it员 采访科比科比 你见过凌晨四点的洛杉矶 段子

it员 采访科比科比 你见过凌晨四点的洛杉矶 段子,第1张

Interviewer: Can you do me a favor

Interviewee: Sure What

Interviewer: We would like you to share some good ways of learning English

Interviewee: Actually I'm not an A student in English, but I do have a little tips to share First, you have to get interested in it That's the first key Then, insistance is very important You must know that Rome is not built in onday And besides your daily study, there are a lot of resources for you to use, like, english movie, english music, etc

That's pretty much my way of learning

Interviewer: That's really impressive

Interviewee: And helpful It works When you feel pressure free, you can learn it well happily

Interviewer: Thanks for sharing you ways of learning We appreciate it



You:Hi,Kobe!Congratulations on winning the game of the LAL to OKCIt is beautiful

Kobe:Thank you!I think soThis is the sixth victory of our team I really enjoy this game

You:Well,can I ask you some questions


You:Although you won, but it's also a narrow victory of 113-110, where do you think you still need to improve Such as

Kobe:YesI thinkI think our team has a lot of problemsRival attack, our team getting too late, or interior defense is not tight, however our offense, seems a bit "in the coarse fine"。And another problem is the average age of our team slants big, make our team strength is groaning

You:Your first game, I remember is it is against the chinese team, was not easy because they are at home, your expectations

Kobe :Yeah, I expected to be the environment for us is special i think we have no experience such a game of the environment the atmosphere would be very eager, but someone must go to the host country we turn, we are very exciting, this is a very good opportunity to the stage show

You : Have you heard that yao ming said about the first game

Kobe:Haven't heard bryant

You : He said that if the chinese team won the United States, he will retire

Kobe : Oh

You :Because of this is the climax of his career, do you think he have a chance

Kobe : Opportunities is certainly yes but i thought i heard him say that chinese fans will not be willing to see his retirement, who was willing to retire

You: So you have to win

Kobe: Therefore be clearly china, don't let him to have retired


Today, we had the great pleasure and honor to interview Mr 黄, famous singer in the world She showed genius when she was young and her song shows everyone that she is the best! Now, let’s welcome Mr 黄!

雷:Oh, so many fans of yours here today, is it your dream to be a famous singer

黄: Yes, it makes me happy to be a singer,especially when my fans enjoy my music

雷: Did you have a very good voice when you was young

黄: Yes, I did

雷:And how many concerts have made yet

黄: I have made a lots of concerts around the world, to be honest, I can’t remember!

雷: Your last outdoor concert was a great success, has it encouraged you a lot

黄: Yes, and I think it would not be successful wihtout my fans’ support, so I want to say thinks to my fans here

雷: Everyone knows that you are also a good dancer as well as, you dancing always makes fans crazy, do you think you may can be professional dancer

黄: Sure, if I have enough time to be both singer and dancer

雷: At last, I heard your recent albums were pretty nice, can we sing one of your song together And cheers for your new coming album!

黄: Absolutly, I’m quite happy to do that






Michael: I ‘m happy to play with all the players, because they had a great team…… not one, two, three…(大家注意!这句话是熊的金字招牌~~前后超猛重复~太可爱拉!~) …good players ,all, all,er (真的无语了~)…all big players ,er, and, I didn’t first… strange secession (这词用的真地道~就是没听懂前后联系,555都是我的错~~估计是想说 go through the secession) …it’s er, er,… temper(ature) ‘s high, yeah, very fast(搞什么啊到底)…and good quality, high quality …I think it’s not one special player…i might be (dotoo我被彻底搞甍了%&^%^() play with all these players and ,er…yes…they’re very ,very …good teams primarily(猛赞!!!!) not one, two…(金,子,招,牌,显,灵………) Liverpool, Arsenal, Tottenham(克帅的

呀~~)…yes,all…only…few, short part of ,of…but I’m happy ,happy to play in this big league (棒棒~~)and yeah…


Reporter:%#&%$^%@%$#%)__singing the song…something has to say

Michael: (重重的一记傻笑!) hehehehe … it was a German song , and I don’t know the title(这德国调重的~~) but… nobody understand it what’s good for me (又笑!!傻巴~)

(Chelsea field for photo opportunity… )

Reporter: ………^)^&%^$(&_)(+_)(_)(&^$%#$%@ (又哭…大概就是问对冠军联赛有什么期待~~)

Michael: first… we look for the season …because that’s important…because Italian…during the season very famous…i think the national title and(看来熊是一生也忘不了那场伤心赛了55555陪着我的熊熊`) …ja…after this, we’re looking for the champions league(熊做梦都在念叨的词儿),…we had a great team ,also with six, seven, eight(我数我数数数…)…other teams in Europe they can win the champions league(老这么捧人家~~~)and yeah…it’s(&^&_(+)_()_)((……(翻译终于终于终于忍不住了…熊也忍不住了) great challenge for me and ,er…our team to win this……

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