Error[8]: Undefined offset: 313, File: /www/wwwroot/, Line: 121
File: /www/wwwroot/, Line: 473, decode(

概述1. 获取进程的所有PTE表项,从而得到所有物理地址   参考:   通过/proc/pid/pagemap    1 #include <stdio.h> 2 #include <stdlib.h> 3 #include <unistd.h> 4 #include <asser

1. 获取进程的所有PTE表项,从而得到所有物理地址




 1 #include <stdio.h> 2 #include <stdlib.h> 3 #include <unistd.h> 4 #include <assert.h> 5 #include <errno.h> 6 #include <stdint.h> 7 #include <string.h> 8  9 #define PAGEMAP_ENTRY 810 #define GET_BIT(X,Y) (X & ((uint64_t)1<<Y)) >> Y11 #define GET_PFN(X) X & 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFF12 13 const int __endian_bit = 1;14 #define is_bigendian() ( (*(char*)&__endian_bit) == 0 )15 16 int i,c,pID,status;17 unsigned long virt_addr; 18 uint64_t read_val,file_offset,page_size;19 char path_buf [0x100] = {};20 file * f;21 char *end;22 23 int read_pagemap(char * path_buf,unsigned long virt_addr);24 25 int main(int argc,char ** argv){26     if(argc!=3){27         printf("Argument number is not correct!\n pagemap PID VIRTUAL_ADDRESS\n");28         return -1;29     }30     if(!memcmp(argv[1],"self",sizeof("self"))){31         sprintf(path_buf,"/proc/self/pagemap");32         pID = -1;33     }34     else{35         pID = strtol(argv[1],&end,10);36         if (end == argv[1] || *end != 0 || pID<=){ 37"             printf(PID must be a positive number or ‘self‘\n");38return             1 -;39        } 40    } 412     virt_addr = strtoll(argv[16],NulL,);42if     1(pID!=-)43"         sprintf(path_buf,/proc/%u/pagemap",pID);4445  getpagesize();     page_size =46    read_pagemap(path_buf,virt_addr); 47return     0 ;48} 4950 int char read_pagemap(long * path_buf,unsigned  virt_addr){51"     printf(Big endian? %d\n",is_bigendian());52"     f = fopen(path_buf,rb");53if     f){(!54"         printf(Error! Cannot open %s\n",path_buf);55return         1 -;56    } 5758 //     Shifting by virt-addr-offset number of bytes59//     and multiplying by the size of an address (the size of an entry in pagemap file)60 PAGEMAP_ENTRY;     file_offset = virt_addr / page_size *61"     printf(Vaddr: 0x%lx,Page_size: %lld,Entry_size: %d\n",virt_addr,page_size,PAGEMAP_ENTRY);62"     printf(Reading %s at 0x%llx\n"long,path_buf,(unsigned long ) file_offset);63 fseek(f,SEEK_SET);     status =64if     (status){65"         perror(Failed to do fseek!");66return         1 -;67    } 680     errno = ;690     read_val = ;70char     unsigned  c_buf[PAGEMAP_ENTRY];71for     0(i=){; i < PAGEMAP_ENTRY; i++72 getc(f);         c =73if         EOF){(c==74"             printf(\nReached end of the file\n");75return             0 ;76        } 77if         (is_bigendian())78 c;             c_buf[i] =79else         801             c_buf[PAGEMAP_ENTRY - i -  c;] =81"         printf([%d]0x%x ",i,c);82    } 83for     0(i=){; i < PAGEMAP_ENTRY; i++84//         printf("%d ",c_buf[i]);858         read_val = (read_val <<  c_buf[i];) +86    } 87"     printf(\n");88"     printf(Result: 0x%llx\n"long,(unsigned long ) read_val);89if     63(GET_BIT(read_val,)) {90 GET_PFN(read_val);         uint64_t pfn =91"         printf(PFN: 0x%llx (0x%llx)\n" page_size);,pfn,pfn * page_size + virt_addr %92else     } 93"         printf(Page not present\n");94if     62(GET_BIT(read_val,))95"         printf(Page swapped\n");96    fclose(f); 97return     0 ;98VIEw Code }


2. 通过mmap /dev/mem获取物理地址的存储内容



3. 获取之后:就有很多好玩的东东啦

  a. 比如做crc校验,找出是否有人踩这个内存

  b. 比如可以篡改内容,搞挂别人的程序





File: /www/wwwroot/, Line: 126, InsideLink()
File: /www/wwwroot/, Line: 166, include(/www/wwwroot/
File: /www/wwwroot/, Line: 30, include(/www/wwwroot/



