如何在Xcode 4中使用dylib文件创建一个工作框架

如何在Xcode 4中使用dylib文件创建一个工作框架,第1张

概述我在Xcode中创建了一个新的可可框架,除了支持文件之外,删除了其中包含的所有库和文件。 我有2个文件: add.h#ifndef add_add_h#define add_add_hvoid add(void);#endif 和 add.c#include <stdio.h>#include "add.h"void add(void){ printf("adfdi @H_403_4@ 我在Xcode中创建了一个新的可可框架,除了支持文件之外,删除了其中包含的所有库和文件。 @H_403_7@



add.h#ifndef add_add_h#define add_add_hvoID add(voID);#endif


add.c#include <stdio.h>#include "add.h"voID add(voID){    printf("adfding");}


dyld: library not loaded: @rpath/add.framework/Versions/A/add   Referenced from: /Users/vjoukov/Desktop/Projects/test/build/DeBUG/test.app/Contents/MacOS/test  Reason: image not found

@H_403_4@解决方法 我想你误会了错误消息。 @H_403_7@




@H_403_7@框架在运行时无法找到的第二个也是更可能的原因是您尚未为主可执行文件指定任何运行路径搜索路径。 (这是必需的,因为我们从错误消息中看到,您的框架是使用较新的@ rpath /样式安装名称(@ rpath / add.framework / Versions / A / add)构建的,而不是较旧的@ executable_path /或@ loader_path / styles)。

@H_403_7@如果您将自定义框架复制到上述位置,则可以添加@loader_path /../框架的运行路径搜索路径条目,如下图所示:




@H_403_7@Unlike many other operating systems,Darwin does not locate
dependent dynamic librarIEs via their leaf file name. Instead the
full path to each dylib is used (e.g.
/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib). But there are times when a full
path is not appropriate; for instance,may want your binarIEs to be
installable in anywhere on the disk. To support that,there are three
@xxx/ variables that can be used as a path prefix. At runtime dyld
substitutes a dynamically generated path for the @xxx/ prefix.


@H_403_7@This variable is replaced with the path to the directory
containing the main executable for the process. This is useful for
loading dylibs/frameworks embedded in a .app directory. If the
main executable file is at /some/path/My.app/Contents/MacOS/My
and a framework dylib file is at
then the framework load path Could be encoded as
@executable_path/../Frameworks/Foo.framework/Versions/A/Foo and the
.app directory Could
be moved around in the file system and dyld will still be able
to load the embedded framework.


@H_403_7@This variable is replaced with the path to the directory
containing the mach-o binary which contains the load command using
@loader_path. Thus,in every binary,@loader_path resolves to a
different path,whereas @executable_path always resolves to the
same path. @loader_path is useful as the load path for a
framework/dylib embedded in a plug-in,if the final file system
location of the plugin-in unkNown (so absolute paths cannot be used)
or if the plug-in is used by multiple applications (so
@executable_path cannot be used). If the plug-in mach-o file is at
/some/path/Myfilter.plugin/Contents/MacOS/Myfilter and a
framework dylib file is at
then the framework load path
Could be encoded as
@loader_path/../Frameworks/Foo.framework/Versions/A/Foo and the
Myfilter.plugin directory Could be
moved around in the file system and dyld will still be able to
load the embedded framework.


@H_403_7@Dyld maintains a current stack of paths called the run path
List. When @rpath is encountered it is substituted with each
path in the run path List until a loadable dylib if found. The
run path stack is built from the LC_RPATH load commands in the
depencency chain that lead to the current dylib load. You can
add an LC_RPATH load command to an image with the -rpath option
to ld(1). You can even add a LC_RPATH load command path that
starts with @loader_path/,and it will push a path on the run
path stack that relative to the image containing the LC_RPATH.
The use of @rpath is most useful when you have a complex
directory structure of programs and dylibs which can be installed
anywhere,but keep their relative positions. This scenario
Could be implemented using @loader_path,but every clIEnt of a
dylib Could need a different load path because its relative
position in the file system is different. The use of @rpath
introduces a level of indirection that simplIEs things. You
pick a location in your directory structure as an anchor point.
Each dylib then gets an install path that starts with @rpath and
is the path to the dylib relative to the anchor point. Each main
executable is linked with -rpath @loader_path/zzz,where zzz is
the path from the executable to the anchor point. At runtime
dyld sets it run path to be the anchor point,then each dylib is found relative to the anchor point.

@H_403_4@ @H_403_4@ @H_403_4@ @H_403_4@ 总结

以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的如何在Xcode 4中使用dylib文件创建一个工作框架全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决如何在Xcode 4中使用dylib文件创建一个工作框架所遇到的程序开发问题。



原文地址: https://outofmemory.cn/web/1071537.html

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