

你好,在出现上述你所描述的情况下,建议你联系指定的售后服务商或是指定的售后维修站,将上述情况如实反馈给他们以寻求相应的帮助!品牌机可以拨打800的免费报修电话,兼容机可以联系相应的售后维护商!这样上述的问题就会迎刃而解,或者可以尝试替换相关计算机硬件的排除法来判断出现上述故障的原因。首先将电脑主板的BIOS设置成光盘启动模式,然后将所需要安装的系统盘放入光盘驱动器内,根据显示器显示的中文提示一步一步安装即可解决你所反映的问题!1.定期对磁盘进行碎片整理和磁盘文件扫描 这是最简单、最直接的方法。一般来说,你可以使用windows系统自身提供的"磁盘碎片整 理"和"磁盘扫描程序"来对磁盘文件进行优化。这两个工具都非常简单。如果你是一位对windows系统有一定了解的用户,建议你使用norton utilities 3.05提供的norton disk doctor和norton speed disk,这都是由symantec于1998年最新推出的磁盘维护工具,其显著特点是运行速 度快,功能强大。而值得称道的是,norton speed disk的磁盘碎片整理速度比windows内建的同类工具要快出十几倍,而且程序提供了非常多 的优化控制,是一个非常值得使用的工具。2.清理system路径下的无用的dll文件 这项维护工作大家可能并不熟悉,但它也是影响系统能否快速运行的一个至关重要的因素。我们知道,应用程序安装到windows中后,通常会在 windows的安装路径下的system文件夹中复制一些dll文件。而当你将相应的应用程序的删除后,其中的某些dll文件通常会保留下来;当该路径下的dll文件不断增加时,将在很大程度上影响系统整体的运行速度。而对于普通用户来讲,进行dll文件的手工删除是非常困难的。 针对这种情况,建议使用clean system自动dll文件扫描、删除工具,这个工具的下载网址是 www.ozemail.com.au/kevsol/sware.html ,你只要在程序界面中选择可供扫描的驱动器,然后单击界面中的"start scanning"按钮就可以了,程序会自动分析相应磁盘中的文件与system路径下的dll文件的关联,然后给出与所有文件都没有关联的dll文件列表 ,此时你可单击界面中的ok按钮进行删除和自动备份。曾使用它安全删除了7m之多的dll文件,没有引起系统中的应用程序错,效果非常好。 3.使用防系统死机工具维护系统稳定 这是另一种维护系统的方法,当你的系统出现不稳定现象而你又不知道问题的起因、也不想重新安装windows时,可以使用该工具来维护系统的稳定。这种方法可以在关键时刻保护你的应用程序,把在系统内存中暂存的数据保存到磁盘中,通常在你即将完成一项设计或创作出一幅作品 时防死机会十分有用。目前这方面的工具比较多,经过比较,觉得还是norton提供的crushguard在应用程序死机恢复方面做得不错。它提供的功能比较丰富、 *** 作方式简单、自动化程度高、恢复效果好,尤其是程序可以自动监测系统当前运行的应用程序,再出现死机现象自动启动时 ,用户只要单击鼠标对话框中的anti-freeze按钮即可恢复应用程序,使用非常简单,在此建议您选择使用。此外,还有一个工具是nuts& bolts中的bomb shelter,这也是一个不错的防应用程序死机工具。这个工具的特点是非常的小巧,它的恢复效果也不错。4.优化windows本身 由于windows本身的自动化程度已经很高,原则上已经不需要用户自己进行优化设置。但是我们在使用过程中还是总结出一些经验,这对于提高 系统的运行速度也是有效的,其中包括以下一些重点: (1)尽量少在autoexec.bat和config.sys文件中加载的驱动程序,因为windows可以很好地提供对硬件的支持,如果必要的话,删除这两个文件 都是可以的。(2)定期删除不再使用的应用程序,这非常必要。当系统中安装了过多的应用程序时,对系统的运行速度是有影响的。所以如果一个应用程序不 再被使用了,就应该及时将其删除。对于删除 *** 作,一般我们可以使用程序自身提供的uninstall程序。如果它没有提供,在此建议使用norton 提供的uninstall deluxe,这是一个极好的工具,其最大优点是删除彻底,并提供系统优化功能,非常值得使用。(3)关闭系统提供的cd-rom自动感知功能(在"系统-设备管理"项中设置)。(4)日常使用过程中应该留意一下与自己机器有关的最新硬件驱动程序,并要及时地安装到系统中,这通常是不花钱就可提高系统性能的有效方法。希望我可以帮助你解决眼前的燃眉之急,谢谢!ok

