

1. 写一篇关于婚礼的作文

仅供参考: 姗发现了父亲脸上的泪,父亲低低地问姗:“你是不是真的喜欢这个男孩,他可靠吗?”姗望着自己的脚尖,点了点头。

她听见父亲叹了口气:“好吧,那你们准备结婚吧……” 午夜十分,姗从昏迷中醒来,浑身却一点力气也没有,脑子里空白一片,她不知道自己睡了多久,仿佛一个世纪般长久,重症病房的呼吸机还在帮助她呼吸,她努力想坐起来,腿脚却很不听使唤。趴在她床边的男人都被异样的声音惊醒,抬起了他的头,喷涌出泪水,撕心地大喊:“大夫,大夫,她醒了,她醒了…” 姗睁大了眼睛,看清楚了这个男人,眼窝深陷,面容憔悴,两鬓泛白,皱纹刻在眉间。



姗的手术整整做了六个小时,尽管极力抢救保住了她的性命,但是因为脑部受到了强烈的撞击,姗就再也没醒来……姗的母亲受了很大的 *** ,回家的路上被一辆货车撞倒,带着无取限的牵挂和遗憾离开了人世。 几年间,父亲四处求医,姗也辗转来到了这个城市的医院,但得到的结论都有是一样的:她醒来的机会几乎是零,就算是醒来,智力也会像几岁的孩子一样。

父亲对这个晴天霹雳的结果并没有死心,他四处借钱,哪怕有一点点期望也不放弃。 为了筹措昂贵的医药费,他卖掉了家里的房子,但是很快就所剩无几。

为了早点治好姗,节省开支,他白天在建筑工地挥汗如雨地干活,晚上就到医院守着姗,饿了就喝开水就着馒头充饥,困了就在姗的床边打盹,长期的营养不良和劳累也导致了身体的虚弱,但是他有信心,他一定能等到姗睁开眼睛。 经过了一个月的康复治疗后,姗出院了,只是说话还有点含糊,还要在这个城市继续呆下去,定期到医院做复查治疗。

父亲带着她租了一间房,白天照顾姗的生活,晚上等姗睡下去后拣些瓶瓶罐罐的,好换来一点微薄的收入。 姗的气色逐渐好了起来,并学会了自己穿衣、自己做饭。


命运之神终于慢慢的对姗露出了笑脸。 半年之后,姗的身体终于康复了,并且通过自学学会了很多知识,现在报考了夜校,她想找份好点的工作好好地报答她的父亲。


姗总是微笑着说:“命运对我已经够好的了,起码我现在还活着。” 温柔善良的姗引起了一个叫凡的年轻医生的好感,他深深被姗的精神所打动,他开始暗暗关心起姗,知道了姗在学习,他就把自己以前的学习资料全部搬到医院给姗,还指导姗学习。


又是一年过去了。 如果不是那天和凡一起上街,姗可能永远这么幸福下去。




对不起……” 姗带着凡回家,凡有点局促不安。父亲应声开门,一开门就紧张地抱住了姗:“姗姗,你去哪里了,急死我了,没什么事情吧,是不是又头痛了,想不起来的事情就不要去想了…”父亲这时才看见姗旁边紧张不已的凡,凡上前对他握了握手:“伯父,你好,我是姗的同事。”

父亲什么话也没说,转身进了屋里,凡拉着姗跟在后面。 在珊的小房间里,凡真诚地对她父亲说,希望能永远和姗在一起,以后就由他来照顾他们两父女。

父亲挥了挥手,半响后说:“你先回去吧,我考虑一下。” 送凡出门后,姗发现以父亲的泪。

他低低地问姗:“你是不是真的喜欢这个男孩,他可靠吗?”姗望着自己的脚尖,点了点头。她听见父亲叹了口气:“好吧,那你们准备结婚吧……” 一切都在进行着,姗的脸上整天挂着幸福的微笑,和凡看房子,定家具,婚期渐渐。

2. 写婚礼的作文











3. 关于婚礼的作文






4. 关于结婚的小短文

爱一个人就是,清晨起床时,轻轻一吻; 爱一个人就是,你赖床不起时,要她拉你起来,当她把手给你的时候,冷不防被你拉到怀里;




















