

addition的意思addition的简明意思n 增加;加法;附加物英式发音 [ə'dɪʃn] 美式发音 [ə'dɪʃn]addition的词态变化为:形容词: additional 副词: additionallyaddition的详细意思在英语中,addition不仅具有上述意思,还有更详尽的用法,addition作名词 n 时具有附加,追加,增加,添加,增添,补充,加;数加法,加算;增加的人,增建部分,附加物,增加物,附加部分;律头衔,称号,官衔等意思,addition的具体用法用作名词 naddition的基本意思是“加”,指将两个或两个以上的人或事物合在一起,作此解时为不可数名词,但有时其前可加不定冠词,作“加法”解。addition也可指“增加的人〔事物〕”,指在原有的基础上增加的人或物,此时为可数名词。如:In an addition operation , a number or quantity to which numbers or quantities are added加法运算中,被加上一些数或量的一个数或量在此句中addition表示加法的意思New additions to the store a recreation famous Anfield tunnel as well a players'changing room专营店重新开张之后将增加一些新的项目,例如再现著名的安菲尔德球场通道以及球员更衣室等等在此句中addition表示增加的意思addition的高考讲解该词在高考中,出现最多的题型是在阅读部分,占据了7586%,在单项题型部分,占据了1379%在完型题型部分,占据了69%在语法题型部分,占据了345%可见addition在阅读题型中是经常考到的,各位同学需要重点注意下易学啦也提供了下方的统计图,方便您参考下在高考中想要获得高分,建议同学们重点掌握以下知识点固定搭配1in addition另外;加之2in addition to除之外3addition to sth增加4with the addition of外加真题回顾In addition, their arms that are unnecessary for moving around are freed for other purposes, like throwing stones or signaling此外,他们不需要四处移动的手臂被释放出来用于其他目的,比如扔石头或发信号。本题来自2019年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 任务型阅读 原文本题主要考察addition作idm时in addition (to sb/sth) 除…以外(还)的用法扩展知识1additional=addition+al附加的;另外的2additionally=addition+al+ly此外;加之addition的用法例句First stop was Agrojet, a recent addition to the activities near the Agrodome Complex第一站是'阿哥柔喷射艇',它是'阿哥柔穹顶综合游乐场'新近增加的活动项目在此句中addition表示增加的意思The addition of networking facilities will greatly enhance the system网络设备的增加将会大大增强系统的功能在此句中addition表示增加的意思The children start by learning Chinese and addition孩子们从学汉语与加法开始在此句中addition表示加法的意思The simple arithmetic operations are addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division简单的算术运算是加法 、 减法 、 乘法和除法在此句中addition表示加法的意思Addition comments; we are expecting CSA approvals for this new design by beginning of May 2006附加备注: 我们希望CSA于2006年5月初正式批准这个新的设计在此句中addition表示附加的意思。

