


using System

namespace Communication.IO.Tools


/// <summary>

/// Tool to calculate and add CRC codes to a string


/// ***************************************************************************

/// Copyright (c) 2003 Thoraxcentrum, Erasmus MC, The Netherlands.


/// Written by Marcel de Wijs with help from a lot of others,

/// especially Stefan Nelwan


/// This code is for free. I ported it from several different sources to C#.


/// For comments: [email protected]

/// ***************************************************************************

/// </summary>

public class CRCTool


// 'order' [1..32] is the CRC polynom order, counted without the leading '1' bit

// 'polynom' is the CRC polynom without leading '1' bit

// 'direct' [0,1] specifies the kind of algorithm: 1=direct, no augmented zero bits

//孙态基 'crcinit' is the initial CRC value belonging to that algorithm

/闭迟/则谨 'crcxor' is the final XOR value

// 'refin' [0,1] specifies if a data byte is reflected before processing (UART) or not

// 'refout' [0,1] specifies if the CRC will be reflected before XOR

// Data character string

// For CRC-CCITT : order = 16, direct=1, poly=0x1021, CRCinit = 0xFFFF, crcxor=0refin =0, refout=0

// For CRC16: order = 16, direct=1, poly=0x8005, CRCinit = 0x0, crcxor=0x0refin =1, refout=1

// For CRC32: order = 32, direct=1, poly=0x4c11db7, CRCinit = 0xFFFFFFFF, crcxor=0xFFFFFFFFrefin =1, refout=1

// Default : CRC-CCITT

private int order = 16

private ulong polynom= 0x1021

private int direct = 1

private ulong crcinit= 0xFFFF

private ulong crcxor = 0x0

private int refin = 0

private int refout = 0

private ulong crcmask

private ulong crchighbit

private ulong crcinit_direct

private ulong crcinit_nondirect

private ulong [] crctab = new ulong[256]

// Enumeration used in the init function to specify which CRC algorithm to use

public enum CRCCode{CRC_CCITT, CRC16, CRC32}

public CRCTool()



// TODO: Add constructor logic here



public void Init(CRCCode CodingType)


switch( CodingType )



order = 16direct=1polynom=0x1021crcinit = 0xFFFFcrcxor=0refin =0refout=0


case CRCCode.CRC16:

order = 16direct=1polynom=0x8005crcinit = 0x0crcxor=0x0refin =1refout=1


case CRCCode.CRC32:

order = 32direct=1polynom=0x4c11db7crcinit = 0xFFFFFFFFcrcxor=0xFFFFFFFFrefin =1refout=1



// Initialize all variables for seeding and builing based upon the given coding type

// at first, compute constant bit masks for whole CRC and CRC high bit

crcmask = ((((ulong)1<<(order-1))-1)<<1)|1

crchighbit = (ulong)1<<(order-1)

// generate lookup table


ulong bit, crc

int i

if ( direct == 0 )


crcinit_nondirect = crcinit

crc = crcinit

for (i=0i<orderi++)


bit = crc &crchighbit

crc<<= 1

if ( bit != 0 )


crc^= polynom



crc&= crcmask

crcinit_direct = crc




crcinit_direct = crcinit

crc = crcinit

for (i=0i<orderi++)


bit = crc &1

if (bit != 0)


crc^= polynom


crc >>= 1

if (bit != 0)


crc|= crchighbit



crcinit_nondirect = crc



/// <summary>

/// 4 ways to calculate the crc checksum. If you have to do a lot of encoding

/// you should use the table functions. Since they use precalculated values, which

/// saves some calculating.

/// </summary>.

public ulong crctablefast (byte[] p)


// fast lookup table algorithm without augmented zero bytes, e.g. used in pkzip.

// only usable with polynom orders of 8, 16, 24 or 32.

ulong crc = crcinit_direct

if ( refin != 0 )


crc = reflect(crc, order)


if ( refin == 0 )


for ( int i = 0i <p.Lengthi++ )


crc = (crc <<8) ^ crctab[ ((crc >>(order-8)) &0xff) ^ p[i]]





for ( int i = 0i <p.Lengthi++ )


crc = (crc >>8) ^ crctab[ (crc &0xff) ^ p[i]]



if ( (refout^refin) != 0 )


crc = reflect(crc, order)


crc^= crcxor

crc&= crcmask



public ulong crctable (byte[] p)


// normal lookup table algorithm with augmented zero bytes.

// only usable with polynom orders of 8, 16, 24 or 32.

ulong crc = crcinit_nondirect

if ( refin != 0 )


crc = reflect(crc, order)


if ( refin == 0 )


for ( int i = 0i <p.Lengthi++ )


crc = ((crc <<8) | p[i]) ^ crctab[ (crc >>(order-8)) &0xff ]





for ( int i = 0i <p.Lengthi++ )


crc = (ulong)(( (int)(crc >>8) | (p[i] <<(order-8))) ^ (int)crctab[ crc &0xff ])



if ( refin == 0 )


for ( int i = 0i <order/8i++ )


crc = (crc <<8) ^ crctab[ (crc >>(order-8)) &0xff]





for ( int i = 0i <order/8i++ )


crc = (crc >>8) ^ crctab[crc &0xff]



if ( (refout^refin) != 0 )


crc = reflect(crc, order)


crc^= crcxor

crc&= crcmask



public ulong crcbitbybit(byte[] p)


// bit by bit algorithm with augmented zero bytes.

