

单数句变复数句, 只要注意下面的六要素,问题便迎刃而解:

1.人称代词主格单数变成相应的人称代词主格复数,即I→we;you→you;she,he,it→they。 如:

She is a girl→ They are girls

2. am, is 变为 are。 如:

I'm a student →We are students

3.不定冠词 a, an 要去掉。如:

He is a boy → They are boys


It is a cat →They are cats

5.指示代词 this, that 变为 these, those。如:

This is a book→ These are books

6. man, woman 作定语修饰可数名词时,要在 "数"上与被修饰名词保持一致。但其他名词修饰名词表示 "性质"时,不作变化。如:

He is a man doctor→They are men doctors

This is an apple tree→They are apple trees



名词代词要变化,am, is 要变are。

this, that 该咋办,these, those 替代它。

he, she, it 要变啥,全部变 they 就行了。

I要变 we 别落下,名词后面把 s/es加。



This is a man teacher 

2He eats a tomato every day

3That is my sister

4It is a photo of her family

5She wants to see a movie

6 IS this you aunt -Yes,it is/NO,it isn't This isn't my aunt

7 It is a book Is it a book It isn't a book

8 He is my father。 Is he your father-Yes,he is/No he isn't He isn't my father

9 This dictionary is on the desk  Is this dictionary on the desk This dictionary isn't on the desk 

10 This girl is my sister  Is this girl sister  This girl isn't my sister

1, I have a car      we have cars

2, He is an American boy     They are American boys

3, It is a car   They are cars

4, This is an eraser      These are erasers

5, That is a backpsck       Those are backpacks

6,I'm an English teather     We are English teathers

7,It's a new shirt They are new shirts

8,He's a boy    They are boys

9,She's a singer   They are singers

10,What's this in English        What are these in English

一、从A、B、C、D 中找出其划线部分与其他单词划线部分读音不同的选项。

〔 〕1 A where B care C air D were

〔 〕2 A shout B about C south D group

〔 〕3 A party B young C yes D year

〔 〕4 A whose B why C when D where

〔 〕5 A post B watch C stop D hospital

〔 〕6 A shall B wash C machine D school

〔 〕7 A cup B bus C student D but

〔 〕8 A girl B bag C orange D great



1 think ___________ ___________ ____________

2 wash ___________ ___________ ____________

3 buy ___________ ____________ ____________

4 get ____________ ____________ ____________

5 do ___________ _____________ ____________

6 teach ___________ ____________ ___________


1 many ____________________________________

2 hungry ___________________________________

3 bad ______________________________________

4 cheap ____________________________________


〔 〕1 Did you finish _______ that letter last night

A writing B writeing

C write D to wirte

〔 〕2 She is strict _______ her work

A on B to help

C in D by

〔 〕3 Let us _______ the farmers with their work

A help B to help

C helping D helps

〔 〕4 Mr Wang asked the children _______ and listen to him

A to stop playing games

B to stop to play games

C stopping playing games

D stop playing games

〔 〕5 The third month of the year is _______

A February B March

C April D September

〔 〕6 How does your father _______ to work

A goes B went

C is D go

〔 〕7 Is your sister free tomorrow

No, she is going _______ a football game

A to look at B to see

C to watch D to have a look at

〔 〕8 Where _______ you last Sunday morning

A are B was

C were D did

〔 〕9 _______ does he go to see his mother

A How much B How often

C How many D How long

〔 〕10 A: May I use your chair

B: Certainly, _______

A Here it is B Here they are

C Give you D Here you are

〔 〕11 A: Must we clean the classroom now

B: No, you _______

A mustn't B may not

C can't D needn't

〔 〕12 Does your sister enjoy _______ games after class

A to play B to playing

C plays D playing

〔 〕13 What lessons did you _______ yesterday afternoon

A had B has

C have D having

〔 〕14 You must look after _______ and keep healthy

A yours B your

C you D yourself

〔 〕15 He'd better _______ English in the morning

A read B to read

C reading D reads

〔 〕16 Li Ming sings better than _______ boys in his class

A others B other

C any other D the others

〔 〕17 A: Were you tired after the sport meet

B: Yes, but only ______

A a few B few

C a little D little

〔 〕18 There isn't _______ at the bus stop

A people B some persons

C anyone D somebody

〔 〕19 Our English teacher often _______ English in class

A speaking B talks

