跪求好心人分享犯罪现场调查 第一季2000年上映的由威廉·彼德森主演的免费高清百度云资源

跪求好心人分享犯罪现场调查 第一季2000年上映的由威廉·彼德森主演的免费高清百度云资源,第1张


犯罪现场调查 第一季》

导演: 杰瑞·布鲁克海默

编剧: 查克·罗瑞

主演: 威廉·彼德森、玛格·海根柏格、加里·杜尔丹、乔治·艾德斯、乔雅·福克斯

类型: 剧情、悬疑、惊悚、犯罪

制片国家/地区: 美国

语言: 英语

首播: 2000-10-06(美国)

季数: 1

集数: 23

单集片长: 60分钟

又名: 犯罪现场:拉斯维加斯 第一季、CSI犯罪现场(台) 第一季、灭罪鉴证科(港) 第一季、犯罪现场鉴证 第一季、罪案现场 第一季、CSI: Las Vegas Season 1

“CSI”全称“犯罪现场调查小组”,是一群刑侦专业人士,通过犯罪现场的指纹、毛发、血迹、d壳、脚印、纤维、碎屑、尸体特征等客观实物,用最先进、高科技的手段进行材料分析,在“一切用证据说话”的基础上合理推理,最终锁定凶手。本片故事发生在纸醉金迷的赌城拉斯维加斯,因此涉及许 多赌场风云和内华达州的广袤沙漠。CSI小组成员包括:赌场大佬女儿出身的凯瑟琳·韦罗斯(玛格·海根勃格 Marg Helgenberger 饰)、曾经沉迷赌博的黑人华瑞克·布朗(盖瑞·杜尔登 Gary Dourdan 饰)、性格憨厚的尼克·斯托克斯(乔治·艾德斯 George Edes 饰)、摇滚青年范儿的DNA鉴识人员葛瑞格·桑德斯(Eric Szmanda 饰)等,在经验老道的吉尔·葛瑞森(威廉·彼得森William Petersen 饰)带领下,挥拳向赌城所有黑暗。