crack 1

1 / krækkræk/ n

~ (in sth) (a) line along which sth has broken, but not into separate parts 裂缝裂纹: a cup with bad cracks in it 有很多裂纹的杯子 * Don't go skating today there are dangerous cracks in the ice. 今天别去溜冰了--冰上有裂缝很危险. * (fig 比喻) The cracks (ie defects) in the Government's economic policy are beginning to show. 政府经济政策上的失误已渐渐明显. =>illus at chip 见chip之插图. (b) narrow opening 缝隙: She looked through a crack in the curtains. 她透过帘子的缝隙观望. * Open the door a crack, ie Open it very slightly. 把门打开一条缝(打开一点点).

sudden sharp noise 爆裂声?啪声: the crack of a pistol shot ??啪啪的手q声 * a crack of thunder 一声霹雳.

~ (on sth) sharp blow, usu one that can be heard 重击(通常为可听到响声的): give sb/get a crack on the head 吧的一声打在某人的头上[头上挨了一下子].

~ (about sth) (infml 口) clever and amusing remark, often criticaljoke 俏皮话(常为挖苦人的)笑话: She made a crack about his fatness. 她取笑他肥胖.

~ at sth/doing sth (infml 口) attempt at sth 试做某事物: Have another crack at solving this puzzle. 再试一试把这个难题解决了吧.

(idm 习语) the crack of `dawn (infml 口) very early in the morning 黎明破晓: get up at the crack of dawn 黎明即起. the crack of `doom the end of the world 世界末日: (fig 比喻) To get a bus here you have to wait till the crack of doom, ie an extremely long time. 在这儿真要等到世界末日(很久很久以后)才能有公共汽车. a fair crack of the whip =>fair1. paper over the cracks =>paper.

>crack adj [attrib 作定语] very clever or expertexcellent 精明能干的技艺高超的优秀的: a crack regiment 劲旅 * He's a crack shot, ie expert at shooting. 他是神q手.

# `crack-brained adj (infml 口) crazyfoolish 疯狂的愚蠢的: a crack-brained idea, scheme, etc 愚蠢的念头、 计谋等. crack 2

/ krækkræk/ v

[I, Tn] (cause to) develop a crack1(1a) or cracks (使)开裂, 破裂, 爆裂: The ice cracked as I stepped onto it. 我一踩冰就裂了. * You can crack this toughened glass, but you can't break it. 这种韧化玻璃只裂不碎. * She has cracked a bone in her arm. 她手臂有一处骨裂. * a cracked mug 有裂纹的缸子.

[Tn, Cn.a] break (sth) open or into pieces 砸开或砸碎(某物): crack a nut 把坚果砸碎 * crack a safe, ie open it to steal from it 砸开保险箱 * crack a casing open ?里啪啦打开包装.

[Tn, Tn.pr] sth (on/against sth) hit sth sharply 猛击某物: I cracked my head on the low door-frame. 我的头撞在低矮的门框上了.

[I, Tn no passive 不用於被动语态] (cause sth to) make a sharp sound (使某物)发出爆裂声(使某物)?啪作响: crack a whip, one's knuckles 抽鞭子、 屈指节?啪作响 * The hunter's rifle cracked and the deer fell dead. 猎人的q一响, 鹿即倒地而死.

[I, Tn] (cause sb to) cease to resist(cause sth to) fail (使某人)屈服(使某事物)垮台: The suspect cracked under questioning. 嫌疑分子在审问之下招供了. * They finally cracked the defence and scored a goal. 他们终於突破了防守, 射进一球.

[Tn] (infml 口) solve (a problem, etc) 解决(问题等): The calculation was difficult, but we finally cracked it. 计算起来很费劲, 然而我们终於解决了. * crack a code, ie decipher it 破译密码.

[I] (of the voice) change in depth, loudness, etc suddenly and uncontrollably (指嗓音)突然而失控地改变音色、 音量等: In a voice cracking with emotion, he announced the death of his father. 他悲恸失声地宣布了父亲去世的消息. * A boy's voice cracks (ie becomes deeper) at puberty. 男孩在青春期嗓音改变(声音变粗).

[Tn] (infml 口) open (a bottle, esp of alcoholic drink) and drink its contents 开(瓶, 尤指酒瓶)饮用.

[Tn] (infml 口) tell (a joke) 说(笑话).

[Tn] (chemistry 化) break down (heavy oils) by heat and pressure to produce lighter oils 使裂化(利用高温高压从质量较重的石油里制取轻油).

