小标题Have a better commu-

nication和文中的slow down以及下文的take your time before answering可知,作者建议人们在激烈的讨论中,不要轻易下结论,认真倾听,良好沟通,从而避免怒气的产生,故选B项。

40 G。本段作者建议使用幽默化解怒气。由本段的The more detail the more likely it is to put a smile on your face可知,幽默可以让人意识到令人生气的事其实并没有那么重要,故选G项。





41 C。由But一词的转折可知,作者以前是一位非常冷静的妈妈,但现在一切都变得“不同(different)”了。

42 C。由下文作者在照顾孩子时遇到的困难可知,有三个孩子只是作者如今面临的部分“问题(problem)”。

43 B。44 D。45 C。由together和leaving me的对比以及下文作者在照顾孩子方面出现的问题可知,以前作者是和丈夫一起“照顾(look after)”孩子,但自从丈夫“从事(took)”销售工作后,她不得不独自承担“教育孩子(parenting)”的大部分责任。

46 A。由于丈夫工作时间长,因此不能“帮助(help)” 作者照顾孩子。

47 D。由下文作者描述孩子的淘气可知,管教孩子变得越来越“难(difficult)”。

48 D。由第一段的I never thought would come outof my mouth: “Don't make metell Daddy”以及下文的mydaughter mentioned “Daddy” again可知,“别让我告诉爸爸”这句话最先是由作者五岁的女儿“提出(bringup)”。

49 A。50 C。由I never indulged her可知,淘气的女儿会做一些诸如踢哥哥的“事(something)”,作为母亲自然是让女儿“停止(stop)”这样做。

51 B。由上文的climbing on the snow banks可知,玩闹的孩子们“拒绝(refusing)”上车去学校。

52 C。由上文的I started to get mad可知,作者“生气地(angrily)”对孩子们说“别让我告诉爸爸”。

53 C。由it worked可知,提到爸爸,孩子们竟然听话了,这令作者“惊讶(surprised)”。

54 A。“别让我告诉爸爸”是作者“说(said)”给孩子们听的。

55 B。由上文的I suspected it was wrong以及下文儿童心理学家告诉作者的话可知,作者对“别让我告诉爸爸”这句话的怀疑被证明是“对的(right)”。

56 B。当妈妈说“别让我告诉爸爸”,孩子会得出“爸爸(father)”是权力源泉的结论。

57 D。58 C。由上文的the child concludes the source of power可知,心理学家指出“别让我告诉爸爸”这句话是“教(teaching)”孩子们认为爸爸是“令人害怕的(feared)”,而妈妈并不管事。

59 C。由上文的their mother is not in charge可知,“别让我告诉爸爸”这句话对妈妈不“好(good)”,对爸爸也不公平。

60 B。由上文的the source of power和mother is not in charge可知,作者不想失去管孩子的“权力(power)”。


61 ambitious。考查形容词作表语的用法。设空处作表语,意为“有雄心的”,故填ambitious。

62 that。考查强调句。设空处所在句为强调句,not until school为被强调部分,故填that。

63 gradually。考查副词。设空处作状语修饰realized,故填gradually。

64 toexpress。考查不定式作状语的用法。设空处作状语,表目的,且Some of them与express之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故填to express。

65 on/ upon。考查介词。dependon / upon意为“取决于”。

66 having。考查动词-ing形式作状语的用法。设空处作状语,且They与have之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故填having。

67 that/ which。考查关系词。设空处引导限制性定语从句修饰likes fears,且在从句中作宾语,故填that / which。

68 but。考查连词。not only but (also) 意为“不但……而且……”。

69 were。考查主谓一致。此处为倒装结构,谓语动词的数与主语a group ofdisabled children保持一致,且由语境可知,此处应用一般过去时,故填were。

70 how。考查连接词。设空处引导宾语从句,且在从句中作状语修饰important,表程度,故填how。





A篇 (历史)


1 D。细节理解题。由第一段的the bones of foursettlers dating as far back as 1608和第二段的After being lost to history for more than 400 years可知,这四具遗骸已被埋葬了大约四个世纪。

2 B。推理判断题。由第三段可知,科学家在詹姆斯敦发现的遗骸来自四位在北美扎根的第一批英国殖民者,再由倒数第三段的The bones of these men help fill in the stories of their lives可知,这次发现有助于科学家对美国早期英国殖民者有更多的了解。

3 C。词义猜测题。由第四段可知,早期到詹姆斯河流域的殖民者面临着饥荒和疾病,且与当地土著和其他殖民者冲突不断;再由倒数第三段的Jamestown almost ended in failure可知,此处是指位于詹姆斯敦的殖民地被完全摧毁。

4 A。段落大意题。本段介绍科学家利用3D技术并根据历史记录和对遗骨的化学分析最终确定了于2013年11月发现的四具遗骸的身份。

5 D。文章出处题。由首段的时间状语On Tuesday和文中Horn said in a statement, Horn said的行文格式可知,本文是对科学家确认美国詹姆斯敦遗骸身份的报道。

B篇 (个人情感)


6 B。写作手法题。由第一段Dr Perrett所做的实验one, the average of all thepictures, the other made from those rated most attractive most people saidthey preferred the composite of most attractive faces和第二段他的结论the most attractive face wasnot average可知,Dr Perrett通过实验对比得出其结论。

7 A。细节理解题。由第二段Dr Perrett总结明星和超模的长相特点可知,朱莉娅•罗伯茨非常有魅力。

8 B。细节理解题。由第三段的women seem to prefer menwith gentle faces和第四段的manywomen now go for baby-faced stars可知。

9 D。推理判断题。由最后一段Professor Cunningham的结论可知,不同文化之间对美的看法仅仅只是细微的差别,再由作者全文介绍DrPerrett的最新理论以及最后一段他说的byand large, we all seem to be attracted to the same things可知,作者认为总体上人们有着相似的审美标准。

10 C。主旨大意题。由文章首段的it was thought that abeautiful face a collection of average features和最后一段的there might be a little truth beauty is in the eye of the beholder, by and large, we all seem to beattracted to the same things的相互呼应可知,本文探讨了人们对美是如何判断的。C项作标题更符合本文主旨。






以上就是关于仁爱版 九年级上册英语周报作文14篇全部的内容,包括:仁爱版 九年级上册英语周报作文14篇、大企业应该如何高效管理自己的IT系统、抖音拒收周报的通知,还能上别人的周报吗等相关内容解答,如果想了解更多相关内容,可以关注我们,你们的支持是我们更新的动力!


原文地址: https://outofmemory.cn/langs/8863691.html

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