




The 16 Type Patterns


Adapted from Linda V. Berens and Dario Nardi,

Understanding Yourself and Others: An Introduction to the Personality Type Code

(Telos Publications, 2004) *Used with permission.



The Roles of the Processes


In each of the sixteen types, each of the eight processes plays a different “role” in the personality. The type code lets you know what role each process plays for each type. This is called “type dynamics.” It is also referred to as the “hierarchy of functions”: Dominant, Auxiliary, Tertiary, and Inferior. The roles are explained below to help you better understand the patterns. In most of what we do we rely on two of the processes—a preferred way of accessing information and a preferred way of organizing and evaluating that information. As we look more closely we can see that one process takes a leading role and the other takes a supporting role.*


In truth, we have access to all eight cognitive processes—the other six are often in the background, playing other kinds of roles. Each has a positive and a negative way of expressing itself. Each bears a different energy cost when we use it.


The Primary Processes


The primary processes are those used in the first four roles. Each process tends to emerge and develop at different times in our lives. During these times we are drawn to activities that use these processes. Then, learning the content and the skills that engage these processes is often nearly effortless. We find our interest is drawn to them and our interest is pulled away from things we were drawn to before.


The Leading Role (Dominant) (sometimes referred to as the 1st function)


The process that plays the leading role is the one that usually develops early in childhood. We tend to engage in this process first, trusting it to solve our problems and help us be successful. Being the most trusted and most used, it usually has an adult, mature quality to it. While we are likely to engage in it rather automatically and effortlessly, we have much more conscious control over it. The energy cost for using it is very low. Much like in the movies, the leading role has a heroic quality as using it can get us out of difficult situations. However, we can sometimes “turn up the volume” on this process and become overbearing and domineering. Then it takes on a negative dominating quality.


The Supporting Role (Auxiliary) (sometimes referred to as the 2nd function)


The supporting role is how we are helpful to others as well as supportive of ourselves. Once we have developed some facility with our leading role process, we are more likely to feel comfortable engaging in our supporting role process. In its most positive form, this can be quite like a nurturing parent. In its more negative aspect, it can be overprotective and stunting rather than helpful. When the leading role process is an extraverted one, the supporting role process is introverted. When the leading role process is an introverted one, the supporting role process is extraverted and may be quite active and visible as it provides a way of dealing with the outer world.


The Relief Role (Tertiary) (sometimes referred to as the 3rd function)


The relief role gives us a way to energize and recharge ourselves. It serves as a backup to the supporting role and often works in tandem with it. When we are younger, we might not engage in the process that plays this role very much unless our life circumstances require it or make it hard to use the supporting role process. Usually, in young adulthood we are attracted to activities that draw upon this process. The relief role often is how we express our creativity. It is how we are playful and childlike. In its most negative expression, this is how we become childish. Then it has an unsettling quality, and we can use this process to distract ourselves and others, getting us off target.


The Aspirational Role (Inferior) (sometimes referred to as the 4th function)


The aspirational role usually doesn’t develop until around midlife. We often experience it first in its negative aspect of projecting our “shoulds,” fears, and negativities onto others. The qualities of these fears reflect the process that plays this role, and we are more likely to look immature when we engage in the process that plays this role. There is often a fairly high energy cost for using it—even when we acquire the skill to do so. As we learn to trust it and develop it, the aspirational role process provides a bridge to balance in our lives. Often our sense of purpose, inspiration, and ideals have the qualities of the process that plays this role.


The Shadow Processes


The other four cognitive processes operate more on the boundaries of our awareness. It is as if they are in the shadows and only come forward under certain circumstances. We usually experience these processes in a negative way, yet when we are open to them, they can be quite positive.


The Opposing Role (sometimes referred to as the 5th function)


The opposing role is often how we get stubborn and argumentative—refusing to “play” and join in whatever is going on at the time. It might be easy for us to develop skill in the process that plays this role, but we are likely to be more narrow in our application of this skill, and it will likely take more energy to use it extensively. In its positive aspect, it provides a shadow or depth to our leading role process, backing it up and enabling us to be more persistent in pursuit of our goals.


