



ZipFile API打开文件并且它是ZipFile,则可以读取各个部分。但是,您无法编写,因为S3不支持部分写入。



from urllib.parse import urlparsefrom subprocess import run,Popen,PIPEimport copyimport jsonimport osimport tempfile# Tools for reading and write files from Amazon S3 without boto or boto3# http://boto.cloudhackers.com/en/latest/s3_tut.html# but it is easier to use the aws cli, since it's configured to work.def s3open(path, mode="r", encoding=None):    """    Open an s3 file for reading or writing. Can handle any size, but cannot seek.    We could use boto.    http://boto.cloudhackers.com/en/latest/s3_tut.html    but it is easier to use the aws cli, since it is present and more likely to work.    """    from subprocess import run,PIPE,Popen    if "b" in mode:        assert encoding == None    else:        if encoding==None: encoding="utf-8"    assert 'a' not in mode    assert '+' not in mode    if "r" in mode:        p = Popen(['aws','s3','cp',path,'-'],stdout=PIPE,encoding=encoding)        return p.stdout    elif "w" in mode:        p = Popen(['aws','s3','cp','-',path],stdin=PIPE,encoding=encoding)        return p.stdin    else:        raise RuntimeError("invalid mode:{}".format(mode))CACHE_SIZE=4096      # big enough for front and back cachesMAX_READ=65536*16debug=Falseclass S3File:    """Open an S3 file that can be seeked. This is done by caching to the local file system."""    def __init__(self,name,mode='rb'):        self.name   = name        self.url    = urlparse(name)        if self.url.scheme != 's3': raise RuntimeError("url scheme is {}; expecting s3".format(self.url.scheme))        self.bucket = self.url.netloc        self.key    = self.url.path[1:]        self.fpos   = 0        self.tf     = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()        cmd = ['aws','s3api','list-objects','--bucket',self.bucket,'--prefix',self.key,'--output','json']        data = json.loads(Popen(cmd,encoding='utf8',stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0])        file_info = data['Contents'][0]        self.length = file_info['Size']        self.ETag   = file_info['ETag']        # Load the caches        self.frontcache = self._readrange(0,CACHE_SIZE) # read the first 1024 bytes and get length of the file        if self.length > CACHE_SIZE: self.backcache_start = self.length-CACHE_SIZE if debug: print("backcache starts at {}".format(self.backcache_start)) self.backcache  = self._readrange(self.backcache_start,CACHE_SIZE)        else: self.backcache  = None    def _readrange(self,start,length):        # This is gross; we copy everything to the named temporary file, rather than a pipe        # because the pipes weren't showing up in /dev/fd/?        # We probably want to cache also... That's coming        cmd = ['aws','s3api','get-object','--bucket',self.bucket,'--key',self.key,'--output','json',    '--range','bytes={}-{}'.format(start,start+length-1),self.tf.name]        if debug:print(cmd)        data = json.loads(Popen(cmd,encoding='utf8',stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0])        if debug:print(data)        self.tf.seek(0)         # go to the beginning of the data just read        return self.tf.read(length) # and read that much    def __repr__(self):        return "FakeFile<name:{} url:{}>".format(self.name,self.url)    def read(self,length=-1):        # If length==-1, figure out the max we can read to the end of the file        if length==-1: length = min(MAX_READ, self.length - self.fpos + 1)        if debug: print("read: fpos={}  length={}".format(self.fpos,length))        # Can we satisfy from the front cache?        if self.fpos < CACHE_SIZE and self.fpos+length < CACHE_SIZE: if debug:print("front cache") buf = self.frontcache[self.fpos:self.fpos+length] self.fpos += len(buf) if debug:print("return 1: buf=",buf) return buf        # Can we satisfy from the back cache?        if self.backcache and (self.length - CACHE_SIZE < self.fpos): if debug:print("back cache") buf = self.backcache[self.fpos - self.backcache_start:self.fpos - self.backcache_start + length] self.fpos += len(buf) if debug:print("return 2: buf=",buf) return buf        buf = self._readrange(self.fpos, length)        self.fpos += len(buf)        if debug:print("return 3: buf=",buf)        return buf    def seek(self,offset,whence=0):        if debug:print("seek({},{})".format(offset,whence))        if whence==0: self.fpos = offset        elif whence==1: self.fpos += offset        elif whence==2: self.fpos = self.length + offset        else: raise RuntimeError("whence={}".format(whence))        if debug:print("   ={}  (self.length={})".format(self.fpos,self.length))    def tell(self):        return self.fpos    def write(self):        raise RuntimeError("Write not supported")    def flush(self):        raise RuntimeError("Flush not supported")    def close(self):        return


原文地址: https://outofmemory.cn/zaji/5674666.html

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