【深入了解cocos2d-x 3.x】定时器(scheduler)的使用和原理探究(2)

【深入了解cocos2d-x 3.x】定时器(scheduler)的使用和原理探究(2),第1张

概述上篇说到定时器的使用方法,这篇主要分析它的实现原理。 1.哈希链表 cocos2dx封装了一个结构体,叫做UT_hash_handle,只要在自定义的结构体中声明这个结构体变量,就实现了哈希链表,并且能使用一系列的哈希链表专用的宏。这个结构体的具体实现如下: typedef struct UT_hash_handle { struct UT_hash_table *tbl; void


1.哈希链表 cocos2dx封装了一个结构体,叫做UT_hash_handle,只要在自定义的结构体中声明这个结构体变量,就实现了哈希链表,并且能使用一系列的哈希链表专用的宏。这个结构体的具体实现如下:
typedef struct UT_hash_handle {   struct UT_hash_table *tbl;   voID *prev;                       /* prev element in app order      */   voID *next;                       /* next element in app order      */   struct UT_hash_handle *hh_prev;   /* prevIoUs hh in bucket order    */   struct UT_hash_handle *hh_next;   /* next hh in bucket order        */   voID *key;                        /* ptr to enclosing struct's key  */   unsigned keylen;                  /* enclosing struct's key len     */   unsigned hashv;                   /* result of hash-fcn(key)        */} UT_hash_handle;

这个结构体主要实现的是一个双向链表,具体实现哈希验证的还要看UT_hash_table 结构体
typedef struct UT_hash_table {   UT_hash_bucket *buckets;   unsigned num_buckets,log2_num_buckets;   unsigned num_items;   struct UT_hash_handle *tail; /* tail hh in app order,for fast append    */   ptrdiff_t hho; /* hash handle offset (byte pos of hash handle in element */   /* in an IDeal situation (all buckets used equally),no bucket would have    * more than ceil(#items/#buckets) items. that's the IDeal chain length. */   unsigned IDeal_chain_maxlen;   /* nonIDeal_items is the number of items in the hash whose chain position    * exceeds the IDeal chain maxlen. these items pay the penalty for an uneven    * hash distribution; reaching them in a chain traversal takes >IDeal steps */   unsigned nonIDeal_items;   /* ineffective expands occur when a bucket doubling was performed,but     * afterward,more than half the items in the hash had nonIDeal chain    * positions. If this happens on two consecutive expansions we inhibit any    * further expansion,as it's not helPing; this happens when the hash    * function isn't a good fit for the key domain. When expansion is inhibited    * the hash will still work,albeit no longer in constant time. */   unsigned ineff_expands,noexpand;   uint32_t signature; /* used only to find hash tables in external analysis */#ifdef HASH_BLOOM   uint32_t bloom_sig; /* used only to test bloom exists in external analysis */   uint8_t *bloom_bv;   char bloom_nbits;#endif} UT_hash_table;

/** * 查找元素 * head:哈希链表的头指针 * findptr:要查找的元素指针 * out:查找结果 */HASH_FIND_PTR(head,findptr,out) /** * 添加元素 * head:哈希链表的头指针 * ptrfIEld:要添加的元素指针 * add:要添加的哈希链表元素 */HASH_ADD_PTR(head,ptrfIEld,add) /** * 替换元素 * head:哈希链表的头指针 * ptrfIEld:要替换的元素指针 * add:要替换的哈希链表元素 */HASH_REPLACE_PTR(head,add)/** * 删除 * head:哈希链表的头指针 * delptr:要删除的元素指针 */HASH_DEL(head,delptr) 

// 不同优先级的update定时器的双向链表typedef struct _ListEntry{    struct _ListEntry   *prev,*next;    ccSchedulerFunc     callback;    voID                *target;    int                 priority;    bool                paused;    bool                markedForDeletion; // selector will no longer be called and entry will be removed at end of the next tick} tListEntry;//内置的update定时器typedef struct _hashUpdateEntry{    tListEntry          **List;        // Which List does it belong to ?    tListEntry          *entry;        // entry in the List    voID                *target;    ccSchedulerFunc     callback;    UT_hash_handle      hh;} tHashUpdateEntry;// 自定义定时器typedef struct _hashSelectorEntry{    ccArray             *timers;    voID                *target;    int                 timerIndex;    Timer               *currentTimer;    bool                currentTimerSalvaged;    bool                paused;    UT_hash_handle      hh;} tHashTimerEntry;

