swift – 在没有framedrops的情况下创建无限的cgpath

swift – 在没有framedrops的情况下创建无限的cgpath,第1张

概述我需要不断创建一个cgpath.目前我这样做: func createLine(){ var rand = randomBetweenNumbers(1, 2) currentY-- if rand < 1.5{ currentX-- CGPathAddLineToPoint(leftPath, nil 我需要不断创建一个cgpath.目前我这样做:
func createline(){        var rand = randomBetweenNumbers(1,2)        currentY--        if rand < 1.5{            currentX--            CGPathAddlinetoPoint(leftPath,nil,currentX,currentY)        }else{            currentX++            CGPathAddlinetoPoint(leftPath,currentY)        }        CGPathAddlinetoPoint(rightPath,currentX+tileSize,currentY)        lineNode.path = leftPath        rightNode.path = rightPath}


NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(0.05,target: self,selector: Selector("startTile"),userInfo: nil,repeats: true)





>泡沫,冲洗,重复步骤5 – 7

这是Swift中的一个示例实现,它在iPhone 6设备上以60 FPS绘制无穷无尽的行(您应该在不使用模拟器的设备上测试性能):

class GameScene: SKScene {    // 1. Create container to hold new and old lines    var lineContainer = SKNode()    // 2. Create canvas    var lineCanvas:SKSpriteNode?    // 3. Create shape to draw new lines    var lineNode = SKShapeNode()    var lastDrawTime:Int64 = 0    var lineCount = 0    var timeScan:Int64 = 0    var path = CGPathCreateMutable()    var lastPoint = CGPointZero    overrIDe func dIDMovetoVIEw(vIEw:SKVIEw) {        scaleMode = .Resizefill        // 4. Add the container to the scene and the canvas to the container         addChild(lineContainer)        lineCanvas = SKSpriteNode(color:SKcolor.clearcolor(),size:vIEw.frame.size)        lineCanvas!.anchorPoint = CGPointZero        lineCanvas!.position = CGPointZero        lineContainer.addChild(lineCanvas!)        lastPoint = CGPointMake(vIEw.frame.size.wIDth/2.0,vIEw.frame.size.height/2.0)    }    // Returns a random value in the specifIEd range    func randomInRange(minValue:CGfloat,maxValue:CGfloat) -> CGfloat {        let r = CGfloat(Double(arc4random_uniform(UInt32.max))/Double(UInt32.max))        return (maxValue-minValue) * r + minValue    }    func drawline() {        if (CGPathIsEmpty(path)) {            // Create a new line that starts where the prevIoUs line ended            CGPathMovetoPoint(path,lastPoint.x,lastPoint.y)            lineNode.path = nil            lineNode.linewidth = 1.0            lineNode.strokecolor = SKcolor.bluecolor()            lineNode.zposition = 100            lineContainer.addChild(lineNode)        }        // Add a random line segment        let x = randomInRange(size.wIDth*0.1,maxValue: size.wIDth*0.9)        let y = randomInRange(size.height*0.1,maxValue: size.height*0.9)        CGPathAddlinetoPoint(path,x,y)        lineNode.path = path        // Save the current point so we can connect the next line to the end of the last line        lastPoint = CGPointMake(x,y)    }    overrIDe func update(currentTime: CFTimeInterval) {        let lineDrawTime = timeScan / 10        // 5. Draw a new line every 10 updates. Increment line count        if (lineDrawTime != lastDrawTime) {            drawline()            ++lineCount        }        // 6. and 7. Add all newly and prevIoUsly drawn lines to the canvas        if (lineCount == 8) {            addlinesToTexture()            lineCount = 0        }        lastDrawTime = lineDrawTime        ++timeScan    }    func addlinesToTexture () {        // Convert the contents of the line container to an SKTexture        let texture = self.vIEw!.textureFromNode(lineContainer)        // display the texture        lineCanvas!.texture = texture        // Start a new line        lineNode.removeFromParent()        path = CGPathCreateMutable()    }}

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原文地址: https://outofmemory.cn/web/1035695.html

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