大嘴巴的《UP UP UP》 歌词

大嘴巴的《UP UP UP》 歌词,第1张

In My Secret Life 在我的秘密生活里I saw you this morning 这个清晨我看到了你 You were moving so fast 你飞快地走过 Can't seem to loosen my grip on the past 似乎还是看不出来我已逃离过去的阴影And I miss you so much 我是如此的想念你 There's no one in sight眼里别无他人 And we're still making love 而我们依然在相爱 In My Secret Life 在我的秘密生活里 In My Secret life 在我的秘密生活里 I smile when I'm angry 我在愤怒的时候保持微笑 I cheat and I lie 我欺骗我撒谎 I do what I have to do 我做着身不由己的事情 To get by 好让日子继续下去 But I know what is wrong 但我知道什么是错的 And I konw what is right 我也知道什么是对的 And I'd die for the truth 而我愿意为真理而牺牲 In My Secret Life 在我的秘密生活里 In My Secret Life 在我的秘密生活里 Hold on Hold on my brother 坚持 坚持 我的兄弟 My sister hold on tight 我的姐妹 坚持下去 I finally got my orders 我始终将会找到我的生活规律 I'll be marching through the morning 我将会坚定的穿越清晨 Marching through the night 态度坚决的穿越黑夜 Moving cross the borders of my secret life 穿越我秘密生活的边界 Looked through the paper 看看这些报纸 Makes you want to cry 让你想失声痛哭 Nobody cares if the people live or die 再没有人关心别人的死活 And the dealer wants you thinking 而那些商人们 总是 That it's either black or white 颠倒黑白 其实都无所谓 Thank God it's not that simple in my secret life 但是感谢上帝 在我的秘密生活里 这些都并非如此简单 I bite my lip 我一言不发 I buy what I'm told 我收买别人告诉我一切 Form the latest hit 无论是最新的俏皮话 To the wisdom of old 还是古老的智慧 But I'm always alone 但我总是一个人 And my heart is like ice 而我的内心寒冷如冰 And it's crowded and cold in my secret life 在我的秘密生活里 总是寒冷又拥挤 in my secret life 在我的秘密生活里

C music| lai ci biao te four| the holle V na V no no

hei na wei na jiao di| din te in wei jiao wei |dance

kui C sa sa lou wei| shei shei te sha bou lai to wei|

wang to zhe CK wang to C| 看DJ大嘴 rui men pao li| to

pa he| you hai V ba li to wang to gai |the DJ凯瑞 MC大嘴

rua Q rua Q miu lei| wang le sai |go to fai| you bi rui

wa K sai| my DJ kai mei lou mi| hai C in the ruai |wa

ne ke |sou fai |V ga na to fa lai| V ga na to four niu|

sou mao K four nao lai |V gai na rua Q hu han |se lei

hei ruai |sao rua Q na |di te no te hao |wang to sa |you

baby me me chuai |baby me me chuai |wa to ba li me me

chuai |shei shei li pa bou| shei shei li pa bou| V na

V na go to da| mi sai tiao| wo de mi sai tiao| mi sai

ka li| kao kao |you DJ chuai| you DJ lao DJ大嘴 come



享受自己玩耍 加入朋友更疯狂

如果冷场 一起脑力激荡

我们帮着你想 出招出梗出想法



去dream dream

你的陪伴让我更有机会去追 追

更多脚步 虽不一定加快速度

但我心里 不孤独

一起来 UP! UP! UP!


sing it! UP! UP! sing it! UP! UP!

来 UP! UP! UP! 让快乐飞最高

sing it! UP! UP! sing it! UP! UP!

飞最高 飞最高 飞最高

飞最高 飞最高

一个人奋战很强大 金刚合体更强大

如果不小心踉个跄 我们扶你一把

陪着你闯 帮着你挡

陪着你上 我们在同艘船上

一起来 UP! UP! UP!


sing it! UP! UP! sing it! UP! UP!

来 UP! UP! UP! 让快乐飞最高

sing it! UP! UP! sing it! UP! UP!

飞最高 飞最高 飞最高

飞最高 飞最高

不要再害怕 把难过说出来分担

不会嫌麻烦 肩膀都随时给你搭

UP! UP! sing it! UP! UP!

UP! UP! sing it! UP! UP!

UP! UP! sing it! UP! UP!