Natural Numbers—自然数
Negative integers—负整数
Rational Numbers—有理数 [i'ræʃənəl]
Irrational Numbers—无理数
Real Numbers—实数[i'mædʒinəri]
Pure Imaginary Numbers—纯虚数['kɔmpleks]
Complex Numbers—复数
Sets of Numbers—数集
Expression of Integers—整数的表达
Grouping of Integers—整数编组
Units or Ones—个
Ten Thousands—万
Hundred Thousands—十万['miljən]
Ten Millions—千万
Hundred Millions—亿
Ten Billions—百亿
Hundred Billions—千亿
Odd Numbers—奇数
Even Numbers—偶数
Negative Integers
Positive direction—正向
Negative direction—负方向
Powers of Integers—整数的幂['kɑ:dinl]
Cardinal Numbers—基数['ɔ:dinəl]
Ordinal Numbers—序数['ærəbik]
Arabic English—阿拉伯英语
Rounding-off Integers—四舍五入
3、Decimals and Fractions['desiməl]
Mixed Decimals—混合小数[ə'prɔksimit]
Approximate Numbers—近似数[sig'nifikənt]
Significant Digits—有效数字[nəu'teiʃən]
Scientific Notation 科学计数法
Power Expression of Decimals小数的幂形式
Conversion of Fractions and Decimals
--分数和小数之间的变换 [pə'sent]
Basic Mathematical Signs—基本数学符号
Signs of Operation— *** 作符
+ Plus; Positive—加,正的
— Minus; Negative—减,负的Multiply乘
multiplied by; times—乘
over; divided by—除[prə'pɔ:ʃən]
Proportion —比例['reiʃiəu]
[ ]Brackets—括号,方括号
( ) Round Brackets—圆括号[pə'renθisi:z]
{ } Braces—大括号
be equal to; equals—等于[ai'dentikəl][i'kwivələnt]
be identical with/to; be equivalent to—恒等于
≈ be approximately equal to—近似等于
< be less than—小于
>be greater than—大于
<< be far less than—远小于
>>be far greater than—远大于['æbsəlu:t]
| | Absolute value—绝对值[fæk'tɔ:riəl]
n! n Factorial —n的阶乘
∑ sigma [sʌ'meiʃən]
the Sum of; Summation of—的和
∏ the Product of --…的乘积
Max/maximum value—最大值
Min/minimum value—最小值
x squared—x的平方[kju:b]
x cubed—x的立方
Root extracting—开方
5、Operation related words运算相关的词汇
Addition —加法
Sums —和 [ə'dend]
Addend —加数
Solution of Addition —加法的解
Addend + Addend (Augend) = Sum (Total)
加数 + 加数 (被加数)=和 (合计) [səb'trækʃən]
Subtraction 减法 ['minjuend]
Minuend —被减数 ['sʌbtrəhend]
Subtrahend —减数 [ri'meində]
Remainder or Difference 差
Minuend – Subtrahend = Remainder
被减数 – 减数 = 差 [mʌltipli'keiʃən]
Multiplication 乘法 [mʌltipli'kænd]
Multiplicand —被乘数 ['mʌltəplaiə]
Multiplier —乘数 ['prɔdəkt]
Product —积
Factor —因数
Multiplicand × Multiplier = Product
被乘数 × 乘数 = 积 [di'viʒən]
Division 除法 ['dividend]
Dividend —被除数 [di'vaizə]
Divisor —除数 ['kwəuʃənt]
Quotient —商
Remainder —余数 [ældʒi'breiik]
Algebraic Expressions —代数式 ['intigrəl]
Integral Expressions —整式 [mɔ'nəumiəl]
Monomial —单项式 [kəui'fiʃənt]
Coefficient —系数
degree of monomial —次数 [pɔli'nəumiəl]
Polynomial —多项式 [kəm'bain]
Combining Similar Terms —合并同类项
Removing and Adding Brackets—去和添括号
Difference of Squares —平方差公式
The square of the sum —完全平方公式
Difference of Cubes —立方差公式
Factorization —因式分解
Abstracting Common Factors —提取公因式
Fractions —分式 [di'nɔmineitə]
Denominator 分母 ['nju:məreitə]
Numerator 分子
Common factor 公因式
Similar term 同类项 ['mʌltipl]
Common multiple 公倍数 [kænse'leiʃən]
Cancellation —约分
lowest terms最简分式
power of fractions分式的幂 ['rædikl]
radical 根式
square root 平方根
cube root 立方根
n-th root n次方根 [simplifi'keiʃən]
Operation and Simplification of Radicals 根式的运算和化简 [eks'pəunənt]
Powers of Fractional Exponents 分数指数幂
Multiplication for Powers with the Same Base—同底数幂的乘法
Power of Exponents and Products —幂的乘方
Power of Products—积的乘方
Multiplication of Monomials —单项式与单项式相乘
Monomials Times Polynomials —单项式与多项式相乘
Multiplication of Polynomials—多项式与多项式相乘
Division of Power with the Same Base —同底数幂的除法
Monomials Divided by Monomials —单项式除以单项式
Polynomials Divided by Monomials —多项式除以单项式
6、Equation and inequality 方程和不等式
Solution of Equations 方程的解
Equations with One variable 单变量方程
Linear Equations 线性方程 [kwɑ:'drætik]
Quadratic Equations 二次方程
nth-degree Equations n次方程
Factorization 因式分解法
Completing the Square 配方法
Quadratic Formula 公式求解法 [dis'kriminənt]
Discriminant of the Quadratic Form 根的判别式
System of Equations 方程组 [saiməl'teinjəs]