5. 描写婚礼场面









6. 求各种关于婚礼的感动短文

父母发言稿(供参考) 各位来宾、各位女士、各位先生: 今天是我儿子(女儿) 小姐(先生)禧结良缘的大喜日子,承各位来宾远道而来祝贺,在此表示最热烈地欢迎合衷心地感谢!我儿子(女儿) 与小姐(先生) 结为百年夫妻,身为双方父母感到十分高兴。


最后,祝你们俩新婚愉快、早生贵子、幸福美满。 由衷的感谢各位亲朋好友的光临,祝大家身体健康、万事如意。

谢谢大家 新娘父亲致辞 各位来宾: 今天是我女儿____和女婿____百年好合,永结同心的大喜日子。首先,我要向各位来宾的光临表示最诚挚的欢迎。

作为家长,此时此刻,我无比激动,我有千言万语要对我的女儿,我的女婿说:愿你们夫妻恩爱,从今以后,无论是贫困,还是富有,你们都要一生、一世、一心、一意,忠贞不渝地爱护对方,在人生的路途中永远心心相印,百头偕老,美满幸福。 同时,我还衷心地希望你们:尊敬父母孝心不变,依然是一个好儿子,好女儿。

还要当一个好媳妇、好女婿。 最后,我再一次衷心地感谢各们来宾的光临!谢谢! 新郎父亲致辞 大家好! 今天是我儿子 和 小姐结婚的大喜日子,我感到非常高兴和荣幸。


在此,我仅代表双方的家长向这对新人表示衷心的祝福,同时,我也借这个机会,向多年来关心、支持、培养我们全家的各位领导、各位同事、各位朋友表示最衷心的感谢! 结婚是人生的大事,也是每个家长的大事。面对台上这对新人,面对台下这么多的亲朋好友,我送三句话给这对新人,一是希望你们互相理解,相互包涵,在人生道路上同舟共济;二是要尊敬和孝敬你们的父母,你们结婚了,意味着你们的父母老了,他们更需要你们常回家看看;三是不断进取,勤奋工作,要用实际行动来回报社会、回报父母、回报单位。

最后,我还想感谢我的亲家,培养出了这么好的一个女儿,我们这么好的一个媳妇。 借此机会,我再一次地祝福这对新人生活幸福、互敬互爱,并且衷心祝福来参加我儿子媳妇婚礼的各位来宾身体健康、家庭幸福! 婚礼证婚词 各位来宾、各位女士、各位先生: 今天,我受新郎新娘的重托,担任XX先生与XX小姐结婚的证婚人感到十分荣幸,在这神圣而又庄严的婚礼仪式上,能为这对珠联壁合、佳偶天成的新人作证婚词而感到光彩夺目,也是难得的机遇。


新娘XX小姐。 不仅长得漂亮可爱,而且具有东方女性的内在美,不仅温柔体贴、知人为人,而且勤奋好学、品质高贵、心灵纯洁;不仅能当家理财,而且手巧能干,是一位可爱的好姑娘。

古人常说:心有灵犀一点通。 是情是缘还是爱,把他们钟情在一起。

使他们俩圆梦心上人相知在一起,不仅是上帝创造了这对新人,而且还要创造他们的后代,创造他们的未来。 此时此刻,新娘新郎结为恩爱夫妻,从今以后,无论贫富、疾病、环境恶劣、生死存亡,你们都要一生一心一意忠贞不渝地爱护对方,在人生的旅程中永远心心相印、白头偕老,美满幸福。

最后,祝你们俩永远钟爱一生,同心永结、幸福美满。 谢谢大家! 证婚人:XXX 婚礼证婚词 各位来宾、各位女士、各位先生: 今天,我受新郎新娘的重托,担任XX先生与XX小姐结婚的证婚人感到十分荣幸,在这神圣而又庄严的婚礼仪式上,能为这对珠联壁合、佳偶天成的新人作证婚词而感到光彩夺目,也是难得的机遇。


新娘XX小姐。 不仅长得漂亮可爱,而且具有东方女性的内在美,不仅温柔体贴、知人为人,而且勤奋好学、品质高贵、心灵纯洁;不仅能当家理财,而且手巧能干,是一位可爱的好姑娘。