以上就是相关的哈希链表的知识,接下来从定义定时器的函数Node::schedule中一步一步的分析定时器是如何加入到哈希链表中的。 2.如何定义自定义定时器 首先,上一篇文章中说到了很多个自定义定时器的函数,但是最终会调用的函数只有两个,分别是
    /**     * 定义一个自定义的定时器	 * selector:回调函数	 * interval:重复间隔时间,重复执行间隔的时间,如果传入0,则表示每帧调用	 * repeat:重复运行次数,如果传入CC_REPEAT_FOREVER则表示无限循环	 * delay:延时秒数,延迟delay秒开始执行第一次回调     */    voID schedule(SEL_SCHEDulE selector,float interval,unsigned int repeat,float delay);	    /**     * 使用lambda函数定义一个自定义定时器     * callback:lambda函数	 * interval:重复间隔时间,重复执行间隔的时间,如果传入0,则表示每帧调用	 * repeat:重复运行次数,如果传入CC_REPEAT_FOREVER则表示无限循环	 * delay:延时秒数,延迟delay秒开始执行第一次回调     * key:lambda函数的Key,用于取消定时器     * @lua NA     */    voID schedule(const std::function<voID(float)>& callback,float delay,const std::string &key);

voID Node::schedule(SEL_SCHEDulE selector,float delay){    CCASSERT( selector,"Argument must be non-nil");    CCASSERT( interval >=0,"Argument must be positive");    _scheduler->schedule(selector,this,interval,repeat,delay,!_running);}

Scheduler *_scheduler;          ///< scheduler used to schedule timers and updates
查看定义可以知道是一个Scheduler 的指针,但是这个指针从哪里来?在构造函数中有真相
Node::Node(voID){    // set default scheduler and actionManager    _director = Director::getInstance();    _scheduler = _director->getScheduler();    _scheduler->retain();}

voID Scheduler::schedule(SEL_SCHEDulE selector,Ref *target,bool paused){    CCASSERT(target,"Argument target must be non-nullptr");    	//定义并且查找链表元素    tHashTimerEntry *element = nullptr;    HASH_FIND_PTR(_hashForTimers,&target,element);    	//没找到    if (! element)    {		//创建一个链表元素        element = (tHashTimerEntry *)calloc(sizeof(*element),1);        element->target = target;        		//添加到哈希链表中        HASH_ADD_PTR(_hashForTimers,target,element);                // Is this the 1st element ? Then set the pause level to all the selectors of this target        element->paused = paused;    }    else    {        CCASSERT(element->paused == paused,"");    }    	//检查这个元素的定时器数组,如果数组为空 则new 10个数组出来备用    if (element->timers == nullptr)    {        element->timers = ccArrayNew(10);    }    else    {		//循环查找定时器数组,看看是不是曾经定义过相同的定时器,如果定义过,则只需要修改定时器的间隔时间        for (int i = 0; i < element->timers->num; ++i)        {            TimerTargetSelector *timer = dynamic_cast<TimerTargetSelector*>(element->timers->arr[i]);                        if (timer && selector == timer->getSelector())            {                cclOG("CCScheduler#scheduleSelector. Selector already scheduled. Updating interval from: %.4f to %.4f",timer->getInterval(),interval);                timer->setInterval(interval);                return;            }        }		//扩展1个定时器数组        ccArrayEnsureExtraCapacity(element->timers,1);    }    	//创建一个定时器,并且将定时器加入到当前链表指针的定时器数组中    TimerTargetSelector *timer = new (std::nothrow) TimerTargetSelector();    timer->initWithSelector(this,selector,delay);    ccArrayAppendobject(element->timers,timer);    timer->release();}

