elle s'appelle发音[ɛl] [sapεll]。请问大虾,这里s为什么不发z?elle 与se为什么不联诵?谢谢!

elle s'appelle发音[ɛl] [sapεll]。请问大虾,这里s为什么不发z?elle 与se为什么不联诵?谢谢!,第1张

Liaison 联诵: 在同一节奏组中,前一个单词结尾原来不发音的辅音字母要发音, 与后一词词首的元音拼读成一个音节。
这里elle 和s' 之间不构成联诵的条件。 s'和appelle也不是联诵。
只有s在两个元音中间和联诵时,才发/z/ ex:rose /z/,vous avez /z ave/ 联诵;
但是船长喜欢说的vous savez /s ave/ 不联诵(您知道)

问题一:只所以偏见因为层次不够的英文怎么说 并不想直译Ignorance makes prejudice 怎样 无知是偏见的本质/无知造就偏见。 要是直译的话就是 The bais/prejudice exists because of the lack of level

问题二:"在当今社会,仅仅只有大学文凭是不够的"翻译成英语 In today's society, only a college degree is not enough

问题三:库存不足,的英语怎么说 库存 inventory

库存不足:in a short inventory 或者 the 订nventory is not enough for the supply

问题四:我需要翻译把论文翻译成英文,但是自身水平不够。。。求大神帮忙! 要我说吧,求私人不如找机构,比如安太译欣吧,他们翻译的比较好,中外议员都很专业,译的很快。

问题五:英语翻译:我目前的学识与能力还不足以从事相关专业的工作 I present knowledge and ability is not enough to be engaged in relevant professional work

问题六:我是16届考生,想报考翻译专业,但英语小分不够,想通过考其他专业, 这个是要看学校的 有的学校转专业特别简单 比如说我们学校 但可惜我们学校没有翻译专业。

问题七:求英语大虫帮忙翻译一下的简历,自己试着翻译,总感觉词汇不够专业。机器翻译的别来,一眼能看出来 50分 - the National English test CET-4, 6 proficient in reading English materials and oral munication with others English
- through the Cambridge Business English Intermediate BEC B1, good business English skills
As the campus radio stations English anchor, and in learning spanish
Proficiency in the use of CAD Auto, office software
In class as a member of the class, many times for the class organization of social gatherings
College of civil engineering, Vice Minister of the Department of literature and art as in school, liaison department minister, participated in the Preparatory School of literary activities planning rehearsal performances
In life, a part-time model and model agent, has been involved in several major events such as the Qujiang auto show models show And with the advertising media panies to cooperate, many times a large number of negative auto show brand conference personnel coordination site management
] in the school has with the barley network cooperation as Xi'an University of ticket sales agent Wang Mei concert tickets are 200 remainders
- worked with APP and ordering room around our school dining jointly responsible for the promotion of campus, downloaded more than 500 times, cooperative restaurant 15
20129 month to be responsible for the coordination of all kinds of organizations in the civil engineering college
The 201110 month of the New Year Party school is responsible for the arrangement of civil school programs, performance
2013 - >>

问题八:请问各位英语高手,编制财务报表用英语如何说,在线翻译不够专业,谢谢 个人意见:编制财务报表 Make a Financial Report
[政治] financial statement 财务报表
[财经贸易] financial sheet 财务报表
[财经贸易] Financial statement 财务报表
[财经贸易] financial statement 财政报告; 财务报表
[主科技] financial reporting 财务报表
[主科技] financial statement 财务报表; 财政决算
[GMAT] bined financial statement 合并财务报表
[股票] consolidated financial s贰atement 综合财务报表
[法律] residual's carrying value (财务报表上的)残值结存价值
[政治] all-purpose financial statement 通用财务报表
[政治] audit of financial statement 财务报表审计
[政治] certified financial statement 经会计师证明的财务报表
[政治] consolidated financial statement 合并财务报表; 合并决算表
[财经贸易] account statement 结单; 帐单; 会计财务报表
[财经贸易] consolidated financial statement 综合财务报告表; 综财务报表
[财经贸易] financial statement of account 帐户财务报表
[主科技] abstract of financial statement 财务报表摘要
[主科技] all-purpose financial statement 通用财务报表; 通用决算表
[主科技] ysis of financial statements 财务报表分析
[主科技] annual financial statement 年度财务报表
[主科技] audit of financial statements 财务报表审计
[主科技] bank call 要求银行提交财务报表通知
[主科技] business entity convention 财务报表按营业单位编制的惯例
[主科技] certified financial statement 经会计师证明的财务报表; 经审定之财务报表
[主科技] classified financial statement 分类财务报表
[主科技] &l>>


原文地址: https://outofmemory.cn/yw/12895553.html

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