UP! UP! sing it! UP! UP!

一起来 UP! UP! UP!


sing it! UP! UP! sing it! UP! UP!

来 UP! UP! UP! 让快乐飞最高

sing it! UP! UP! sing it! UP! UP!

飞最高 飞最高 飞最高

飞最高 飞最高





[00:0248]119 - 大嘴巴




[00:1553]喔 咬咬咬咬 谁的嘴唇翘翘

[00:1946]撒娇的信号 耳朵过来咬咬

[00:2258]喔 骚骚骚骚 挑动神经末梢

[00:2642]就是这调调 让你无可救药


[00:3014]我面前 不自觉 被点燃的引线

[00:3316]是清凉 是火辣 我已经飞上天

[00:3671]草莓派 滚了边 包不住的香甜

[00:4026]爆炸 火焰 双眼冒烟


[00:4423]咿喔咿喔咿喔 我帮你打119

[00:4773]Call Call Come on 喔咿喔 喔咿喔

[00:5108]咿喔咿喔咿喔 小护士来救救火

[00:5476]No No Come on 喔咿喔 喔咿喔


[01:0521]有一种魔力 让你招架不了

[01:0883]你渴望窥探 包装里的味道

[01:1206]是一种美丽 让你脸红心跳

[01:1576]你充满问号 随时随地燃烧


[01:1937]准备 溶化你的狂野

[01:2469]布好 接近你的动线




[01:3378]咿喔咿喔咿喔 我帮你打119

[01:3701]Call Call Come on 喔咿喔 喔咿喔

[01:4044]咿喔咿喔咿喔 小护士来救救火

[01:4407]No No Come on 喔咿喔 喔咿喔


[02:0165]Here I am tell him my baby

[02:0533]说 我是你的谁

[02:0889]左右看一遍 Baby

[02:1243]确定 It's gonna be me


[02:1584]你搞清楚就别闹 看来你还不知道

[02:1932]我跟她 已结标 他买的是我Sale

[02:2289]我跟她就是美好 身边发酵的气泡

[02:2630]温度 太高 我就快要拉警报


[02:3009]咿喔咿喔咿喔 我帮你打119

[02:3351]Call Call Come on 喔咿喔 喔咿喔

[02:3687]咿喔咿喔咿喔 小护士来救救火

[02:4060]No No Come on 喔咿喔 喔咿喔



Kog'Maw, the Mouth of the Abyss(克格'寞,深渊巨口)

When the prophet Malzahar was reborn in Icathia, he was led there by an ominous voice which thereafter anchored itself to his psyche From within, this voice bestowed upon him terrible purpose, and though Malzahar was no longer tormented by its call, the voice did not cease its unrelenting summons This baleful beacon's gentle flicker -- now fastened to Runeterra -- drew forth a putrid beast that ambled across a threshold it did not understand, widening a fissure between the spaces which were never meant to meet There amongst the haunting ruins of Icathia, Kog'Maw manifested in Valoran with unsettling curiosity The spark which led him to Runeterra teased him still, urging him gently towards Malzahar It also encouraged him to familiarize himself with his new environment, to the stark horror of everything he encountered on his journey

The enchanting colors and aromas of Runeterra intoxicated Kog'Maw, and he explored the fruits of the strange world the only way he knew how: by devouring them At first he sampled only the wild flora and fauna he happened across As he traversed the parched Tempest Flats, however, he came upon a tribe of nomads Seemingly unhampered by conventional rules of physics, Kog'Maw consumed every nomad and any obstacles they put in his way, amounting to many times his own mass and volume The most composed of his victims may have had time to wonder if this was due to the caustic enzymes which stung the ground as they dripped from his gaping mouth, although such musings were abruptly concluded When his wake of catastrophe reached the Institute of War, an enthusiastic Malzahar greeted him with an enticing prospect: taste the best Runeterra could offeron the Fields of Justice

'If that's just hungry, I don't want to see angry'

-- Tryndamere, the Barbarian King

以上就是关于大嘴巴secret life 歌词全部的内容,包括:大嘴巴secret life 歌词、跪求MC大嘴韩毒英文麦词、大嘴巴的《UP UP UP》 歌词等相关内容解答,如果想了解更多相关内容,可以关注我们,你们的支持是我们更新的动力!


原文地址: https://outofmemory.cn/langs/8879664.html

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