Simultaneous equations方程组 ['vɛəriəbl]
Variable 变量
Solution for Systems of Linear Equations with Two variables 二元线性方程组的求解 [ilimi'neiʃən]
Elimination by addition or subtraction 加减消元法
Elimination by substitution 代入消元法 ['sʌbstitju:t]
Substitute 代入 [eks'treiniəs]
extraneous root 增根 [ini'kwɔliti]
First-degree Inequalities with One variable 一元一次不等式
Solution for Inequalities with Absolute Values 绝对值不等式的求解 ['intəvəl]
Interval 区间
Open Interval 开区间
Closed Interval 闭区间
Half-Open Interval 半开半闭区间
Non-ending Interval 无穷区间
7、Function and Graph 函数与函数图象
Points 点
Straight Lines 直线 [intə'sektiŋ]
Intersecting 相交
the intersection point 交点 ['pærəlel]
parallel 平行 ['və:tikəl]
vertical垂直的 [pə:pən'dikjulə]
perpendicular垂直的 ['æksi:z]
Axes 坐标轴
set of axes (or) coordinate system 坐标系 [kəu'ɔ:dneit]
coordinate 坐标 [hɔri'zɔntl]
x-coordinate; horizontal coordinate 横坐标
y-coordinate; vertical coordinate纵坐标
independent variable 自变量
dependent variable 因变量 ['kɔnstənt]
constant 常量
linear relation 线性关系
Linear equation 直线方程 ['greidiənt] [sləup]
gradient or slope斜率 ['intəsept]
intercept 截距
the equation of a straight line can be written: y = (gradient ) x + ( y intercept)
直线的方程可写成: y = (斜率) x + ( y截距) [sketʃ]
Sketch a graph 画出图形
quadratic relation 二次关系
completing the square 配方
turning point拐点(对应于二次关系方程的顶点)
significant points 关键点(包含顶点和与两个坐标轴的交点)
geometric 几何的 [dʒiə'metrik]
intuitive 直观的 [in'tju:itiv]
line 线
collinear 共线的 [kɔ'linjə]
coplanar共面的 [kəu'pleinə]
ray 射线
opposite相反的 ['ɔpəzit]
parallel 平行 ['pærəlel]
skew 斜交的 [skju:]
perpendicular 垂直的 [pə:pən'dikjulə]
intersection 交点 [intə'sekʃən]
dihedral二面的, 有两个平面的 [dai'hi:drəl]
polyhedron 多面体 [pɔli'hi:drən]
singular 单数 ['siŋgjulə]
plural 复数 ['pluərəl]
pyramid 棱锥 ['pirəmid]
prism 棱柱 ['prizəm]
platonic 柏拉图的、理想的 [plə'tɔnik]
vertex 顶点 ['və:teks]
torus 圆环面 ['tɔ:rəs]
cylinder 圆柱体 ['silində]
cone 圆锥 [kəun]
sphere 球 [sfiə]
diameter 直径 [dai'æmitə]
radius 半径(单数)['reidiəs]
radii 半径(复数) ['reidiai]
volume 体积、容积 ['vɔljum]
lateral 侧面的 ['lætərəl]
polygon 多边形 ['pɔligən]
convex 凸的 ['kɔn'veks]
segment 线段 ['segmənt]
concave 凹的 ['kɔn'keiv]
interior angle内角 [in'tiəriə]
exterior angle 外角 [eks'tiəriə]
triangle 三角形 ['traiæŋgl]
equilateral triangle 等边三角形 [i:kwi'lætərəl]
isosceles 等腰的 [ai'sɔsili:z]
altitude 垂线 ['æltitju:d]
quadrilateral 四边形、梯形 [kwɔdri'lætərəl]
pentagon 五边形 ['pentəgən]
hexagon 六边形 ['heksəgən]
heptagon七边形 ['heptəgɑ:n]
octagon 八边形 ['ɑ:ktəgɑ:n]
nonagon九边形 ['nɔnəgən]
decagon 十边形 ['dekəgɔn]
hendecagon 十一边形 [hen'dekəgɔn]
dodecagon 十二边形 [dəu'dekəgən]
n-gon n边形
equilateral 等边的 [i:kwi'lætərəl]
equiangular 等角的 [i:kwi'æŋgjulə]
right Triangular Prism 正三棱柱
right Rectangular Prism 正四棱柱[rek'tæŋgjulə]
rectangular 矩形的
oblique Triangular Prism 斜三棱柱 [ə'bli:k]
lateral edges 侧边
triangular pyramid 三棱锥
square pyramid 四棱锥
congruent 全等的 ['kɔŋgruənt]
diagonal 对角线 [dai'ægənl]
transformational 转化的,变化的['trænsfə'meiʃənl]
image 象 ['imidʒ]
preimage 原象 [pri'imidʒ]
reflection 反射,反映 [ri'flekʃən]
isometry等距映射 [ai'sɔmitri]
invariant 不变量 [in'vɛəriənt]
glide 滑动 [glaid]
orientation 方向 [ɔ:rien'teiʃən]
vector 向量 ['vektə]
mapping 映射 ['mæpiŋ]
symmetry 对称 ['simitri]
analogous 类似的 [ə'næləgəs]
rotational 旋转的 [rəu'teiʃənl]
magnitude 大小 ['mægnitju:d]
dilation 扩张、膨胀 [dai'leiʃən]
bar graph 柱状图
pie chart 饼状图
line graph 线状图
data ['deitə] 数据
probability [prɔbə'biliti] 概率
qualitative ['kwɔlitətiv] 定性的
quantitative ['kwɔntitətiv] 定量的
measure ['meʒə] 测量、衡量
discrete [di'skri:t] 离散的
continuous [kən'tinjuəs] 连续的
observation [ɔbzə'veiʃən] 观察
survey [sə:'vei] 调查
census ['sensəs] 统计调查
sample ['sæmpl] 样本
histogram ['histəgræm] 直方图
frequency ['fri:kwənsi] 频率
mean [mi:n] 均值
median ['mi:diən] 中位数
Mode[məud] 众数
standard ['stændəd] 标准
deviation [di:vi'eiʃən] 离差
variance ['vɛəriəns] 方差
toss [tɔs] 投掷
dice [dais] 骰子