C says D speaks

〔 〕20 I'd like him _______ my old friends

A meet B to meet

C meeting D for metting


1 This box is _______ (heavy) than that one

2 Tom is one of _______ (short) in his class

3 There are _______ (many) students in our class than in that class

4 It's time _______ class

5 Shall we go there _______ bus

6 _______ my way to school I met Wei Fang

7 He was late _______ class last Friday

8 He often helps us _______ our homework


1 Who _______ (carry) the heavy box two minutes ago

2 We _______ (come) home from work at half past six last night

3 They _______ (play) football tomorrow afternoon

4 She usually _______ (go) to bed at ten But last night she _______ (be) late, because she _______ (not catch) the train


1 Wei Fang Cleaned their classroom yesterday afternoon



2 They had a short rest after school (变否定句)


3 She went to bed before twenty past eleven last night



4 They put the baskets of oranges on the truck yesterday morning



5 Tom is cooking supper with his mother (对划线部分提问)



A: What day _______ yesterday

B: It _______ Friday

A: Do you know the _______ yesterday

B: Yes, it was September tenth

A: _______ classes _______ you _______ yesterday afternoon

B: I _______ two English classes

A: _______ _______ you _______ after school

B: I went to the park

A: _______ did you reach there

B: I reached there _______ bus

A: _______ did you reach there

B: I _______ there _______ half past eight

A: _______ you _______ a good time in the park

B: Yes, I _______

A: Are you going there next Sunday

B: No I ______ busy all the time I have quite a lot of homework ______ do


A man was walking in the park with his dog Then he saw his friend with a dog The two began talking and the dogs ran off together (一起) After a few minutes they became (变得) worried (焦虑) "I want to know where Hannibal is" he said "I want to know where Cleopatro is" she said

They went to look for their dogs, but they couldn't find them Three days later the man telephoned (打电话) his friend "Did your dog come home" he said "Yes" she answered "How did you find it" "I put an advertisement (广告) in the newspaper and I got it back the next day Why don't you try (试) that" "I can't put an advertisement in the newspaper" he said "Why not" "Because Hannibal can't read"


〔 〕1 Two friends and their dogs met in the street

〔 〕2 The two friends talked together and their dogs ran

off together

〔 〕3 A few minutes later they became worried because they

couldn't see their dogs

〔 〕4 The woman's dog could read but the man's dog couldn't


There is a big tree 1 my house A black bird 2 in the tree Every day I 3 some food to the tree The bird sees me and comes 4 The food is in my hand The bird comes 5 my hand and eats (吃) the food It 6 from my hand After 7 it goes back into the 8 I give 9 food to this bird every day And so the bird 10 me We are good friends

〔 〕1 AIn front B near C next D from

〔 〕2 A sitting B living C lives D sit

〔 〕3 A take B bring C give D put

〔 〕4 A on B to C from D down

〔 〕5 A in B to C from D for

〔 〕6 A eats B eat C sit D sits

〔 〕7 A me B it C these D that

〔 〕8 A house B tree C any D field

〔 〕9 A little B some C any D a few

〔 〕10 A eats B like C knows D glad

参 考 答 案

一、1 D 2 D 3 A 4 A 5 A 6 D 7 C 8 C

二、A 1 thinks thinking thought 2 washes washing washed 3 buys buying bought 4 gets getting got 5 does doing did 6 teaches teaching taught

B 1 more most 2 hungrier hungriest 3 worse worst 4 cheaper cheapest

C 1 reached 2 enjoy 3 climb 4 along 5 hospital 6 know 7 first 8 call

三、1 A 2 C 3 A 4 A 5 B 6 D 7 C 8 C 9 B 10 D 11 D 12 D 13 C 14 D 15 A 16 C 17 C 18 C 19 D 20 B

四、1 heavier 2 the shortest 3 more 4 for 5 by 6 On 7 for 8 with

五、1 carried 2 came 3 are going to play(will paly) 4 goes, was, didn't catch

六、1 What did Wei Fang clean yesterday afternoon

2 They did not have a short rest yesterday afternoon

3 When did she go to bed last night

4 Where did they put the baskets of oranges yesterday morning

5 What is Tom doing with his mother

七、was, was, date, What, did, have, had, Where, did, go, How, by, When, reached, at, Did, have, did, am, to

