可可 – 将Swift和init(windowNibName)中的NSWindowController子类化

可可 – 将Swift和init(windowNibName)中的NSWindowController子类化,第1张

概述我试图在Swift中启动一个基于Cocoa项目的新文档,并想创建一个NSWindowController的子类(如Apple的文档应用指南中所推荐的)。在ObjC中,你将创建一个NSWindowController子类的实例,发送initWithWindowNibName:消息,并相应地实现,调用superclasses方法。 在Swift中,init(windowNibName)只能作为一个方便 我试图在Swift中启动一个基于Cocoa项目的新文档,并想创建一个NSWindowController的子类(如Apple的文档应用指南中所推荐的)。在ObjC中,你将创建一个NSWindowController子类的实例,发送initWithWindowNibname:消息,并相应地实现,调用superclasses方法。



// this overrIDes none of designated initializersclass MyWindowController: NSWindowController {    overrIDe func windowDIDLoad() {        super.windowDIDLoad()    }}// this one overrIDes all of them//// Awkwardly enough,I see only two initializers // when vIEwing `NSWindowController` source from Xcode,// but I have to also overrIDe `init()` to make these rules apply.// Seems like a BUG.class MyWindowController: NSWindowController{    init()    {        super.init()    }    init(window: NSWindow!)    {        super.init(window: window)    }    init(coder: NSCoder!)    {        super.init(coder: coder)    }    overrIDe func windowDIDLoad() {        super.windowDIDLoad()    }}// this will work with either of the abovelet mwc: MyWindowController! = MyWindowController(windowNibname: "MyWindow")


However,superclass initializers are automatically inherited if certain conditions are met. In practice,this means that you do not need to write initializer overrIDes in many common scenarios,and can inherit your superclass initializers with minimal effort whenever it is safe to do so.

Assuming that you provIDe default values for any new propertIEs you introduce in a subclass,the following two rules apply:

Rule 1
If your subclass doesn’t define any designated initializers,it automatically inherits all of its superclass designated initializers.

Rule 2 If your subclass provIDes an implementation of all of its superclass designated initializers—either by inheriting them as per rule 1,or by provIDing a custom implementation as part of its deFinition—then it automatically inherits all of the superclass convenIEnce initializers.


以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的可可 – 将Swift和init(windowNibName)中的NSWindowController子类化全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决可可 – 将Swift和init(windowNibName)中的NSWindowController子类化所遇到的程序开发问题。



原文地址: https://outofmemory.cn/web/1055966.html

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