minus[英]['maɪnəs] [美][ˈmaɪnəs]
以下结果由 金山词霸 提供
柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 同反义词
1CONJ-COORD减;减去You use minus to show that one number or quantity is being subtracted from another
One minus one is zero
They've been promised their full July salary minus the hardship payment

#英语资源# 导语感恩是爱的声音,是阳光的味道,是生命的强音……感恩是一种责任,是为人处世的哲学,是生活的智慧。以下是 无 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


On Thanksgiving night, I poured a basin of steaming water and put it at my father's feet My father asked me, "what are you doing" I replied, "I'll wash your feet once" first, I put my father's feet gently into the basin, and then I said to my father, "you're tired and it's time to rest"

My father's face changed color, and I wanted to cry I thought: my father pulled me up with one hand I should really thank my father for his education over the years I said, "Dad, you've worked hard" at this time, Dad's tears ran down his cheeks I couldn't control my heart I also shed tears, but I added it The tears are sweet I know they are happy tears

For a moment, I felt that I was the happiest child in the world and I was the happiness angel in the world I gently rubbed my father's tired and bulky feet After a while, I washed my feet with some dust

When I finished washing my father's feet, I said, "dad finished washing! You have a rest!" my father looked at me and said, "why do you do this, Dad's feet don't smell" I replied, "no smell, today is Thanksgiving On this sacred day, I'll wash your feet for the first time, and I can express my love for you Dad, I love you!" my father shed another tear, Like a gem flowing down your face

The father said loudly, "good son, you have grown up and haven't read in vain in bilingual years" I smiled happily when I heard this At the same time, I said again: "Mom and Dad, I wish you a happy Thanksgiving! My son loves you forever!"


Next Thursday is Thanksgiving Speaking of "thanksgiving", it is on the fourth Thursday in November every year It is not only an important festival for Americans, but also a festival for Americans to get together Therefore, Americans always feel cordial when they mention Thanksgiving, just like our Chinese "Spring Festival" Although there is no custom of "thanksgiving" in China, I think we should know about this festival, and with the help of such a festival, with a grateful heart, thank all those who deserve your gratitude and express the love in our hearts

First of all, I want to thank my relatives: thank my parents for giving me life, raising me, and taking care of me in every way; There are also many relatives such as Grandpa, grandma, grandma, Grandpa, grandma, aunt, grandma, aunt and uncle They have also paid a lot of efforts for my healthy growth and always care for me Therefore, I want to thank the relatives who have paid for me! Their love makes me feel warm and happy On this warm day, we can express our gratitude even if we do little things within our power for our family, such as beating our back, cleaning and so on!

I would also like to thank the teachers who taught me They taught me a lot of knowledge, taught me a lot of truth in life and guided me in the direction of progress

I would also like to thank many of my classmates and good friends They share happiness with me When I encounter difficulties and troubles, they will help me share and solve my worries They gave me a lot of happiness and help, and let me realize what true friendship is!

Thanksgiving is coming At this moment, who is the most worthy of your gratitude in your heart Well, don't hesitate and act quickly!