The Critical Parent Role (sometimes referred to as the 6th function)


The critical parent role is how we find weak spots and can immobilize and demoralize others. We can also feel this way when others use the process that plays this role. It is often used sporadically and emerges more often under stressful conditions when something important is at risk. When we engage it, we can go on and on. To access its positive side of discovery, we must learn to appreciate and be open to it. Then it has an almost magical quality and can provide a profound sense of wisdom.


The Deceiving Role (sometimes referred to as the 7th function)


The deceiving role fools us into thinking something is important to do or pay attention to. The process that fills this role is often not trusted or seen as worthy of attention, for when we do engage it, we may make mistakes in perception or in decision making. Then we feel double bound—trapped between two bad options. Yet this role can have a positive side as it provides comic relief. Then we can laugh at ourselves. It can be refreshing and join with the relief role as we recharge ourselves through play.


The Devilish Role (sometimes referred to as the 8th function)


The devilish role can be quite negative. Using the process that plays this role, we might become destructive of ourselves or others. Actions (or inactions) taken when we engage in the process that plays this role are often regretted later. Usually, we are unaware of how to use the process that fills this role and feel like it just erupts and imposes itself rather unconsciously. Yet when we are open to the process that plays the devilish role, it becomes transformative. It gives us the impetus to create something new—to make lemonade out of lemons, rather than lament their sourness.


The Developed Self


Remember, we can use all the processes and we can become skilled in that use. Skill comes through practice. As we go through life, we seem to be drawn to activities that develop our primary processes. Sometimes the environment doesn’t allow or foster that development or it can heighten it. Thus, while the personality pattern will be the same for each type, there will be considerable variation among individuals of the same type due to their varying development.


We are more likely to identify and claim those processes we are aware of, rather than those we are unaware of. If we are competent in using a process yet unaware of it, we will take it for granted. If we are incompetent and unaware, we are likely to project the negative aspects of this process onto others and even deny that it can have any value anywhere.


The Pattern


The pattern of the processes can be represented by a stick figure. At the head is the process we lead with, commonly called the Dominant. At the right hand is the process we use in a supportive way, commonly called the Auxiliary. At the left hand is the process we use in a relief-giving way, commonly called the Tertiary. And at the feet is what we aspire to, commonly called the Inferior. Since this process is what we aspire to be doing well, it is often what “makes our feet go” even when we are unaware of wanting to go in that direction.


Think of the shadow processes as being situated just behind the stick figure to show that they are in the background. Just like a shadow, they are always there, but we are most often not actively using them.




ESTP — 创业者 Se Ti Fe Ni Si Te Fi Ne

ESFP — 表演者 Se Fi Te Ni Si Fe Ti Ne

ISTJ — 检查者 Si Te Fi Ne Se Ti Fe Ni

ISFJ — 保护者 Si Fe Ti Ne Se Fi Te Ni

ENTP — 发明家 Ne Ti Fe Si Ni Te Fi Se

ENFP — 奋斗者 Ne Fi Te Si Ni Fe Ti Se

INTJ— 策划者 Ni Te Fi Se Ne Ti Fe Si

INFJ— 劝告者 Ni Fe Ti Se Ne Fi Te Si

ESTJ — 监督者 Te Si Ne Fi Ti Se Ni Fe

ENTJ — 陆军元帅 Te Ni Se Fi Ti Ne Si Fe

ISTP — 手艺者 Ti Se Ni Fe Te Si Ne Fi

INTP — 建筑师 Ti Ne Si Fe Te Ni Se Fi

ESFJ — 供应者 Fe Si Ne Ti Fi Se Ni Te

ENFJ — 教导者 Fe Ni Se Ti Fi Ne Si Te

ISFP — 创作者 Fi Se Ni Te Fe Si Ne Ti

INFP — 化解者 Fi Ne Si Te Fe Ni Se Ti

Adapted from Linda V. Berens,

Understanding Yourself and Others: An Introduction to the Personality Type Code

(Telos Publications, 2004) *Used with permission.

Find out more about Linda V. Berens, PhD


Find out more about Dario Nardi, PhD




The 4-Letter Type Code


Adapted from Linda V. Berens, Understanding Yourself and Others: An Introduction to the Personality Type Code (Telos Publications, 2004) *Used with permission.