概述1. 获取进程的所有PTE表项,从而得到所有物理地址   参考:   通过/proc/pid/pagemap    1 #include <stdio.h> 2 #include <stdlib.h> 3 #include <unistd.h> 4 #include <asser

1. 获取进程的所有PTE表项,从而得到所有物理地址




 1 #include <stdio.h> 2 #include <stdlib.h> 3 #include <unistd.h> 4 #include <assert.h> 5 #include <errno.h> 6 #include <stdint.h> 7 #include <string.h> 8  9 #define PAGEMAP_ENTRY 810 #define GET_BIT(X,Y) (X & ((uint64_t)1<<Y)) >> Y11 #define GET_PFN(X) X & 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFF12 13 const int __endian_bit = 1;14 #define is_bigendian() ( (*(char*)&__endian_bit) == 0 )15 16 int i,c,pID,status;17 unsigned long virt_addr; 18 uint64_t read_val,file_offset,page_size;19 char path_buf [0x100] = {};20 file * f;21 char *end;22 23 int read_pagemap(char * path_buf,unsigned long virt_addr);24 25 int main(int argc,char ** argv){26     if(argc!=3){27         printf("Argument number is not correct!\n pagemap PID VIRTUAL_ADDRESS\n");28         return -1;29     }30     if(!memcmp(argv[1],"self",sizeof("self"))){31         sprintf(path_buf,"/proc/self/pagemap");32         pID = -1;33     }34     else{35         pID = strtol(argv[1],&end,10);36         if (end == argv[1] || *end != 0 || pID<=){ 37"             printf(PID must be a positive number or ‘self‘\n");38return             1 -;39        } 40    } 412     virt_addr = strtoll(argv[16],NulL,);42if     1(pID!=-)43"         sprintf(path_buf,/proc/%u/pagemap",pID);4445  getpagesize();     page_size =46    read_pagemap(path_buf,virt_addr); 47return     0 ;48} 4950 int char read_pagemap(long * path_buf,unsigned  virt_addr){51"     printf(Big endian? %d\n",is_bigendian());52"     f = fopen(path_buf,rb");53if     f){(!54"         printf(Error! Cannot open %s\n",path_buf);55return         1 -;56    } 5758 //     Shifting by virt-addr-offset number of bytes59//     and multiplying by the size of an address (the size of an entry in pagemap file)60 PAGEMAP_ENTRY;     file_offset = virt_addr / page_size *61"     printf(Vaddr: 0x%lx,Page_size: %lld,Entry_size: %d\n",virt_addr,page_size,PAGEMAP_ENTRY);62"     printf(Reading %s at 0x%llx\n"long,path_buf,(unsigned long ) file_offset);63 fseek(f,SEEK_SET);     status =64if     (status){65"         perror(Failed to do fseek!");66return         1 -;67    } 680     errno = ;690     read_val = ;70char     unsigned  c_buf[PAGEMAP_ENTRY];71for     0(i=){; i < PAGEMAP_ENTRY; i++72 getc(f);         c =73if         EOF){(c==74"             printf(\nReached end of the file\n");75return             0 ;76        } 77if         (is_bigendian())78 c;             c_buf[i] =79else         801             c_buf[PAGEMAP_ENTRY - i -  c;] =81"         printf([%d]0x%x ",i,c);82    } 83for     0(i=){; i < PAGEMAP_ENTRY; i++84//         printf("%d ",c_buf[i]);858         read_val = (read_val <<  c_buf[i];) +86    } 87"     printf(\n");88"     printf(Result: 0x%llx\n"long,(unsigned long ) read_val);89if     63(GET_BIT(read_val,)) {90 GET_PFN(read_val);         uint64_t pfn =91"         printf(PFN: 0x%llx (0x%llx)\n" page_size);,pfn,pfn * page_size + virt_addr %92else     } 93"         printf(Page not present\n");94if     62(GET_BIT(read_val,))95"         printf(Page swapped\n");96    fclose(f); 97return     0 ;98VIEw Code }


2. 通过mmap /dev/mem获取物理地址的存储内容



3. 获取之后:就有很多好玩的东东啦

  a. 比如做crc校验,找出是否有人踩这个内存

  b. 比如可以篡改内容,搞挂别人的程序







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