Today is Thanksgiving I want to thank those friends who have helped me and my loved ones I also want to thank my father and mother who nurtured me and gave me meticulous care Thank you for giving me life Because of you, my life becomes complete and meaningful

I am now nine years old In these nine years, my mother's eyes have been growing with me, and my father's teaching has always guided my growth direction

Every day my mother gets up early, prepares clean clothes and delicious breakfast for me, cleans and washes clothes after dinner, and often supervises my study She is busy with work during the day I know it's for this family

Dad is a businessman He goes out early and comes back late every day He can't go to bed early when he is tired, because he wants to explain to me the problems I can't solve Sometimes he will help his mother do the housework I know this is also for our family, for me and my mother

Today, when I came home from school, I saw that my parents hadn't come back yet I began to take action! I want to thank my parents who love me with my actions I went into the kitchen and looked I picked some potatoes, washed them in the basin, peeled them, cut them into silk, and then soaked them in water Then turn on the gas stove and light the fire When the water is dry, pour oil on it After the cut potatoes are controlled to be dry, pour them into the pot, stir fry them with chopsticks, sprinkle salt, sugar and chicken essence, stir fry them again, turn off the fire, pour vinegar, and you can get out of the pot After a while, mom and dad came back and smiled happily when they saw the food on the table I knew it was my praise

Because of the sun, everything on the earth grows freely, because of the moon, the night is no longer dim, because of the stars, the sky is no longer distant and empty, and because of my parents, I will become so happy Here, I just want to sincerely say to you: "Dad, mom, thank you! I love you so much!"


Today is November XX, the most surprising day for parents - Thanksgiving

In the morning, Mr Shen read us an article in class, which was written by a great writer Liang Xiaosheng After reading this article, I was deeply moved by Liang Xiaosheng's gratitude But I don't understand why Mr Shen should read this article today Before I asked, Mr Shen said, "children, do you know why I want to read this article today" the question raised by Mr Shen made us look at each other When Mr Shen saw us, he told us, "today is Thanksgiving!" at this time, we patted our heads and suddenly realized "When you get home, you should be grateful to your parents," Mr Shen said

When I got home, I immediately brought my mother shoes After my mother said "thank you", I went back to my room During dinner, I often put vegetables in my mother's bowl My mother thought I was a little abnormal, so she asked, "son, what's the matter today" I said, "did you forget Today is Thanksgiving!" my mother nodded thoughtfully

In the afternoon, as soon as I finished my homework, I didn't pick up the book as usual and read it with interest Instead, I went straight to the desk and picked up a piece of paper to write mysteriously After writing, he picked up a book folder and gave it to his mother As soon as Mom opened the book, wow! There are Wonderful words and beautiful pictures Looking at it, my mother soon immersed in the ocean of books I watched my mother read with rapture, and my heart blossomed with joy


What is gratitude Why be grateful A series of questions popped out of my mind

Just today, I went to the children's palace to have a writing class Teacher Chen of the children's palace was also telling a story of gratitude She said that a doctor once held a forum on gratitude The doctor asked the parents present: "what is happiness in your eyes"

A parent said, "my greatest happiness is that my son has noble people to help him grow up and succeed in his career"

The doctor said, "if you want your son to have noble people to help him when he grows up, first let your son learn how to repay his kindness and have a grateful heart from childhood If your son doesn't have a grateful heart, he won't feel happy even if he has a successful career and earns much wealth in the future What about happiness"

After listening to this story, my heart can't be calm for a long time Think about myself I think about eating well and dressing well every day, but I don't know my happiness I think all this should be given to me by my parents Let's start with a small thing

One day I left my Chinese book at home Just when I was very anxious, a familiar figure came to me Isn't that dad What's he doing here It turned out that my father sent me books I took the book, not only didn't say thank you, but also blamed him for sending it too late

Now think about it, gratitude should start from small things and from the people around you Now I really want to say to my father, "Dad, thank you for everything you have done for me over the years"

Students, let's learn to be grateful! Have a grateful heart for all the people who raise you, educate you and help you As the song sings: grateful heart, grateful fate, flowers bloom and fall, I will still cherish


Today is Thanksgiving Although I don't believe in Christ, I agree with thanksgiving I think people should have such a grateful heart in the world Maybe you will be happy When I came to the company early in the morning, I felt the atmosphere of Thanksgiving, with worried music and colleagues handing out gifts, which really surprised me