(idm 习语) cracked `up to be sth (usu negative 通常作否定) (infml 口) reputed to be sth 号称: He's not such a good writer as he's cracked up to be. 他并不像人们所吹捧的那样是什麽杰出的作家. get `cracking (infml 口) begin, esp energetically 开始(尤指)大干起来: There's a lot to be done, so let's get cracking. 工作很多, 咱们开始干吧.

(phr v) crack down (on sb/sth) impose more severe treatment or restrictions on sb/sth (对某人[某事物])严加处置或限制: Police are cracking down on drug dealers. 警方现对贩毒分子严惩不贷. crack up (infml 口) lose one's physical or mental health (身体)垮掉(精神)崩溃: You'll crack up if you go on working so hard. 你继续这样拚命干下去, 身体会吃不消的.

>cracked / kræktkrækt/ adj [usu pred 通常作表语] (infml 口) madcrazy 疯狂狂热.

cracking / ˈkrækɪŋˋkrækɪŋ/ adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] (Brit infml 口) excellent 精采的棒的: That was a cracking shot he played. 他这一下打得妙极了.

# `crack-down n ~ (on sb/sth) severe measures to restrict or discourage undesirable or criminal people or actions 制裁取缔: a crack-down on tax evasion 对逃税行为的严厉打击.

`crack-up n (infml 口) loss of physical or mental health (身体的)衰退(精神的)崩溃: a crack-up due to overwork 因 *** 劳过度而招致的身体的衰退.


crash 1

1 / kræʃkræʃ/ n

(a) (usu sing 通常作单数) (loud noise made by a) violent fall, blow or breakage 坠落(声)撞击(声)破裂(声): the crash of dishes being dropped 摔碎盘碟的声音 * The tree fell with a great crash. 那棵树哗啦一声倒了. * His words were drowned in a crash of thunder. 他的话为一阵雷声所淹没. (b) accident involving a vehicle in a collision or some other impact 撞车(车辆等)碰撞: a crash in which two cars collided 两辆汽车相撞的事故 * a `car crash/an `air crash 汽车撞车事故[飞机坠毁].

collapse, esp of a business or stock-market 崩溃垮台(尤指)倒闭(证券市场)暴跌: The great financial crash in 1929 ruined international trade. 1929年的经济大萧条摧毁了国际贸易.

>crash adj [attrib 作定语] done intensively to achieve quick results 突击式的速成的: a crash course in computer programming 计算机程序设计速成课程 * a crash diet 速效饮食.

crash adv with a crash 哗啦一声地: The vase fell crash on to the tiles. 花瓶哗啦一声掉在瓷砖上.

# `crash barrier fence, rail, etc to restrain crowds, divide vehicles travelling in opposite directions on a motorway, etc (限制人群通行的)隔离栅(高速公路等的双程行车道之间的)防撞护栏. =>illus at App 1 见附录1之插图, page xiii.

`crash-dive n sudden dive made by a submarine or an aircraft, eg to avoid being attacked (潜艇或飞机为免受攻击而实行的)紧急下潜或下降. v [I] dive in this way (潜艇)紧急下潜(飞机)紧急下降.

`crash helmet hat made of very strong material (eg metal), worn by motor-cyclists, racing drivers, etc to protect the head (摩托车手、 赛车驾驶员等戴的)防撞头盔.

,crash-`land v [I, Tn] land (an aircraft) or be landed roughly in an emergency, usu with resulting damage (使飞行器)强行着陆. ,crash-`landing n landing of this kind 强行着陆: make a crash-landing 实行强行着陆. crash 2

/ kræʃkræʃ/ v

(a) [Ipr, Ip, Tn.pr, Tn.p] fall or strike (sth) suddenly and noisily 突然倒下, 撞击(某物)发出声响: The rocks crashed (down) onto the car. 岩石轰隆一声砸在汽车上. * The tree crashed through the window. 树哗啦一声倒入窗内. * The dishes crashed to the floor. 碗碟哗啦一声掉在地板上. * She crashed the plates (down) on the table. 她哗啦一声把那些盘子摔到桌上. (b) [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ (sth) (into sth) (cause sth to) have a collision (使某物)猛撞: The plane crashed (into the mountain). 飞机撞毁(在山上)了. * He crashed his car (into a wall). 他把汽车撞(到墙上)了. * a crashed car, plane 撞毁的汽车、 坠毁的飞机. (c) [Ipr, Ip, Tn.pr, Tn.p] (cause sth to) move noisily or violently (使某物)轰然或猛然冲, 闯: an enraged elephant crashing about in the undergrowth 被激怒了的大象, 在矮树丛中东奔西窜 * He crashed the trolley through the doors. 他推着小脚轮车乒乒乓乓地过了几道门.