It is important to remember that the four-letter type code is more than the sum of four letters. It results from how we answer questions along four dichotomies, Extraversion-Introversion, Sensing-iNtuiting, Thinking-Feeling, and Judging-Perceiving. While on the surface each of these dichotomies can be described generally, they are not separate parts or traits. In the development of the MBTI, it was assumed that reporting preferences for one over the other of each dichotomy would give us an idea of the pattern of cognitive processes of the personality and thus reveal Jung’s psychological type patterns. Use the following diagram to remind you of the kinds of processes and what the letters mean.


One can “crack the code” in a mechanical fashion and for some people this is necessary for them to understand how the processes are in a hierarchy.


What follows is a step-by-step process for converting the MBTI code to the pattern of processes represented by that code.


1。Look at the last letter of the code. It tells you which one of the two middle letters is extraverted


--If it is J, then that tells you that the T or F in the code is used in the external world. TJ in the code indicates extraverted Thinking is the preferred process of judgment for that type pattern.

--FJ in the code indicates extraverted Feeling is the preferred process of judgment for that type pattern.

Some people say that J “points to” the letter just next to it.


If it is P, then that tells you that the S or N in the code is used in the external world.

--S_P in the code indicates extraverted Sensing is the preferred process of perception for that type pattern.

--N_P in the code indicates extraverted iNtuiting is the preferred process of perception for that type pattern.

Some people say that P “points to” the previous letter.


2。Now that you have determined which process is extraverted, know that the remaining middle letter in the code is introverted.


3。Now look at the first letter in the code.


--If it is an E, then the extraverted process identified in step one is the leading role process (dominant).

--If it is an I, then the introverted process identified in step two is the leading role process (dominant).


4。The other middle letter is the supporting role process (auxiliary).


5。The dichotomous opposite of the supporting role process will be the relief role process (tertiary).


6。The dichotomous opposite of the leading role process will be the aspirational role process (inferior).


7。To get the shadow processes, just take the hierarchical sequence of the primary processes and reverse the attitude (extraverted or introverted) of the process.



Adapted from Linda V. Berens, Understanding Yourself and Others: An Introduction to the Personality Type Code (Telos Publications, 2004) *Used with permission.





Book 5 Module 4 参考答案及部分解析



11-15 ACBCB 16-20ACBBA

21-25 CCBBA26-30BCDDB

31-35 BCADB36-40EGCFA

41-45 CBADB46-50ACBAC

51-55 DBDCD56-60BDADC

61. known 62.that / which

63. when 64.usually

65. starts 66.strangers

67. of 68.going

69. exciting 70. it


71. ... in my way to school ... in → on

72. Seen them working ... Seen → Seeing

73. ... made my mind to ... made后加up

74. ... how we could do. how → what

75. Final we all agreed ...Final → Finally

76. ... we prepare some bread ...

prepare → prepared

77. ... we handed the cleaner ...

cleaner → cleaners

78. ... looked a little surprising ...

surprising→ surprised

79. ... then we took the bread ... we → they

80. ... but we all felt warm ...去掉but

One possible version:

Halloween is an autumn holiday in America whichcomes on October 31. It is a holiday mainly for children.

On this day, children cut faces in thepumpkins and put a burning candle inside. At night, they put on strange masksand frightening costumes and carry bags from house to house to ask for candy.Every time they come to a new house, they say, “Trick or treat!” The grown-upsput some candy in their bags.

Not only children, but most grown-ups alsolove Halloween because they can dress themselves as important persons orghosts. They gather together and hold parties and enjoy themselves.






21. C。细节理解题。由Pet First Aid介绍内容中的The application shows ownershow to treat illnesses with helpful videos, pictures and articles可知,Pet First Aid这一应用程序有很多有用的视频、图片和文章来教宠物主人如何治疗宠物的病。

22. C。细节理解题。由Dog Park Finder介绍内容中的Dog Park Finder helps youlocate dog-friendly parks and training locations in your area可知,Dog Park Finder这款应用程序能帮用户找到允许带狗的公园和狗训练地。

23. B。细节理解题。由Paw Card Pet Tracker介绍内容中的Paw Card helps you keep arecord of your loved one's important information可知,Paw Card Pet Tracker这一应用程序可以记录宠物的重要信息。



24. B。细节理解题。由第一段中的I'm sure that myexperience with higher education ... I know my college education has helped meover the years可知,LeannaDeeds认为她在大学里的教育对她的帮助极大。

