xcode – 软件包名称和软件包显示名称

xcode – 软件包名称和软件包显示名称,第1张

概述有关Bundle Name和Bundle显示名称的类似问题已被询问,例如: What’s the difference between “bundle display name” and “bundle name” in cocoa application’s info plist 但到目前为止,我还没有看到一个很好的简明扼要的答案,当你需要使用它们时,可以指定不同,等等. 文档似乎表明,捆绑显示 有关Bundle name和Bundle显示名称的类似问题已被询问,例如:

What’s the difference between “bundle display name” and “bundle name” in cocoa application’s info plist





CFBundlename (String – iOS,Mac OS X) IDentifIEs the short name of the
bundle. This name should be less than 16 characters long and be
sui@R_301_5991@ for displaying in the menu bar and the application’s Info
window. You can include this key in the InfoPList.strings file of an
appropriate .lproj subdirectory to provIDe localized values for it. If
you localize this key,you should also include the key

CFBundledisplayname (String – iOS,Mac OS X) specifIEs the display name of the bundle. If you support localized names for your bundle,
include this key in both your information property List file and in
the InfoPList.strings files of your language subdirectorIEs. If you
localize this key,you should also include a localized version of the
CFBundlename key.

If you do not intend to localize your bundle,do not include this key
in your Info.pList file. Inclusion of this key does not affect the
display of the bundle name but does incur a performance penalty to
search for localized versions of this key.

Before displaying a localized name for your bundle,the Finder
compares the value of this key against the actual name of your bundle
in the file system. If the two names match,the Finder proceeds to
display the localized name from the appropriate InfoPList.strings file
of your bundle. If the names do not match,the Finder displays the
file-system name.

解决方法 CFBundledisplayname用于更改设备(和模拟器)上的应用程序图标下方的文本.是的,这应该是本地化的,但是在编辑它或使它说任何你想要的表现没有明确的惩罚.




以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的xcode – 软件包名称和软件包显示名称全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决xcode – 软件包名称和软件包显示名称所遇到的程序开发问题。



原文地址: https://outofmemory.cn/web/1056997.html

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