负责任的说,我坚持建议你看LV版的,就是拉斯维加斯版的,那个是首创,就是原版,因为那个版本的成功,创下了收视率的奇迹,后面才又拍摄了纽约版和迈阿密版,但是,我个人觉得,你看过LV版以后,别的版本就不会喜欢看了,那两个版本我本人不怎么推荐,真的, 情节和人物还是有差距的,当然,这只是我个人意见,并不是否定别的版本,呵呵~
下载地址:>这是摘自国外网站csi miami 第七季的分集剧情 找的很辛苦啊!1到21集,后4集字数限制。
07x01 - Resurrection (2)
The CSI team goes to all lengths to uncover who shot Horatio Evidence
found at the scene of the shooting leads them to suspect one of the most
dangerous people in Miami, as well as one of their own
07x02 - Won't Get Fueled Again
The team investigates a man's death when he runs through a beach party
on fire, falls to the sand and burns to death They are also introduced
to the new medical examiner, Tara Price, and the team uses a new
forensic technique for getting a DNA profile of their victim
Meanwhile, an APB is put out hoping that they find a specific car
Calleigh is the one who spots it and it turns into a race with one car
ending up on fire
07x03 - And How Does That Make You Kill
When the daughter of Delko's therapist, Dr Marsh, is killed, the CSI's
believe that one of her patients is the killer However, as she is told
secrets all day, the team does not get access to the files and have to
find an alternate way to find their murderer Later, the case gets much
more complicated and dangerous when all of her files are stolen,
including Delko's darkest secrets
07x04 - Raging Cannibal
Horatio and the team investigate how a date in the Everglades turned
into a crime scene and apparently the victim was dying when he came
running towards the couple While talking to the man who tried to help
the victim, they find out that the couple was there illegally
Meanwhile, Tara comes across evidence that suggests the victim took a
bite out of another human, as in cannibalism, but not only that, the
piece of human flesh he swallowed had a tattoo on it that Horatio links
to the Russian mob…
07x05 - Bombshell
After an explosion in a hip fashion boutique kills a young woman, Ryan
uncovers that the dress the victim was putting on, had small explosives
attached to the zipper Meanwhile, Julia is arrested for bad checks,
but Horatio believes there is more to it than what appears When
talking to her, she claims that Leonard McBride is stealing from her
Later on, H finds Kyle fighting with a neighbor and he understands that
something must be done
07x06 - Wrecking Crew
William Campbell is about to testify against Joey Salucci, but he has
regrets and tries to get out of it Eric and Calleigh meet him in a
tall Miami building to talk about it, but they are interrupted in the
most dangerous way; a 200-foot crane crashing into the building, killing
Campbell and threatening the lives of Calleigh and Eric Afterwards,
Ryan experiences a fear of heights while searching the control room for
the crane and Horatio is pit up against an old “friend”
07x07 - Cheating Death
When very loud music can be heard in the morning at a hotel, it results
in the hotel manager using a key to get in to the apartment the music
originated from However, they find what they never expected, a dead
body and a girl lying next to him claiming she’s been drugged But
later on, she starts to remember that she was sleeping with the man and
that she was mistaken for a prostitute, but that she didn’t kill him
Meanwhile, Ryan and Delko prank Tara in the morgue pretending a victim
is standing up, but the results is that evidence is possibly ruined
07x08 - Gone Baby Gone
When a baby is kidnapped right from the mother's hands, the family
members are so desperate after getting her back that they start blaming
losing the baby on each other Later on, when the kidnappers call to
their house demanding money in exchange for the baby, the mother is
instantly trying to get it, but Calleigh convinces her that the baby
will be killed if she gives in to them However, when Horatio and Delko
get an address, they find one of the kidnappers dead
07x09 - Power Trip
A woman, electrocuted to death, is found on a street and the CSI’s
uncover that there doesn’t seem to be any signs of her being transported
to the location Tara also finds out that the woman wasn’t just
killed, but tortured, meaning the killer is sadistic However, the case
turns more personal when Horatio finds out that a member of the police
force has a connection to the case and it winds up in him turning in his
badge and gun
07x10 - The DeLuca Motel
After a shootout at the hotel where Delko is staying kills a woman and
injuries Delko, another body is found, but the extra fatality had
nothing to do with the shootout Tara says that the body was tortured
and that the victim’s hand had been burned with a lighter She also
finds what looks like a bullet but turns out to be a mark leading to a
fraternity Meanwhile, Eric meets Carmen Delko and they have an
emotional discussion involving Eric’s fake birth certificate
07x11 - Tipping Point
When a man buried alive is killed by a crane drilling into the ground,
the CSI’s believe they have found a very important piece of evidence, a
cardio messenger From the messenger, Tara manages to find out who the
victim was and the time of date, but something odd comes up when the
device confirms the victim was shot 1 hour and 30 minutes before the
crane really killed him Meanwhile, Natalia talks to a funeral director
because a family wants to bury their daughter but the director claims
he needs more money
07x12 - Head Case
The CSI's try to recover a man's memory after he walks through a street
covered in blood He tells Horatio he remembers killing somebody, but
he doesn't remember anything else Frank tries to find out where he
came from by asking witnesses, but no one seems to know Later on, the
team manages to find the crime scene where the man with amnesia murdered
someone and they uncover the real secret behind the killing
07x13 - And They're Offed
A murder in a VIP booth at a horse race track has the CSI’s attention
However, Eric and Calleigh find out that the man was murdered for other
reasons than normal Meanwhile, Horatio uncovers that the one of the
CSI’s have been targeted by the Russian mob, leading to a fight where
either the CSI or the mobster dies
07x14 - Smoke Gets in Your CSI's
Calleigh and Ryan are called to a house to investigate a man’s death,
and they find his body in the attic But when someone enters the house
and locks them up in the attic, the lives of the CSI’s are in jeopardy
as a fire breaks out inside the house They barely make it out of the
house, however, the danger isn’t over yet as Calleigh has a late
reaction to all the smoke she inhaled She is immediately driven to the
hospital, where Alexx and her team tries to help her
07x15 - Presumed Guilty
Calleigh, Natalia and Eric all testify against a man suspected of
strangling a woman with his belt, but the case takes an odd turn when
Horatio and Tara discover that the body in the morgue is covered in blow
flies This changes the case and the team must re-investigate
Meanwhile, the defense attorney gets on the team’s nerves when he starts
to file complaints against them and it ends up in Ryan forced to turn
in his badge and gun
07x16 - Sink or Swim
When a couple takes over the defense attorney Derek Powell’s boat right
in the middle of a party, it winds up in the couple escaping
successfully with all the party guest’s jewelry and the death of
Powell’s wife Ryan, Natalia and a police unit find the boat the couple
came in and all the missing jewelry, but there’s no sign of the couple
Meanwhile, Eric meets his father
07x17 - Divorce Party
A woman celebrates her divorce by throwing a divorce party, but it takes
a turn for the worst when the body of her ex-husband interrupts
Calleigh finds a fishing line to a release mechanism, so she believes
someone among the party guests pulled it and made a trap door open to
reveal his body Meanwhile, Horatio has another encounter with Julia
and Kyle when Julia starts to have an unusual behavior To protect Kyle
from Julia, Horatio gives him a job at the morgue with Tara
07x18 - Flight Risk
The CSI’s investigate how a girl could die when baggage covered in blood
comes to the passengers The team sends a baggage camera down the ramp
where baggage enters the airport terminal and arrives at the baggage
belt and they uncover several blood spatters inside the ramp
Meanwhile, Kyle gets better at his new job in the morgue and Calleigh
and Delko share a lovely moment while searching the plane
07x19 - Target Specific (1)
A young woman almost loses her life when someone breaks into her house,
stabs her and leaves her dying on the floor waiting for 911 to arrive
However, the danger isn’t over yet, when the man returns while Calleigh
is searching the house and puts a bag over her face, attempting to
strangle her to death Meanwhile, Horatio uncovers that the Russian mob
has targeted his team, resulting in a shootout with a suspect shot in
the head Later on, Ryan is kidnapped from his car and the CSI’s must
hurry to find him
07x20 - Wolfe in Sheep's Clothing (2)
Ryan is kidnapped by men working for a Russian mob boss, Ivan Sarnoff,
but is then released and forced to frame a man for murder and clean up a
crime scene when he is kidnapped His refusal would mean the death of a
boy they have kidnapped The boy is the son of Ryan's former Gamblers
Anonymous sponsor, who was responsible for Sarnoff being in jail
07x21 - Chip/Tuck
When a couple is disturbed by the loud noise of a wood chipper at 08:00
in the morning, the man in the relationship takes a video camera down to
the street to record his complaints about the noise However, when
blood comes shooting out of the chipper, the man becomes the witness of a
murder He tells the CSI’s that the gardener was the person who fell
into the machine, but when the gardener walks into the crime scene just
seconds later, the team realizes that they are dealing with an unknown
individual Meanwhile, Horatio faces off against an old enemy whom he
thought was dead, Ron Saris, and apparently, he has put Julia’s life in