古人常说:心有灵犀一点通。 是情是缘还是爱,把他们钟情在一起。

使他们俩圆梦心上人相知在一起,不仅是上帝创造了这对新人,而且还要创造他们的后代,创造他们的未来。 此时此刻,新娘新郎结为恩爱夫妻,从今以后,无论贫富、疾病、环境恶劣、生死存亡,你们都要一生一心一意忠贞不渝地爱护对方,在人生的旅程中永远心心相印、白头偕老,美满幸福。

最后,祝你们俩永远钟爱一生,同心永结、幸福美满。 谢谢大家! 证婚人:XXX。

7. 结婚的作文四百字









8. 写结婚的作文

I and my true love got to know us 3 years ago at the airport - we were both flying to it in a single vacation. Upon check in we got to talking and quickly realized that we have the same destination - and even had the same hotel. Well - so began our time together and we have started our marriage a new life! At my wedding - no, our wedding - we got married on Friday a civil ceremony in a *** all circle. On Saturday morning we had an appointment with the photographer - he really took a lot of time and the photos were really perfect! At 13:30 clock, we met with our guests outside the restaurant - all admired my beautiful white dress and I felt like a princess - as it should be so, right? At 14:00, the ceremony began and they were all moved to tears - the music, the words of the anizer and then my love by my side 。

. It was like a dream 。 .. The food was simply fantastic and all ate so fed up that they bee mobile again on the dance floor had - it was great that almost all have danced. The Wedding games were great fun and everyone enjoyed themselves immensely 。

After the wedding event was marching the entire wedding party - even with the acpaniment of the wedding band - for nearby hotels. Front of the inn, there was the agape and the celebration could begin! The children left for us to rise colorful balloons that were provided with cards. Congratulations on the cards were for our future and our address - I'm curious if any response es back sometime this sweet idea! Later during the night - so approximately at 22.00 clock cuts for my sweetheart and I, our 4-tiered wedding cake. Beeen the 4 sticks rings true pink roses were woven - that looked real from romantic! My marriage ended only in the early morning hours - as a gift we gave our guests fet-me-not seeds and could be seen to take a piece of the cake - that we have dedicated boxes with the inscription: 。 because the heart is through his stomach 。

. That came with guests totally good! So - now that was my report of my wedding。

分类: 外语/出国


KFC的创始人是 哈兰 . 山德士 (Col. Harland Sanders)

*** 上的详细介绍

Harland David Sanders, better known as Colonel Sanders (September 9, 1890 – December 16, 1980) was the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). His picture appears on their boxes to this day, and a stylized graphic of his face is a trademark of the corporation.

Sanders was born in Henryville, Indiana. His father died when he was six years old, and since his mother worked, he was forced to cook for his family. During his teen years, Sanders worked many jobs, including firefighter, steamboat driver, insurance sale *** an, and he served as an Army private in Cuba.

At the age of 40, Sanders made chicken for people who passed by his service station in Corbin, Kentucky. He didn't have a restaurant then, but served the diners in his living quarters in the service station. Eventually, his local popularity grew, and Sanders moved to a motel and restaurant that seated 142 people and began working as the chef. Over the next nine years, he perfected his method of cooking chicken that used the same eleven herbs and spices that are used today at KFC. He also made use of a pressure cooker that enhanced the flavor and allowed the chicken to be cooked much faster than pan-frying. He was given the honorary title "Kentucky colonel" in 1935 by Governor Ruby Laffoon. Unlike most people who receive this title, Sanders chose to call himself "Colonel" and to dress in a stereotypical "southern gentleman" costume as a way of self-promotion.

This stylized likeness of the Colonel serves as the logo and mascot of his restaurant chain.Sanders was forced to sell his property in order to make way for Interstate 75. Confident of the quality of his fried chicken, the Colonel devoted himself to the chicken franchising business that he started in 1952, the first franchise being setup on 3900 South State Street in Salt Lake City. He traveled across the country by car from restaurant to restaurant, cooking batches of chicken for restaurant owners and their employees. If the reaction was favorable, he entered into a handshake agreement on a deal that stipulated a payment to him of a nickel for each chicken the restaurant sold. His devoted work turned his *** all business, Kentucky Fried Chicken, into one of the largest fast food chains in existence. He himself became one of the most recognizable people in the world.