八、1 × 2 √ 3 √ 4 ×

九、1 B 2 C 3 B 4 D 5 B 6 A 7 D 8 B 9 B 10 C






( )1 -- How are you

-- , thank you

A How are you B Good morning C Fine

( ) 2 -- Please sit down, Helen Brown


A Fine, thank you B Sit down, too C Thank you

( ) 3 -- What’s your name


A My name is Jim B It’s Jim C This is Jim

( ) 4 I’m in

A Number Four B Class One C which row

( ) 5 -- Welcome to Beijing


A OK B Yes C Thank you

( ) 6 -- Good afternoon, Mrs Read


A Good afternoon B How do you do C Good morning

( ) 7 -- you Mr Wang

-- No, I Liu Jian

A Is, is B Are, am C are , am

( ) 8 -- Thank you very much


A That’s right B Thank you C You’re welcome

II 阅读理解。判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写F。

My name is Bruce I come from America I’m twelve years old There are four people in my family, my father, my mother, my sister and me My father is a teacher, and he is in China now My mother is a teacher, too She and my sister aren’t in China My sister is three years younger than I She is a student, too

I have some friends here They often teach me Chinese I can speak a little Chinese now

( ) 1 Bruce comes from America

( ) 2 He is thirteen

( ) 3 There are four people in his family

( ) 4 His mother is in China now

( ) 5 His father is a teacher, but his mother is not

( ) 6 His sister is ten years old

( ) 7 His sister is a student in China now

( ) 8 He has no friends here

( ) 9 His father teaches him Chinese

( ) 10 He can speak much Chinese

III 用am, is, are填空。

1 – How you

-- I fine, thank you

2 – What your name

-- My name Hanmei

3 -- you Weihua

-- Yes I

4 – How old Tim and Tom

-- They thirteen

5 – Where Daming from

-- He from Shanghai

IV 完形填空。

Ma Lili is a Chinese 1 She is twelve That old 2 is American The American doesn’t know Ma Lili Ma Lili tells her that she is Ma Lili and she is twelve Ma Lili asks, “ What’s your name How old are you” She tells 3 name only to Ma Lili 4 she doesn’t tell Ma Lili how old she is She says 5 a secret (秘密)

( ) 1 A boy B man C girl

( ) 2 A man B woman C girl

( ) 3 A she B her C its

( ) 4 A But B And C Or

( ) 5 A it B its C it’s

V 写作:假设你是李雷,写几句话介绍一下你和你的朋友李明。

提示语:Li Lei, Li Ming, twelve, Chinese, friends, students, Class Two

VI 听录音,读Module1课文和单词至少三遍。 家长签字:


I 单项选择。

( ) 1 father is a teacher at Beijing International School

A Tony B Tony is C Tony’s

( ) 2 My mother is English teacher in a university in Beijing

A a B an C the

( ) 3 – is the boy

– He's ten years old

A What B How C How old

( ) 4 – is your sister

– She is a secretary

A What B How C Who

( ) 5 Look, this is my family photo my brothers

A This is B These are C We are

( ) 6 – Can you ride a horse

A Yes, I can B No, he can’t C Yes, I am

( ) 7 Welcome Daming and Lingling to class They are Chinese

A we B our C your

( ) 8 – What class are you in

– We’re in

A One Class B the class C Class One

( ) 9 Bill and Tom are my uncles They are

A factory worker B factory workers C factory’s workers

( ) 10 – Is your father a factory manager

A Yes, I am B Yes, he can C Yes, he is

( ) 11 – do you play the piano – At home

A Where B What C Who

( ) 12 My brother can play

A the basketball B a tennis C football

II 完形填空。

My name is Rick This is my room There is a shirt 1 the bed It’s 2 I also have a pair of 3 They are blue, too There is a desk and a chair in 4 room A football is under

the 5 I like it very much I 6 play football very well I often play it with my friends A picture is on the wall You can see four people in it The man and the woman are my 7 They work in a school and teach Chinese They are 8 The little girl is my 9 She is very lovely She is only three years old She doesn't go to school, so she 10 read or write I have a happy family

( ) 1 A in B on C with

( ) 2 A white B green C blue

( ) 3 A shoes B coats C shirts

( ) 4 A his B her C my

( ) 5 A room B desk C floor

( ) 6 A can B am C do

( ) 7 A mother B parents C father

( ) 8 A teachers B doctors C workers

( ) 9 A mother B brother C sister

( ) 10 A can B can’t C must

III 阅读理解。

My name is Selina I come from Beijing I'm a Chinese girl This year my parents go to

work in London They teach Chinese in a university Do you know London It’s a big city in