[I] make a loud noise 发出巨响: The thunder crashed. 雷声隆隆.

[I] (of a business company, government, etc) fail suddenlycollapse (指企业、 政府等)突然倒台, 崩溃: The company crashed with debts of £2 million. 那家公司因负债2百万英镑而告破产.

[Tn] (infml 口) = gatecrash (gate).

[Ipr, Ip] ~ (out) (sl 俚 esp US) sleep in an improvised bed, esp when very tired 在临时床铺上睡觉(尤指困极时): Mind if I crash (out) on your floor tonight? 今晚我在你家打地铺行吗?

(idm 习语) a crashing `bore very boring person 讨厌鬼.


crush 1

/ krʌʃkrʌʃ/ v

[Tn, Tn.pr] press or squeeze (sth/sb) hard so that there is breakage or injury 压(或挤)坏, 压(或挤)伤(某物[某人]): Don't crush the boxit has flowers in it. 别把盒子压破了, 里面有花. * Wine is made by crushing grapes. 葡萄酒是压榨葡萄制成的. * Several people were crushed to death by the falling rocks. 有几个人被落下来的岩石压死了.

[Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (up) break sth hard into small pieces or into powder by pressing 捣(或碾)碎某物把某物捣(或碾)成粉末: Huge hammers crush (up) the rocks. 用大锤把岩石砸成了碎块.

[I, Tn] (cause sth to) become full of creases or irregular folds (使某物)显得皱皱巴巴的: The clothes were badly crushed in the suitcase. 衣服压在箱子里皱得不像样子了. * Some synthetic materials do not crush easily. 有些化纤衣料不易起皱.

[Tn] defeat (sb/sth) completelysubdue 消灭, 击溃, 镇压(某人[某事物])制服: The rebellion was crushed by government forces. 政府军已把叛乱镇压下去. * Her refusal crushed all our hopes. 她一拒绝, 我的希望就全都破灭了. * He felt completely crushed (ie humiliated) by her last remark. 他听到她最后的一番话感到深受凌辱.

(phr v) crush (sb/sth) into, past, through, etc sth (cause sb/sth to) move into or through a narrow space by pressing or pushing (使某人[某物])挤入或挤过: A large crowd crushed past (the barrier). 大群的人挤过了(障碍物). * You can't crush twenty people into such a tiny room. 不能让二十个人挤进这样一个狭小的房间里. * The postman tried to crush the packet through the letter-box. 邮递员使劲把邮件塞进信箱里. crush sth out (of sth) remove sth by pressing or squeezing 挤出或榨出某物: crush the juice out of oranges 榨橙子汁 * (fig 比喻) With his hands round her throat he crushed the life out of her. 他双手扼住她的喉咙把她掐死了.

>crushing adj [usu attrib 通常作定语]

1 overwhelming 压倒的: a crushing defeat, blow, etc 惨重的失败、 打击等.

2 intended to subdue or humiliate 企图制服或羞辱对方的: a crushing look, remark, etc 让人受不了的脸色、 话语等. crushingly adv. crush 2

/ krʌʃkrʌʃ/ n

[sing] crowd of people pressed close together 拥挤的人群: a big crush in the theatre bar 剧院小卖部里拥挤不堪的人群 * I couldn't get through the crush. 我无法从人群中挤过去.

[C] ~ (on sb) (infml 口) strong but typically brief liking (for sb)infatuation (对某人的)强烈而短暂的喜爱, 迷恋: Schoolchildren often have/get crushes on teachers. 小学生往往很钦佩老师.

[U] (Brit) drink made from fruit juice 果汁饮料: lemon crush 柠檬饮料.

# `crush barrier fence put up to control crowds 防挤栏杆.

你最近是怎么 *** 作的?将出事前下载的软件、补丁、驱动全部卸载试试,在看看下面的方法。如果故障依旧,建议先查杀一下木马,修复一下系统试试(你好好想想最近的 *** 作,故障不会无缘无故的发生吧,有时可能是下载了某个程序或某个游戏出错也会这样,这个问题的出现较为复杂,需要弄清楚导致故障出现的根源才可以,你要好好想一想,有问题请追问我进行交流)。




2、如果故障依旧,使用系统盘修复,打开命令提示符输入SFC /SCANNOW 回车(SFC和/之间有一个空格),插入原装系统盘修复系统,系统会自动对比修复的。


4、如果故障依旧,建议重装 *** 作系统。




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