// does not use lookup table, suited for polynom orders between 1...32.

int i

ulong j, c, bit

ulong crc = crcinit_nondirect

for (i=0i<p.Lengthi++)


c = (ulong)p[i]

if ( refin != 0 )


c = reflect(c, 8)


for (j=0x80j != 0j>>=1)


bit = crc &crchighbit

crc<<= 1

if ( (c &j) != 0)


crc|= 1


if ( bit != 0 )


crc^= polynom




for ( i=0(int)i <orderi++)


bit = crc &crchighbit

crc<<= 1

if ( bit != 0 ) crc^= polynom


if ( refout != 0 )


crc=reflect(crc, order)


crc^= crcxor

crc&= crcmask



public ulong crcbitbybitfast(byte[] p)


// fast bit by bit algorithm without augmented zero bytes.

// does not use lookup table, suited for polynom orders between 1...32.

int i

ulong j, c, bit

ulong crc = crcinit_direct

for (i = 0i <p.Lengthi++)


c = (ulong)p[i]

if ( refin != 0)


c = reflect(c, 8)


for ( j = 0x80j >0j >>= 1 )


bit = crc &crchighbit

crc <<= 1

if ( (c &j) >0 ) bit^= crchighbit

if ( bit >0 ) crc^= polynom



if ( refout >0)


crc=reflect( crc, order )


crc^= crcxor

crc&= crcmask



/// <summary>

/// CalcCRCITT is an algorithm found on the web for calculating the CRCITT checksum

/// It is included to demonstrate that although it looks different it is the same

/// routine as the crcbitbybit* functions. But it is optimized and preconfigured for CRCITT.

/// </summary>

public ushort CalcCRCITT(byte[] p)


uint uiCRCITTSum = 0xFFFF

uint uiByteValue

for (int iBufferIndex = 0iBufferIndex <p.LengthiBufferIndex++)


uiByteValue = ( (uint) p[iBufferIndex] <<8)

for ( int iBitIndex = 0iBitIndex <8iBitIndex++ )


if ( ( (uiCRCITTSum^uiByteValue) &0x8000) != 0 )


uiCRCITTSum = (uiCRCITTSum <<1 ) ^ 0x1021




uiCRCITTSum <<= 1


uiByteValue <<=1



return (ushort)uiCRCITTSum


#region subroutines

private ulong reflect (ulong crc, int bitnum)


// reflects the lower 'bitnum' bits of 'crc'

ulong i, j=1, crcout = 0

for ( i = (ulong)1 <<(bitnum-1)i != 0i>>=1)


if ( ( crc &i ) != 0 )


crcout |= j


j<<= 1


return (crcout)


private void generate_crc_table()


// make CRC lookup table used by table algorithms

int i, j

ulong bit, crc

for (i=0i<256i++)



if (refin != 0) // 'refin' [0,1] specifies if a data byte is reflected before processing (UART) or not


crc=reflect(crc, 8)


crc<<= order-8

for (j=0j<8j++)


bit = crc &crchighbit

crc<<= 1

if ( bit !=0 ) crc^= polynom


if (refin != 0)


crc = reflect(crc, order)


crc&= crcmask

crctab[i]= crc






#include <腊穗stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

#include "stdlib.h"

unsigned int char2int(char *str)


unsigned int count=0, ret=0

for(count = 0count<strlen(str)count++)


ret = ret<<1

if('0' != str[count])

{ ret+=1}


return ret


unsigned int getR(char *str)


unsigned int c =0

int ret = strlen(str)-1

for(c=0c <strlen(str)c++)

{if(str[c] != '0')<br/> {return ret-c}



int getRi(unsigned int num)


int c =0

for(num != 0c++)

{num = num>>1}

return c


void CRC(char *scode, char *p, char*g )


unsigned int iP = char2int(p)

unsigned int iG = char2int(g)

unsigned int r= getR(g)

unsigned int code = iP <<r

unsigned int yx = code

for(getRi(yx) >隐逗= getRi(iG))

{ yx = yx ^ (iG<<(getRi(yx) - getRi(iG)))}

code += yx



void main() /灶局卖/定义主函数


char data[8]="" , bds[8]="",code[16]=""


scanf("%s", data)


scanf("%s", bds)






在用C语言编写CRC校验码的实现程序时我们应该注意,生成多项式 对应的十六进制数为0x18005,由于CRC寄存器左移过程中,移出的最高位为1时与 相异或,所以与16bit的CRC寄存器对应并塌圆的生成多项式的十六进制数可用0x8005表示。下面给出并行处理8bit数据流的C源程序:

unsigned short crc_dsp(unsigned short reg, unsigned char data_crc)

//reg为crc寄存器, data_crc为将要处理的8bit数据流


unsigned short msb//crc寄存器将移出的最高1bit

unsigned short data

unsigned short gx = 0x8005, i = 0//i为左移次数, gx为生成多项式

data = (unsigned short)data_crc

data = data <<8

reg = reg ^ data



msb = reg &0x8000

reg = reg <<1

if(msb == 0x8000)


reg = reg ^ gx




while(i <8)

return (reg)





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