2000——2001CSI S1(23集)
2001——2002CSI S2(23集)
2002——2003CSI S3(23集), CSI:MIAMI S1(25集)
2003——2004CSI S4(23集), CSI:MIAMI S2(24集),
2004——2005CSI S5(25集), CSI:MIAMI S3(24集), CSI:NY S1(23集),
2005——2006CSI S6(24集), CSI:MIAMI S4(25集), CSI:NY S2(23集),
2006——2007CSI S7(24集), CSI:MIAMI S5(24集), CSI:NY S3(24集),
2007——2008CSI S8(17集), CSI:MIAMI S6(21集), CSI:NY S4(21集),
2008--2009CSI S9(24集), CSI:MIAMI S7(25集), CSI:NY S5(25集),
2009--2010CSI S10(23集),CSI:MIAMI S8(24集), CSI:NY S6(24集)。

CSI LV 现在出第12季 最经典的一部,因为收视好,才出衍生剧的。
CSI Miami 现在出第10季,是CSI LV第二季时经过一个联合调查的案子推出的,人物引出后就各自展开。
CSI NY 现在出第8季,是通过CSI Miami第二季一个联合调查案子推出的,引出人物后再次各自展开。

《犯罪现场调查:迈阿密》(CSI: Miami,中国大陆译作《犯罪现场调查:迈阿密》,台湾译作《CSI犯罪现场:迈阿密》, 港澳译作《鉴证行动组》)是哥伦比亚广播公司电视剧《犯罪现场调查》(CSI)的衍生电视系列剧。与原CSI电视系列剧一样,《犯罪现场调查:迈阿密》是一出关于一群鉴识科学家的刑事电视系列剧。故事背景是设定在今日美国佛罗里达州的迈阿密。在北美平均每一集约有2千万个观众收看,使得它成为星期一收视第一的电视系列剧,也是最多人收看的电视系列剧。这个系列电视系列剧在全世界几十个国家都有播出,它是由亚特兰提斯同盟(Alliance Atlantis)行销至国际间。电视系列剧于2002年9月23日首播,目前第八季正热烈上映中。 小组成员调查神秘与不寻常的死因,以判定是谁以及如何杀了他们。成员们也会解决一些其他的重罪,例如强奸罪的采证,但这个系列电视系列剧的主题仍以谋杀案件为主。



原文地址: https://outofmemory.cn/yw/10467564.html

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