MOOC 数据结构 1003 Emergency

MOOC 数据结构 1003 Emergency,第1张

As an emergency rescue team leader of a city, you are given a special map of your country. The map shows several scattered cities connected by some roads. Amount of rescue teams in each city and the length of each road between any pair of cities are marked on the map. When there is an emergency call to you from some other city, your job is to lead your men to the place as quickly as possible, and at the mean time, call up as many hands on the way as possible.

Input Specification:

Each input file contains one test case. For each test case, the first line contains 4 positive integers: N (≤500) - the number of cities (and the cities are numbered from 0 to N−1), M - the number of roads, C1​ and C2​ - the cities that you are currently in and that you must save, respectively. The next line contains N integers, where the i-th integer is the number of rescue teams in the i-th city. Then M lines follow, each describes a road with three integers c1​, c2​ and L, which are the pair of cities connected by a road and the length of that road, respectively. It is guaranteed that there exists at least one path from C1​ to C2​.

Output Specification:

For each test case, print in one line two numbers: the number of different shortest paths between C1​ and C2​, and the maximum amount of rescue teams you can possibly gather. All the numbers in a line must be separated by exactly one space, and there is no extra space allowed at the end of a line.

Sample Input:
5 6 0 2
1 2 1 5 3
0 1 1
0 2 2
0 3 1
1 2 1
2 4 1
3 4 1
Sample Output:
2 4


        对于这道题:①输出有几条最短路 增加一个数组Num[V],为源点S到顶点V的最短路条数;初始化为0;给定源点S,Num[S] = 1,S的每个邻接点V,Num[V] = Num[S];Dijkstra算法执行的时候  dist[V] + G[V][W] < dist[W]  W继承V的最短路条数 Num[W] = Num[V] ;dist[V] + G[V][W] == dist[W] 时,Num[W] += Num[V];

                             ②输出最短路径情况下沿途能带上的最大救援团队,增加一个数组team[],为源点S以最短路到达顶点V时的救援队数量;初始化每个顶点V  team[V] = 每个顶点本来有的救援队数量(即点权);给定源点S,对于S的每个邻接点V,team[V] += team[S];Dijkstra算法执行的时候  dist[V] + G[V][W] < dist[W]  W的最大救援队数量 team[W] += team[V] ;dist[V] + G[V][W] == dist[W] 时,再根据team[]的大小来决定是否更新最短路




2.增加点权:每个顶点有一个 权重,当有多条最短路时,考虑经过的点权



前3个问题 都是只增加相应的数组就可以解决;比如对应第一种情况增加边权的问题MOOC 数据结构 07-图6 旅游规划_鸿雁丨红豆灬的博客-CSDN博客




#define INFINITY 250000
#define ERROR -1

typedef int Vertex;     //顶点
typedef int WeightType; //边权
typedef int DataType;   //顶点数据(点权)
typedef struct _Edge{
	Vertex V1,V2;
	WeightType Weight;
typedef struct _Adj Adj;
struct _Adj{
	Vertex AdjV;
	WeightType Weight;
	Adj* Next;
typedef struct _LGraph{
	int Nv; //顶点数
	int Ne; //边数
	DataType* Data; // 存放顶点数据的数组
	Adj** G;  //邻接表 G为链表数组,数组的每个元素是一个链表的头指针

LGraph* BuildGraph( int N,int M );

LGraph* CreateGraph( int N,int M );

void InsertEdge( LGraph* Graph,Edge E );

void EmergencyRescue( LGraph* Graph,Vertex Start,Vertex Destination );

void Dijkstra( LGraph* Graph,Vertex S,WeightType dist[],Vertex path[],bool collected[],int MaxRescueTeams[],int Num[] );

Vertex FindMinDist( LGraph* Graph,WeightType dist[],bool collected[] );

int main()
	int N,M;
	Vertex Start,Destination;
	scanf("%d %d %d %d",&N,&M,&Start,&Destination);
	LGraph* Graph = BuildGraph( N,M );
	EmergencyRescue( Graph,Start,Destination );
	return 0;