In 1959, Sanders moved the headquarters of his business to a new location near Shelbyville, Kentucky and in 1964, sold it to a group of investors headed by future Kentucky Governor John Y. Brown, Jr. Sanders, after retiring as a cook, worked as its pany spoke *** an for most of the rest of his life. He appeared in many of his pany's television mercials beeen the 1950s and 1970s (with his and KFC's slogan "Finger-lickin' good"), and remained outspoken about the quality of the KFC product, often with a lively vocabulary. In 1975 a libel lawsuit was filed against Harland Sanders by Kentucky Fried Chicken for his ments, including calling the gravy "sludge" and "wallpaper paste". The suit was unsuccessful, and he continued to speak out when he felt the quality of the business he founded waned.

The original Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant, Corbin, Kentucky, USAHe also retained ownership of the headquarters building and soon opened a new restaurant in it. KFC's new owners owned the name Colonel Sanders as it pertained to the restaurant business, so Sanders decided to name his new restaurant "Claudia Sanders' Dinner House" after his wife. As of 2006, this restaurant is still operating and is decorated with many photographs and memorabilia from the Sanders family. (A second Claudia Sanders' Dinner House location was opened in a historic mansion in Bowling Green, Kentucky, but closed in the 1980s).

Sanders died at age 90 of leukemia. He was buried in his characteristic white suit and black bow tie in Cave Hill Cemetery in Louisville, Kentucky, after lying in state in the rotunda of the Kentucky State Capitol. A later cartoon version of Colonel Sanders (voiced by actor Randy Quaid) has appeared in more recent KFC mercials, and he has an almost-identical impersonator, the latter to the considerable consternation of many in the Sanders family.

To this day, the Colonel's secret recipe of eleven herbs and spices remains one of the best-kept trade secrets in business[citation needed].



Camilla the chicken shows her hate for Colonel Sanders.Neal Stephenson's novel Snow Crash contains a brief passage about the Colonel. He is held in high regard by the citizens and management of the franchised nation-state, Mr Lee's Greater Hong Kong, and his portrait is displayed in many franchise offices. He is revered for his great age, inscrutable *** ile, and business acumen.

A cult following of devoted "KFC Bandits" try to devise their own versions of 11 herbs and Spices. Online forums such as New Food Forum and web sites like Top Secret Recipes are devoted to duplicating the secret recipe.

Madonna referred to the famous Kentucky Fried Chicken slogan in her 1992 song about oral sex, "Where Life Begins", singing the lines Colonel Sanders says it best/It's finger-lickin' good.

In a 2006 episode of the popular crime drama CSI: Miami, a video game representative responds to Horatio Caine's demands that he summarize elements of his game with the quote "That's like asking Colonel Sanders for his secret 11 herbs and spices".

Colonel Sanders appears as a fictional character in Haruki Murakami's novel Kafka on the Shore.

In Scrubs, Colonel Doctor (a doctor who nobody seems to know the name of), gets his nickname from bearing a striking resemblance to Colonel Sanders.

The Hanshin Tigers baseball team suffered from the "Curse of the Colonel" for many years: rioting fans stole a statue of the Colonel from a local KFC shop in 1985 and the team did not win another championship until 2003. (The Tigers' star player was a bearded American slugger named Randy Bass who bore a faint resemblance to the Colonel.)

In January 26, 2006, Kentucky Governor Ernie Fletcher flatly refused Pamela Anderson's PETA-backed demand to remove a statue of Colonel Sanders from the Kentucky Capitol Building.

The Mike Myers movie So I Married an Axe Murderer featured o parent characters, the McKenzies, who get all of their information from the farcical grocery store tabloid the Weekly World News. Stuart McKenzie claims that Colonel Sanders was a member of the world-controlling anization, the Pentaverate, before he died. Stuart says, "I hated the Colonel with his wee, beady eyes and that *** ug look on his face. 'Oh, you're gonna buy my chicken, ohhhh!'" Stuart also claimed that Sanders put an addictive chemical in the chicken which makes a person crave it "fortnightly"

The Mel Brooks movie Spaceballs has a character named Colonel Sandurz. When Dark Helmet, the spoof of Darth Vader makes a request to the Colonel and he is too afraid to ply, Dark Helmet replies, "What's the matter, Colonel Sandurz? Chicken?"

