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Magistrates shine audience Beijing June 7, 2010, Staples Arena, the Lakers 93:104 Celtics. Today is the first day of college entrance examination,James miserable ligament james jersey, but for thousands of miles of track on the NBA Finals two teams having the same time the College Entrance Examination it! Second station, the first battle pale green army well summed up the lessons on a weak defense, defensive strategy with a more resolute limit Kobe Bryant, with a foul in the paint at the expense of using human shields cast the Great Wall, to limit the inner Lakers Twin Towers, and ultimately ending the Lakers this season, the playoffs unbeaten home record (9 wins). In the 2-3-2 finals competition system will be possible,Replica Jerseys, "King of Battle Mountain," the occurrence of place firmly locked in Boston. That referees are not bright because they are in favor of a party the NBA Finals, but to apply a word, is that the leading magistrates to court by the players into their own, as if the fans go out and buy tickets just to come look at their poor performance. On a Ray - Allen, which a Bryant, playing time two people were blown fragmented, a direct result of two teams in the different fate of two races. Look at Artest, Lamar Odom, Kevin Garnett and Perkins on the court because of foul overcautious, 58 fouls, which really is not a continuous game. Gentleman sword invincible, Long recovered lost more than courage to more flowering green army known in the Union, this game proves once again that good. When Paul Pierce and Kevin Garnett is still in the doldrums, not to help the team more time. The first game of the two "frustrated" and Ray - Allen and Long both stand out more than the former one-third of 7-8-ball half-court, the entire 8-11, respectively, breaking the NBA Finals Half Overall three-point shot and the number of historythe latter 41 minutes of playing time, scored 19 points, 12 rebounds and 10 assists overall performance, as Duncan after 7 years following the first one to get three in the finals on Dual player. Allen, the facts show,Replica Mlb Jersey, not a game to prove what is the definition players on the pitch you can not ignore him, even how bad the performance front. Lakers defense strategy to the lung much more opportunities in distance (in addition to Bryant, the game caught in foul, and more on Long break not too much interference),Team Jerseys, while Long has a good grasp of many of these opportunities, with appropriate opportunity to attack and ultimately transform these organizations to victory. Trapped in foul Bryant, Lakers Twin Towers brave and not enough when the opening is still shown impressive momentum, lost the game, Bryant caught the foul is a direct cause of the downturn Odom and Ron Artest also get rid of The One. After reading the comments of the first game with friends reminded me, not only that Bryant, pay attention to the contribution of others. I want to say this, of course other people's contributions are essential, but it all revolves around Kobe Bryant built on the basis of play, both offensive and defensive. The game play is quite a twin well, Bynum 10, 6, had 21 points, 6 rebounds, Pau Gasol 25 points, eight rebounds, two had together contributed 13 blocks, causing the other party four inside the 17 fouls. But the cover up such a huge advantage inside, under what? It is true that the Lakers have Kobe in the face of any other team outside all the time advantage, but if Kobe into foul trouble or injuries, the team's balance was broken. Team's offensive not guaranteed, driving inside obvious advantages, defense can be put down each other, but not into the offensive play is equal to waste. Inside and outside the line of balance for the team championship-level team is extremely important that the Lakers are far Celtics doing well inside the twin towers withstood the onslaught Lakers, the only one mine - Allen to beat the Lakers. To do something in the road then the Lakers must be maintained between inside and outside the line to contain, let rivals at a loss, combined with the team's triangle offense the team as a whole. From the previous record, even if off at the beginning of the two arrays, then the team less than 10% chance of winning. Fortunately, in time, but the outbreak of the Green Army to a world championship can still be described with suspense, both teams are now back in the same starting line. When the home advantage has become symbolic of something, how to maintain their huge advantage in the paint, forcing the Green Army to make adjustments, two days after the North Shore Park will be opened all the answers. A protracted war has been inevitable.



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