html – ContentEditable DIV中的不可编辑跨度的选择和删除问题

html – ContentEditable DIV中的不可编辑跨度的选择和删除问题,第1张

概述我有一个ContentEditable设置为TRUE的DIV.在其中有几个跨度,ContentEditable设置为FALSE. 我捕获BackSpace键,以便如果光标下的元素是< span>我可以删除它. 问题是它只与奇数跨度交替工作. 因此,例如,使用下面的html代码,将光标放在DIV中的文本末尾,并一直按退格键直到div的开头.观察它将选择/删除第一个跨度,然后离开第二个跨度,然后选择/ 我有一个ContentEditable设置为TRUE的div.在其中有几个跨度,ContentEditable设置为FALSE.

我捕获BackSpace键,以便如果光标下的元素是< span>我可以删除它.



此行为仅适用于Internet Explorer.它在firefox上完全按预期工作.

我应该如何在Internet Explorer中使行为一致?


var Editablediv = document.getElementByID('Editablediv');Editablediv.onkeydown = function(event) {  var ignoreKey;  var key = event.keyCode || event.charCode;  if (!window.getSelection) return;  var selection = window.getSelection();  var focusNode = selection.focusNode,anchorNode = selection.anchorNode;  if (key == 8) { //backspace    if (!selection.isCollapsed) {      if (focusNode.nodename == 'SPAN' || anchorNode.nodename == 'SPAN') {        anchorNode.parentNode.removeChild(anchorNode);        ignoreKey = true;      }    } else if (anchorNode.prevIoUsSibling && anchorNode.prevIoUsSibling.nodename == 'SPAN' && selection.anchorOffset <= 1) {      SelectText(event,anchorNode.prevIoUsSibling);      ignoreKey = true;    }  }  if (ignoreKey) {    var evt = event || window.event;    if (evt.stopPropagation) evt.stopPropagation();    evt.preventDefault();    return false;  }}function SelectText(event,element) {  var range,selection;  Editablediv.focus();  if (document.body.createTextRange && element.nodename == 'SPAN') {    range = document.body.createTextRange();    range.movetoElementText(element);;  } else if (window.getSelection) {    selection = window.getSelection();    range = document.createrange();    range.selectNodeContents(element);    selection.removeAllRanges();    selection.addRange(range);  }  var evt = (event) ? event : window.event;  if (evt.stopPropagation) evt.stopPropagation();  if (evt.cancelBubble != null) evt.cancelBubble = true;  return false;}
#Editablediv {  height: 75px;  wIDth: 500px;  Font-family: Consolas;  Font-size: 10pt;  Font-weight: normal;  letter-spacing: 1px;  background-color: white;  overflow-y: scroll;  overflow-x: hIDden;  border: 1px solID black;  padding: 5px;}#Editablediv span {  color: brown;  Font-family: Verdana;  Font-size: 8.5pt;  min-wIDth: 10px;  _wIDth: 10px;}#Editablediv p,#Editablediv br {  display: inline;}
<div ID="Editablediv" contenteditable="true">  &nbsp;(<span contenteditable='false' onclick='SelectText(event,this);' unselectable='on'>FIEld1</span> < 500) <span contenteditable='false' onclick='SelectText(event,this);' unselectable='on'>OR</span> (<span contenteditable='false' onclick='SelectText(event,this);' unselectable='on'>FIEld2</span> > 100 <span contenteditable='false' onclick='SelectText(event,this);' unselectable='on'>AND</span> (<span contenteditable='false' onclick='SelectText(event,this);'    unselectable='on'>FIEld3</span> <=200) ) </div>


仅供参考.我也在MSDN Forum问过这个问题.

解决方法 对此的挑战是将IE11从右侧直接退格到< span>.然后下一个退格将选择并突出显示它.这似乎是一个如此简单的目标,但IE11只是不会合作.应该有一个快速简单的补丁,对吧?因此,错误开始.我想出的方法是将树向后移动到第一个非空节点,清除之间的空节点以安抚IE,然后评估一些条件.如果插入符号应该在< span>的右侧,那么手动执行(因为IE不会),通过创建一个新的范围obj,并在< span> . online demoI的末尾添加选择在两个跨度相互拖动的情况下,IE的额外kludge.例如,FIEld2FIEld3.当你从右边退回到FIEld3上,然后再次退格以删除它时,IE会将插入符号向左跳过FIEld2.跳过FIEld2.哎呀.解决方法是拦截它并在这对跨距之间插入一个空格.我不相信你会对此感到高兴.但是,你知道,这是一种解决方法.无论如何,这又出现了另一个错误,IE将插入的空间更改为两个空文本节点.更多的.因此,解决方法的解决方法.请参阅非isCollapsed代码.