England I study in a middle school there I'm in Class Four, Grade Seven My teachers are nice to me I can play the piano and the guitar Sarah is my sister She lives in Beijing with my

grandparents She studies in a primary school(小学)She is in Class Three, Grade One She

likes singing She can't sing English songs well I often write to her But she doesn’t write to

me because she can’t write much I miss her very much

( ) 1 How many people are there in Selina’s family

A Three B Five C Six

( ) 2Where is Selina now

A In Beijing B In London C In Shanghai

( ) 3What class is Sarah in

A Class Four, Grade Seven B Class Three, Grade One C Class Four, Grade One

( ) 4Who can play the piano

A Selina B Sarah C Their parents

( ) 5Why doesn’t Sarah write to Selina

A She lives in Beijing B She has no pens C She can’t write much

IV 听录音,读Module2课文和单词至少三遍。 家长签字:


I 单项选择。

( ) 1 – there an English book in your bag

– Yes, there is

A Am B Is C Are

( ) 2 There are places of interest (名胜古迹) in Beijing

A a B some C any

( ) 3 – What’s in the park

– many trees and flowers

A They’re B It’s C There’re

( ) 4 How many children in the playhouse

A are there B there C are they

( ) 5 There are twenty-four in a day

A hours B hour’s C hour

( ) 6 I have got two lovely dogs is Jimmy and the other is Tommy

A The dog B One C It

( ) 7 You can see some sheep in Alice’s home very lovely

A They are B It’s C There are

( ) 8 – How many classrooms are there in your school

– There are classrooms in our school

A twenty and four B twenty four C twenty-four

II 完形填空。

(Bruce and his parents are going to a gym)

Bruce: Mum, do you see my sports 1 I can 't find them

Mother: Are they 2 your bed

Bruce: No, they aren’t

Father: Let me see 3 is a big bag near the table 4 your shoes in the 5

Bruce: No, there are 6 toys in it

Mother: Oh, I remember (想起来) I put your shoes in the bathroom(浴室) Go to the 7

(After a minute, Bruce comes back with a pair of shoes in his hand)

Bruce: Mum, they 8 my shoes They 're 9

Father: Hurry up We can buy a new pair of shoes You 10 play basketball with us

Bruce: Great

( ) 1 A T-shirt B coat C shoes

( ) 2 A in B under C between

( ) 3 A It B There C He

( ) 4 A Are B Is C Am

( ) 5 A bed B bag C desk

( ) 6 A some B any C a

( ) 7 A living room B bed room C bathroom

( ) 8 A can’t B isn’t C aren’t

( ) 9 A father B my father’s C my father

( ) 10 A can B do C are

III 阅读理解。

My name is Iiu Mei I live in a big city There are many parks in the city There 's a big

park near my home Many people go to the park every day From Monday to Friday, it opens

at 9:00 in the morning and closes at 6:00 in the afternoon At weekends, it opens at 8:00 in the

morning and closes at 7:00 I can play games there with my brothers and sisters But I can’t play football there because there’s no football field in the park

( ) 1 What’s near Liu Mei's home

A A big shop B A big park C A big school

( ) 2 We can’t go into the park at on Monday

A 8:30am B 5:30pm C 10:00am

( ) 3 We can go into the park at on Monday

A 8:00am B 7:00am C 10:00pm

( ) 4 What can Liu Mei do in the park

A Play games B Play football C Play basketball

( ) 5 Why doesn't Liu Mei play football in the park

A Because the park is small B Because she doesn't like it

C Because there 's no football field in the park

IV 句型转换。

1 There are some birds in the big tree (变成一般疑问句)

birds in the big tree

2 There is a cake and some milk on the table( 变成否定句)

There a cake milk on the table

3 There is a computer in my room ( 对划线部分提问)

there in room

4 There are four oranges in the basket ( 对划线部分提问)

in the basket

IV 听录音,读Module3课文和单词至少三遍。 家长签字:


I 单项选择。

( )

1 Tom has got a family There are ten people in his family

A big B small C happy

( )

2 My father’s mother is my

A aunt B mother C grandma

( )

3 I have no aunts uncles

A but B or C and

( )

4 Betty is my good friend lives in the USA

A He B I C She

( )

5 you got any tomatoes

A Have B Has C Are

( )

6 The boy is playing the lake

A under B near C between

( )

7 How people are there in your family

A old B much C many

( )

8 There a ruler and some pens in my pencil-box

A are B is C am

( )

9 They’ve got new English books

A some B any C a

( )