25. A。细节理解题。由第三段中的I achieved a great dealin my career today through perseverance and hard work可知,Leanna Deeds通过坚持不懈和刻苦努力获得了职业上的成就。

26. B。推理判断题。由第五段中的描述及倒数第二段中的As the yearspassed, I decided that continuing to work for PCC would be easier ... known forwhat I can do可以推断,LeannaDeeds目前在PCC工作得游刃有余。

27. C。主旨大意题。由文中的描述以及最后一段中的Always do yourbest ... When you get a job, stick to it可知,作者通过本文主要告诉读者要刻苦努力、全力以赴并坚持到底。



28. D。细节理解题。由第一段中的twice as many childrenare killed while out and about on Halloween compared to any other day of theyear可知,万圣节前夜,儿童的生命安全受到了威胁。

29. D。推理判断题。根据英国警方采取的措施可知,警方在设法规范人们的行为,以保证大家都可以过一个安乐祥和的节日。

30. B。推理判断题。由第四段中的They want people tosend them to the old or anyone who may be frightened by ghosts knocking ontheir doors及第五段中的Childrenshould not call on houses where the posters are put up可知,这项措施是为了保护弱者,让人们不要去打扰他们,从而使他们免受不必要的伤害。

31. B。细节理解题。由第六段中的Parents may want toconsider having a Halloween party at home, instead可知,相比较在外面吓唬人,警方更倾向于让人们在家办个聚会。



32. C。句意理解题。此处运用了比喻的写作手法。根据下文中的Kernelsare breaking apart uncontrollably, hitting against the cover of the pot with aloud noise可知,此处描述的是爆米花在爆裂时发出的声音。

33. A。段落大意题。由第二段中的first raised andharvested和By the time... Native Americans were enjoying popcorn等关键信息可知,第二段主要介绍了爆米花的历史。

34. D。推理判断题。作者举这个例子正是为了解释说明上一句的内容By thetime Europeans arrived in North America, many Native Americans were enjoyingpopcorn。由此可知,爆米花在很久以前就深受土著美国人的喜欢。

35. B。细节理解题。由最后一段中的The starch contains asmall amount of water ... the pressure from the steam within causes the kernelto pop可知,淀粉中含有水,当玉米粒被加热到200摄氏度左右时,来自内部蒸汽的压力就会使玉米粒爆裂。




36. E。由下文中列举的四项可知,E项内容“如下是帮你留下美好的第一印象的几条建议”符合此处语境。

37. G。由该空前的This means don't be late和该空后的Being late shows that you don'thave respect for other people's time可知,设空处指“迟到会毁了你在面试官眼中的第一印象”。