var Editablediv = document.getElementByID('Editablediv');       Editablediv.onkeydown = function(event) {         var ignoreKey;         var key = event.keyCode || event.charCode;         if (!window.getSelection) return;         var selection = window.getSelection();         var focusNode = selection.focusNode,anchorNode = selection.anchorNode;         var anchorOffset = selection.anchorOffset;         if (!anchorNode) return         if (anchorNode.nodename.tolowerCase() != '#text') {           if (anchorOffset < anchorNode.childNodes.length)             anchorNode = anchorNode.childNodes[anchorOffset]           else {             while (!anchorNode.nextSibling) anchorNode = anchorNode.parentNode // this might step out of Editablediv to "justincase" comment node             anchorNode = anchorNode.nextSibling           }           anchorOffset = 0         }         function backseek() {           while ((anchorOffset == 0) && (anchorNode != Editablediv)) {             if (anchorNode.prevIoUsSibling) {               if (anchorNode.prevIoUsSibling.nodename.tolowerCase() == '#text') {                 if (anchorNode.prevIoUsSibling.nodeValue.length == 0)                   anchorNode.parentNode.removeChild(anchorNode.prevIoUsSibling)                 else {                   anchorNode = anchorNode.prevIoUsSibling                   anchorOffset = anchorNode.nodeValue.length                 }               } else if ((anchorNode.prevIoUsSibling.offsetWIDth == 0) && (anchorNode.prevIoUsSibling.offsetHeight == 0))                 anchorNode.parentNode.removeChild(anchorNode.prevIoUsSibling)               else {                 anchorNode = anchorNode.prevIoUsSibling                 while ((anchorNode.lastChild) && (anchorNode.nodename.toupperCase() != 'SPAN')) {                   if ((anchorNode.lastChild.offsetWIDth == 0) && (anchorNode.lastChild.offsetHeight == 0))                     anchorNode.removeChild(anchorNode.lastChild)                   else if (anchorNode.lastChild.nodename.tolowerCase() != '#text')                     anchorNode = anchorNode.lastChild                   else if (anchorNode.lastChild.nodeValue.length == 0)                     anchorNode.removeChild(anchorNode.lastChild)                   else {                     anchorNode = anchorNode.lastChild                     anchorOffset = anchorNode.nodeValue.length                       //break							//don't need to break,textnode has no children                   }                 }                 break               }             } else               while (((anchorNode = anchorNode.parentNode) != Editablediv) && !anchorNode.prevIoUsSibling) {}           }         }         if (key == 8) { //backspace           if (!selection.isCollapsed) {             try {               document.createElement("select").size = -1             } catch (e) { //kludge for IE when 2+ SPANs are back-to-back adjacent               if (anchorNode.nodename.toupperCase() == 'SPAN') {                 backseek()                 if (anchorNode.nodename.toupperCase() == 'SPAN') {                   var k = document.createTextNode(" ") // doesn't work here between two spans.  IE makes TWO EMPTY textnodes instead !                   anchorNode.parentNode.insertBefore(k,anchorNode) // this works                   anchorNode.parentNode.insertBefore(anchorNode,k) // simulate "insertAfter"                 }               }             }           } else {             backseek()             if (anchorNode == Editablediv)               ignoreKey = true             else if (anchorNode.nodename.toupperCase() == 'SPAN') {               SelectText(event,anchorNode)               ignoreKey = true             } else if ((anchorNode.nodename.tolowerCase() == '#text') && (anchorOffset <= 1)) {               var prev,anchorNodeSave = anchorNode,anchorOffsetSave = anchorOffset               anchorOffset = 0               backseek()               if (anchorNode.nodename.toupperCase() == 'SPAN') prev = anchorNode               anchorNode = anchorNodeSave               anchorOffset = anchorOffsetSave               if (prev) {                 if (anchorOffset == 0)                   SelectEvent(prev)                 else {                   var r = document.createrange()                   selection.removeAllRanges()                   if (anchorNode.nodeValue.length > 1) {                     r.setStart(anchorNode,0)                     selection.addRange(r)                     anchorNode.deleteData(0,1)                    }                    else {                     for (var i = 0,p = prev.parentNode; true; i++)                       if (p.childNodes[i] == prev) break                     r.setStart(p,++i)                     selection.addRange(r)                     anchorNode.parentNode.removeChild(anchorNode)                   }                 }                 ignoreKey = true               }             }           }         }         if (ignoreKey) {           var evt = event || window.event;           if (evt.stopPropagation) evt.stopPropagation();           evt.preventDefault();           return false;         }       }       function SelectText(event,element) {         var range,selection;         Editablediv.focus();         if (window.getSelection) {           selection = window.getSelection();           range = document.createrange();           range.selectNode(element)           selection.removeAllRanges();           selection.addRange(range);         } else {           range = document.body.createTextRange();           range.movetoElementText(element); ;         }         var evt = (event) ? event : window.event;         if (evt.stopPropagation) evt.stopPropagation();         if (evt.cancelBubble != null) evt.cancelBubble = true;         return false;       }
#Editablediv {          height: 75px;          wIDth: 500px;          Font-family: Consolas;          Font-size: 10pt;          Font-weight: normal;          letter-spacing: 1px;          background-color: white;          overflow-y: scroll;          overflow-x: hIDden;          border: 1px solID black;          padding: 5px;        }        #Editablediv span {          color: brown;          Font-family: Verdana;          Font-size: 8.5pt;          min-wIDth: 10px;          /*_wIDth: 10px;*/          /* what is this? */        }        #Editablediv p,#Editablediv br {          display: inline;        }
<div ID="Editablediv" contenteditable="true">&nbsp;(<span contenteditable='false' onclick='SelectText(event,this);' unselectable='on'>FIEld1</span> < 500)  <span contenteditable='false' onclick='SelectText(event,this);' unselectable='on'>FIEld3</span> <= 200) )</div>

以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的html – ContentEditable DIV中的不可编辑跨度的选择和删除问题全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决html – ContentEditable DIV中的不可编辑跨度的选择和删除问题所遇到的程序开发问题。




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