10 She fish very much

A like B likes C doesn’t likes

II 根据对话内容,用适当的句子补全对话。

A: 1

B: There are 42 students in our class

A: And who’s your best friend

B: Daming

A: 2

B: Yes, we often play football after school

A: What time do you usually go home

B: 3 at five in the afternoon

A: Thank you for telling me

B: 4

III 根据括号内所给内容,完成句子。

1 Kate (有) three lovely cats

2 (有)forty desks and forty chairs in the classroom

3 We (没有)any apples

4 Pleas write down (你家的家谱) in your exercise book

5 It’s a photo of the King family (来自美国)

IV 在右栏中找出与左栏各句相对应的答语

( )

1 Can you swim

A No, I can’t

( )

2 Nice to meet you

B She is thirteen

( )

3 How many people are there in your family

C Beijing

( )

4 Have you got any uncles

D Fine, thanks

( )

5 How are you

E She is next to Jim

( )

6 Are there any school offices

F Yes, I have

( )

7 Where is Han Mei

G How do you do

( )

8 Where are you from

H Nice to meet you, too

( )

9 How old is Lingling

I Five

( )

10 How do you do

J Yes, there are

V 请给你的朋友写一封信, 介绍一下你的家庭, 不少于50词, 以下词语供选用:

family, big/small, grandfather, grandmother, aunt, uncle…

Dear ,

Best wishes,

VI 听录音,读Module4课文和单词至少三遍。 家长签字:



I 1-5 CCABC, 6-8 ABC

II 1-5 TFTFF, 6-10 FFFFF

III 1 are, am 2 is, is 3 Are, am 4 are, are 5 is, is


V 略


I 1-5 CBCAB , 6-10 ABCBC, 11-12 AC

II 1-5 BCACB , 6-10 ABACB



I 1-5 BBCAA, 6-8 BAC

II 1-5 CBBAB , 6-10 ACCBA


IV 1 Are, there, any 2 isn’t, or, any 3 How, many, computers, are, your 4 What’s


I 1-5 ACBCA , 6-10 BCBAB

II 1 How many students are there in your class

2 Do you often play football after school

3 I usually go home

4 You’re welcome/ That’s all right/ That’s OK/ Not at all

III 1 has got 2 There are 3 haven’t got

4 your family tree 5 from the USA/from America

IV 1-5 AHIFD, 6-10 JECBG

V 略


我 主格I 宾格 me

你 主格you 宾格you

他 主格he 宾格his

她 主格she 宾格her

它 it it 它的 its its

我们 主格we 宾格us

他们 主格they 宾格them

你们 主格you 宾格you















第一人称第二人称 第三人称

young for you -the gala(北京乐队哦~)

young for you (为你年轻)

Sunday's coming i wanna drive my car 星期天来临了 我要开着我的汽车

to your apartment with present like a star 像星星般 带着礼物 来到你的公寓

forecaster said the weather may be rainy hard 预报员说可能下雨

but i know the sun will shine for us 但是我知道阳光将会照耀我们的

oh lazy seagull fly me from the dark 欧`海鸥从黄昏中懒洋洋地飞向我

i dress my jeans and feed my monkey banana 我穿着我的牛仔裤 给我的猴子喂香蕉吃

then i think my age how old,skyline how far 然后我感到我是如此的老了,但地平线是如此遥远

or we need each other in california 或者我们都想生活在加洲

you show me your body before night comes down 在黑夜来临之前 你展示你的身姿

i touch your face and promise to stay ever young 我抚摸你的脸庞,许诺我们永远年轻

on this ivory beach we kissed so long 在这篇象牙色的海滩上我们长久的亲吻

it seems that the passion's never gone 就象激情永不消退一样

you sing me your melody and i feel so please 你向我展示你悦耳的歌喉,我感觉如此的愉悦

i want you to want me to keep your dream 我想你应该让我经营你的梦

together we'll run wild by a summer symphony 我们在夏季的交响乐中疯狂的奔跑

this is what we enjoyed not a fantasy 这就是我们的享受,而非幻想

the tin-man's surfing i wanna try my luck 男人般冲浪嬉戏,只因想试下运气。

to the top of tide rip like just have some drugs冲到浪尖我如此陶醉

i know you have no blame for my proud moonish heart我知道你从没有责备我那骄傲和多变的心。

welcome to the golden beatnik park 来到这个坠落的乐园吧

oh diamond seashore drag me from the yard 噢``黄金海岸让我走出自己的天地

incredible sunward i watch as you're in photograph朝向阳光我难以自信的发现你仿佛溶化于画中

for camera your smile's so sweet,palm trees' so lush 画面中你的微笑如此甜美,棕榈树如此青翠。

would you believe my honey it's califonia 你相信么,亲爱的,这就是加洲




Where does happiness come from Some people say that happiness comes from books, and some people say that happiness comes from life, and I think that happiness is what friends give