Thanksgiving is to remind you to remember to be grateful, not to say that you must be grateful on this day, nor to do anything to repay the people who have helped you We should be like this No matter which day or where, we should remember everyone around you who deserves your thanks

People are always easy to become numb in the complicated and plain life Thank you for the reminder of this festival to let people know that there is more fun in life I want to thank all those who have helped me Because of your help, I have today's me Another thing I know is that gratitude can not be realized in one sentence

In daily life, as long as I can help everyone, I will try my best to help others I think this is the essence of gratitude Gratitude doesn't mean that anyone has helped you before, and you have to repay him

I hope everyone has a grateful heart, so I don't think there will be little Yueyue event again, and the world will become better


Thanksgiving is a holiday for foreigners, but all of us in the world have a grateful heart Although Thanksgiving has just passed, my father said, "I can be grateful every day"

I think my father is right I want to thank my parents every day, because my mother gave birth to me in October, bought me beautiful clothes, cooked delicious meals for me, and let me thrive Because my father worked hard every day for me to go to school, gave me homework every day, took me to major, and made me learn knowledge that I couldn't learn in class; I want to thank the teacher, because it is the teacher who taught me to learn a lot of knowledge and understand a lot of truth in life Morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor have all-round development; I want to be grateful to the society, because there is this beautiful, rich, civilized and harmonious society Make me grow up healthily and live a happy life

To repay them for their achievements At home, while completing their homework, help their parents do some housework within their power; In school, I want to be a good student, an excellent class cadre, a good helper for teachers, serve the class and win glory for the school; I don't spend my change indiscriminately I donate the saved change to children who need more money than I do In my life, I should love the environment, not litter, strive to be a "little guard of the environment" and a "civilized citizen"

Children, do you think I'm right


I want to thank my parents They gave me precious life and gave me fatherly and maternal love that is as deep as a sea and will never return They nurtured me, trained me, taught me the principle of doing things and the quality of being a man

I remember one night, because my mother had a cold and was not feeling well, and my father was not at home, my mother should have finished the meal and asked me to wash the dishes for her My mother was ill, so I should help her do things, so I immediately agreed Who knows, washing dishes is not easy It makes my hands full of oil After washing the dishes, I have to clean the table and wash the pot After doing this, I have to look at the ground It is full of water I have to drag the kitchen floor again After all this, I have a backache Think about it How tired my parents are when they come back from work with so many housework to do! But they washed the dishes so many times and did so many housework without saying they were tired in front of me In the future, I must often help my parents do more things and stick to it


Thanksgiving "Thankgiving" is an American holiday It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November every year Thanksgiving is to thank God for the harvest and thank others for their help

At Thanksgiving, I want to thank my parents, because they raised me hard, gave me a lot of delicious food, and sent me to primary school I want to do something for my parents at the weekend It's a Thanksgiving gift to make them relaxed

After breakfast on a sunny Sunday morning, I said to my mother, "you've worked hard Let me wash the dishes" I washed dishes, bowls, spoons and chopsticks Although the water was cold and my sleeves were wet, I was very happy Mom praised me, too In order to surprise my mother on Thanksgiving, I also made a beautiful greeting card for my mother with colored cardboard The card says: I wish my mother a long life and more than every year Thank mom for raising me so big and healthy I will repay you Wish mom a happy Thanksgiving I gave the card to my mother, and her smile floated on her cheek Although my mother was very tired, when she saw the greeting card made by my baby, she happily picked me up, kissed me and said, "thank you for making greeting cards for me and helping me with housework My mother is also very grateful to have a lovely and sensible son like you"

Thanksgiving let me know that I should have a grateful heart, thank my elders for raising me, thank my teachers for teaching me knowledge, and thank my friends for playing with me


Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are not your dedication Poems, songs and Fu can't end the admiration for you You use the dew of knowledge to open our ideal flowers; You use the spring of your heart to moisten the beautiful fruit of our sentiment

In this unusual Festival, we offer our deep blessings

Every year, I send you the first ray of spring and greeting cards My dear teacher, may spring always be with you Sunny, the gardener's heart is warm in spring; Rain and dew moisten, peach and plum branches bud red - I wish you a happy Teacher's day You are a gardener, adding beauty to the mountains and rivers of the motherland; You are like the spring rain, moistening the peaches and plums, and the land of China is fragrant In this festive Festival, let me present a flower of my heart to express my loyal wishes to you

学术用语:Decomposition subtraction



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