38. C。由该空后的Too tight, you're domineering可知,设空处是说,如果你的握手无力的话,会显得柔弱和不自信。

39. F。由该空前的Carry yourself with confidence... give you an air of confidence可知,这样做可以在面试时留下一个好印象。

40. A。由该空后的Who founded it? What is theirgoal?可知,设空处也是对该公司信息的提问,故A项符合此处语境。





41. C。由下文中的I spotted a place to sit可知,“我”上车后在“寻找(looked for)”座位。

42. B。“最后(At last)”,“我”找到一个靠后的座位。

43. A。由下文中的Taking the seat next to theman可知,“我”想要坐的“座位(seat)”旁边坐着一位老人。

44. D。由下文中的asking if I'd read any otherbooks可知,“我”开始读“我”带着的“书(book)”。

45. B。46. A。“坐(sitting)”在“我”旁边的老人问“我”是否读过像“我”“现在(presently)”拿着的其他的书。

47. C。由上下文的描述可知,当“我”告诉他读过时,他变得很“感兴趣(interested)”。

48. B。由下文中的Carl and I ... a lot ofdifferent things可知,“我”和Carl相互“分享了(shared)”一些故事。

49. A。由下文中的The more we talked可知,Carl和“我”“谈论(talked about)”了很多不同的事情。

50. C。51. D。52. B。我们谈得越多,“我”越“惊奇地(amazed)”发现,尽管有年龄“差异(difference)”,我们之间竟有那么多“共同(in common)”之处。

53. D。由上文中的got on a bus以及该空后的at his stop可知,Carl到站“下车(got off)”了。

54. C。由文中的描述可知,“我”和Carl之间的“联系(connection)”总萦绕在“我”的脑海。

55. D。Carl让“我”开始思考“如果(if)”我们打破我们之间的障碍,我们能从彼此身上学到多少东西啊。

56. B。57. D。在那一天之前,“我”“从未(never)”想过“我”会和比“我”“大(older)”那么多的人有任何共同点。

58. A。59. D。但是Carl“教会(taught)”“我”无论如何,我们都应该加倍“努力(effort)”去了解我们的邻居和每天见到的人。

60. C。由上文中的try and get to know可知,如果我们都花时间去“了解(understand)”彼此,世界将变得更美好。


61. known。考查动词-ed形式作后置定语的用法。know与festival之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故填known。

62. that / which。考查关系词。设空处引导限制性定语从句,且在从句中作主语,故填that/ which。

63. when。考查关系词。设空处引导限制性定语从句,且在从句中作时间状语,故填when。

64. usually。考查副词。设空处修饰动词comes,故填副词usually。

65. starts。考查一般现在时。此处描述客观事实,应用一般现在时,故填starts。

66. strangers。考查名词。由friends可知,此处应填strangers。

67. of。考查介词。make fun of取笑。

68. going。考查动词-ing形式作状语的用法。Groups与go之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故填going作伴随状语。

69. exciting。考查形容词作定语的用法。由day可知,应填exciting(令人兴奋的)。

70. it。考查代词。设空处指代上句中的festival,故填it。



I. 阅读理解:1-5 CDADB

II. 完形填空:1-5 CABCD 6-10 ACADC

11-15 BABDC 16-20 BADBD


I. 阅读理解:



1.C。细节理解题。由第一段中的a new material that canmove heat out of buildings and into space可知,这种新型的材料能把热量从建筑物上发送到太空中。

2.D。细节理解题。由第三段中的taking heat out ofbuildings and reflecting the light from the sun和第四段中的what it does is ... so it doesn't get heated up by the sun可知,这种板把热辐射到外太空,并且反射太阳光,所以不会变热。

3.A。词义猜测题。由The panels are cool to thetouch可推知,这种材料可以把室内温度降低,故diminish意为“降低”。

4.D。段落大意题。由最后一段中的They say it may bepossible to develop a cooling spray ... could be developed in the next three tofive years可知,最后一段主要讲述了冷却技术未来发展的方向。


II. 完形填空:



1.C。由上文中的have meaning in their lives可知,此处指过“有意义的(meaningful)”生活。

2.A。由上文中的donate unneeded things, givemoney和下文中的VolunteerYour Time可知,此处指“奉献(volunteer)”你的时间。

3.B。由下文中的Getting involved with ...和simple ways to get involved可知,“参与(get involved)”慈善事业有很多方法。

4.C。由上文中的worthy causes可知,此处指参与到一个你信仰的“事业(cause)”中。



7.C。根据常识以及下文中的run resale shops可知,很多慈善机构“募集(collect)”捐赠品。

8.A。由上文中的There are many charities可知,你可以把不需要的东西捐给“慈善机构(charity)”。


10. C。由下文中的their sale可知,再次销售获得的“钱(money)”可以推动一项你信仰的事业。

11. B。你会从中获得“满意(satisfaction)”。

12. A。由上文中的unneeded things可知,别人也能从你不再“需要(need)”的东西中获益。

13. B。由下文中的it's just a little bit可知,捐钱给你真正信仰的事业,“哪怕(even if)”只是一点点钱。

14. D。15. C。由下文中的every little bit does help可知,“尽管(While)”你可能觉得你的30美元只是很少的一点钱,不会“产生(produce)”任何重大的变化,但是一点一滴都有帮助。

16. B。由上文的just a little bit和just a very small amount可知,“很小的(Small)”捐赠也可以帮助拯救生命,拯救地球。

17. A。捐助可以带来一种“帮助(helping)”创造更美好世界的真正自豪感。

18. D。由上下文的描述可知,你可以在慈善机构或政治事业中“有所作为(makea difference)”。

19. B。由上文中的Volunteer Your Time可知,此处指贡献你的“时间(time)”。

20. D。由下文中的allows you the opportunity to...可知,这给你提供了一个遇见与你有共同热情的人的“机会(chance)”。


原文地址: https://outofmemory.cn/yw/11383509.html

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