这一段代码具体分析了如何将自定义定时器加入到链表中,并且在链表中的存储结构是怎么样的,接下来看看内置的Update定时器。 3.如何定义Update定时器 Update定时器的开启方法有两个,分别是:
    /**     * 开启自带的update方法,这个方法会每帧执行一次,默认优先级为0,并且在所有自定义方法执行之前执行     */    voID scheduleUpdate(voID);    /**     * 开启自带的update方法,这个方法会每帧执行一次,设定的优先级越小,越优先执行     */    voID scheduleUpdateWithPriority(int priority);
voID Node::scheduleUpdateWithPriority(int priority){    _scheduler->scheduleUpdate(this,priority,!_running);}
/** Schedules the 'update' selector for a given target with a given priority.     The 'update' selector will be called every frame.     The lower the priority,the earlIEr it is called.     @since v3.0     @lua NA     */    template <class T>    voID scheduleUpdate(T *target,int priority,bool paused)    {        this->schedulePerFrame([target](float dt){            target->update(dt);        },paused);    }

voID Scheduler::schedulePerFrame(const ccSchedulerFunc& callback,voID *target,bool paused){	//定义并且查找链表元素    tHashUpdateEntry *hashElement = nullptr;    HASH_FIND_PTR(_hashForUpdates,hashElement);		//如果找到,就直接改优先级    if (hashElement)    {        // 检查优先级是否改变        if ((*hashElement->List)->priority != priority)        {			//检查是否被锁定            if (_updateHashLocked)            {                cclOG("warning: you CANNOT change update priority in scheduled function");                hashElement->entry->markedForDeletion = false;                hashElement->entry->paused = paused;                return;            }            else            {            	// 在这里先停止到update,后面会加回来                 unscheduleUpdate(target);            }        }        else        {            hashElement->entry->markedForDeletion = false;            hashElement->entry->paused = paused;            return;        }    }    // 优先级为0,加入到_updates0List链表中,并且加入到_hashForUpdates表中    if (priority == 0)    {        appendIn(&_updates0List,callback,paused);    }	// 优先级小于0,加入到_updatesNegList链表中,并且加入到_hashForUpdates表中    else if (priority < 0)    {        priorityIn(&_updatesNegList,paused);    }	// 优先级大于0,加入到_updatesPosList链表中,并且加入到_hashForUpdates表中    else    {        // priority > 0        priorityIn(&_updatesPosList,paused);    }}
voID Scheduler::appendIn(_ListEntry **List,const ccSchedulerFunc& callback,bool paused)voID Scheduler::priorityIn(tListEntry **List,bool paused)

voID Scheduler::appendIn(_ListEntry **List,bool paused){	//创建一个链表元素    tListEntry *ListElement = new tListEntry();    ListElement->callback = callback;    ListElement->target = target;    ListElement->paused = paused;    ListElement->priority = 0;    ListElement->markedForDeletion = false;		//添加到双向链表中    DL_APPEND(*List,ListElement);    //创建一个哈希链表元素    tHashUpdateEntry *hashElement = (tHashUpdateEntry *)calloc(sizeof(*hashElement),1);    hashElement->target = target;    hashElement->List = List;    hashElement->entry = ListElement;	//添加到哈希链表中    HASH_ADD_PTR(_hashForUpdates,hashElement);}

voID Scheduler::priorityIn(tListEntry **List,bool paused){	//同上一个函数    tListEntry *ListElement = new tListEntry();    ListElement->callback = callback;    ListElement->target = target;    ListElement->priority = priority;    ListElement->paused = paused;    ListElement->next = ListElement->prev = nullptr;    ListElement->markedForDeletion = false;    //如果链表为空    if (! *List)    {        DL_APPEND(*List,ListElement);    }    else    {        bool added = false;		//保证链表有序        for (tListEntry *element = *List; element; element = element->next)        {			// 如果优先级小于当前元素的优先级,就在这个元素前面插入            if (priority < element->priority)            {                if (element == *List)                {                    DL_PREPEND(*List,ListElement);                }                else                {                    ListElement->next = element;                    ListElement->prev = element->prev;                    element->prev->next = ListElement;                    element->prev = ListElement;                }                added = true;                break;            }        }        //如果新加入的优先级最低,则加入到链表的最后        if (! added)        {            DL_APPEND(*List,ListElement);        }    }    //同上一个函数    tHashUpdateEntry *hashElement = (tHashUpdateEntry *)calloc(sizeof(*hashElement),1);    hashElement->target = target;    hashElement->List = List;    hashElement->entry = ListElement;    HASH_ADD_PTR(_hashForUpdates,hashElement);}
本文简单的分析了哈希链表以及定时器的存储和添加,下一篇文章将分析定时器是如何运转起来的。 总结

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