LGraph* BuildGraph( int N,int M )
	LGraph* Graph = CreateGraph( N,M );
	Edge E;
	int i;
		scanf("%d %d %d",&E.V1,&E.V2,&E.Weight);
		InsertEdge( Graph,E );
	return Graph;

LGraph* CreateGraph( int N,int M )
	LGraph* Graph = (LGraph*)malloc(sizeof(LGraph));
	Graph->Nv = N;
	Graph->Ne = M;
	Graph->Data = malloc(Graph->Nv*sizeof(DataType));
	Graph->G = malloc(Graph->Nv*sizeof(Adj*));
	Vertex V;
		Graph->G[V] = NULL;
	return Graph;

void InsertEdge( LGraph* Graph,Edge E )
	Adj* NewNode;
	NewNode = (Adj*)malloc(sizeof(Adj*));
	NewNode->AdjV = E.V1;
	NewNode->Weight = E.Weight;
	NewNode->Next = Graph->G[E.V2];
	Graph->G[E.V2] = NewNode;
	NewNode = (Adj*)malloc(sizeof(Adj*));
	NewNode->AdjV = E.V2;
	NewNode->Weight = E.Weight;
	NewNode->Next = Graph->G[E.V1];
	Graph->G[E.V1] = NewNode;

void EmergencyRescue( LGraph* Graph,Vertex Start,Vertex Destination )
	/* dijkstra算法过程中需要用到的数组 */
	WeightType dist[Graph->Nv];  //最短路数组
	Vertex path[Graph->Nv];      //具体路径数组,该题中不需要
	bool collected[Graph->Nv];   //已确定了最短路的顶点数组
	int MaxRescueTeams[Graph->Nv],Num[Graph->Nv]; //救援团队数组
	/* 各个数组的初始化 */
	Vertex V;
		dist[V] = INFINITY;
		path[V] = -1;
		collected[V] = false;
		MaxRescueTeams[V] = Graph->Data[V];
		Num[V] = 0;
	Dijkstra( Graph,Start,dist,path,collected,MaxRescueTeams,Num );
	printf("%d %d\n",Num[Destination],MaxRescueTeams[Destination]);

void Dijkstra( LGraph* Graph,Vertex S,WeightType dist[],Vertex path[],bool collected[],int MaxRescueTeams[],int Num[]  )
	/* 确定源点后的数组更新 */
	dist[S] = 0;
	collected[S] = true;
	Num[S] = 1;

	Adj* p;
		dist[p->AdjV] = p->Weight;
		path[p->AdjV] = S;
		MaxRescueTeams[p->AdjV] = MaxRescueTeams[S] + Graph->Data[p->AdjV];
		Num[p->AdjV] = Num[S];
	Vertex V;
		V = FindMinDist( Graph,dist,collected );
		if(V==ERROR) break;
			if(collected[p->AdjV] == false){
				if(dist[V] + p->Weight < dist[p->AdjV]){ //有更短的路径时
					dist[p->AdjV] = dist[V] + p->Weight; //更新最短路
					path[p->AdjV] = V;
					MaxRescueTeams[p->AdjV] = MaxRescueTeams[V] + Graph->Data[p->AdjV];
					Num[p->AdjV] = Num[V];
				}else if(dist[V] + p->Weight == dist[p->AdjV]){ //有另一条最短路时
					Num[p->AdjV] += Num[V];
					if(MaxRescueTeams[V] + Graph->Data[p->AdjV] > MaxRescueTeams[p->AdjV]){
						path[p->AdjV] = V;
						MaxRescueTeams[p->AdjV] = MaxRescueTeams[V] + Graph->Data[p->AdjV];
		collected[V] = true;

Vertex FindMinDist( LGraph* Graph,WeightType dist[],bool collected[] )
	Vertex V,MinID = ERROR;
	WeightType MinDist = INFINITY;
		if(collected[V]==false && dist[V] < MinDist){
			MinDist = dist[V];
			MinID = V;
	return MinID;


数据结构 Dijkstra算法 改良版 多条最短路径问题通用解决方案——C语言实现_鸿雁丨红豆灬的博客-CSDN博客



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