A bosom friend will give you a lot, and happiness is essential That was before the exam, everybody is nervous review, all kinds of test, I was nervous to get up to the pole, if take an examination of early, to relieve my stress Due to tension, connect my grades are not ideal, many times test, pressure increased bit by bit, after a test I seem to be completely disappointed to myself, dull looking out of the window, the wind rages on the ground, overcast, frustrated I was just about to leave, it is time the chasing up and said to me: "failed the exam this time, it doesn't matter, hard next time we will be able to test good Don't lose heart"

I said angrily, "it doesn't matter if I didn't do it at one time, but I didn't do it the second time!"

She smiled and said: "it is your mind too much pressure, afraid to take an examination of is not good, only for this kind of result In fact, you don't have to be so nervous, as long as easily in the face of every exam, exam review learn knowledge is good, all knowledge has mastered, don't all-night review, such sacrifice rest time to review it will not achieve the desired result"

Puzzled me for a long time so easily solved, I am happy, all kinds of pressure and burden already flew to cloud nine went outside, I no longer nervous, sorrow for the exams

Played under light rain, the sky we run on the road, hand in hand together at underground, pissing pouring rain turned silver cross from the front, we laugh together, gradually clear up in the sky the sun ourtenant looked at us, long this laughter echoed in the ear








Books, like a silent friends, accompany me to grow, it not only broadened my horizons and enrich my knowledge, but also brought me endless happiness

On one occasion, the grandmother planted a few of towel gourd on the balcony, the towel gourd grow particularly fast, are stretched neck and a long cane, clutching a bamboo pole and volume But the bamboo poles were blown away by the wind Grandma is to worry about right now, I faced this situation, a brainwave, said: "grandma, you know a the alkaloids in I saw the book in a science experiment" Say that finish, I let my grandmother sat on the bed, I reached out a finger to resist grandma's skull, call my grandmother tried to stand up, however, the grandmother tried best, how to also cannot stand I happily laughed and said, "see, this is a magic As long as the right protection, even if only a small effort, also can support very heavy things We according to this principle to take a loofah tent!" So my grandmother and I took a bamboo pole and used two bamboo poles to hold the head of a swinging bamboo pole and then we tied it with a rope The work is done As I shook my steady bamboo pole, I proudly said, "the science of science works!"

Another time, I saw a few classmates who were talking passionately about who was the biggest dinosaur in the world, and who was the youngest They're not sure what the real answer is, they're arguing for their answers, and one even says they're blushing I thought to myself: this is too easy I'll tell them! I stood up together in the past, the side face satisfiedly say: "I know the right answer! I've seen Jurassic big adventure, it write: the dragon is one of the biggest dinosaur, 40 to 50 miles in length, known as' football dinosaurs', the smallest dinosaurs were the jaw dragon, only 18 to 19 cm, and the bird" As I answered, the students realized, "oh," the voice of "oh," I admire their eyes It made me feel a little smug, and I also thank the book for bringing me joy

Now, books have become an indispensable part of my life I think of books as a good friend and I think reading is a joy in life


Friends should not be so important, but friends are so important There may be no touching, no victory in life There is nothing but friends

A friend can walk in the rain with an umbrella You can make a roll on the beach You can indulge in some kind of music You can hang out in the book sea Friend is sad I accompany you to fall tears, have joy I with you silly smile

Friends don't always have to be in touch, but they don't forget, every once in a while, still feeling warm, affectionate and tender A friend is to put care in his heart and to hide his concern in the eye A friend is one after another, together, one after another Friends are the ones who bring joy, remember, and gentleness Friends are like wine, they are strong and they are drunk Friends as flowers, quietly elegant and fragrant; Friends are autumn rain, exquisite and poetic;

Friends are the may of December, pure and proud A friend is not a painting; it is more beautiful than a painting Friends are not songs; they are more beautiful than songs; A friend should be a meaningful essay, writing yesterday and looking forward to the future

The beauty of a friend is not the length of the day; A friend is a moment of eternity, a moment of awareness; The value of a friend is not because of the years that have gone through together, but the rarest of friends will still be remembered, still remember: you are my friend

A friend's day is always sunny and bright; You find yourself having everything when you have friends We can lose a lot, but we can't lose friends Friends may not become a permanent friends, perhaps only a certain period of time in your life a traveler, but because this originated because, makes life beautiful



原文地址: https://outofmemory.cn/langs/8869069.html

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