如何将IAS Zone设备的状态report给协调器

如何将IAS Zone设备的状态report给协调器,第1张

如何将IAS Zone设备的状态report给协调器?


Input Cluster List :






Output Cluster List :


Device Id :


Zone Type :


我应该怎么配置我的IAS ZONE的设备,然后发送设备的状态给协返携调器?




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Fire Alarm System



1 Introduction

2 Getting Started

3 Sample Devices

3.1 SampleCIE

3.2 SampleFireDetector

3.3 SampleWarningDevice

4 Sample Application operation

4.1 SampleCIE

4.2 SampleFireDetector

4.3 SampleWarningDevice

5 Forming the network with Z-Stack 3.0

6 Forming the network with Z-Stack Home 1.2.2a


This wiki details the usage of the Fire Alarm System sample applications for Z-Stack Home 1.2.2a and Z-Stack 3.0. These samples were designed to show the user how to set up a fire alarm system network, as well as show the correct sequence of events for a Trip-To-Pair IAS Zone Enrollment procedure. Note: These sample applications are not intended to be certifiable out-of-the-box.

Getting Started

Start by downloading/installing either Z-Stack 3.0 or Z-Stack Home 1.2.2a, available from the following links:

Z-Stack 3.0:


Z-Stack Home 1.2.2a:


The sample applications are available for download at the following links:

Z-Stack 3.0 Sample Applications (for CC2530/CC2538):


Z-Stack Home 1.2.2a Sample Applications (for CC2530/CC2538):


Sample Devices

Three devices are implemented in this sample network. In addition to the clusters mandatory for every ZigBee Device, these sample devices implement the following clusters:


The Control and Indicating Equipment (CIE) implements the following clusters:

Server Side:

IAS Ancillary Control Equipment (ACE)

Client Side:

IAS Warning Device (WD)

IAS Zones


The Fire Detector implements the following clusters:

Server Side:

IAS Zones


The Warning Device implements the following clusters:

Server Side:


IAS Zones

Note: Though the warning device implements the IAS Zones cluster, it does not perform zone enrollment in this example.

Sample Application operation

These sample apps are designed to be controlled by the hardware switches on the SmartRF05/SmartRF06. Here is a list of switch operations for each device:


SW1: Start BDB Commissioning [Z-Stack 3.0]/Start EZ-Mode Commissioning [Z-Stack 1.2.2a]

SW2: [unassigned]

SW3: Write CIE IEEE Address Attribute on last commissioned IAS Zone device

SW4: Send Squawk to all Warning Devices in network

SW5: Reset to factory new


SW1: Start BDB Commissioning [Z-Stack 3.0]/Start EZ-Mode Commissioning [Z-Stack 1.2.2a]

SW2: [unassigned]

SW3: Send IAS Zone Enrollment request to CIE

SW4: Send change notification, i.e. start detecting a fire

SW5: Reset to factory new


SW1: Start BDB Commissioning [Z-Stack 3.0]/Start EZ-Mode Commissioning [Z-Stack 1.2.2a]

SW2: [unassigned]

SW3: [unassigned]

SW4: [unassigned]

SW5: Reset to factory new

Forming the network with Z-Stack 3.0

For this example, set the network up with a CIE Coordinator, a Fire Detector Router, and a Warning Device End Device.

1. SW1 on the CIE

Runs BDB commissioning on the CIE ZC, which will reopen an existing network for joining (if applicable) or form and open a new network. Also initiates finding &binding, which will put this device in identifying mode for other devices that join the network, so binds can be created for matching clusters.

2. SW1 on the Fire Detector

Runs BDB commissioning on the Fire Detector ZR, which will cause it to join the network just created by the CIE. Additionally, a bind will be created on this device for the IAS Zone cluster from the CIE.

3. SW3 on the CIE

Sends a write attribute request to the Fire Detector (the last device that joined the network) to write the CIE IEEE Address attribute.

4. SW3 on the Fire Detector

Sends a IAS Zone Enrollment request to the CIE.

5. SW1 on the Warning Device

Runs BDB commissioning on the Warning Device ZED. A bind will be created on this device for the IAS WD cluster from the CIE.

The network setup is now complete. You can now send squawks from the CIE to the connected Warning Device with SW4 on the CIE, or you can cause a zone status change on the Fire Detector (i.e. start detecting a fire) by pressing SW4 on the Fire Detector, which will send a zone status change to the CIE and send an alarm to the Warning Device.

Forming the network with Z-Stack Home 1.2.2a

For this example, set the network up with a CIE Coordinator, a Fire Detector Router, and a Warning Device End Device. After powering on all devices, perform the following:

1. SW1 on the CIE

Runs EZ-Mode commissioning on the CIE ZC, which will form a new network or reopen an existing network and put this device in identifying mode to look for binds with a device that joins the network.

2. SW1 on the Fire Detector

Runs EZ-Mode commissioning on the Fire Detector ZR, which will cause it to join the network just created by the CIE. Additionally, a bind will be created on this device for the IAS Zone cluster from the CIE.

3. SW3 on the CIE

Sends a write attribute request to the Fire Detector (the last device that joined the network) to write the CIE IEEE Address attribute.

4. SW3 on the Fire Detector

Sends a IAS Zone Enrollment request to the CIE.

5. SW1 on the CIE

Restarts EZ-Mode commissioning on the CIE. This step is necessary for finding/creating binds with the next device that joins the network.

6. SW1 on the Warning Device

Runs EZ-Mode commissioning on the Warning Device ZED. A bind will be created on this device for the IAS WD cluster from the CIE.

The network setup is now complete. You can now send squawks from the CIE to the connected Warning Device with SW4 on the CIE, or you can cause a zone status change on the Fire Detector (i.e. start detecting a fire) by pressing SW4 on the Fire Detector, which will send a zone status change to the CIE and send an alarm to the Warning Device.


1、低功耗 在低耗电待机模式下,2节5号干电池可支持1个节点工作6~24个月,甚至更长。这是Zigbee的突出优势。相比较,蓝牙能工作数周、WiFi可工作数小时。

2、低成本 通过大幅简化协议(不到蓝牙的1/10),降低了对通信控制器的要求,按预测分析,以8051的8位微控制器测算,全功能的主节点需要32KB代码,子功能节点少至4KB代码,而且Zigbee免协议专利费。

3、低速率 Zigbee工作在250kbps的通讯速率,满足低速率传输数据的应用需求。

4、近距离 传输范围一般介于10~100m之间,在增加RF发射功率后,亦可增加到1~3km。这指的是相邻节点间的距离。如果通过路由和节点间通信的接力,传输距离将可以更远。

5、短时延州绝搜 Zigbee的响应速度较快,一般从睡眠转入工作状态只需15ms,节点连接进入网络只需30ms,进一步节省了电能册历。相比较,蓝牙需要3~10s、WiFi需要3s。

6、高容量 Zigbee可采宏桥用星状、片状和网状网络结构,由一个主节点管理若干子节点,最多一个主节点可管理254个子节点;同时主节点还可由上一层网络节点管理,最多可组成65000个节点的大网。

7、高安全 Zigbee提供了三级安全模式,包括无安全设定、使用接入控制清单(ACL)防止非法获取数据以及采用高级加密标准(AES128)的对称密码,以灵活确定其安全属性。

8、免执照频段 采用直接序列扩频在工业科学医疗2.4GHz(全球) (ISM)频段。


原文地址: https://outofmemory.cn/yw/12467572.html

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