In an episode of The Muppet Show, a picture of Colonel Sanders is used as a dartboard in Camilla's dressing room.

According to Todd Wilbur's book Top Secret Recipes the "11 herbs and spices" are actually just flour, salt, pepper, and MSG.

In Adam Sandler's movie The Waterboy, he refers to his biology teacher as Colonel Sanders, due to his appearance which strikingly resembles the Colonel's.

In an episode of Family Guy, Peter exclaims "You mean I came all the way to Kentucky to get some of your fried chicken and the Colonel's not even working?"

The King of Town on Homestar Runner dressed up as Colonel Sanders for Halloween 2005, and showed off his secret mixture of eleven herbs and spices. When Homestar makes off with the bag, the King says that the bag he held up only had ten herbs and spices.

In the 2002 movie Undercover Brother, a former general (played by Billy Dee Williams) passes on a presidential run to set a chain of fried chicken restaurants. Dubbing himself "The General," the brainwashed Williams sold the chicken to black people, who were also brainwashed when they ate the chicken. The restaurant's tagline was "Watch out, Colonel! Here es the General!"

Colonel Sanders' famous Popcorn Chicken are often used in the TV sit The Simpsons as a running gag

In the 2005 film remake of The Longest Yard, Paul "Wrecking" Crewe (played by Adam Sandler) sees someone who looks like Colonel Sanders eating chicken, and ments, "Hey look, it's the Colonel eating his own chicken!"

In the Little House on the Prairie episode "Wave of the Future" a man with a striking resemblance to Colonel Sanders offers Mrs. Oleson a chance to get into the fried chicken business. His name was not mentioned.

In an episode of the anime "The Slayers," one of the villains dresses up as Colonel Sanders. He holds a fried chicken deep in a cave, designed to lure Lina and Gourry into a trap, but ends up getting trampled as they hungrily grab the chicken.

In a later episode of Oh! Super Milk-chan, Milk watches a program in which its hostess interviews the owner of a pork-leg processing plant, who resembles the Colonel. The product goes into one of Milk's favorite treats, Gentucky's Pork Leg Barrel.

His portrait is hung in some KFC restaurants.

In MTV's Celebrity Deathmatch Colonel Sanders fights Dave Thomas from Wendy's.

A figure resembling Colonel Sanders holding a bucket of chicken appears in the Japanese manga Ranma 1/2

He appeared on the December 1, 1963 episode (pretaped November 3) of the game show What's My Line? as a contestant. A panel of celebrities had to guess the line of work contestants were involved in. There were celebrity mystery guests on the show, but at the time, Sanders was not well known, and appeared with the panel un-blindfolded, and signed in as "Colonel Sanders". His job was given as "Head of Southern Fried Chicken Company", and the panel did not guess his line (though the host flipped 4 cards over when Sanders accidentally gave away that his product was eaten). He would also later appear as a mystery guest on the syndicated revival of the same program.

He also appeared on an episode of What's My Line's sister show, I've Got A Secret. His secret was that he started his own business at the age of 65 with his $105 social security check. Before his game, he showed off the multi-million dollar check (or a copy of it) which he received for selling KFC.

In the first episode of the anime Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Rena intends to retrieve an abandoned Colonel Sanders statue from a trash dump.

A United States Colonel called Sanders who bears a striking resemblance appears in the science fiction manga Plaes.

The original recipe for the famous chicken was written on the kitchen door frame of the first resturaunt the Colonel ever owned. It's doubtful that anyone in the world knows where the piece of wood is now, or whether or not it even still exists.[citation needed]

In Barnyard, The Original Party Animals, some chickens in the barn are throwing darts at a photo of Colonel Sanders.

In a 2006 episode of Late Night with Conan O'Brien during his usual monologue, a ghost of Colonel Sanders appears after O'Brien mentions that Pamela Anderson is going to sue KFC for cruelty to chickens. The ghost then proceeds to make sexual jokes about Anderson that relate to fried chicken (i.e. 'battering those breasts with my special recipe').

In the 1987 film Good Morning Vietnam, Armed Forces Radio Saigon DJ(Disc Jockey) Adrian Cronauer made a reference that "Ho Chi Minh and Colonel Sanders are the same person, you be the judge".


原文地址: https://outofmemory.cn/tougao/11213618.html

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